From ba8ffda32a97f06d25c058d8d34abbc7c9d3ff6d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: syuilo <>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2020 22:47:54 +0900
Subject: [PATCH] New Crowdin translations (#5884)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Japanese, Kansai)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (English)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean)
 locales/en-US.yml |  20 ++++--
 locales/es-ES.yml |   4 --
 locales/ja-KS.yml | 168 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 locales/ko-KR.yml |  64 ++++++++++--------
 locales/zh-CN.yml |  12 ++--
 5 files changed, 227 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index bf8c778045..edf7b8e0a0 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ remove: "Delete"
 removed: "Successfully deleted"
 removeAreYouSure: "Are you sure that you want to delete \"{x}\"?"
 saved: "Saved"
-messaging: "Talk"
+messaging: "Messaging"
 upload: "Upload"
 fromDrive: "From Drive"
 fromUrl: "From URL"
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ post: "Notes"
 posted: "Posted!"
 autoReloadWhenDisconnected: "Auto reload when disconnected with server"
 autoNoteWatch: "Watch note automatically"
+autoNoteWatchDescription: "Get notified about the notes which you reactioned or replied."
 reduceUiAnimation: "Reduce animations of User Interface"
 share: "Share"
 notFound: "Not found"
@@ -356,7 +357,7 @@ uploadFolder: "Default Upload location"
 cacheClear: "Clear cache"
 markAsReadAllNotifications: "Mark all notifications as read"
 markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "Mark all notes as read"
-markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "Mark all conversations as read"
+markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "Mark all messages as read"
 help: "Help"
 inputMessageHere: "Enter message here"
 close: "Close"
@@ -369,6 +370,14 @@ invites: "Invite"
 groupName: "Group name"
 members: "Members"
 transfer: "Transfer"
+messagingWithUser: "Messaging with other user"
+messagingWithGroup: "Messaging within group"
+enable: "Enable"
+next: "Next"
+retype: "Enter again"
+  title: "How to use Misskey"
+  step1_1: "Welcome!"
   alreadyRegistered: "You have already registered 2-factor authentication device."
   registerDevice: "Register a new device"
@@ -389,11 +398,11 @@ _permissions:
   "write:favorites": "Edit your favorites list"
   "read:following": "View your following information"
   "write:following": "Follow or unfollow other accounts"
-  "read:messaging": "View your talks"
-  "write:messaging": "Start or delete your talks"
+  "read:messaging": "View your messages"
+  "write:messaging": "Compose or Delete messages"
   "read:mutes": "View the list of people you muted"
   "write:mutes": "Edit the list of people you muted"
-  "write:notes": "Compose and delete notes"
+  "write:notes": "Compose or Delete notes"
   "read:notifications": "View notifications"
   "write:notifications": "Work with notifications"
   "read:reactions": "View reactions"
@@ -466,6 +475,7 @@ _visibility:
   followersDescription: "Post to followers only"
   specified: "Direct"
   specifiedDescription: "Post to specified users only"
+  localOnly: "Local only"
   replyPlaceholder: "Reply to this note..."
   quotePlaceholder: "Quote this note..."
diff --git a/locales/es-ES.yml b/locales/es-ES.yml
index a1659479c5..45834b5b41 100644
--- a/locales/es-ES.yml
+++ b/locales/es-ES.yml
@@ -214,7 +214,6 @@ remove: "Borrar"
 removed: "Borrado"
 removeAreYouSure: "¿Desea borrar \"{x}\"?"
