2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
2021-10-08 06:17:00 +00:00
# pylint: disable=missing-function-docstring, unused-argument
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
# This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license.
2019-02-13 13:38:07 +01:00
Simple Bot to send timed Telegram messages.
2017-10-20 20:24:00 +02:00
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
This Bot uses the Application class to handle the bot and the JobQueue to send
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
timed messages.
First, a few handler functions are defined. Then, those functions are passed to
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
the Application and registered at their respective places.
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
Then, the bot is started and runs until we press Ctrl-C on the command line.
Basic Alarm Bot example, sends a message after a set time.
Press Ctrl-C on the command line or send a signal to the process to stop the
2018-05-21 15:00:47 +02:00
import logging
2018-05-21 15:00:47 +02:00
2020-10-31 16:33:34 +01:00
from telegram import Update
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Application, CallbackContext
2018-09-21 08:57:01 +02:00
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
# Enable logging
2020-10-09 17:22:07 +02:00
format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', level=logging.INFO
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
2019-10-12 02:10:21 +08:00
# Define a few command handlers. These usually take the two arguments update and
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
# context.
2021-06-06 12:16:23 +02:00
# Best practice would be to replace context with an underscore,
# since context is an unused local variable.
# This being an example and not having context present confusing beginners,
# we decided to have it present as context.
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
async def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None:
2021-05-27 20:34:58 +02:00
"""Sends explanation on how to use the bot."""
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
await update.message.reply_text('Hi! Use /set <seconds> to set a timer')
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
async def alarm(context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None:
2017-10-20 20:24:00 +02:00
"""Send the alarm message."""
2018-09-21 08:57:01 +02:00
job = context.job
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
await context.bot.send_message(job.chat_id, text=f'Beep! {job.context} seconds are over!')
2016-07-15 01:46:27 +02:00
2021-10-09 13:56:50 +02:00
def remove_job_if_exists(name: str, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> bool:
2020-10-15 21:48:12 +05:00
"""Remove job with given name. Returns whether job was removed."""
current_jobs = context.job_queue.get_jobs_by_name(name)
if not current_jobs:
return False
for job in current_jobs:
return True
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
async def set_timer(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None:
2017-10-20 20:24:00 +02:00
"""Add a job to the queue."""
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
chat_id = update.effective_message.chat_id
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
# args[0] should contain the time for the timer in seconds
2018-09-21 08:57:01 +02:00
due = int(context.args[0])
2016-01-05 19:06:28 +05:30
if due < 0:
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
await update.message.reply_text('Sorry we can not go back to future!')
2016-08-07 17:59:58 +02:00
2016-05-22 13:26:57 -03:00
2020-10-15 21:48:12 +05:00
job_removed = remove_job_if_exists(str(chat_id), context)
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
context.job_queue.run_once(alarm, due, chat_id=chat_id, name=str(chat_id), context=due)
2016-05-25 22:51:13 +02:00
2020-10-15 21:48:12 +05:00
text = 'Timer successfully set!'
if job_removed:
text += ' Old one was removed.'
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
await update.message.reply_text(text)
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
2016-05-25 22:51:13 +02:00
except (IndexError, ValueError):
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
await update.effective_message.reply_text('Usage: /set <seconds>')
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
async def unset(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None:
2017-10-20 20:24:00 +02:00
"""Remove the job if the user changed their mind."""
2020-10-15 21:48:12 +05:00
chat_id = update.message.chat_id
job_removed = remove_job_if_exists(str(chat_id), context)
text = 'Timer successfully cancelled!' if job_removed else 'You have no active timer.'
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
await update.message.reply_text(text)
2016-05-25 22:51:13 +02:00
2021-03-13 16:21:03 +01:00
def main() -> None:
2017-10-20 20:24:00 +02:00
"""Run bot."""
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
# Create the Application and pass it your bot's token.
application = Application.builder().token("TOKEN").build()
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
# on different commands - answer in Telegram
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
application.add_handler(CommandHandler(["start", "help"], start))
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("set", set_timer))
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("unset", unset))
# Run the bot until the user presses Ctrl-C
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
2016-05-22 13:26:57 -03:00
2016-01-04 01:56:22 +01:00
if __name__ == '__main__':