2016-07-15 01:48:11 +02:00
2016-07-14 21:56:05 +02:00
2016-07-15 01:48:11 +02:00
2017-07-28 21:21:12 +03:00
*Released 7.0.1*
- Fix TypeError exception in RegexHandler (PR #751).
- Small documentation fix (PR #749).
2017-07-25 22:33:28 +03:00
*Released 7.0.0*
2017-07-25 23:07:26 +03:00
2017-07-25 22:33:28 +03:00
- Fully support Bot API 3.2.
2017-07-25 22:48:18 +03:00
- New filters for handling messages from specific chat/user id (PR #677).
2017-07-25 22:33:28 +03:00
- Add the possibility to add objects as arguments to send_* methods (PR #742).
- Fixed download of URLs with UTF-8 chars in path (PR #688).
- Fixed URL parsing for `` Message `` text properties (PR #689).
- Fixed args dispatching in `` MessageQueue `` 's decorator (PR #705).
2017-07-25 22:48:18 +03:00
- Fixed regression preventing IPv6 only hosts from connnecting to Telegram servers (Issue #720).
- ConvesationHandler - check if a user exist before using it (PR #699).
2017-07-25 22:33:28 +03:00
- Removed deprecated `` telegram.Emoji `` .
- Removed deprecated `` Botan `` import from `` utils `` (`` Botan `` is still available through `` contrib `` ).
- Removed deprecated `` ReplyKeyboardHide `` .
2017-07-25 22:48:18 +03:00
- Removed deprecated `` edit_message `` argument of `` bot.set_game_score `` .
2017-07-01 17:08:45 +02:00
- Internal restructure of files.
2017-07-25 22:33:28 +03:00
- Improved documentation.
2017-07-01 17:08:45 +02:00
- Improved unitests.
2017-06-18 12:35:16 +02:00
*Released 6.1.0*
- Fully support Bot API 3.0
- Add more fine-grained filters for status updates
- Bug fixes and other improvements
2017-05-29 21:24:12 +02:00
2017-05-29 22:55:15 +02:00
*Released 6.0.3*
- Faulty PyPI release
2017-05-29 21:24:12 +02:00
*Released 6.0.2*
- Avoid confusion with user's `` urllib3 `` by renaming vendored `` urllib3 `` to `` ptb_urllib3 ``
2017-05-21 14:25:40 +02:00
*Released 6.0.1*
- Add support for `` User.language_code ``
- Fix `` Message.text_html `` and `` Message.text_markdown `` for messages with emoji
2017-05-19 21:49:01 +02:00
*Released 6.0.0*
- Add support for Bot API 2.3.1
- Add support for `` deleteMessage `` API method
- New, simpler API for `` JobQueue `` - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/484
- Download files into file-like objects - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/459
- Use vendor `` urllib3 `` to address issues with timeouts
- The default timeout for messages is now 5 seconds. For sending media, the default timeout is now 20 seconds.
- String attributes that are not set are now `` None `` by default, instead of empty strings
- Add `` text_markdown `` and `` text_html `` properties to `` Message `` - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/507
- Add support for Socks5 proxy - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/518
- Add support for filters in `` CommandHandler `` - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/536
- Add the ability to invert (not) filters - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/552
- Add `` Filters.group `` and `` Filters.private ``
- Compatibility with GAE via `` urllib3.contrib `` package - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/583
- Add equality rich comparision operators to telegram objects - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/604
- Several bugfixes and other improvements
- Remove some deprecated code
2017-04-25 17:26:54 +02:00
*Released 5.3.1*
- Hotfix release due to bug introduced by urllib3 version 1.21
2016-12-11 23:51:51 +01:00
*Released 5.3*
- Implement API changes of November 21st (Bot API 2.3)
- `` JobQueue `` now supports `` datetime.timedelta `` in addition to seconds
- `` JobQueue `` now supports running jobs only on certain days
- New `` Filters.reply `` filter
- Bugfix for `` Message.edit_reply_markup ``
- Other bugfixes
2016-10-25 20:10:36 +02:00
*Released 5.2*
- Implement API changes of October 3rd (games update)
- Add `` Message.edit_* `` methods
- Filters for the `` MessageHandler `` can now be combined using bitwise operators (`` & and | `` )
- Add a way to save user- and chat-related data temporarily
- Other bugfixes and improvements
2016-09-24 15:29:23 +02:00
*Released 5.1*
- Drop Python 2.6 support
- Deprecate `` telegram.Emoji ``
- Use `` ujson `` if available
- Add instance methods to `` Message `` , `` Chat `` , `` User `` , `` InlineQuery `` and `` CallbackQuery ``
- RegEx filtering for `` CallbackQueryHandler `` and `` InlineQueryHandler ``
- New `` MessageHandler `` filters: `` forwarded `` and `` entity ``
- Add `` Message.get_entity `` to correctly handle UTF-16 codepoints and `` MessageEntity `` offsets