 saved: "Guardado"
-messaging: "Conversación"
 upload: "Subir"
 fromDrive: "Desde el drive"
 fromUrl: "Desde la URL"
@@ -225,7 +224,6 @@ games: "Misskey Games"
 messageRead: "Ya leído"
 recentUsedEmojis: "Emojis usados recientemente"
 noMoreHistory: "El historial se ha acabado"
-startMessaging: "Iniciar conversación"
 nUsersRead: "Leído por {n} personas"
 agreeTo: "De acuerdo con {0}"
 tos: "Términos de uso"
@@ -371,8 +369,6 @@ _permissions:
   "write:favorites": "Addministrar favoritos"
   "read:following": "Ver información de seguidor"
   "write:following": "Seguir o dejar de seguir"
-  "read:messaging": "Ver conversación"
-  "write:messaging": "Administrar coversación"
   "read:mutes": "Ver usuarios silenciados"
   "write:mutes": "Administrar usuarios silenciados"
   "write:notes": "Crear/borrar notas"
diff --git a/locales/ja-KS.yml b/locales/ja-KS.yml
index ed97d539c0..163ba733f4 100644
--- a/locales/ja-KS.yml
+++ b/locales/ja-KS.yml
@@ -1 +1,169 @@
+  unknown: "謎"
+  future: "未来"
+  justNow: "たった今"
+  secondsAgo: "{n}秒前"
+  minutesAgo: "{n}分前"
+  hoursAgo: "{n}時間前"
+  daysAgo: "{n}日前"
+  weeksAgo: "{n}週間前"
+  monthsAgo: "{n}ヶ月前"
+  yearsAgo: "{n}年前"
+  second: "秒"
+  minute: "分"
+  hour: "時間"
+  day: "日"
+introMisskey: "ようこそ!Misskeyは、オープンソースの分散型マイクロブログサービスやねん。\n「ノート」を作成しぃ、いま起こっとることを共有したり、あんたについて皆に発信しよう📡\n「リアクション」機能で、皆のノートに素はよ反応を追加することもできます✌\n新しい世界を探検しよう🚀"
+monthAndDay: "{month}月 {day}日"
+search: "探す"
+notifications: "通知"
+username: "ユーザー名"
+password: "パスワード"
+fetchingAsApObject: "連合に照会中"
+ok: "おっけー"
+gotIt: "ほい"
+cancel: "やめとくわ"
+enterUsername: "ユーザー名を入れてや"
+renotedBy: "{user}がRenote"
+noNotes: "ノートはあらへん"
+noNotifications: "通知はあらへん"
+instance: "インスタンス"
+settings: "設定"
+profile: "プロフィール"
+timeline: "タイムライン"
+noAccountDescription: "自己紹介はあらへん"
+login: "ログイン"
+loggingIn: "ログインしとります"
+logout: "ログアウト"
+signup: "新規登録"
+uploading: "アップロードしとります"
+save: "保存"
+users: "ユーザー"
+addUser: "ユーザー増やす"
+favorite: "お気に入り"
+favorites: "お気に入り"
+unfavorite: "お気に入りやめる"
+pin: "ピン留め"
+unpin: "ピン留めやめる"
+copyContent: "内容をコピー"
+copyLink: "リンクをコピー"
+delete: "ほかす"
+addToList: "リストに入れたる"
+reply: "返す"
+loadMore: "もっとあるやろ!"
+mentions: "あんた宛て"
+directNotes: "ダイレクト投稿"
+import: "インポート"
+export: "エクスポート"
+files: "ファイル"
+download: "ダウンロード"
+lists: "リスト"
+noLists: "リストはあらへん"
+followsYou: "フォローされとるで"
+error: "問題が発生してん"
+enterListName: "リスト名を入れてや"
+privacy: "プライバシーってなんや?オカンの年齢か?"
+makeFollowManuallyApprove: "他人のフォローは許可してからや!"
+defaultNoteVisibility: "もとからの公開範囲"
+follow: "フォロー"
+followRequest: "フォロー許してくれや!言うてみる"
+followRequests: "フォロー許してくれや!"
+followRequestPending: "フォロー許してくれるん待っとる"
+enterEmoji: "絵文字を入れてや"
+you: "あんた"
+clickToShow: "押してみ、見せたるわ"
+sensitive: "見たらあかんで"
+add: "増やす"
+reaction: "リアクション"
+renameFile: "ファイル名をいらう"
+attachCancel: "くっつけるのやめよか"
+markAsSensitive: "ちょっと見せられへんわ"
+unmarkAsSensitive: "別にええんじゃね?"
