2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2022
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
"""This module contains the Builder classes for the telegram.ext module."""
from asyncio import Queue
from pathlib import Path
2022-05-05 09:27:54 +02:00
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Generic, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
2022-05-05 09:27:54 +02:00
from telegram._bot import Bot
from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import DEFAULT_FALSE, DEFAULT_NONE, DefaultValue
from telegram._utils.types import DVInput, FilePathInput, ODVInput
from telegram.ext._application import Application
from telegram.ext._callbackcontext import CallbackContext
from telegram.ext._contexttypes import ContextTypes
from telegram.ext._extbot import ExtBot
from telegram.ext._jobqueue import JobQueue
from telegram.ext._updater import Updater
from telegram.ext._utils.types import BD, BT, CCT, CD, JQ, UD
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
from telegram.request import BaseRequest
2022-05-05 09:27:54 +02:00
from telegram.request._httpxrequest import HTTPXRequest
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2022-05-05 09:27:54 +02:00
from telegram.ext import BasePersistence, Defaults
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
# Type hinting is a bit complicated here because we try to get to a sane level of
# leveraging generics and therefore need a number of type variables.
2022-05-05 09:27:54 +02:00
# 'In' stands for input - used in parameters of methods below
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
InBT = TypeVar('InBT', bound=Bot)
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
InJQ = TypeVar('InJQ', bound=Union[None, JobQueue])
InCCT = TypeVar('InCCT', bound='CallbackContext')
InUD = TypeVar('InUD')
InCD = TypeVar('InCD')
InBD = TypeVar('InBD')
BuilderType = TypeVar('BuilderType', bound='ApplicationBuilder')
('request', 'request instance'),
('get_updates_request', 'get_updates_request instance'),
('connection_pool_size', 'connection_pool_size'),
('proxy_url', 'proxy_url'),
('pool_timeout', 'pool_timeout'),
('connect_timeout', 'connect_timeout'),
('read_timeout', 'read_timeout'),
('write_timeout', 'write_timeout'),
('get_updates_connection_pool_size', 'get_updates_connection_pool_size'),
('get_updates_proxy_url', 'get_updates_proxy_url'),
('get_updates_pool_timeout', 'get_updates_pool_timeout'),
('get_updates_connect_timeout', 'get_updates_connect_timeout'),
('get_updates_read_timeout', 'get_updates_read_timeout'),
('get_updates_write_timeout', 'get_updates_write_timeout'),
('base_file_url', 'base_file_url'),
('base_url', 'base_url'),
('token', 'token'),
('defaults', 'defaults'),
('arbitrary_callback_data', 'arbitrary_callback_data'),
('private_key', 'private_key'),
_TWO_ARGS_REQ = "The parameter `{}` may only be set, if no {} was set."
class ApplicationBuilder(Generic[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]):
"""This class serves as initializer for :class:`telegram.ext.Application` via the so called
`builder pattern`_. To build a :class:`telegram.ext.Application`, one first initializes an
instance of this class. Arguments for the :class:`telegram.ext.Application` to build are then
added by subsequently calling the methods of the builder. Finally, the
:class:`telegram.ext.Application` is built by calling :meth:`build`. In the simplest case this
can look like the following example.
.. code:: python
application = ApplicationBuilder().token("TOKEN").build()
Please see the description of the individual methods for information on which arguments can be
set and what the defaults are when not called. When no default is mentioned, the argument will
not be used by default.
* Some arguments are mutually exclusive. E.g. after calling :meth:`token`, you can't set
a custom bot with :meth:`bot` and vice versa.
* Unless a custom :class:`telegram.Bot` instance is set via :meth:`bot`, :meth:`build` will
use :class:`telegram.ext.ExtBot` for the bot.
