2017-08-11 23:58:41 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
2023-01-01 21:31:29 +01:00
# Copyright (C) 2015-2023
2017-08-11 23:58:41 +02:00
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <devs@python-telegram-bot.org>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
import inspect
2022-05-05 12:57:54 +05:30
import os
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
import re
from typing import Dict, List, Set
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
import httpx
2022-05-05 12:57:54 +05:30
import pytest
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
Bot API 4.0 (#1168)
Telegram Passport (#1174):
- Add full support for telegram passport.
- New types: PassportData, PassportFile, EncryptedPassportElement, EncryptedCredentials, PassportElementError, PassportElementErrorDataField, PassportElementErrorFrontSide, PassportElementErrorReverseSide, PassportElementErrorSelfie, PassportElementErrorFile and PassportElementErrorFiles.
- New bot method: set_passport_data_errors
- New filter: Filters.passport_data
- Field passport_data field on Message
- PassportData is automagically decrypted when you specify your private key when creating Updater or Bot.
- PassportFiles is also automagically decrypted as you download/retrieve them.
- See new passportbot.py example for details on how to use, or go to our telegram passport wiki page for more info
- NOTE: Passport decryption requires new dependency `cryptography`.
Inputfile rework (#1184):
- Change how Inputfile is handled internally
- This allows support for specifying the thumbnails of photos and videos using the thumb= argument in the different send_ methods.
- Also allows Bot.send_media_group to actually finally send more than one media.
- Add thumb to Audio, Video and Videonote
- Add Bot.edit_message_media together with InputMediaAnimation, InputMediaAudio, and inputMediaDocument.
Other Bot API 4.0 changes:
- Add forusquare_type to Venue, InlineQueryResultVenue, InputVenueMessageContent, and Bot.send_venue. (#1170)
- Add vCard support by adding vcard field to Contact, InlineQueryResultContact, InputContactMessageContent, and Bot.send_contact. (#1166)
- Support new message entities: CASHTAG and PHONE_NUMBER. (#1179)
- Cashtag seems to be things like $USD and $GBP, but it seems telegram doesn't currently send them to bots.
- Phone number also seems to have limited support for now
- Add Bot.send_animation, add width, height, and duration to Animation, and add Filters.animation. (#1172)
Co-authored-by: Jasmin Bom <jsmnbom@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: code1mountain <32801117+code1mountain@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Eldinnie <pieter.schutz+github@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: mathefreak1 <mathefreak@hi2.in>
2018-08-29 14:18:58 +02:00
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
import telegram
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import DefaultValue
2023-02-22 20:19:46 +01:00
from tests.auxil.envvars import env_var_2_bool
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
IGNORED_OBJECTS = ("ResponseParameters", "CallbackGame")
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
2020-06-30 22:07:38 +02:00
2022-04-24 12:38:09 +02:00
2020-06-30 22:07:38 +02:00
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
# Arguments *added* to the official API
"send_contact": {"contact"},
"send_location": {"location"},
"edit_message_live_location": {"location"},
"send_venue": {"venue"},
"answer_inline_query": {"current_offset"},
"send_media_group": {"caption", "parse_mode", "caption_entities"},
"send_(animation|audio|document|photo|video(_note)?|voice)": {"filename"},
"InlineQueryResult": {"id", "type"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"ChatMember": {"user", "status"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"BotCommandScope": {"type"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"MenuButton": {"type"}, # attributes common to all subclasses
"PassportFile": {"credentials"},
"EncryptedPassportElement": {"credentials"},
"PassportElementError": {"source", "type", "message"},
"InputMedia": {"caption", "caption_entities", "media", "media_type", "parse_mode"},
"InputMedia(Animation|Audio|Document|Photo|Video|VideoNote|Voice)": {"filename"},
"InputFile": {"attach", "filename", "obj"},
def _get_params_base(object_name: str, search_dict: Dict[str, Set[str]]) -> Set[str]:
"""Helper function for the *_params functions below.
