From 8a6f73c5ff3ff4d94f6dc21bca407b6bb640ada9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tamaina <>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 2023 16:43:56 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] =?UTF-8?q?enhance:=20Pizzax=E3=83=87=E3=83=BC=E3=82=BF?=
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* Revert "Revert #8098"

This reverts commit 8b9dc962ae7b04354c65f6e80ad0e9a6bafd57ea.

* fix

* use deepClone instead of deepclone

* defaultStore.loaded

* fix load

* wait ready

* use top-level await, await in device-kind.ts
 packages/frontend/src/init.ts                 |   5 +
 packages/frontend/src/pizzax.ts               | 271 ++++++++++++------
 packages/frontend/src/scripts/device-kind.ts  |   2 +
 packages/frontend/src/store.ts                |  10 +
 .../frontend/src/ui/_common_/sw-inject.ts     |   2 -
 packages/frontend/src/ui/classic.vue          |   2 +-
 packages/frontend/src/ui/universal.vue        |   2 +-
 7 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/init.ts b/packages/frontend/src/init.ts
index 8f4bbec11c..4227f5cf4a 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/init.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/init.ts
@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ import { reloadChannel } from '@/scripts/unison-reload';
 import { reactionPicker } from '@/scripts/reaction-picker';
 import { getUrlWithoutLoginId } from '@/scripts/login-id';
 import { getAccountFromId } from '@/scripts/get-account-from-id';
+import { deckStore } from './ui/deck/deck-store';
 import { miLocalStorage } from './local-storage';
 import { claimAchievement, claimedAchievements } from './scripts/achievements';
 import { fetchCustomEmojis } from './custom-emojis';
@@ -216,6 +217,8 @@ if (splash) splash.addEventListener('transitionend', () => {
+await deckStore.ready;
 // なぜかinit.tsの内容が2回実行されることがあるため、mountするdivを1つに制限する
 const rootEl = (() => {
@@ -266,6 +269,8 @@ if (lastVersion !== version) {
+await defaultStore.ready;
 // NOTE: この処理は必ず↑のクライアント更新時処理より後に来ること(テーマ再構築のため)
 watch(defaultStore.reactiveState.darkMode, (darkMode) => {
 	applyTheme(darkMode ? ColdDeviceStorage.get('darkTheme') : ColdDeviceStorage.get('lightTheme'));
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/pizzax.ts b/packages/frontend/src/pizzax.ts
index 7ff09f75fb..2ca89b7351 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/pizzax.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/pizzax.ts
@@ -1,136 +1,209 @@
 // PIZZAX --- A lightweight store
 import { onUnmounted, Ref, ref, watch } from 'vue';
+import { BroadcastChannel } from 'broadcast-channel';
 import { $i } from './account';
 import { api } from './os';
+import { get, set } from './scripts/idb-proxy';
+import { defaultStore } from './store';
 import { stream } from './stream';
+import { deepClone } from './scripts/clone';
 type StateDef = Record<string, {
 	where: 'account' | 'device' | 'deviceAccount';
 	default: any;
+type State<T extends StateDef> = { [K in keyof T]: T[K]['default']; };
+type ReactiveState<T extends StateDef> = { [K in keyof T]: Ref<T[K]['default']>; };
 type ArrayElement<A> = A extends readonly (infer T)[] ? T : never;
+type PizzaxChannelMessage<T extends StateDef> = {
+	where: 'device' | 'deviceAccount';
+	key: keyof T;
+	value: T[keyof T]['default'];
+	userId?: string;
 const connection = $i && stream.useChannel('main');
 export class Storage<T extends StateDef> {
+	public readonly ready: Promise<void>;
+	public readonly loaded: Promise<void>;
 	public readonly key: string;
-	public readonly keyForLocalStorage: string;
+	public readonly deviceStateKeyName: `pizzax::${this['key']}`;
+	public readonly deviceAccountStateKeyName: `pizzax::${this['key']}::${string}` | '';
+	public readonly registryCacheKeyName: `pizzax::${this['key']}::cache::${string}` | '';
 	public readonly def: T;
 	// TODO: これが実装されたらreadonlyにしたい:
-	public readonly state: { [K in keyof T]: T[K]['default'] };
-	public readonly reactiveState: { [K in keyof T]: Ref<T[K]['default']> };
-	public readonly ready: Promise<void>;
-	private markAsReady: () => void = () => {};
+	public readonly state: State<T>;
+	public readonly reactiveState: ReactiveState<T>;
+	private pizzaxChannel: BroadcastChannel<PizzaxChannelMessage<T>>;
+	// 簡易的にキューイングして占有ロックとする
+	private currentIdbJob: Promise<any> = Promise.resolve();