.. _`builder pattern`: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Builder_pattern
__slots__ = (
def __init__(self: 'InitApplicationBuilder'):
self._token: DVInput[str] = DefaultValue('')
self._base_url: DVInput[str] = DefaultValue('https://api.telegram.org/bot')
self._base_file_url: DVInput[str] = DefaultValue('https://api.telegram.org/file/bot')
self._connection_pool_size: DVInput[int] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._proxy_url: DVInput[str] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._connect_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._read_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._write_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._pool_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._request: DVInput['BaseRequest'] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._get_updates_connection_pool_size: DVInput[int] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._get_updates_proxy_url: DVInput[str] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._get_updates_connect_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._get_updates_read_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._get_updates_write_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._get_updates_pool_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._get_updates_request: DVInput['BaseRequest'] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._private_key: ODVInput[bytes] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._private_key_password: ODVInput[bytes] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._defaults: ODVInput['Defaults'] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._arbitrary_callback_data: DVInput[Union[bool, int]] = DEFAULT_FALSE
self._bot: DVInput[Bot] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._update_queue: DVInput[Queue] = DefaultValue(Queue())
self._job_queue: ODVInput['JobQueue'] = DefaultValue(JobQueue())
self._persistence: ODVInput['BasePersistence'] = DEFAULT_NONE
self._context_types: DVInput[ContextTypes] = DefaultValue(ContextTypes())
self._application_class: DVInput[Type[Application]] = DefaultValue(Application)
self._application_kwargs: Dict[str, object] = {}
self._concurrent_updates: DVInput[Union[int, bool]] = DEFAULT_FALSE
self._updater: ODVInput[Updater] = DEFAULT_NONE
def _build_request(self, get_updates: bool) -> BaseRequest:
prefix = '_get_updates_' if get_updates else '_'
if not isinstance(getattr(self, f'{prefix}request'), DefaultValue):
return getattr(self, f'{prefix}request')
proxy_url = DefaultValue.get_value(getattr(self, f'{prefix}proxy_url'))
if get_updates:
connection_pool_size = (
DefaultValue.get_value(getattr(self, f'{prefix}connection_pool_size')) or 1
connection_pool_size = (
DefaultValue.get_value(getattr(self, f'{prefix}connection_pool_size')) or 128
timeouts = dict(
connect_timeout=getattr(self, f'{prefix}connect_timeout'),
read_timeout=getattr(self, f'{prefix}read_timeout'),
write_timeout=getattr(self, f'{prefix}write_timeout'),
pool_timeout=getattr(self, f'{prefix}pool_timeout'),
# Get timeouts that were actually set-
effective_timeouts = {
key: value for key, value in timeouts.items() if not isinstance(value, DefaultValue)
return HTTPXRequest(
def _build_ext_bot(self) -> ExtBot:
if isinstance(self._token, DefaultValue):
raise RuntimeError('No bot token was set.')
return ExtBot(
def build(
self: 'ApplicationBuilder[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]',
) -> Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]:
"""Builds a :class:`telegram.ext.Application` with the provided arguments.
Calls :meth:`telegram.ext.JobQueue.set_application` and
:meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.set_bot` if appropriate.
job_queue = DefaultValue.get_value(self._job_queue)
persistence = DefaultValue.get_value(self._persistence)
# If user didn't set updater
if isinstance(self._updater, DefaultValue) or self._updater is None:
if isinstance(self._bot, DefaultValue): # and didn't set a bot
bot: Bot = self._build_ext_bot() # build a bot
bot = self._bot
# now also build an updater/update_queue for them
update_queue = DefaultValue.get_value(self._update_queue)
if self._updater is None:
updater = None
updater = Updater(bot=bot, update_queue=update_queue)
else: # if they set an updater, get all necessary attributes for Application from Updater:
updater = self._updater
bot = self._updater.bot
update_queue = self._updater.update_queue
application: Application[
2022-05-05 09:27:54 +02:00
] = DefaultValue.get_value( # pylint: disable=not-callable
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
**self._application_kwargs, # For custom Application subclasses
if job_queue is not None:
if persistence is not None:
# This raises an exception if persistence.store_data.callback_data is True
# but self.bot is not an instance of ExtBot - so no need to check that later on
return application
def application_class(
self: BuilderType, application_class: Type[Application], kwargs: Dict[str, object] = None
) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets a custom subclass instead of :class:`telegram.ext.Application`. The
subclass's ``__init__`` should look like this
.. code:: python
def __init__(self, custom_arg_1, custom_arg_2, ..., **kwargs):
self.custom_arg_1 = custom_arg_1
self.custom_arg_2 = custom_arg_2
application_class (:obj:`type`): A subclass of :class:`telegram.ext.Application`
kwargs (Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`object`], optional): Keyword arguments for the
initialization. Defaults to an empty dict.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._application_class = application_class
self._application_kwargs = kwargs or {}
return self
def token(self: BuilderType, token: str) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the token for :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot`.