Given an object name and a search dict, goes through the keys of the search dict and checks if
the object name matches any of the regexes (keys). The union of all the sets (values) of the
matching regexes is returned. `object_name` may be a CamelCase or snake_case name.
out = set()
for regex, params in search_dict.items():
if re.fullmatch(regex, object_name):
# also check the snake_case version
snake_case_name = re.sub(r"(?<!^)(?=[A-Z])", "_", object_name).lower()
if re.fullmatch(regex, snake_case_name):
return out
def ptb_extra_params(object_name) -> Set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, PTB_EXTRA_PARAMS)
# Arguments *removed* from the official API
r"InlineQueryResult\w+": {"type"},
r"ChatMember\w+": {"status"},
r"PassportElementError\w+": {"source"},
"ForceReply": {"force_reply"},
"ReplyKeyboardRemove": {"remove_keyboard"},
r"BotCommandScope\w+": {"type"},
r"MenuButton\w+": {"type"},
r"InputMedia\w+": {"type"},
def ptb_ignored_params(object_name) -> Set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, PTB_IGNORED_PARAMS)
# Ignore these since there's convenience params in them (eg. Venue)
# <----
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
"send_location": {"latitude", "longitude"},
"edit_message_live_location": {"latitude", "longitude"},
"send_venue": {"latitude", "longitude", "title", "address"},
"send_contact": {"phone_number", "first_name"},
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
# ---->
# These are optional for now for backwards compatibility
# <----
"InlineQueryResult(Article|Photo|Gif|Mpeg4Gif|Video|Document|Location|Venue)": {
"InlineQueryResultVideo": {"title"},
# ---->
def ignored_param_requirements(object_name) -> Set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, IGNORED_PARAM_REQUIREMENTS)
# Arguments that are optional arguments for now for backwards compatibility
"create_new_sticker_set": {
"add_sticker_to_set": {
"upload_sticker_file": {"sticker", "sticker_format", "png_sticker"},
"send_(animation|audio|document|video(_note)?)": {"thumb"},
"(Animation|Audio|Document|Photo|Sticker(Set)?|Video|VideoNote|Voice)": {"thumb"},
"InputMedia(Animation|Audio|Document|Video)": {"thumb"},
"Chat(MemberRestricted|Permissions)": {"can_send_media_messages"},
"InlineQueryResult(Article|Contact|Document|Location|Venue)": {
"InlineQueryResult(Article|Photo|Gif|Mpeg4Gif|Video|Contact|Document|Location|Venue)": {
"InlineQueryResult(Game|Gif|Mpeg4Gif)": {"thumb_mime_type"},
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
def backwards_compat_kwargs(object_name: str) -> Set[str]:
return _get_params_base(object_name, BACKWARDS_COMPAT_KWARGS)
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
def find_next_sibling_until(tag, name, until):
for sibling in tag.next_siblings:
if sibling is until:
2023-03-25 23:48:04 +05:30
return None
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
if sibling.name == name:
return sibling
2023-03-25 23:48:04 +05:30
return None
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
def parse_table(h4) -> List[List[str]]:
"""Parses the Telegram doc table and has an output of a 2D list."""
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
table = find_next_sibling_until(h4, "table", h4.find_next_sibling("h4"))
if not table:
return []
t = []
for tr in table.find_all("tr")[1:]:
2017-10-14 20:03:02 +02:00
t.append([td.text for td in tr.find_all("td")])
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
return t
def check_method(h4):
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
name = h4.text # name of the method in telegram's docs.
method = getattr(telegram.Bot, name) # Retrieve our lib method
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
table = parse_table(h4)
# Check arguments based on source
sig = inspect.signature(method, follow_wrapped=True)
checked = []
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
for tg_parameter in table: # Iterates through each row in the table
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
# Check if parameter is present in our method
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
param = sig.parameters.get(
tg_parameter[0] # parameter[0] is first element (the param name)
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
if param is None:
raise AssertionError(f"Parameter {tg_parameter[0]} not found in {method.__name__}")
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
# TODO: Check type via docstring
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
# Now check if the parameter is required or not
if not check_required_param(tg_parameter, param, method.__name__):
raise AssertionError(
f"Param {param.name!r} of method {method.__name__!r} requirement mismatch!"
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
# Now we will check that we don't pass default values if the parameter is not required.
if param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: # If there is a default argument...
default_arg_none = check_defaults_type(param) # check if it's None
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
if not default_arg_none:
raise AssertionError(f"Param {param.name!r} of {method.__name__!r} should be None")
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
expected_additional_args = GLOBALLY_IGNORED_PARAMETERS.copy()
expected_additional_args |= ptb_extra_params(name)
expected_additional_args |= backwards_compat_kwargs(name)
unexpected_args = (sig.parameters.keys() ^ checked) - expected_additional_args
if unexpected_args != set():
raise AssertionError(
f"In {method.__qualname__}, unexpected args were found: {unexpected_args}."