+	private addIdbSetJob<T>(job: () => Promise<T>) {
+		const promise = this.currentIdbJob.then(job, e => {
+			console.error('Pizzax failed to save data to idb!', e);
+			return job();
+		});
+		this.currentIdbJob = promise;
+		return promise;
+	}
 	constructor(key: string, def: T) {
-		this.ready = new Promise((res) => {
-			this.markAsReady = res;
-		});
 		this.key = key;
-		this.keyForLocalStorage = 'pizzax::' + key;
+		this.deviceStateKeyName = `pizzax::${key}`;
+		this.deviceAccountStateKeyName = $i ? `pizzax::${key}::${$}` : '';
+		this.registryCacheKeyName = $i ? `pizzax::${key}::cache::${$}` : '';
 		this.def = def;
-		// TODO: indexedDBにする
-		const deviceState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.keyForLocalStorage) || '{}');
-		const deviceAccountState = $i ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::' + $ || '{}') : {};
-		const registryCache = $i ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::cache::' + $ || '{}') : {};
+		this.pizzaxChannel = new BroadcastChannel(`pizzax::${key}`);
-		const state = {};
-		const reactiveState = {};
-		for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(def)) {
+		this.state = {} as State<T>;
+		this.reactiveState = {} as ReactiveState<T>;
+		for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(def) as [keyof T, T[keyof T]['default']][]) {
+			this.state[k] = v.default;
+			this.reactiveState[k] = ref(v.default);
+		}
+		this.ready = this.init();
+		this.loaded = this.ready.then(() => this.load());
+	}
+	private async init(): Promise<void> {
+		await this.migrate();
+		const deviceState: State<T> = await get(this.deviceStateKeyName) || {};
+		const deviceAccountState = $i ? await get(this.deviceAccountStateKeyName) || {} : {};
+		const registryCache = $i ? await get(this.registryCacheKeyName) || {} : {};
+		for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.def) as [keyof T, T[keyof T]['default']][]) {
 			if (v.where === 'device' &&, k)) {
-				state[k] = deviceState[k];
+				this.reactiveState[k].value = this.state[k] = deviceState[k];
 			} else if (v.where === 'account' && $i &&, k)) {
-				state[k] = registryCache[k];
+				this.reactiveState[k].value = this.state[k] = registryCache[k];
 			} else if (v.where === 'deviceAccount' &&, k)) {
-				state[k] = deviceAccountState[k];
+				this.reactiveState[k].value = this.state[k] = deviceAccountState[k];
 			} else {
-				state[k] = v.default;
+				this.reactiveState[k].value = this.state[k] = v.default;
 				if (_DEV_) console.log('Use default value', k, v.default);
-		for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(state)) {
-			reactiveState[k] = ref(v);
-		}
-		this.state = state as any;
-		this.reactiveState = reactiveState as any;
+		this.pizzaxChannel.addEventListener('message', ({ where, key, value, userId }) => {
+			// アカウント変更すればunisonReloadが効くため、このreturnが発火することは
+			// まずないと思うけど一応弾いておく
+			if (where === 'deviceAccount' && !($i && userId !== $ return;
+			this.reactiveState[key].value = this.state[key] = value;
+		});
 		if ($i) {
-			// なぜかsetTimeoutしないとapi関数内でエラーになる(おそらく循環参照してることに原因がありそう)
-			window.setTimeout(() => {
-				api('i/registry/get-all', { scope: ['client', this.key] }).then(kvs => {
-					const cache = {};
-					for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(def)) {
-						if (v.where === 'account') {
-							if (, k)) {
-								state[k] = kvs[k];
-								reactiveState[k].value = kvs[k];
-								cache[k] = kvs[k];
-							} else {
-								state[k] = v.default;
-								reactiveState[k].value = v.default;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					localStorage.setItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::cache::' + $, JSON.stringify(cache));
-					this.markAsReady();
-				});
-			}, 1);
 			// streamingのuser storage updateイベントを監視して更新
-			connection?.on('registryUpdated', ({ scope, key, value }: { scope: string[], key: keyof T, value: T[typeof key]['default'] }) => {
-				if (scope.length !== 2 || scope[0] !== 'client' || scope[1] !== this.key || this.state[key] === value) return;
+			connection?.on('registryUpdated', ({ scope, key, value }: { scope?: string[], key: keyof T, value: T[typeof key]['default'] }) => {
+				if (!scope || scope.length !== 2 || scope[0] !== 'client' || scope[1] !== this.key || this.state[key] === value) return;