+enterFileName: "ファイル名を入れてや"
+mute: "ミュート"
+unmute: "ミュートやめたる"
+block: "ブロック"
+unblock: "ブロックやめたる"
+suspend: "凍結"
+unsuspend: "溶かす"
+customEmojis: "カスタム絵文字"
+cacheRemoteFiles: "リモートのファイルをキャッシュする"
+cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "この設定をチャラにすると、リモートファイルをキャッシュせず直リンクするようになります。サーバーのストレージを節約できますが、サムネイルが生成されへんので通信量が増加します。"
+loginFailed: "ログインに失敗してん"
+wallpaper: "壁紙"
+removeWallpaper: "壁紙ほかす"
+youHaveNoLists: "リストはあらへん"
+proxyAccountDescription: "プロキシアカウントは、代わりにフォローしてくれるアカウントや。例えば、551に豚まんが無いときやったり、ユーザーがリモートユーザーをアカウントに入れたとき、リストに入れられたユーザーが誰からもフォローされてないと寂しいやん。寂しいし、アクティビティも配達されへんから、プロキシアカウントがフォローしてくれるで。ええやつやん…"
+host: "ホスト"
+federation: "連合"
+instances: "インスタンス"
+charts: "チャート"
+perHour: "1時間ごと"
+perDay: "1日ごと"
+operations: "操作"
+version: "バージョン"
+network: "ネットワーク"
+statistics: "統計"
+clearQueueConfirmText: "未配達の投稿は配送されなくなるで。通常この操作を行う必要はあらへんや。"
+muteAndBlock: "ミュートとブロック"
+noUsers: "ユーザーはおらへん"
+pinLimitExceeded: "これ以上ピン留めできひん"
+intro: "Misskeyのインストールが完了してん!管理者アカウントを作ってや。"
+noCustomEmojis: "絵文字はあらへん"
+noJobs: "ジョブはあらへん"
+all: "みな"
+retypedNotMatch: "そやないねん。"
+remove: "ほかす"
+noMoreHistory: "これより過去の履歴はあらへんで"
+nsfw: "見たらあかんで"
+userList: "リスト"
+about: "情報"
+aboutMisskey: "Misskeyってなんや?"
+notFoundDescription: "指定されたURLに該当するページはあらへんやった。"
+close: "さいなら"
+joinedGroups: "参加しとるグループ"
+  alreadyRegistered: "もう設定終わっとるわ"
+  permissionAsk: "このアプリは次の権限を要求しとるで"
+  all: "みなのノート"
+  homeTimeline: "フォローしとるユーザーのノート"
+  notifications: "通知"
+  timeline: "タイムライン"
+  show: "もっとあるやろ!"
+  noMore: "これ以上追加でけへん"
+  deadlineTime: "時間"
+  publicDescription: "みなのユーザーに公開"
+  username: "ユーザー名"
+  allNotes: "全てのノート"
+  muteList: "ミュート"
+  blockingList: "ブロック"
+  userLists: "リスト"
+  script:
+    categories:
+      list: "リスト"
+    blocks:
+      _join:
+        arg1: "リスト"
+      _randomPick:
+        arg1: "リスト"
+      _dailyRandomPick:
+        arg1: "リスト"
+      _seedRandomPick:
+        arg2: "リスト"
+      _pick:
+        arg1: "リスト"
+      _listLen:
+        arg1: "リスト"
+    types:
+      array: "リスト"
diff --git a/locales/ko-KR.yml b/locales/ko-KR.yml
index de0b339344..058154b0f2 100644
--- a/locales/ko-KR.yml
+++ b/locales/ko-KR.yml
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ games: "Misskey Games"
 messageRead: "읽음"
 recentUsedEmojis: "최근에 사용한 이모지"
 noMoreHistory: "이것보다 과거의 기록이 없습니다"
-startMessaging: "대화 시작"
+startMessaging: "대화 시작하기"
 nUsersRead: "{n}명이 읽음"
 agreeTo: "{0}에 동의"
 tos: "이용 약관"
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ post: "작성"
 posted: "게시하였습니다"
 autoReloadWhenDisconnected: "서버와의 연결이 끊기면 자동 새로고침"
 autoNoteWatch: "노트를 자동으로 지켜보기"
+autoNoteWatchDescription: "리액션하거나 답글을 남긴 다른 유저의 노트에 대한 알림을 받습니다."