- Fix bug in `` ConversationHandler `` when first handler ends the conversation
- Allow multiple `` Dispatcher `` instances
- Add `` ChatMigrated `` Exception
- Properly split and handle arguments in `` CommandHandler ``
2016-07-15 01:48:11 +02:00
*Released 5.0*
- Rework `` JobQueue ``
- Introduce `` ConversationHandler ``
2017-06-01 11:33:36 +02:00
- Introduce `` telegram.constants `` - https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/pull/342
2016-07-15 01:48:11 +02:00
2016-07-12 23:34:49 +03:00
*Released 4.3.4*
- Fix proxy support with `` urllib3 `` when proxy requires auth
2016-07-08 22:13:46 +02:00
*Released 4.3.3*
- Fix proxy support with `` urllib3 ``
2016-07-04 21:52:00 +02:00
*Released 4.3.2*
- Fix: Use `` timeout `` parameter in all API methods
2016-06-29 15:53:52 +02:00
*Released 4.3.1*
- Update wrong requirement: `` urllib3>=1.10 ``
2016-06-28 13:35:42 +02:00
*Released 4.3*
- Use `` urllib3.PoolManager `` for connection re-use
- Rewrite `` run_async `` decorator to re-use threads
- New requirements: `` urllib3 `` and `` certifi ``
2016-06-10 09:44:17 -04:00
*Released 4.2.1*
- Fix `` CallbackQuery.to_dict() `` bug (thanks to @jlmadurga)
- Fix `` editMessageText `` exception when receiving a `` CallbackQuery ``
2016-05-28 22:49:15 +02:00
*Released 4.2*
- Implement Bot API 2.1
- Move `` botan `` module to `` telegram.contrib ``
- New exception type: `` BadRequest ``
2016-05-22 13:01:14 +02:00
*Released 4.1.2*
- Fix `` MessageEntity `` decoding with Bot API 2.1 changes
2016-05-16 16:05:02 +02:00
*Released 4.1.1*
- Fix deprecation warning in `` Dispatcher ``
2016-05-15 20:24:09 -03:00
*Released 4.1*
- Implement API changes from May 6, 2016
- Fix bug when `` start_polling `` with `` clean=True ``
- Methods now have snake_case equivalent, for example `` telegram.Bot.send_message `` is the same as `` telegram.Bot.sendMessage ``
2016-05-01 22:13:24 +02:00
*Released 4.0.3*
- Add missing attribute `` location `` to `` InlineQuery ``
2016-04-29 19:26:46 +02:00
*Released 4.0.2*
- Bugfixes
2016-04-29 19:31:39 +02:00
- `` KeyboardReplyMarkup `` now accepts `` str `` again
2016-04-29 19:26:46 +02:00
2016-04-27 01:02:57 +02:00
2016-04-27 01:17:47 +02:00
*Released 4.0.1*
2016-04-27 01:02:57 +02:00
- Implement Bot API 2.0
- Almost complete recode of `` Dispatcher ``
2016-05-29 11:37:35 +02:00
- Please read the `Transition Guide to 4.0 <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/wiki/Transition-guide-to-Version-4.0> `_
2016-04-27 01:02:57 +02:00
- **Changes from 4.0rc1**
- The syntax of filters for `` MessageHandler `` (upper/lower cases)
- Handler groups are now identified by `` int `` only, and ordered
2016-04-27 01:17:47 +02:00
- **Note:** v4.0 has been skipped due to a PyPI accident
2016-04-27 01:02:57 +02:00
2016-04-22 16:27:49 +02:00
*Released 4.0rc1*
- Implement Bot API 2.0
- Almost complete recode of `` Dispatcher ``
- Please read the `Transistion Guide to 4.0 <https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/wiki/Transistion-guide-to-Version-4.0> `_
2016-03-22 03:02:13 +01:00
*Released 3.4*
- Move `` Updater `` , `` Dispatcher `` and `` JobQueue `` to new `` telegram.ext `` submodule (thanks to @rahiel)
- Add `` disable_notification `` parameter (thanks to @aidarbiktimirov)
- Fix bug where commands sent by Telegram Web would not be recognized (thanks to @shelomentsevd)
- Add option to skip old updates on bot startup
- Send files from `` BufferedReader ``
2016-02-28 02:33:49 +01:00
*Released 3.3*
- Inline bots
- Send any file by URL
- Specialized exceptions: `` Unauthorized `` , `` InvalidToken `` , `` NetworkError `` and `` TimedOut ``
- Integration for botan.io (thanks to @ollmer)
- HTML Parsemode (thanks to @jlmadurga)
- Bugfixes and under-the-hood improvements
**Very special thanks to Noam Meltzer (@tsnoam) for all of his work!**
2016-01-09 15:50:19 +01:00
*Released 3.3b1*
- Implement inline bots (beta)
2016-01-05 14:12:03 +01:00
*Released 3.2.0*
- Introducing `` JobQueue `` (original author: @franciscod)
- Streamlining all exceptions to `` TelegramError `` (Special thanks to @tsnoam)
- Proper locking of `` Updater `` and `` Dispatcher `` `` start `` and `` stop `` methods
- Small bugfixes
2015-12-29 14:46:00 +01:00
*Released 3.1.2*
- Fix custom path for file downloads
- Don't stop the dispatcher thread on uncaught errors in handlers
2015-12-21 21:18:53 +01:00
*Released 3.1.1*
- Fix a bug where asynchronous handlers could not have additional arguments
- Add `` groups `` and `` groupdict `` as additional arguments for regex-based handlers
2015-12-16 16:25:14 +01:00
*Released 3.1.0*