token (:obj:`str`): The token.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('token', 'bot instance'))
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('token', 'updater'))
self._token = token
return self
def base_url(self: BuilderType, base_url: str) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the base URL for :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot`. If not called,
will default to ``'https://api.telegram.org/bot'``.
.. seealso:: :paramref:`telegram.Bot.base_url`, `Local Bot API Server <https://github.com/\
base_url (:obj:`str`): The URL.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('base_url', 'bot instance'))
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('base_url', 'updater'))
self._base_url = base_url
return self
def base_file_url(self: BuilderType, base_file_url: str) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the base file URL for :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot`. If not
called, will default to ``'https://api.telegram.org/file/bot'``.
.. seealso:: :paramref:`telegram.Bot.base_file_url`, `Local Bot API Server <https://\
base_file_url (:obj:`str`): The URL.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('base_file_url', 'bot instance'))
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('base_file_url', 'updater'))
self._base_file_url = base_file_url
return self
def _request_check(self, get_updates: bool) -> None:
prefix = 'get_updates_' if get_updates else ''
name = prefix + 'request'
# Code below tests if it's okay to set a Request object. Only okay if no other request args
# or instances containing a Request were set previously
for attr in ('connect_timeout', 'read_timeout', 'write_timeout', 'pool_timeout'):
if not isinstance(getattr(self, f"_{prefix}{attr}"), DefaultValue):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(name, attr))
if not isinstance(getattr(self, f'_{prefix}connection_pool_size'), DefaultValue):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(name, 'connection_pool_size'))
if not isinstance(getattr(self, f'_{prefix}proxy_url'), DefaultValue):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(name, 'proxy_url'))
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(name, 'bot instance'))
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(name, 'updater instance'))
def _request_param_check(self, name: str, get_updates: bool) -> None:
if get_updates and self._get_updates_request is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError( # disallow request args for get_updates if Request for that is set
_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(f'get_updates_{name}', 'get_updates_request instance')
if self._request is not DEFAULT_NONE: # disallow request args if request is set
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(name, 'request instance'))
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE: # disallow request args if bot is set (has Request)
raise RuntimeError(
f'get_updates_{name}' if get_updates else name, 'bot instance'
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None): # disallow request args for updater(has bot)
raise RuntimeError(
_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format(f'get_updates_{name}' if get_updates else name, 'updater')
def request(self: BuilderType, request: BaseRequest) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets a :class:`telegram.request.BaseRequest` instance for the
:paramref:`telegram.Bot.request` parameter of :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot`.
.. seealso:: :meth:`get_updates_request`
request (:class:`telegram.request.BaseRequest`): The request instance.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request = request
return self
def connection_pool_size(self: BuilderType, connection_pool_size: int) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the size of the connection pool for the
:paramref:`~telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.connection_pool_size` parameter of
:attr:`telegram.Bot.request`. Defaults to ``128``.
connection_pool_size (:obj:`int`): The size of the connection pool.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='connection_pool_size', get_updates=False)
self._connection_pool_size = connection_pool_size
return self
def proxy_url(self: BuilderType, proxy_url: str) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the proxy for the :paramref:`~telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.proxy_url`
parameter of :attr:`telegram.Bot.request`. Defaults to :obj:`None`.
