mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 15:49:24 +01:00
Add recipe page~
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 490 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1000,6 +1000,27 @@
"radiantSpincrystal": {
"title": "Radiant Spincrystals"
"recipe": {
"title": "Recipe",
"of": "of",
"fastEdit": "Enable this for fast editing",
"proficiency": "Proficiency",
"collected": "collected",
"masteredAll": "You have mastered all owned recipes",
"masteredLeft": "recipe can be mastered",
"sort": "Show not collected first",
"default": "Default",
"search": "Search recipe",
"missing": "Not yet obtained",
"version": "Version",
"type": "Type",
"searchError": "Cannot find recipe: {query}",
"revive": "Revive",
"healing": "Healing",
"adventurer": "Adventurer",
"atk-boost": "ATK-Boosting",
"def-boost": "DEF-Boosting"
"common": {
"dataSynced": "Data has been synced!",
"driveError": "Drive sync not available right now 😔",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
<script context="module">
import recipeData from "../../data/recipe/en.json";
import { locale, t } from "svelte-i18n";
import { onMount, tick } from "svelte";
import debounce from "lodash.debounce";
import { mdiArrowDown, mdiArrowUp, mdiArrowRight, mdiFilter, mdiCheck, mdiClose } from "@mdi/js";
import Check from "../../components/Check.svelte";
import Checkbox from "../../components/Checkbox.svelte";
import { getAccountPrefix } from "../../stores/account";
import { readSave, updateSave, fromRemote } from "../../stores/saveManager";
import Button from "../../components/Button.svelte";
import Icon from "../../components/Icon.svelte";
import Select from "../../components/Select.svelte";
import { pushToast } from "../../stores/toast";
import Ad from "../../components/Ad.svelte";
let recipeContainer;
let list = [];
let fast = false;
let checkList = {};
let totalRecipe = 0;
let missingMastery = 0;
let obtainedRecipeCount = 0;
let active = "0";
let activeIndex = 0;
let categories = [];
let originalList = [];
let sortedRecipes = Object.entries(recipeData);
let showFilter = false;
let nameFilter = "";
let sort = false;
const typeIcon = {
"Revive": "revive",
"Healing": "healing",
"Adventurer": "adventurer",
"ATK-Boosting": "atk_boosting",
"DEF-Boosting": "def_boosting"
const rarityClass = {
1: "bg-white",
2: "bg-green-400",
3: "bg-primary",
4: "bg-rare-from",
5: "bg-legendary-from"
const versions = [
].map(e => ({
label: e,
value: e
let versionFilter = [];
const types = [
{ label: $t("recipe.revive"), value: "Revive", image: "/images/recipe/type/revive.png" },
{ label: $t("recipe.healing"), value: "Healing", image: "/images/recipe/type/healing.png" },
{ label: $t("recipe.adventurer"), value: "Adventurer", image: "/images/recipe/type/adventurer.png" },
{ label: $t("recipe.atk-boost"), value: "ATK-Boosting", image: "/images/recipe/type/atk_boosting.png" },
{ label: $t("recipe.def-boost"), value: "DEF-Boosting", image: "/images/recipe/type/def_boosting.png" }
let typeFilter = [];
function parseCategories() {
totalRecipe = 0;
obtainedRecipeCount = 0;
missingMastery = 0;
categories = Object.entries(recipeData)
.map(([id, data]) => ({
name: data.name,
(prev, recipe) => {
if (checkList[id] === undefined) checkList[id] = {};
if (checkList[id][recipe.id] === undefined && recipe.default) checkList[id][recipe.id] = 0;
const obtained = checkList[id][recipe.id] !== undefined;
const mastered = checkList[id][recipe.id] === recipe.proficiency;
prev.total += recipe.default ? 0 : 1;
totalRecipe += recipe.default ? 0 : 1;
prev.obtained += obtained && !recipe.default ? 1 : 0;
obtainedRecipeCount += obtained && !recipe.default ? 1 : 0;
prev.missingMastery += obtained && !mastered ? 1 : 0;
missingMastery += obtained && !mastered ? 1 : 0;
return prev;
{ obtained: 0, total: 0, missingMastery: 0 }
function orderRecipe() {
if (!sort) {
if (originalList.length === 0) return;
list = originalList;
originalList = list.slice();
list = list.sort(sortRecipe);
const saveData = debounce(async () => {
const data = checkList;
const prefix = getAccountPrefix();
await updateSave(`${prefix}recipe`, data);
}, 2000);
const search = debounce(async () => {
if (nameFilter === "") {
await changeCategory(active, activeIndex, true);