-				this.state[key] = value;
-				this.reactiveState[key].value = value;
-				const cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::cache::' + $ || '{}');
-				if (cache[key] !== value) {
-					cache[key] = value;
-					localStorage.setItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::cache::' + $, JSON.stringify(cache));
-				}
+				this.reactiveState[key].value = this.state[key] = value;
+				this.addIdbSetJob(async () => {
+					const cache = await get(this.registryCacheKeyName);
+					if (cache[key] !== value) {
+						cache[key] = value;
+						await set(this.registryCacheKeyName, cache);
+					}
+				});
-		} else {
-			this.markAsReady();
-	public set<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K]['default']): void {
-		if (_DEV_) console.log('set', key, value);
+	private load(): Promise<void> {
+		return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+			if ($i) {
+				// api関数と循環参照なので一応setTimeoutしておく
+				window.setTimeout(async () => {
+					await defaultStore.ready;
-		this.state[key] = value;
-		this.reactiveState[key].value = value;
+					api('i/registry/get-all', { scope: ['client', this.key] })
+					.then(kvs => {
+						const cache: Partial<T> = {};
+						for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(this.def) as [keyof T, T[keyof T]['default']][]) {
+							if (v.where === 'account') {
+								if (, k)) {
+									this.reactiveState[k].value = this.state[k] = (kvs as Partial<T>)[k];
+									cache[k] = (kvs as Partial<T>)[k];
+								} else {
+									this.reactiveState[k].value = this.state[k] = v.default;
+								}
+							}
+						}
+						return set(this.registryCacheKeyName, cache);
+					})
+					.then(() => resolve());
+				}, 1);
+			} else {
+				resolve();
+			}
+		});
+	}
-		switch (this.def[key].where) {
-			case 'device': {
-				const deviceState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.keyForLocalStorage) || '{}');
-				deviceState[key] = value;
-				localStorage.setItem(this.keyForLocalStorage, JSON.stringify(deviceState));
-				break;
+	public set<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: T[K]['default']): Promise<void> {
+		// IndexedDBやBroadcastChannelで扱うために単純なオブジェクトにする
+		// (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value))の代わり)
+		const rawValue = deepClone(value);
+		if (_DEV_) console.log('set', key, rawValue, value);
+		this.reactiveState[key].value = this.state[key] = rawValue;
+		return this.addIdbSetJob(async () => {
+			if (_DEV_) console.log(`set ${key} start`);
+			switch (this.def[key].where) {
+				case 'device': {
+					this.pizzaxChannel.postMessage({
+						where: 'device',
+						key,
+						value: rawValue,
+					});
+					const deviceState = await get(this.deviceStateKeyName) || {};
+					deviceState[key] = rawValue;
+					await set(this.deviceStateKeyName, deviceState);
+					break;
+				}
+				case 'deviceAccount': {
+					if ($i == null) break;
+					this.pizzaxChannel.postMessage({
+						where: 'deviceAccount',
+						key,
+						value: rawValue,
+						userId: $,
+					});
+					const deviceAccountState = await get(this.deviceAccountStateKeyName) || {};
+					deviceAccountState[key] = rawValue;
+					await set(this.deviceAccountStateKeyName, deviceAccountState);
+					break;
+				}
+				case 'account': {
+					if ($i == null) break;
+					const cache = await get(this.registryCacheKeyName) || {};
+					cache[key] = rawValue;
+					await set(this.registryCacheKeyName, cache);
+					await api('i/registry/set', {
+						scope: ['client', this.key],
+						key: key.toString(),
+						value: rawValue,
+					});
+					break;
+				}
-			case 'deviceAccount': {
-				if ($i == null) break;
-				const deviceAccountState = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::' + $ || '{}');
-				deviceAccountState[key] = value;
-				localStorage.setItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::' + $, JSON.stringify(deviceAccountState));
-				break;
-			}
-			case 'account': {
-				if ($i == null) break;
-				const cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::cache::' + $ || '{}');
-				cache[key] = value;
-				localStorage.setItem(this.keyForLocalStorage + '::cache::' + $, JSON.stringify(cache));
-				api('i/registry/set', {
-					scope: ['client', this.key],
-					key: key,
-					value: value,
