diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 96bf5a6a2c..28eec31353 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 <a href="https://misskey.xyz">Misskey</a> is a decentralized microblogging platform born on Earth.
 Since it exists within the Fediverse (a universe where various social media platforms are organized),
 it is mutually linked with other social media platforms.
-Why don't you take a short break from the hustle and bustle of the city, and dive into a new Internet? <a href="https://joinmisskey.github.io/">Find instance!</a>
+Why don't you take a short break from the hustle and bustle of the city, and dive into a new Internet? <a href="https://joinmisskey.github.io/">Find an instance!</a>
 <a href="https://www.patreon.com/syuilo"><img src="https://c5.patreon.com/external/logo/become_a_patron_button@2x.png" alt="Become a Patron!" width="160" /></a>
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ Organize and store your files! Want to post a picture you have already uploaded?
 ...and more! Experience Misskey with your own eyes at [misskey.xyz](https://misskey.xyz) or join one of the [other instances](https://joinmisskey.github.io/) that are available.
-:package: Create Your Own Instance
+:package: Create your own instance
 Please see the [Setup and Installation Guide](./docs/setup.en.md).
diff --git a/locales/fr-FR.yml b/locales/fr-FR.yml
index a3862f90be..a72feeb419 100644
--- a/locales/fr-FR.yml
+++ b/locales/fr-FR.yml
@@ -350,16 +350,16 @@ common/views/components/note-menu.vue:
   delete-confirm: "Supprimer cette publication ?"
   remote: "Afficher la note originale"
-  mention: "メンション"
-  mute: "ミュート"
-  unmute: "ミュート解除"
-  block: "ブロック"
-  unblock: "ブロック解除"
-  push-to-list: "リストに追加"
-  select-list: "リストを選択してください"
-  report-abuse: "スパムを報告"
-  report-abuse-detail: "どのような迷惑行為を行っていますか?"
-  report-abuse-reported: "管理者に報告されました。ご協力ありがとうございました。"
+  mention: "Mention"
+  mute: "Silencier"
+  unmute: "Enlever la sourdine"
+  block: "Bloquer"
+  unblock: "Débloquer"
+  push-to-list: "Ajouter à une liste"
+  select-list: "Sélectionnez une liste"
+  report-abuse: "Signaler un abus"
+  report-abuse-detail: "Détail du signalement"
+  report-abuse-reported: "Transmit à l’administrateur. Merci de votre collaboration."
   vote-to: "Voter pour '{}'"
   vote-count: "{} votes"
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ common/views/components/profile-editor.vue:
   is-bot: "Ce compte est un Bot"
   is-locked: "Demandes d’abonnements requièrent l’approbation"
   careful-bot: "Les demandes d’abonnements venant de Bots requièrent l’approbation"
-  auto-accept-followed: "フォローしているユーザーからのフォローを自動承認する"
+  auto-accept-followed: "Accepter automatiquement les demandes d’abonnement venant des gens que vous suivez"
   advanced: "Avancé"
   privacy: "Vie privée"
   save: "Mettre à jour le profil"
@@ -989,7 +989,7 @@ admin/views/index.vue:
   federation: "Fédération"
   announcements: "Annonces"
   hashtags: "Hashtags"
-  abuse: "スパム報告"
+  abuse: "Abus"
   back-to-misskey: "Retour vers Misskey"
   dashboard: "Tableau de bord"
@@ -1000,11 +1000,11 @@ admin/views/dashboard.vue:
   this-instance: "Cette instance"
   federated: "Fédérées"
-  title: "スパム報告"
-  target: "対象"
-  reporter: "報告者"
-  details: "詳細"
-  remove-report: "削除"
+  title: "Abus"
+  target: "Cible"
+  reporter: "Signalé par"
+  details: "Détails"
+  remove-report: "Supprimer"
   instance: "Instance"
   instance-name: "Nom de l’instance"
@@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ admin/views/instance.vue:
   max-note-text-length: "Nombre maximal de caractères pour les messages"
   disable-registration: "Désactiver les inscriptions"
   disable-local-timeline: "Désactiver le fil local"
-  disable-global-timeline: "グローバルタイムラインを無効にする"
+  disable-global-timeline: "Désactiver le fil global"
   disabling-timelines-info: "これらのタイムラインを無効にしても、管理者およびモデレーターは引き続き利用できます。"
   invite: "Inviter"
   save: "Sauvegarder"
@@ -1105,10 +1105,10 @@ admin/views/charts.vue:
     network-time: "Temps de réponse"
     network-usage: "Traffic"
-  operation: "操作"
-  fileid-or-url: "ファイルIDまたはファイルURL"
-  file-not-found: "ファイルが見つかりません"
-  lookup: "照会"
+  operation: "Actions"
+  fileid-or-url: "ID du fichier ou URL"
+  file-not-found: "Fichier non trouvé"
+  lookup: "Recherche"
     title: "Tri"
     createdAtAsc: "Âge - Du plus ancien"
@@ -1124,8 +1124,8 @@ admin/views/drive.vue:
   deleted: "Supprimé"
   mark-as-sensitive: "Marquer comme sensible"
   unmark-as-sensitive: "Ne pas marquer comme sensible"
-  marked-as-sensitive: "閲覧注意に設定しました"
-  unmarked-as-sensitive: "閲覧注意を解除しました"
+  marked-as-sensitive: "Marqué comme sensible"
+  unmarked-as-sensitive: "Marqué comme non sensible"
   operation: "Actions"
   username-or-userid: "Nom d’utilisateur·rice ou ID utilisateur"
@@ -1252,7 +1252,7 @@ desktop/views/pages/user/user.photos.vue:
   no-photos: "Pas de photos"
   follows-you: "Vous suit"
-  menu: "メニュー"
+  menu: "Menu"
   posts: "Notes"
   following: "Suit"