const query = nameFilter.toLowerCase();
for (const recipe of recipeData[active].recipes) {
if (!recipe.name.toLowerCase().includes(query)) continue;
await changeCategory(active, activeIndex, false);
let index = 0;
for (const [id, item] of sortedRecipes) {
for (const recipe of item.recipes) {
if (!recipe.name.toLowerCase().includes(query)) continue;
await changeCategory(id, index, false);
await changeCategory(active, activeIndex, true);
pushToast($t("recipe.searchError", { values: { query } }), "error");
}, 500);
const updateSelectFilter = debounce(() => changeCategory(active, activeIndex, true), 500);
async function changeCategory(id, index, firstLoad) {
active = id;
activeIndex = index;
const filterVersion = versionFilter.length > 0;
const filteredVersion = versionFilter.map(e => e.value);
let filterType = [];
for (const e of typeFilter) filterType.push(e.value);
const filterName = nameFilter !== "";
const query = nameFilter.toLowerCase();
if (checkList[active] === undefined) checkList[active] = {};
list = recipeData[active].recipes.filter(e => {
if (filterVersion && !filteredVersion.includes(e.ver)) return false;
if (filterType.length > 0 && !filterType.includes(e.type)) return false;
return !(filterName && !e.name.toLowerCase().includes(query));
}).map(e => {
e.mastered = checkList[active][e.id] === e.proficiency;
e.obtained = checkList[active][e.id] !== undefined;
e.userProf = checkList[active][e.id];
e.topLimit = e.userProf === e.proficiency - 1;
e.botLimit = e.userProf === 0;
e.rarityClass = rarityClass[e.rarity];
return e;
if (sort) {
originalList = list.slice();
list = list.sort(sortRecipe);
if (firstLoad) return;
await tick();
recipeContainer.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth" });
function sortRecipe(a, b) {
return a.mastered && b.mastered ? 0 : b.mastered ? -1 : a.mastered ? 1 : a.obtained && b.obtained ? 0 : b.obtained ? -1 : a.obtained ? 1 : 0;
function toggleOn(index) {
set(index, fast ? list[index].proficiency : 0);
function toggleOff(index) {
set(index, fast ? -1 : list[index].proficiency - 1);
function increment(index) {
set(index, fast ? list[index].proficiency : list[index].userProf + 1);
function decrement(index) {
set(index, fast ? -1 : list[index].userProf - 1);
function set(index, val) {
let wasObtained = list[index].obtained;
let wasMastered = list[index].mastered;
let min = list[index].default ? 0 : undefined;
val = val < 0 || val === undefined ? min : val;
checkList[active][list[index].id] = val;
list[index].userProf = val;
list[index].botLimit = val === 0;
list[index].topLimit = val === list[index].proficiency - 1;
let isObtained = val !== undefined;
let isMastered = val === list[index].proficiency;
let cObtained = isObtained !== wasObtained;
let cMastered = isMastered !== wasMastered;
let oVal = isObtained ? 1 : -1;
let mVal = isMastered ? -1 : 1;
list[index].obtained = isObtained;
list[index].mastered = isMastered;
categories[activeIndex].obtained += cObtained ? oVal : 0;
obtainedRecipeCount += cObtained ? oVal : 0;
categories[activeIndex].missingMastery += cObtained ? cMastered ? 0 : oVal : (cMastered ? mVal : 0);
missingMastery += cObtained ? cMastered ? 0 : oVal : (cMastered ? mVal : 0);
async function changeLocale(locale) {
const data = await import(`../../data/recipe/${locale}.json`);
recipeData = data.default;
sortedRecipes = Object.entries(recipeData);
await changeCategory(active, activeIndex, true);
async function readLocalData() {
const prefix = getAccountPrefix();
const recipeData = await readSave(`${prefix}recipe`);
if (recipeData !== null) checkList = recipeData;
async function process() {
await readLocalData();
await changeCategory("0", 0, true);
onMount(async () => {
await process();
$: if ($fromRemote) {
console.log("update from google drive");
<title>Recipes - Paimon.moe</title>
<meta name="description" content="Track your Genshin Impact recipe easily" />
<meta property="og:description" content="Track your Genshin Impact recipe easily" />
<div class="flex">
<div class="lg:ml-64 pt-20 px-4 lg:px-8 lg:pt-8 max-w-screen-xl w-full">
<div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row items-center space-y-2 md:space-y-0 md:space-x-2 mb-2 md:mb-0">