 reduceUiAnimation: "UI의 애니메이션을 줄이기"
 share: "공유"
 notFound: "찾을 수 없습니다"
@@ -369,6 +370,14 @@ invites: "초대"
 groupName: "그룹명"
 members: "멤버"
 transfer: "양도"
+messagingWithUser: "유저와 대화하기"
+messagingWithGroup: "그룹끼리 대화하기"
+enable: "사용"
+next: "다음"
+retype: "다시 입력"
+  title: "Misskey의 사용 방법"
+  step1_1: "환영합니다!"
   alreadyRegistered: "이미 설정이 완료되었습니다."
   registerDevice: "디바이스 등록"
@@ -379,32 +388,32 @@ _2fa:
   step4: "다음 로그인부터는 토큰을 입력해야 합니다."
   securityKeyInfo: "FIDO2를 지원하는 하드웨어 시큐리티 키 혹은 휴대전화의 지문인식이나 화면잠금 PIN을 이용해서 로그인하도록 설정할 수 있습니다."
-  "read:account": "계정 정보 보기"
-  "write:account": "계정 정보 변경"
-  "read:blocks": "차단 보기"
-  "write:blocks": "차단 수정"
-  "read:drive": "드라이브 보기"
-  "write:drive": "드라이브 수정"
-  "read:favorites": "즐겨찾기 보기"
-  "write:favorites": "즐겨찾기 수정"
-  "read:following": "팔로우 정보 보기"
-  "write:following": "팔로잉 및 팔로우 수정"
-  "read:messaging": "대화 보기"
-  "write:messaging": "대화 수정"
-  "read:mutes": "뮤트 보기"
-  "write:mutes": "뮤트 수정"
-  "write:notes": "노트를 작성하거나 삭제"
-  "read:notifications": "알림 보기"
-  "write:notifications": "알림 수정"
-  "read:reactions": "리액션 보기"
-  "write:reactions": "리액션 수정"
-  "write:votes": "투표하기"
-  "read:pages": "페이지 보기"
-  "write:pages": "페이지 수정"
-  "read:page-likes": "페이지의 좋아요 보기"
-  "write:page-likes": "페이지의 좋아요 수정"
-  "read:user-groups": "유저 그룹 조회"
-  "write:user-groups": "유저 그룹 변경"
+  "read:account": "계정의 정보를 봅니다"
+  "write:account": "계정의 정보를 변경합니다"
+  "read:blocks": "차단 여부를 확인합니다"
+  "write:blocks": "차단을 하거나 해제합니다"
+  "read:drive": "드라이브를 조회합니다"
+  "write:drive": "드라이브에 파일을 올리거나, 이름을 변경하거나, 삭제합니다"
+  "read:favorites": "즐겨찾기를 조회합니다"
+  "write:favorites": "즐겨찾기에 추가하거나 삭제합니다"
+  "read:following": "팔로우 상태를 봅니다"
+  "write:following": "팔로우하거나 팔로우를 해제합니다"
+  "read:messaging": "대화를 읽습니다"
+  "write:messaging": "대화를 시작하거나 메시지를 보냅니다"
+  "read:mutes": "뮤트 여부를 확인합니다"
+  "write:mutes": "뮤트를 하거나 해제합니다"
+  "write:notes": "노트를 작성하거나 삭제합니다"
+  "read:notifications": "알림을 확인합니다"
+  "write:notifications": "알림을 모두 읽음 처리합니다"
+  "read:reactions": "리액션을 확인합니다"
+  "write:reactions": "리액션을 추가하거나 취소합니다"
+  "write:votes": "투표를 합니다"
+  "read:pages": "페이지를 봅니다"
+  "write:pages": "페이지를 수정합니다"
+  "read:page-likes": "페이지의 좋아요를 확인합니다"
+  "write:page-likes": "페이지의 좋아요를 추가하거나 삭제합니다"
+  "read:user-groups": "유저 그룹을 조회합니다"
+  "write:user-groups": "유저 그룹을 만들거나, 초대하거나, 이름을 변경하거나, 양도하거나, 삭제합니다"
   shareAccess: "\"{name}\" 이 계정에 접근하는 것을 허용하시겠습니까?"
