/** * Client entry point */ import '@/style.scss'; //#region account indexedDB migration import { set } from '@/scripts/idb-proxy'; if (localStorage.getItem('accounts') != null) { set('accounts', JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('accounts'))); localStorage.removeItem('accounts'); } //#endregion import * as Sentry from '@sentry/browser'; import { Integrations } from '@sentry/tracing'; import { computed, createApp, watch, markRaw, version as vueVersion } from 'vue'; import compareVersions from 'compare-versions'; import widgets from '@/widgets'; import directives from '@/directives'; import components from '@/components'; import { version, ui, lang, host } from '@/config'; import { router } from '@/router'; import { applyTheme } from '@/scripts/theme'; import { isDeviceDarkmode } from '@/scripts/is-device-darkmode'; import { i18n } from '@/i18n'; import { stream, confirm, alert, post, popup } from '@/os'; import * as sound from '@/scripts/sound'; import { $i, refreshAccount, login, updateAccount, signout } from '@/account'; import { defaultStore, ColdDeviceStorage } from '@/store'; import { fetchInstance, instance } from '@/instance'; import { makeHotkey } from '@/scripts/hotkey'; import { search } from '@/scripts/search'; import { isMobile } from '@/scripts/is-mobile'; import { initializeSw } from '@/scripts/initialize-sw'; import { reloadChannel } from '@/scripts/unison-reload'; import { reactionPicker } from '@/scripts/reaction-picker'; import { getUrlWithoutLoginId } from '@/scripts/login-id'; import { getAccountFromId } from '@/scripts/get-account-from-id'; console.info(`Misskey v${version}`); if (_DEV_) { console.warn('Development mode!!!'); console.info(`vue ${vueVersion}`); (window as any).$i = $i; (window as any).$store = defaultStore; window.addEventListener('error', event => { console.error(event); /* alert({ type: 'error', title: 'DEV: Unhandled error', text: event.message }); */ }); window.addEventListener('unhandledrejection', event => { console.error(event); /* alert({ type: 'error', title: 'DEV: Unhandled promise rejection', text: event.reason }); */ }); } if (defaultStore.state.reportError && !_DEV_) { Sentry.init({ dsn: 'https://fd273254a07a4b61857607a9ea05d629@o501808.ingest.sentry.io/5583438', tracesSampleRate: 1.0, }); Sentry.setTag('misskey_version', version); Sentry.setTag('ui', ui); Sentry.setTag('lang', lang); Sentry.setTag('host', host); } // タッチデバイスでCSSの:hoverを機能させる document.addEventListener('touchend', () => {}, { passive: true }); // 一斉リロード reloadChannel.addEventListener('message', path => { if (path !== null) location.href = path; else location.reload(); }); //#region SEE: https://css-tricks.com/the-trick-to-viewport-units-on-mobile/ // TODO: いつの日にか消したい const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01; document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`); window.addEventListener('resize', () => { const vh = window.innerHeight * 0.01; document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--vh', `${vh}px`); }); //#endregion // If mobile, insert the viewport meta tag if (isMobile || window.innerWidth <= 1024) { const viewport = document.getElementsByName('viewport').item(0); viewport.setAttribute('content', `${viewport.getAttribute('content')},minimum-scale=1,maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no`); document.head.appendChild(viewport); } //#region Set lang attr const html = document.documentElement; html.setAttribute('lang', lang); //#endregion //#region loginId const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search); const loginId = params.get('loginId'); if (loginId) { const target = getUrlWithoutLoginId(location.href); if (!$i || $i.id !== loginId) { const account = await getAccountFromId(loginId); if (account) { await login(account.token, target); } } history.replaceState({ misskey: 'loginId' }, '', target); } //#endregion //#region Fetch user if ($i && $i.token) { if (_DEV_) { console.log('account cache found. refreshing...'); } refreshAccount(); } else { if (_DEV_) { console.log('no account cache found.'); } // 連携ログインの場合用にCookieを参照する const i = (document.cookie.match(/igi=(\w+)/) || [null, null])[1]; if (i != null && i !== 'null') { if (_DEV_) { console.log('signing...'); } try { document.body.innerHTML = '
Please wait...
