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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
import asyncio
import logging
import os
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
import signal
2016-04-23 23:11:25 -03:00
import sys
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from flaky import flaky
from functools import partial
from queue import Queue
2016-04-27 00:28:21 +02:00
from random import randrange
from threading import Thread, Event
from time import sleep
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import pytest
from telegram import TelegramError, Message, User, Chat, Update, Bot
from telegram.error import Unauthorized, InvalidToken, TimedOut, RetryAfter
from telegram.ext import Updater, Dispatcher, DictPersistence, Defaults
from telegram.utils.deprecate import TelegramDeprecationWarning
from telegram.ext.utils.webhookhandler import WebhookServer
signalskip = pytest.mark.skipif(
sys.platform == 'win32',
reason='Can\'t send signals without stopping ' 'whole process on windows',
ASYNCIO_LOCK = threading.Lock()
def set_asyncio_event_loop(loop):
orig_lop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except RuntimeError:
orig_lop = None
class TestUpdater:
message_count = 0
received = None
attempts = 0
err_handler_called = Event()
cb_handler_called = Event()
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
offset = 0
test_flag = False
2015-11-21 15:45:45 +01:00
2015-11-24 20:34:38 +01:00
def reset(self):
self.message_count = 0
self.received = None
self.attempts = 0
self.test_flag = False
2016-04-21 13:07:44 +02:00
def error_handler(self, bot, update, error):
self.received = error.message
2015-11-21 19:35:24 +01:00
def callback(self, bot, update):
self.received = update.message.text
argvalues=[(TelegramError('Test Error 2'),), (Unauthorized('Test Unauthorized'),)],
ids=('TelegramError', 'Unauthorized'),
def test_get_updates_normal_err(self, monkeypatch, updater, error):
def test(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'get_updates', test)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# Make sure that the error handler was called
assert self.received == error.message
# Make sure that Updater polling thread keeps running
def test_get_updates_bailout_err(self, monkeypatch, updater, caplog):
error = InvalidToken()
def test(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'get_updates', test)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
assert self.err_handler_called.wait(1) is not True
# NOTE: This test might hit a race condition and fail (though the 1 seconds delay above
# should work around it).
# NOTE: Checking Updater.running is problematic because it is not set to False when there's
# an unhandled exception.
# TODO: We should have a way to poll Updater status and decide if it's running or not.
import pprint
pprint.pprint([rec.getMessage() for rec in caplog.get_records('call')])
assert any(
2020-11-23 22:09:29 +01:00
f'unhandled exception in Bot:{}:updater' in rec.getMessage()
for rec in caplog.get_records('call')
('error',), argvalues=[(RetryAfter(0.01),), (TimedOut(),)], ids=('RetryAfter', 'TimedOut')
def test_get_updates_retries(self, monkeypatch, updater, error):
event = Event()
def test(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
2016-08-06 14:47:45 +02:00
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'get_updates', test)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# Make sure that get_updates was called, but not the error handler
assert self.err_handler_called.wait(0.5) is not True
assert self.received != error.message
# Make sure that Updater polling thread keeps running
assert self.err_handler_called.wait(0.5) is not True
2016-08-06 14:47:45 +02:00
def test_webhook(self, monkeypatch, updater):
q = Queue()
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, url_path='TOKEN')
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
update = Update(
1, None, Chat(1, ''), from_user=User(1, '', False), text='Webhook'
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json(), 'TOKEN')
assert q.get(False) == update
# Returns 404 if path is incorrect
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, None, '')
assert excinfo.value.code == 404
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
ip, port, None, '', get_method=lambda: 'HEAD'
assert excinfo.value.code == 404
# Test multiple shutdown() calls
assert not updater.httpd.is_running
def test_start_webhook_no_warning_or_error_logs(self, caplog, updater, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# prevent api calls from @info decorator when is used in thread names
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_bot', User(id=123, first_name='bot', is_bot=True))
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_commands', [])
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
updater.start_webhook(ip, port)
assert not caplog.records
@pytest.mark.skipif( != 'nt' or sys.version_info < (3, 8),
reason='Workaround only relevant on windows with py3.8+',
def test_start_webhook_ensure_event_loop(self, updater, monkeypatch):
def serve_forever(self, force_event_loop=False, ready=None):
with self.server_lock:
self.is_running = True
if ready is not None:
monkeypatch.setattr(WebhookServer, 'serve_forever', serve_forever)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
with set_asyncio_event_loop(None):
assert isinstance(asyncio.get_event_loop(), asyncio.SelectorEventLoop)
@pytest.mark.skipif( != 'nt' or sys.version_info < (3, 8),
reason='Workaround only relevant on windows with py3.8+',
def test_start_webhook_force_event_loop_false(self, updater, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
with set_asyncio_event_loop(asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='`ProactorEventLoop` is incompatible'):
@pytest.mark.skipif( != 'nt' or sys.version_info < (3, 8),