-				});
-				break;
-			}
-		}
+			if (_DEV_) console.log(`set ${key} complete`);
+		});
 	public push<K extends keyof T>(key: K, value: ArrayElement<T[K]['default']>): void {
@@ -140,6 +213,7 @@ export class Storage<T extends StateDef> {
 	public reset(key: keyof T) {
 		this.set(key, this.def[key].default);
+		return this.def[key].default;
@@ -174,4 +248,25 @@ export class Storage<T extends StateDef> {
+	// localStorage => indexedDBのマイグレーション
+	private async migrate() {
+		const deviceState = localStorage.getItem(this.deviceStateKeyName);
+		if (deviceState) { 
+			await set(this.deviceStateKeyName, JSON.parse(deviceState));
+			localStorage.removeItem(this.deviceStateKeyName);
+		}
+		const deviceAccountState = $i && localStorage.getItem(this.deviceAccountStateKeyName);
+		if ($i && deviceAccountState) {
+			await set(this.deviceAccountStateKeyName, JSON.parse(deviceAccountState));
+			localStorage.removeItem(this.deviceAccountStateKeyName);
+		}
+		const registryCache = $i && localStorage.getItem(this.registryCacheKeyName);
+		if ($i && registryCache) {
+			await set(this.registryCacheKeyName, JSON.parse(registryCache));
+			localStorage.removeItem(this.registryCacheKeyName);
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/scripts/device-kind.ts b/packages/frontend/src/scripts/device-kind.ts
index 6bb349c554..b575db9606 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/scripts/device-kind.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/scripts/device-kind.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 import { defaultStore } from '@/store';
+await defaultStore.ready;
 const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
 const isTablet = /ipad/.test(ua) || (/mobile|iphone|android/.test(ua) && window.innerWidth > 700);
 const isSmartphone = !isTablet && /mobile|iphone|android/.test(ua);
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/store.ts b/packages/frontend/src/store.ts
index f9ad50b30d..89a37ab08e 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/store.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/store.ts
@@ -333,6 +333,16 @@ export class ColdDeviceStorage {
+	public static getAll(): Partial<typeof this.default> {
+		return (Object.keys(this.default) as (keyof typeof this.default)[]).reduce((acc, key) => {
+			const value = localStorage.getItem(PREFIX + key);
+			if (value != null) {
+				acc[key] = JSON.parse(value);
+			}
+			return acc;
+		}, {} as any);
+	}
 	public static set<T extends keyof typeof ColdDeviceStorage.default>(key: T, value: typeof ColdDeviceStorage.default[T]): void {
 		// 呼び出し側のバグ等で undefined が来ることがある
 		// undefined を文字列として miLocalStorage に入れると参照する際の JSON.parse でコケて不具合の元になるため無視
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/ui/_common_/sw-inject.ts b/packages/frontend/src/ui/_common_/sw-inject.ts
index 8676d2d48d..a92a06bd3e 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/ui/_common_/sw-inject.ts
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/ui/_common_/sw-inject.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-import { inject } from 'vue';
 import { post } from '@/os';
 import { $i, login } from '@/account';
-import { defaultStore } from '@/store';
 import { getAccountFromId } from '@/scripts/get-account-from-id';
 import { mainRouter } from '@/router';
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/ui/classic.vue b/packages/frontend/src/ui/classic.vue
index a5c2f8ca23..02dafcc3b6 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/ui/classic.vue
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/ui/classic.vue
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ if (window.innerWidth < 1024) { = 'scroll';
-defaultStore.ready.then(() => {
+defaultStore.loaded.then(() => {
 	if (defaultStore.state.widgets.length === 0) {
 		defaultStore.set('widgets', [{
 			name: 'calendar',
diff --git a/packages/frontend/src/ui/universal.vue b/packages/frontend/src/ui/universal.vue
index a9bb85ab6a..eac7e7e856 100644
--- a/packages/frontend/src/ui/universal.vue
+++ b/packages/frontend/src/ui/universal.vue
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ if (window.innerWidth > 1024) {
-defaultStore.ready.then(() => {
+defaultStore.loaded.then(() => {
 	if (defaultStore.state.widgets.length === 0) {
 		defaultStore.set('widgets', [{
 			name: 'calendar',