- The `` chat `` -field in `` Message `` is now of type `` Chat `` . (API update Oct 8 2015)
- `` Message `` now contains the optional fields `` supergroup_chat_created `` , `` migrate_to_chat_id `` , `` migrate_from_chat_id `` and `` channel_chat_created `` . (API update Nov 2015)
2015-12-08 00:07:21 +01:00
*Released 3.0.0*
- Introducing the `` Updater `` and `` Dispatcher `` classes
2015-11-11 11:31:20 -02:00
*Released 2.9.2*
- Error handling on request timeouts has been improved
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-11-10 12:21:04 -02:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.9.1*
2015-11-10 12:21:04 -02:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Add parameter `` network_delay `` to Bot.getUpdates for slow connections
2015-10-08 11:31:48 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-10-08 11:31:48 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.9*
2015-10-08 10:23:12 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Emoji class now uses `` bytes_to_native_str `` from `` future `` 3rd party lib
- Make `` user_from `` optional to work with channels
- Raise exception if Telegram times out on long-polling
2015-10-08 10:23:12 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Special thanks to @jh0ker for all hard work*
2015-09-24 09:29:23 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-09-20 12:52:40 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8.7*
2015-09-20 12:52:40 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Type as optional for `` GroupChat `` class
2015-09-20 12:43:32 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-09-20 12:43:32 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8.6*
2015-09-20 12:43:32 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Adds type to `` User `` and `` GroupChat `` classes (pre-release Telegram feature)
2015-09-04 19:00:54 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-09-04 18:19:05 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8.5*
2015-09-04 18:19:05 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Handles HTTP Bad Gateway (503) errors on request
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Fixes regression on `` Audio `` and `` Document `` for unicode fields
2015-08-19 16:16:06 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-08-17 13:15:29 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8.4*
2015-08-17 13:15:29 -03:00
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- `` getFile `` and `` File.download `` is now fully supported
2015-08-15 15:06:32 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-08-14 16:36:39 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8.3*
2015-08-14 16:36:39 -03:00
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Moved `` Bot._requestURL `` to its own class (`` telegram.utils.request `` )
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Much better, such wow, Telegram Objects tests
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Add consistency for `` str `` properties on Telegram Objects
- Better design to test if `` chat_id `` is invalid
- Add ability to set custom filename on `` Bot.sendDocument(..,filename='') ``
- Fix Sticker as `` InputFile ``
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Send JSON requests over urlencoded post data
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Markdown support for `` Bot.sendMessage(..., parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) ``
- Refactor of `` TelegramError `` class (no more handling `` IOError `` or `` URLError `` )
2015-08-11 23:49:26 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-08-11 17:37:28 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8.2*
2015-08-11 17:37:28 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Fix regression on Telegram ReplyMarkup
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Add certificate to `` is_inputfile `` method
2015-08-10 14:48:24 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-08-09 10:17:32 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8.1*
2015-08-09 10:17:32 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Fix regression on Telegram objects with thumb properties
2015-08-08 19:37:14 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-08-08 19:18:58 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.8*
2015-08-08 19:18:58 -03:00
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- TelegramError when `` chat_id `` is empty for send* methods
- `` setWebhook `` now supports sending self-signed certificate
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Huge redesign of existing Telegram classes
- Added support for PyPy