'; await login(i); location.reload(); } catch (e) { // Render the error screen // TODO: ちゃんとしたコンポーネントをレンダリングする(v10とかのトラブルシューティングゲーム付きのやつみたいな) document.body.innerHTML = '
'; } } else { if (_DEV_) { console.log('not signed in'); } } } //#endregion fetchInstance().then(() => { localStorage.setItem('v', instance.version); // Init service worker initializeSw(); }); const app = createApp(await ( window.location.search === '?zen' ? import('@/ui/zen.vue') : !$i ? import('@/ui/visitor.vue') : ui === 'deck' ? import('@/ui/deck.vue') : ui === 'desktop' ? import('@/ui/desktop.vue') : ui === 'chat' ? import('@/ui/chat/index.vue') : ui === 'classic' ? import('@/ui/classic.vue') : import('@/ui/universal.vue') ).then(x => x.default)); if (_DEV_) { app.config.performance = true; } app.config.globalProperties = { $i, $store: defaultStore, $instance: instance, $t: i18n.t, $ts: i18n.locale, }; app.use(router); widgets(app); directives(app); components(app); await router.isReady(); const splash = document.getElementById('splash'); // 念のためnullチェック(HTMLが古い場合があるため(そのうち消す)) if (splash) splash.addEventListener('transitionend', () => { splash.remove(); }); const rootEl = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(rootEl); app.mount(rootEl); // boot.jsのやつを解除 window.onerror = null; window.onunhandledrejection = null; reactionPicker.init(); if (splash) { splash.style.opacity = '0'; splash.style.pointerEvents = 'none'; } // クライアントが更新されたか? const lastVersion = localStorage.getItem('lastVersion'); if (lastVersion !== version) { localStorage.setItem('lastVersion', version); // テーマリビルドするため localStorage.removeItem('theme'); try { // 変なバージョン文字列来るとcompareVersionsでエラーになるため if (lastVersion != null && compareVersions(version, lastVersion) === 1) { // ログインしてる場合だけ if ($i) { popup(import('@/components/updated.vue'), {}, {}, 'closed'); } } } catch (e) { } } // NOTE: この処理は必ず↑のクライアント更新時処理より後に来ること(テーマ再構築のため) watch(defaultStore.reactiveState.darkMode, (darkMode) => { applyTheme(darkMode ? ColdDeviceStorage.get('darkTheme') : ColdDeviceStorage.get('lightTheme')); }, { immediate: localStorage.theme == null }); const darkTheme = computed(ColdDeviceStorage.makeGetterSetter('darkTheme')); const lightTheme = computed(ColdDeviceStorage.makeGetterSetter('lightTheme')); watch(darkTheme, (theme) => { if (defaultStore.state.darkMode) { applyTheme(theme); } }); watch(lightTheme, (theme) => { if (!defaultStore.state.darkMode) { applyTheme(theme); } }); //#region Sync dark mode if (ColdDeviceStorage.get('syncDeviceDarkMode')) { defaultStore.set('darkMode', isDeviceDarkmode()); } window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').addListener(mql => { if (ColdDeviceStorage.get('syncDeviceDarkMode')) { defaultStore.set('darkMode', mql.matches); } }); //#endregion // shortcut document.addEventListener('keydown', makeHotkey({ 'd': () => { defaultStore.set('darkMode', !defaultStore.state.darkMode); }, 'p|n': post, 's': search, //TODO: 'h|/': help })); watch(defaultStore.reactiveState.useBlurEffectForModal, v => { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--modalBgFilter', v ? 'blur(4px)' : 'none'); }, { immediate: true }); watch(defaultStore.reactiveState.useBlurEffect, v => { if (v) { document.documentElement.style.removeProperty('--blur'); } else { document.documentElement.style.setProperty('--blur', 'none'); } }, { immediate: true }); let reloadDialogShowing = false; stream.on('_disconnected_', async () => { if (defaultStore.state.serverDisconnectedBehavior === 'reload') { location.reload(); } else if (defaultStore.state.serverDisconnectedBehavior === 'dialog') { if (reloadDialogShowing) return; reloadDialogShowing = true; const { canceled } = await confirm({ type: 'warning', title: i18n.locale.disconnectedFromServer, text: i18n.locale.reloadConfirm, }); reloadDialogShowing = false; if (!canceled) { location.reload(); } } }); stream.on('emojiAdded', data => { // TODO //store.commit('instance/set', ); }); for (const plugin of ColdDeviceStorage.get('plugins').filter(p => p.active)) { import('./plugin').then(({ install }) => { install(plugin); }); } if ($i) { if ($i.isDeleted) { alert({ type: 'warning', text: i18n.locale.accountDeletionInProgress, }); } if ('Notification' in window) { // 許可を得ていなかったらリクエスト if (Notification.permission === 'default') { Notification.requestPermission(); } } const main = markRaw(stream.useChannel('main', null, 'System')); // 自分の情報が更新されたとき main.on('meUpdated', i => { updateAccount(i); }); main.on('readAllNotifications', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadNotification: false }); }); main.on('unreadNotification', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadNotification: true }); }); main.on('unreadMention', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadMentions: true }); }); main.on('readAllUnreadMentions', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadMentions: false }); }); main.on('unreadSpecifiedNote', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: true }); }); main.on('readAllUnreadSpecifiedNotes', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: false }); }); main.on('readAllMessagingMessages', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadMessagingMessage: false }); }); main.on('unreadMessagingMessage', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadMessagingMessage: true }); sound.play('chatBg'); }); main.on('readAllAntennas', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadAntenna: false }); }); main.on('unreadAntenna', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadAntenna: true }); sound.play('antenna'); }); main.on('readAllAnnouncements', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadAnnouncement: false }); }); main.on('readAllChannels', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadChannel: false }); }); main.on('unreadChannel', () => { updateAccount({ hasUnreadChannel: true }); sound.play('channel'); }); // トークンが再生成されたとき // このままではMisskeyが利用できないので強制的にサインアウトさせる main.on('myTokenRegenerated', () => { signout(); }); }