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2022-05-18 18:18:44 +03:00
kw_or_positional_args = [
p.name for p in sig.parameters.values() if p.kind != inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
non_kw_only_args = set(kw_or_positional_args).difference(checked).difference(["self"])
non_kw_only_args -= backwards_compat_kwargs(name)
if non_kw_only_args != set():
raise AssertionError(
f"In {method.__qualname__}, extra args should be keyword only "
f"(compared to {name} in API)"
2022-05-18 18:18:44 +03:00
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
def check_object(h4):
name = h4.text
obj = getattr(telegram, name)
table = parse_table(h4)
2021-08-20 01:31:10 +05:30
# Check arguments based on source. Makes sure to only check __init__'s signature & nothing else
sig = inspect.signature(obj.__init__, follow_wrapped=True)
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
checked = set()
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
fields_removed_by_ptb = ptb_ignored_params(name)
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
for tg_parameter in table:
field: str = tg_parameter[0] # From telegram docs
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
if field in fields_removed_by_ptb:
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
if field == "from":
field = "from_user"
param = sig.parameters.get(field)
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
if param is None:
raise AssertionError(f"Attribute {field} not found in {obj.__name__}")
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
# TODO: Check type via docstring
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
if not check_required_param(tg_parameter, param, obj.__name__):
raise AssertionError(f"{obj.__name__!r} parameter {param.name!r} requirement mismatch")
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
if param.default is not inspect.Parameter.empty: # If there is a default argument...
default_arg_none = check_defaults_type(param) # check if its None
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
if not default_arg_none:
raise AssertionError(f"Param {param.name!r} of {obj.__name__!r} should be `None`")
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
expected_additional_args = GLOBALLY_IGNORED_PARAMETERS.copy()
expected_additional_args |= ptb_extra_params(name)
expected_additional_args |= backwards_compat_kwargs(name)
unexpected_args = (sig.parameters.keys() ^ checked) - expected_additional_args
if unexpected_args != set():
raise AssertionError(f"In {name}, unexpected args were found: {unexpected_args}.")
2017-06-14 13:42:57 +02:00
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
def is_parameter_required_by_tg(field: str) -> bool:
if field in {"Required", "Yes"}:
return True
2023-03-25 23:48:04 +05:30
return field.split(".", 1)[0] != "Optional" # splits the sentence and extracts first word
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
def check_required_param(
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
param_desc: List[str], param: inspect.Parameter, method_or_obj_name: str
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
) -> bool:
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
"""Checks if the method/class parameter is a required/optional param as per Telegram docs.
:obj:`bool`: The boolean returned represents whether our parameter's requirement (optional
or required) is the same as Telegram's or not.
is_ours_required = param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty
telegram_requires = is_parameter_required_by_tg(param_desc[2])
# Handle cases where we provide convenience intentionally-
2023-03-25 11:47:26 +01:00
if param.name in ignored_param_requirements(method_or_obj_name):
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
return True
return telegram_requires is is_ours_required
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
def check_defaults_type(ptb_param: inspect.Parameter) -> bool:
2023-03-25 23:48:04 +05:30
return DefaultValue.get_value(ptb_param.default) is None
2021-08-29 21:47:06 +05:30
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
to_run = env_var_2_bool(os.getenv("TEST_OFFICIAL"))
2017-08-11 23:58:41 +02:00
argvalues = []
names = []
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
if to_run:
argvalues = []
names = []
request = httpx.get("https://core.telegram.org/bots/api")
soup = BeautifulSoup(request.text, "html.parser")
for thing in soup.select("h4 > a.anchor"):
# Methods and types don't have spaces in them, luckily all other sections of the docs do
# TODO: don't depend on that
if "-" not in thing["name"]:
h4 = thing.parent
2017-08-11 23:58:41 +02:00
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
# Is it a method
if h4.text[0].lower() == h4.text[0]:
argvalues.append((check_method, h4))
elif h4.text not in IGNORED_OBJECTS: # Or a type/object
argvalues.append((check_object, h4))
2017-08-11 23:58:41 +02:00
2022-05-09 23:00:46 +05:30
@pytest.mark.skipif(not to_run, reason="test_official is not enabled")
2017-08-11 23:58:41 +02:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize(("method", "data"), argvalues=argvalues, ids=names)
def test_official(method, data):