reason='Workaround only relevant on windows with py3.8+',
def test_start_webhook_force_event_loop_true(self, updater, monkeypatch):
def serve_forever(self, force_event_loop=False, ready=None):
with self.server_lock:
self.is_running = True
if ready is not None:
monkeypatch.setattr(WebhookServer, 'serve_forever', serve_forever)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
with set_asyncio_event_loop(asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()):
assert isinstance(asyncio.get_event_loop(), asyncio.ProactorEventLoop)
def test_webhook_ssl(self, monkeypatch, updater):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
tg_err = False
except TelegramError:
tg_err = True
assert tg_err
def test_webhook_no_ssl(self, monkeypatch, updater):
q = Queue()
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, webhook_url=None)
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
update = Update(
message=Message(1, None, Chat(1, ''), from_user=User(1, '', False), text='Webhook 2'),
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json())
assert q.get(False) == update
def test_webhook_ssl_just_for_telegram(self, monkeypatch, updater):
q = Queue()
def set_webhook(**kwargs):
return True
orig_wh_server_init = WebhookServer.__init__
def webhook_server_init(*args):
self.test_flag = [args[-1] is None]
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', set_webhook)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
'telegram.ext.utils.webhookhandler.WebhookServer.__init__', webhook_server_init
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, webhook_url=None, cert='./tests/')
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
update = Update(
message=Message(1, None, Chat(1, ''), from_user=User(1, '', False), text='Webhook 2'),
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json())
assert q.get(False) == update
assert self.test_flag == [True, True]
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('error',), argvalues=[(TelegramError(''),)], ids=('TelegramError',))
def test_bootstrap_retries_success(self, monkeypatch, updater, error):
retries = 2
def attempt(*args, **kwargs):
if self.attempts < retries:
self.attempts += 1
raise error
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', attempt)
updater.running = True
updater._bootstrap(retries, False, 'path', None, bootstrap_interval=0)
assert self.attempts == retries
('error', 'attempts'),
argvalues=[(TelegramError(''), 2), (Unauthorized(''), 1), (InvalidToken(), 1)],
ids=('TelegramError', 'Unauthorized', 'InvalidToken'),
def test_bootstrap_retries_error(self, monkeypatch, updater, error, attempts):
2016-03-14 01:36:01 +02:00
retries = 1
def attempt(*args, **kwargs):
self.attempts += 1
raise error
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', attempt)
2016-03-14 01:36:01 +02:00
updater.running = True
with pytest.raises(type(error)):
updater._bootstrap(retries, False, 'path', None, bootstrap_interval=0)
assert self.attempts == attempts
@pytest.mark.parametrize('drop_pending_updates', (True, False))
def test_bootstrap_clean_updates(self, monkeypatch, updater, drop_pending_updates):
# As dropping pending updates is done by passing `drop_pending_updates` to
# set_webhook, we just check that we pass the correct value
self.test_flag = False
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
def delete_webhook(**kwargs):
self.test_flag = kwargs.get('drop_pending_updates') == drop_pending_updates
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', delete_webhook)
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
updater.running = True
assert self.test_flag is True
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
def test_clean_deprecation_warning_webhook(self, recwarn, updater, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# prevent api calls from @info decorator when is used in thread names
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_bot', User(id=123, first_name='bot', is_bot=True))
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_commands', [])
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, clean=True)
assert len(recwarn) == 2
assert str(recwarn[0].message).startswith('Old Handler API')
assert str(recwarn[1].message).startswith('The argument `clean` of')
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
def test_clean_deprecation_warning_polling(self, recwarn, updater, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# prevent api calls from @info decorator when is used in thread names
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_bot', User(id=123, first_name='bot', is_bot=True))
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_commands', [])
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
assert len(recwarn) == 2
for msg in recwarn:
assert str(recwarn[0].message).startswith('Old Handler API')
assert str(recwarn[1].message).startswith('The argument `clean` of')
def test_clean_drop_pending_mutually_exclusive(self, updater):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='`clean` and `drop_pending_updates` are mutually'):
updater.start_polling(clean=True, drop_pending_updates=False)
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='`clean` and `drop_pending_updates` are mutually'):
updater.start_webhook(clean=True, drop_pending_updates=False)
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_webhook_invalid_posts(self, updater):
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # select random port for travis
2016-08-26 11:17:05 +02:00
thr = Thread(
target=updater._start_webhook, args=(ip, port, '', None, None, 0, False, None, None)
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
ip, port, '<root><bla>data</bla></root>', content_type='application/xml'
assert excinfo.value.code == 403
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
