This library provides a pure Python interface for the `Telegram Bot API <>`_. It works with Python versions from 2.6+. It also works with `Google App Engine <>`_.
The ``Updater`` class is the new way to create bots with ``python-telegram-bot``. It provides an easy-to-use interface to the ``telegram.Bot`` by caring about getting new updates from telegram and forwarding them to the ``Dispatcher`` class. We can register handler functions in the ``Dispatcher`` to make our bot react to Telegram commands, messages and even arbitrary updates.
As with the old method, we'll need an Access Token. To generate an Access Token, we have to talk to `BotFather <>`_ and follow a few simple steps (described `here <>`_).
First, we create an ``Updater`` object::
>>> from telegram import Updater
>>> updater = Updater(token='token')
For quicker access to the ``Dispatcher`` used by our ``Updater``, we can introduce it locally::
>>> dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
Now, we need to define a function that should process a specific type of update::
>>> def start(bot, update):
... bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="I'm a bot, please talk to me!")
We want this function to be called on a Telegram message that contains the ``/start`` command, so we need to register it in the dispatcher::
The last step is to tell the ``Updater`` to start working::
>>> updater.start_polling()
Our bot is now up and running (go ahead and try it)! It's not doing anything yet, besides answering to the ``/start`` command. Let's add another handler function and register it::
Let's add some functionality to our bot. We want to add the ``/caps`` command, that will take some text as parameter and return it in all caps. We can get the arguments that were passed to the command in the handler function simply by adding it to the parameter list::
Note: Using the ``Bot`` class directly is the 'old' method, but some of this is still important information, even if you're using the ``Updater`` class!
To generate an Access Token you have to talk to `BotFather <>`_ and follow a few simple steps (described `here <>`_).
Bots can't initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first. People can use ``<bot_username>`` links or username search to find your bot.
To fetch text messages sent to your Bot::
>>> updates = bot.getUpdates()
>>> print [u.message.text for u in updates]
To fetch images sent to your Bot::
>>> updates = bot.getUpdates()
>>> print [ for u in updates if]
The job queue uses functions for tasks, so we define one and add it to the queue. Usually, when the first job is added to the queue, it wil start automatically. We can prevent this by setting ``prevent_autostart=True``::
Now, because we didn't prevent the auto start this time, the queue will start ticking. It runs in a seperate thread, so it is non-blocking. When we stop the Updater, the related queue will be stopped as well::
-`timerbot <>`_ uses the ``JobQueue`` to send timed messages.
-`Welcome Bot <>`_ greets everyone who joins a group chat.
Legacy examples (pre-3.0):
-`echobot <>`_ replies back messages.
-`roboed <>`_ talks to `Robô Ed <>`_.
-`Simple-Echo-Telegram-Bot <>`_ simple Python Telegram bot that echoes your input with Flask microframework, setWebhook method, and Google App Engine (optional) - by @sooyhwang.
-`DevOps Reaction Bot <>`_ sends latest or random posts from `DevOps Reaction <>`_. Running on `Google App Engine <>`_ (billing has to be enabled for fully Socket API support).
You may copy, distribute and modify the software provided that modifications are described and licensed for free under `LGPL-3 <>`_. Derivatives works (including modifications or anything statically linked to the library) can only be redistributed under `LGPL-3 <>`_, but applications that use the library don't have to be.
Patches and bug reports are `welcome <>`_, just please keep the style consistent with the original source.