- Added docstring for existing classes
2015-07-25 18:31:01 -03:00
2015-08-08 19:18:58 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-07-20 08:03:47 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.7.1*
2015-07-20 08:03:47 -03:00
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Fixed JSON serialization for `` message ``
2015-07-19 23:40:12 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.7*
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Added support for `` Voice `` object and `` sendVoice `` method
- Due backward compatibility performer or/and title will be required for `` sendAudio ``
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Fixed JSON serialization when forwarded message
2015-07-12 10:35:37 -03:00
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-07-11 10:02:29 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.6.1*
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Fixed parsing image header issue on < Python 2.7.3
2015-07-10 22:41:34 -03:00
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-07-10 16:52:03 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.6.0*
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Depreciation of `` require_authentication `` and `` clearCredentials `` methods
- Giving `` AUTHORS `` the proper credits for their contribution for this project
- `` Message.date `` and `` Message.forward_date `` are now `` datetime `` objects
2015-07-10 13:52:36 -03:00
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-07-10 09:24:44 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.5.3*
2015-07-15 11:48:33 -03:00
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- `` telegram.Bot `` now supports to be unpickled
2015-07-09 09:53:11 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
2015-07-08 18:33:28 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.5.2*
2015-07-08 18:33:28 -03:00
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- New changes from Telegram Bot API have been applied
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- `` telegram.Bot `` now supports to be pickled
- Return empty `` str `` instead `` None `` when `` message.text `` is empty
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.5.1*
- Moved from GPLv2 to LGPLv3
*Released 2.5*
- Fixes logging calls in API
*Released 2.4*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Fixes `` Emoji `` class for Python 3
- `` PEP8 `` improvements
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.3*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Fixes `` ForceReply `` class
- Remove `` logging.basicConfig `` from library
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.2*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Allows `` debug=True `` when initializing `` telegram.Bot ``
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.1*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Fix `` to_dict `` for `` Document `` and `` Video ``
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 2.0*
- Fixes bugs
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Improves `` __str__ `` over `` to_json() ``
- Creates abstract class `` TelegramObject ``
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 1.9*
- Python 3 officially supported
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- `` PEP8 `` improvements
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 1.8*
- Fixes crash when replying an unicode text message (special thanks to JRoot3D)
*Released 1.7*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Fixes crash when `` username `` is not defined on `` chat `` (special thanks to JRoot3D)
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 1.6*
- Improvements for GAE support
*Released 1.5*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Fixes randomly unicode issues when using `` InputFile ``
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 1.4*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- `` requests `` lib is no longer required
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Google App Engine (GAE) is supported
*Released 1.3*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- Added support to `` setWebhook `` (special thanks to macrojames)
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 1.2*
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- `` CustomKeyboard `` classes now available
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
- Emojis available
2015-11-10 21:32:54 +01:00
- `` PEP8 `` improvements
2015-11-10 20:10:44 +01:00
*Released 1.1*
- PyPi package now available
*Released 1.0*
- Initial checkin of python-telegram-bot