2016-05-14 21:52:35 -03:00
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, 'dummy-payload', content_len=-2)
assert excinfo.value.code == 500
# TODO: prevent urllib or the underlying from adding content-length
# with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
# self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, 'dummy-payload', content_len=None)
# assert excinfo.value.code == 411
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
2016-05-14 21:52:35 -03:00
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, 'dummy-payload', content_len='not-a-number')
assert excinfo.value.code == 500
def _send_webhook_msg(
headers = {
'content-type': content_type,
if not payload_str:
content_len = None
payload = None
payload = bytes(payload_str, encoding='utf-8')
if content_len == -1:
content_len = len(payload)
if content_len is not None:
headers['content-length'] = str(content_len)
2020-11-23 22:09:29 +01:00
url = f'http://{ip}:{port}/{url_path}'
req = Request(url, data=payload, headers=headers)
if get_method is not None:
req.get_method = get_method
return urlopen(req)
def signal_sender(self, updater):
while not updater.running:
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
def test_idle(self, updater, caplog):
Thread(target=partial(self.signal_sender, updater=updater)).start()
with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
rec = caplog.records[-2]
2020-11-23 22:09:29 +01:00
assert rec.getMessage().startswith(f'Received signal {signal.SIGTERM}')
assert rec.levelname == 'INFO'
rec = caplog.records[-1]
assert rec.getMessage().startswith('Scheduler has been shut down')
assert rec.levelname == 'INFO'
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
# If we get this far, idle() ran through
assert updater.running is False
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
def test_user_signal(self, updater):
temp_var = {'a': 0}
def user_signal_inc(signum, frame):
temp_var['a'] = 1
updater.user_sig_handler = user_signal_inc
Thread(target=partial(self.signal_sender, updater=updater)).start()
# If we get this far, idle() ran through
assert updater.running is False
assert temp_var['a'] != 0
def test_create_bot(self):
updater = Updater('123:abcd')
assert is not None
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
def test_mutual_exclude_token_bot(self):
bot = Bot('123:zyxw')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(token='123:abcd', bot=bot)
2016-04-23 23:11:25 -03:00
def test_no_token_or_bot_or_dispatcher(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Bot API 4.0 (#1168) Telegram Passport (#1174): - Add full support for telegram passport. - New types: PassportData, PassportFile, EncryptedPassportElement, EncryptedCredentials, PassportElementError, PassportElementErrorDataField, PassportElementErrorFrontSide, PassportElementErrorReverseSide, PassportElementErrorSelfie, PassportElementErrorFile and PassportElementErrorFiles. - New bot method: set_passport_data_errors - New filter: Filters.passport_data - Field passport_data field on Message - PassportData is automagically decrypted when you specify your private key when creating Updater or Bot. - PassportFiles is also automagically decrypted as you download/retrieve them. - See new example for details on how to use, or go to our telegram passport wiki page for more info - NOTE: Passport decryption requires new dependency `cryptography`. Inputfile rework (#1184): - Change how Inputfile is handled internally - This allows support for specifying the thumbnails of photos and videos using the thumb= argument in the different send_ methods. - Also allows Bot.send_media_group to actually finally send more than one media. - Add thumb to Audio, Video and Videonote - Add Bot.edit_message_media together with InputMediaAnimation, InputMediaAudio, and inputMediaDocument. Other Bot API 4.0 changes: - Add forusquare_type to Venue, InlineQueryResultVenue, InputVenueMessageContent, and Bot.send_venue. (#1170) - Add vCard support by adding vcard field to Contact, InlineQueryResultContact, InputContactMessageContent, and Bot.send_contact. (#1166) - Support new message entities: CASHTAG and PHONE_NUMBER. (#1179) - Cashtag seems to be things like $USD and $GBP, but it seems telegram doesn't currently send them to bots. - Phone number also seems to have limited support for now - Add Bot.send_animation, add width, height, and duration to Animation, and add Filters.animation. (#1172) Co-authored-by: Jasmin Bom <> Co-authored-by: code1mountain <> Co-authored-by: Eldinnie <> Co-authored-by: mathefreak1 <>
2018-08-29 14:18:58 +02:00
def test_mutual_exclude_bot_private_key(self):
bot = Bot('123:zyxw')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(bot=bot, private_key=b'key')
def test_mutual_exclude_bot_dispatcher(self):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(None, None)
bot = Bot('123:zyxw')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(bot=bot, dispatcher=dispatcher)
def test_mutual_exclude_persistence_dispatcher(self):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(None, None)
persistence = DictPersistence()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(dispatcher=dispatcher, persistence=persistence)
def test_mutual_exclude_workers_dispatcher(self):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(None, None)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(dispatcher=dispatcher, workers=8)
def test_mutual_exclude_use_context_dispatcher(self):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(None, None)
use_context = not dispatcher.use_context
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(dispatcher=dispatcher, use_context=use_context)
def test_defaults_warning(self, bot):
with pytest.warns(TelegramDeprecationWarning, match='no effect when a Bot is passed'):
Updater(bot=bot, defaults=Defaults())