proxy_url (:obj:`str`): The URL to the proxy server. See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.proxy_url` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='proxy_url', get_updates=False)
self._proxy_url = proxy_url
return self
def connect_timeout(self: BuilderType, connect_timeout: Optional[float]) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the connection attempt timeout for the
:paramref:`~telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.connect_timeout` parameter of
:attr:`telegram.Bot.request`. Defaults to ``5.0``.
connect_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.connect_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='connect_timeout', get_updates=False)
self._connect_timeout = connect_timeout
return self
def read_timeout(self: BuilderType, read_timeout: Optional[float]) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the waiting timeout for the
:paramref:`~telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.read_timeout` parameter of
:attr:`telegram.Bot.request`. Defaults to ``5.0``.
read_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.read_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='read_timeout', get_updates=False)
self._read_timeout = read_timeout
return self
def write_timeout(self: BuilderType, write_timeout: Optional[float]) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the write operation timeout for the
:paramref:`~telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.write_timeout` parameter of
:attr:`telegram.Bot.request`. Defaults to ``5.0``.
write_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.write_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='write_timeout', get_updates=False)
self._write_timeout = write_timeout
return self
def pool_timeout(self: BuilderType, pool_timeout: Optional[float]) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the connection pool's connection freeing timeout for the
:paramref:`~telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.pool_timeout` parameter of
:attr:`telegram.Bot.request`. Defaults to :obj:`None`.
pool_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.pool_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='pool_timeout', get_updates=False)
self._pool_timeout = pool_timeout
return self
def get_updates_request(self: BuilderType, get_updates_request: BaseRequest) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets a :class:`telegram.request.BaseRequest` instance for the
:paramref:`~telegram.Bot.get_updates_request` parameter of
.. seealso:: :meth:`request`
get_updates_request (:class:`telegram.request.BaseRequest`): The request instance.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._get_updates_request = get_updates_request
return self
def get_updates_connection_pool_size(
self: BuilderType, get_updates_connection_pool_size: int
) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the size of the connection pool for the
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.connection_pool_size` parameter which is used
for the :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_updates` request. Defaults to ``1``.
get_updates_connection_pool_size (:obj:`int`): The size of the connection pool.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='connection_pool_size', get_updates=True)
self._get_updates_connection_pool_size = get_updates_connection_pool_size
return self
def get_updates_proxy_url(self: BuilderType, get_updates_proxy_url: str) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the proxy for the :paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.proxy_url`
parameter which is used for :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_updates`. Defaults to :obj:`None`.
get_updates_proxy_url (:obj:`str`): The URL to the proxy server. See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.proxy_url` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='proxy_url', get_updates=True)
self._get_updates_proxy_url = get_updates_proxy_url
return self
def get_updates_connect_timeout(
self: BuilderType, get_updates_connect_timeout: Optional[float]
) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the connection attempt timeout for the
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.connect_timeout` parameter which is used for
the :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_updates` request. Defaults to ``5.0``.
get_updates_connect_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.connect_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='connect_timeout', get_updates=True)
self._get_updates_connect_timeout = get_updates_connect_timeout
return self
def get_updates_read_timeout(
self: BuilderType, get_updates_read_timeout: Optional[float]
) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the waiting timeout for the
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.read_timeout` parameter which is used for the
:meth:`telegram.Bot.get_updates` request. Defaults to ``5.0``.
get_updates_read_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.read_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='read_timeout', get_updates=True)
self._get_updates_read_timeout = get_updates_read_timeout
return self
def get_updates_write_timeout(
self: BuilderType, get_updates_write_timeout: Optional[float]
) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the write operation timeout for the
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.write_timeout` parameter which is used for
the :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_updates` request. Defaults to ``5.0``.
get_updates_write_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.write_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='write_timeout', get_updates=True)
self._get_updates_write_timeout = get_updates_write_timeout
return self
def get_updates_pool_timeout(
self: BuilderType, get_updates_pool_timeout: Optional[float]
) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the connection pool's connection freeing timeout for the
:paramref:`~telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.pool_timeout` parameter which is used for the
:meth:`telegram.Bot.get_updates` request. Defaults to :obj:`None`.
get_updates_pool_timeout (:obj:`float`): See
:paramref:`telegram.request.HTTPXRequest.pool_timeout` for more information.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._request_param_check(name='pool_timeout', get_updates=True)
self._get_updates_pool_timeout = get_updates_pool_timeout
return self
def private_key(
self: BuilderType,
private_key: Union[bytes, FilePathInput],
password: Union[bytes, FilePathInput] = None,
) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the private key and corresponding password for decryption of telegram passport data
for :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot`.