   permissionAsk: "이 앱은 다음의 권한을 요청합니다"
@@ -466,6 +475,7 @@ _visibility:
   followersDescription: "팔로워에게만 공개"
   specified: "다이렉트"
   specifiedDescription: "지정한 유저에게만 공개"
+  localOnly: "로컬에만"
   replyPlaceholder: "이 노트에 답글..."
   quotePlaceholder: "이 노트를 인용..."
diff --git a/locales/zh-CN.yml b/locales/zh-CN.yml
index e05a1f8c3d..f0a26f07c2 100644
--- a/locales/zh-CN.yml
+++ b/locales/zh-CN.yml
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ _time:
   minute: "分"
   hour: "小时"
   day: "日"
-introMisskey: "欢迎!Misskey是一个开源的分散型SNS服务。\n通过「Note」来分享现在发生的事情吧!📡\n「反应」工能也可以让你快速的对大家的「Note」来表达感情👍\n一起来探索新的世界吧!🚀"
+introMisskey: "欢迎!Misskey是一个开源的分散型SNS服务。\n通过「帖子」来分享现在发生的事情吧!📡\n「反应」功能,可以让你快速的对大家的「帖子」来表达感情👍\n一起来探索新的世界吧!🚀"
 monthAndDay: "{month}月 {day}日"
 search: "搜索"
 notifications: "通知"
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ gotIt: "我明白了"
 cancel: "取消"
 enterUsername: "输入用户名"
 renotedBy: "由 {user} 转推"
+noNotes: "没有投稿"
 noNotifications: "无通知"
 instance: "实例"
 settings: "设置"
@@ -54,6 +55,11 @@ sendMessage: "发送"
 copyUsername: "复制用户名"
 reply: "回复"
 loadMore: "查看更多"
+youGotNewFollower: "你有新的关注者"
+receiveFollowRequest: "收到关注请求"
+followRequestAccepted: "同意关注请求"
+mentions: "提及"
+directNotes: "指定用户可见"
 importAndExport: "导入和导出"
 import: "导入"
 export: "导出"
@@ -169,7 +175,6 @@ remove: "删除"
 removed: "已删除"
 removeAreYouSure: "要删掉「{x}」吗?"
 saved: "已保存"
-messaging: "聊天"
 upload: "上传"
 fromUrl: "从 URL"
 editWidgets: "编辑部件"
@@ -287,7 +292,6 @@ uploadFolder: "默认上传文件夹"
 cacheClear: "清空缓存"
 markAsReadAllNotifications: "将所有通知标为已读"
 markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "将所有帖子标记为已读"
-markAsReadAllTalkMessages: "将所有对话标为已读"
 help: "帮助"
 inputMessageHere: "在此键入信息"
 close: "关闭"
@@ -315,8 +319,6 @@ _permissions:
   "write:favorites": "编辑收藏夹"
   "read:following": "查看关注信息"
   "write:following": "关注/取消关注"
-  "read:messaging": "查看对话"
-  "write:messaging": "对话操作"
   "read:mutes": "查看屏蔽列表"
   "write:mutes": "编辑屏蔽列表"
   "read:notifications": "查看通知"