2024-06-15 10:29:19 +02:00
requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = "hatchling.build"
dynamic = ["version"]
name = "python-telegram-bot"
description = "We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse"
readme = "README.rst"
2024-10-24 20:48:49 +02:00
requires-python = ">=3.9"
2024-06-15 10:29:19 +02:00
license = "LGPL-3.0-only"
license-files = { paths = ["LICENSE", "LICENSE.dual", "LICENSE.lesser"] }
authors = [
{ name = "Leandro Toledo", email = "devs@python-telegram-bot.org" }
keywords = [
classifiers = [
"Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable",
"Intended Audience :: Developers",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPLv3)",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
"Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules",
"Topic :: Communications :: Chat",
"Topic :: Internet",
"Programming Language :: Python",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12",
2024-06-18 16:25:02 -04:00
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3.13",
2024-06-15 10:29:19 +02:00
dependencies = [
"httpx ~= 0.27",
"Homepage" = "https://python-telegram-bot.org"
"Documentation" = "https://docs.python-telegram-bot.org"
"Bug Tracker" = "https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/issues"
"Source Code" = "https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot"
"News" = "https://t.me/pythontelegrambotchannel"
"Changelog" = "https://docs.python-telegram-bot.org/en/stable/changelog.html"
"Support" = "https://t.me/pythontelegrambotgroup"
# Make sure to install those as additional_dependencies in the
# pre-commit hooks for pylint & mypy
# Also update the readme accordingly
# When dependencies release new versions and tests succeed, we should try to expand the allowed
# versions and only increase the lower bound if necessary
# When adding new groups, make sure to update `ext` and `all` accordingly
# Optional dependencies for production
all = [
callback-data = [
# Cachetools doesn't have a strict stability policy. Let's be cautious for now.
2024-09-01 10:35:11 +02:00
2024-06-15 10:29:19 +02:00
ext = [
http2 = [
job-queue = [
# APS doesn't have a strict stability policy. Let's be cautious for now.
2024-12-07 10:32:39 +00:00
2024-06-15 10:29:19 +02:00
passport = [
2024-06-18 16:25:02 -04:00
# cffi is a dependency of cryptography and added support for python 3.13 in 1.17.0rc1
"cffi >= 1.17.0rc1; python_version > '3.12'"
2024-06-15 10:29:19 +02:00
rate-limiter = [
2024-12-07 11:31:52 +01:00
2024-06-15 10:29:19 +02:00
socks = [
webhooks = [
# tornado is rather stable, but let's not allow the next major release without prior testing
# dynamically evaluates the `__version__` variable in that file
source = "code"
path = "telegram/_version.py"
search-paths = ["telegram"]
packages = ["telegram"]
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
2020-10-09 17:22:07 +02:00
line-length = 99
2022-05-05 12:57:54 +05:30
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
2022-05-05 12:57:54 +05:30
[tool.isort] # black config
profile = "black"
line_length = 99
2023-01-06 20:49:49 +05:30
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
2023-01-06 20:49:49 +05:30
line-length = 99
2023-03-25 23:48:04 +05:30
show-fixes = true
2023-04-05 20:52:52 +02:00
2024-01-24 14:53:36 -05:00
preview = true
2024-06-30 12:22:12 -04:00
explicit-preview-rules = true # TODO: Drop this when RUF022 and RUF023 are out of preview
2024-02-05 13:24:00 -05:00
ignore = ["PLR2004", "PLR0911", "PLR0912", "PLR0913", "PLR0915", "PERF203"]
select = ["E", "F", "I", "PL", "UP", "RUF", "PTH", "C4", "B", "PIE", "SIM", "RET", "RSE",
"G", "ISC", "PT", "ASYNC", "TCH", "SLOT", "PERF", "PYI", "FLY", "AIR", "RUF022",
2024-08-07 15:56:46 -04:00
"RUF023", "Q", "INP", "W", "YTT", "DTZ", "ARG", "T20", "FURB", "DOC", "TRY",
"D100", "D101", "D102", "D103", "D300", "D418", "D419", "S"]
2024-05-12 03:13:20 -04:00
# Add "A (flake8-builtins)" after we drop pylint
2024-01-24 14:53:36 -05:00
2024-02-05 13:24:00 -05:00
2023-04-05 20:52:52 +02:00
"tests/*.py" = ["B018"]
2024-08-07 15:56:46 -04:00
"tests/**.py" = ["RUF012", "ASYNC230", "DTZ", "ARG", "T201", "ASYNC109", "D", "S", "TRY"]
"telegram/**.py" = ["TRY003"]
"telegram/ext/_applicationbuilder.py" = ["TRY004"]
"telegram/ext/filters.py" = ["D102"]
"docs/**.py" = ["INP001", "ARG", "D", "TRY003", "S"]
"examples/**.py" = ["ARG", "D", "S105", "TRY003"]
convention = "google"
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
[tool.pylint."messages control"]
enable = ["useless-suppression"]
2024-02-05 13:24:00 -05:00
disable = ["duplicate-code", "too-many-arguments", "too-many-public-methods",
"too-few-public-methods", "broad-exception-caught", "too-many-instance-attributes",
"fixme", "missing-function-docstring", "missing-class-docstring", "too-many-locals",
2024-12-04 15:54:03 -04:00
"too-many-lines", "too-many-branches", "too-many-statements", "cyclic-import",
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
# run pylint across multiple cpu cores to speed it up-
# https://pylint.pycqa.org/en/latest/user_guide/run.html?#parallel-execution to know more
jobs = 0
exclude-protected = ["_unfrozen"]
testpaths = ["tests"]
2024-04-28 22:32:20 +02:00
addopts = "--no-success-flaky-report -rX"
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
filterwarnings = [
'ignore:Tasks created via `Application\.create_task` while the application is not running',
# TODO: Write so good code that we don't need to ignore ResourceWarnings anymore
# Unfortunately due to https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/8343 we can't have this here
# and instead do a trick directly in tests/conftest.py
# ignore::telegram.utils.deprecate.TelegramDeprecationWarning
markers = [
"dev", # If you want to test a specific test, use this
asyncio_mode = "auto"
2024-12-29 20:16:46 +01:00
log_cli_format = "%(funcName)s - Line %(lineno)d - %(message)s"
# log_cli_level = "DEBUG" # uncomment to see DEBUG logs
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
warn_unused_ignores = true
warn_unused_configs = true
disallow_untyped_defs = true
disallow_incomplete_defs = true
disallow_untyped_decorators = true
show_error_codes = true
2024-10-24 20:48:49 +02:00
python_version = "3.9"
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00
# For some files, it's easier to just disable strict-optional all together instead of
# cluttering the code with `# type: ignore`s or stuff like
# `if self.text is None: raise RuntimeError()`
module = [
strict_optional = false
# type hinting for asyncio in webhookhandler is a bit tricky because it depends on the OS
module = "telegram.ext._utils.webhookhandler"
warn_unused_ignores = false
# The libs listed below are only used for the `customwebhookbot_*.py` examples
# let's just ignore type checking for them for now
module = [
"apscheduler.*", # not part of `customwebhookbot_*.py` examples
ignore_missing_imports = true
branch = true
source = ["telegram"]
parallel = true
concurrency = ["thread", "multiprocessing"]
omit = [
exclude_also = [
2024-02-05 13:24:00 -05:00
2024-02-05 11:28:47 -05:00