.. seealso:: `passportbot.py <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot\
/tree/master/examples#passportbotpy>`_, `Telegram Passports
private_key (:obj:`bytes` | :obj:`str` | :obj:`pathlib.Path`): The private key or the
file path of a file that contains the key. In the latter case, the file's content
will be read automatically.
password (:obj:`bytes` | :obj:`str` | :obj:`pathlib.Path`, optional): The corresponding
password or the file path of a file that contains the password. In the latter case,
the file's content will be read automatically.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('private_key', 'bot instance'))
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('private_key', 'updater'))
self._private_key = (
private_key if isinstance(private_key, bytes) else Path(private_key).read_bytes()
if password is None or isinstance(password, bytes):
self._private_key_password = password
self._private_key_password = Path(password).read_bytes()
return self
def defaults(self: BuilderType, defaults: 'Defaults') -> BuilderType:
"""Sets the :class:`telegram.ext.Defaults` instance for
.. seealso:: `Adding Defaults <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot\
defaults (:class:`telegram.ext.Defaults`): The defaults instance.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('defaults', 'bot instance'))
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('defaults', 'updater'))
self._defaults = defaults
return self
def arbitrary_callback_data(
self: BuilderType, arbitrary_callback_data: Union[bool, int]
) -> BuilderType:
"""Specifies whether :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot` should allow arbitrary objects as
callback data for :class:`telegram.InlineKeyboardButton` and how many keyboards should be
cached in memory. If not called, only strings can be used as callback data and no data will
be stored in memory.
.. seealso:: `Arbitrary callback_data <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot\
`arbitrarycallbackdatabot.py <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot\
arbitrary_callback_data (:obj:`bool` | :obj:`int`): If :obj:`True` is passed, the
default cache size of ``1024`` will be used. Pass an integer to specify a different
cache size.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._bot is not DEFAULT_NONE:
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('arbitrary_callback_data', 'bot instance'))
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('arbitrary_callback_data', 'updater'))
self._arbitrary_callback_data = arbitrary_callback_data
return self
def bot(
self: 'ApplicationBuilder[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]',
bot: InBT,
) -> 'ApplicationBuilder[InBT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]':
"""Sets a :class:`telegram.Bot` instance for
:attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot`. Instances of subclasses like
:class:`telegram.ext.ExtBot` are also valid.
bot (:class:`telegram.Bot`): The bot.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('bot', 'updater'))
for attr, error in _BOT_CHECKS:
if not isinstance(getattr(self, f'_{attr}'), DefaultValue):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('bot', error))
self._bot = bot
return self # type: ignore[return-value]
def update_queue(self: BuilderType, update_queue: Queue) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets a :class:`asyncio.Queue` instance for
:attr:`telegram.ext.Application.update_queue`, i.e. the queue that the application will
fetch updates from. Will also be used for the :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.updater`.
If not called, a queue will be instantiated.
.. seealso:: :attr:`telegram.ext.Updater.update_queue`
update_queue (:class:`asyncio.Queue`): The queue.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if self._updater not in (DEFAULT_NONE, None):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('update_queue', 'updater instance'))
self._update_queue = update_queue
return self
def concurrent_updates(self: BuilderType, concurrent_updates: Union[bool, int]) -> BuilderType:
"""Specifies if and how many updates may be processed concurrently instead of one by one.