<h1 class="font-display font-black text-3xl md:text-4xl text-white">{$t('recipe.title')}</h1>
<div class="flex space-x-2">
<p class="text-gray-400 text-xl rounded-xl bg-black bg-opacity-50 px-2 py-1 flex items-center">
{obtainedRecipeCount} {$t('recipe.of')} {totalRecipe} {$t('recipe.collected')}
<img src="/images/recipe/recipe.png" class="w-7 h-7 ml-1" alt="recipe" />
<div class="text-gray-400 text-xl rounded-xl bg-black bg-opacity-50 px-2 py-1">
{#if missingMastery === 0}
<p>{missingMastery} {$t('recipe.masteredLeft')}</p>
<div class="flex space-x-2 items-center">
on:click={() => {
showFilter = !showFilter;
<Icon path={mdiFilter} color="white" />
<div class="pl-4 text-white">
<Checkbox checked={sort} on:change={() => orderRecipe(sort = !sort)}>{$t('recipe.sort')}</Checkbox>
{#if showFilter}
<div class="mb-2 flex flex-col md:flex-row space-y-2 md:space-y-0 md:space-x-2">
class="flex flex-1 relative items-center bg-background rounded-2xl h-14 focus-within:border-primary border-2 border-transparent ease-in duration-100"
style="min-height: 3.5rem;"
class="pl-4 w-full min-h-full pr-4 text-white placeholder-gray-500 leading-none bg-transparent border-none focus:outline-none"
className="w-full md:w-40"
className="w-full md:w-56"
<div class="flex flex-col lg:flex-row space-y-3 lg:space-y-0 lg:space-x-3">
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-2 lg:h-screen lg:overflow-auto lg:sticky lg:pr-1 pb-4 category">
{#each categories as category, index (category.id)}
class="rounded-xl p-2 cursor-pointer flex flex-col {category.id === active ? 'bg-primary' : 'bg-item'}"
on:click={() => changeCategory(category.id, index)}
<p class="font-semibold {category.id === active ? 'text-black' : 'text-white'}">{category.name}</p>
<div class="flex">
<p class="flex-1 {category.id === active ? 'text-gray-900' : 'text-gray-400'}">
<p class={category.id === active ? 'text-gray-900' : 'text-gray-400'}>
<img src="/images/wish.png" class="w-6 h-6 ml-1" alt="wish" />
<div class="mt-5 text-white flex justify-center">
<Icon className="mx-2" size={1} path={mdiArrowRight} />
<Checkbox checked={fast} on:change={() => fast = !fast}></Checkbox>
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-2 flex-1 lg:pt-2" bind:this={recipeContainer}>
{#each list as el, index}
<div class="bg-item rounded-xl px-1 py-1 text-white">
<div class="flex items-center">
<div class="bg-opacity-50 rounded-xl overflow-hidden {el.rarityClass}">
<img width="56" height="56" src="/images/recipe/food/{el.id}.png" alt={el.id} loading="lazy" />
<div class="flex-1 pr-1 pl-2">
<p class="font-semibold">
<img class="w-6 inline-block" src="/images/recipe/type/{typeIcon[el.type]}.png" alt={el.type} loading="lazy" />
<span class="ml-1 rounded-xl bg-background px-2 text-gray-400 text-sm font-normal select-none">
{#if el.default}
<span class="ml-1 rounded-xl bg-background px-2 text-gray-400 text-sm font-normal select-none">
<p class="text-gray-400">{el.location}</p>
<div class="flex items-center">
{#if el.userProf === undefined}
<p class="mr-1">{$t("recipe.missing")}</p>
<Check checked={el.obtained} on:change={() => toggleOn(index)} inverted />
{:else if el.mastered}
<Check checked={el.obtained} on:change={() => toggleOff(index)} inverted />
<p class="mr-1">{$t("recipe.proficiency")}: {el.userProf}/{el.proficiency}</p>
<div class="ml-3 mr-1">
<Button color={el.topLimit ? 'green' : 'blue'} on:click={() => increment(index)} size="sm">
<Icon size={1} path={el.topLimit ? mdiCheck : mdiArrowUp} />
<Button disabled="{el.default && el.botLimit}" color={!el.default && el.botLimit ? 'red' : 'blue'} checked={el.obtained} on:click={() => decrement(index)} size="sm">
<Icon size={1} path={el.botLimit ? mdiClose : mdiArrowDown} />
<div class="fixed top-0 right-0 m-8">
<Ad class="ml-4" type="desktop" variant="mpu" id="1" />
<Ad type="desktop" variant="lb" id="2" />
<Ad type="mobile" variant="lb" id="1" />
<style lang="postcss">
.category {
width: 100%;
@screen lg {
::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 8px;
::-webkit-scrollbar-track {
@apply bg-transparent;
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35);
@apply rounded-xl;
.category {
min-width: 20rem;
width: 20rem;
top: 0;
padding-top: 8px;
Add table
Reference in a new issue