Processing updates concurrently is not recommended when stateful handlers like
:class:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler` are used. Only use this if you are sure
that your bot does not (explicitly or implicitly) rely on updates being processed
.. seealso:: :paramref:`telegram.ext.Application.concurrent_updates`
concurrent_updates (:obj:`bool` | :obj:`int`): Passing :obj:`True` will allow for
``4096`` updates to be processed concurrently. Pass an integer to specify a
different number of updates that may be processed concurrently.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._concurrent_updates = concurrent_updates
return self
def job_queue(
self: 'ApplicationBuilder[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]',
job_queue: InJQ,
) -> 'ApplicationBuilder[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, InJQ]':
"""Sets a :class:`telegram.ext.JobQueue` instance for
:attr:`telegram.ext.Application.job_queue`. If not called, a job queue will be
.. seealso:: `JobQueue <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/wiki\
/Extensions-%E2%80%93-JobQueue>`_, `timerbot.py <https://github.com\
* :meth:`telegram.ext.JobQueue.set_application` will be called automatically by
* The job queue will be automatically started and stopped by
:meth:`telegram.ext.Application.start` and :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.stop`,
* When passing :obj:`None`,
:attr:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler.conversation_timeout` can not be used, as
this uses :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.job_queue` internally.
job_queue (:class:`telegram.ext.JobQueue`): The job queue. Pass :obj:`None` if you
don't want to use a job queue.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._job_queue = job_queue
return self # type: ignore[return-value]
def persistence(self: BuilderType, persistence: 'BasePersistence') -> BuilderType:
"""Sets a :class:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence` instance for
When using a persistence, note that all
data stored in :attr:`context.user_data <telegram.ext.CallbackContext.user_data>`,
:attr:`context.chat_data <telegram.ext.CallbackContext.chat_data>`,
:attr:`context.bot_data <telegram.ext.CallbackContext.bot_data>` and
in :attr:`telegram.ext.ExtBot.callback_data_cache` must be copyable with
:func:`copy.deepcopy`. This is due to the data being deep copied before handing it over
to the persistence in order to avoid race conditions.
.. seealso:: `Making your bot persistent <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot\
`persistentconversationbot.py <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot\
If a :class:`telegram.ext.ContextTypes` instance is set via :meth:`context_types`,
the persistence instance must use the same types!
persistence (:class:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence`): The persistence instance.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._persistence = persistence
return self
def context_types(
self: 'ApplicationBuilder[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]',
context_types: 'ContextTypes[InCCT, InUD, InCD, InBD]',
) -> 'ApplicationBuilder[BT, InCCT, InUD, InCD, InBD, JQ]':
"""Sets a :class:`telegram.ext.ContextTypes` instance for
.. seealso:: `contexttypesbot.py <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot\
context_types (:class:`telegram.ext.ContextTypes`): The context types.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
self._context_types = context_types
return self # type: ignore[return-value]
def updater(self: BuilderType, updater: Optional[Updater]) -> BuilderType:
"""Sets a :class:`telegram.ext.Updater` instance for
:attr:`telegram.ext.Application.updater`. The :attr:`telegram.ext.Updater.bot` and
:attr:`telegram.ext.Updater.update_queue` will be used for
:attr:`telegram.ext.Application.bot` and :attr:`telegram.ext.Application.update_queue`,
updater (:class:`telegram.ext.Updater` | :obj:`None`): The updater instance or
:obj:`None` if no updater should be used.
:class:`ApplicationBuilder`: The same builder with the updated argument.
if updater is None:
self._updater = updater
return self
for attr, error in (
(self._bot, 'bot instance'),
(self._update_queue, 'update_queue'),
if not isinstance(attr, DefaultValue):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('updater', error))
for attr_name, error in _BOT_CHECKS:
if not isinstance(getattr(self, f'_{attr_name}'), DefaultValue):
raise RuntimeError(_TWO_ARGS_REQ.format('updater', error))
self._updater = updater
return self
InitApplicationBuilder = ( # This is defined all the way down here so that its type is inferred
ApplicationBuilder[ # by Pylance correctly.