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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2021
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
import asyncio
import logging
import os
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
import signal
2016-04-23 23:11:25 -03:00
import sys
import threading
from contextlib import contextmanager
from flaky import flaky
from functools import partial
from queue import Queue
2016-04-27 00:28:21 +02:00
from random import randrange
from threading import Thread, Event
from time import sleep
from urllib.request import Request, urlopen
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import pytest
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
from telegram import (
from telegram.error import Unauthorized, InvalidToken, TimedOut, RetryAfter
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
from telegram.ext import (
from telegram.utils.deprecate import TelegramDeprecationWarning
from telegram.ext.utils.webhookhandler import WebhookServer
signalskip = pytest.mark.skipif(
sys.platform == 'win32',
reason="Can't send signals without stopping whole process on windows",
ASYNCIO_LOCK = threading.Lock()
def set_asyncio_event_loop(loop):
orig_lop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except RuntimeError:
orig_lop = None
class TestUpdater:
message_count = 0
received = None
attempts = 0
err_handler_called = Event()
cb_handler_called = Event()
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
offset = 0
test_flag = False
2015-11-21 15:45:45 +01:00
def test_slot_behaviour(self, updater, mro_slots, recwarn):
for at in updater.__slots__:
at = f"_Updater{at}" if at.startswith('__') and not at.endswith('__') else at
assert getattr(updater, at, 'err') != 'err', f"got extra slot '{at}'"
assert not updater.__dict__, f"got missing slot(s): {updater.__dict__}"
assert len(mro_slots(updater)) == len(set(mro_slots(updater))), "duplicate slot"
updater.custom, updater.running = 'should give warning', updater.running
assert len(recwarn) == 1 and 'custom' in str(recwarn[0].message), recwarn.list
class CustomUpdater(Updater):
pass # Tests that setting custom attributes of Updater subclass doesn't raise warning
a = CustomUpdater(
a.my_custom = 'no error!'
assert len(recwarn) == 1
updater.__setattr__('__test', 'mangled success')
assert getattr(updater, '_Updater__test', 'e') == 'mangled success', "mangling failed"
2015-11-24 20:34:38 +01:00
def reset(self):
self.message_count = 0
self.received = None
self.attempts = 0
self.test_flag = False
2016-04-21 13:07:44 +02:00
def error_handler(self, bot, update, error):
self.received = error.message
2015-11-21 19:35:24 +01:00
def callback(self, bot, update):
self.received = update.message.text
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
def test_warn_arbitrary_callback_data(self, bot, recwarn):
Updater(bot=bot, arbitrary_callback_data=True)
assert len(recwarn) == 1
assert 'Passing arbitrary_callback_data to an Updater' in str(recwarn[0].message)
argvalues=[(TelegramError('Test Error 2'),), (Unauthorized('Test Unauthorized'),)],
ids=('TelegramError', 'Unauthorized'),
def test_get_updates_normal_err(self, monkeypatch, updater, error):
def test(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'get_updates', test)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# Make sure that the error handler was called
assert self.received == error.message
# Make sure that Updater polling thread keeps running
def test_get_updates_bailout_err(self, monkeypatch, updater, caplog):
error = InvalidToken()
def test(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'get_updates', test)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
assert self.err_handler_called.wait(1) is not True
# NOTE: This test might hit a race condition and fail (though the 1 seconds delay above
# should work around it).
# NOTE: Checking Updater.running is problematic because it is not set to False when there's
# an unhandled exception.
# TODO: We should have a way to poll Updater status and decide if it's running or not.
import pprint
pprint.pprint([rec.getMessage() for rec in caplog.get_records('call')])
assert any(
2020-11-23 22:09:29 +01:00
f'unhandled exception in Bot:{}:updater' in rec.getMessage()
for rec in caplog.get_records('call')
('error',), argvalues=[(RetryAfter(0.01),), (TimedOut(),)], ids=('RetryAfter', 'TimedOut')
def test_get_updates_retries(self, monkeypatch, updater, error):
event = Event()
def test(*args, **kwargs):
raise error
2016-08-06 14:47:45 +02:00
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'get_updates', test)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# Make sure that get_updates was called, but not the error handler
assert self.err_handler_called.wait(0.5) is not True
assert self.received != error.message
# Make sure that Updater polling thread keeps running
assert self.err_handler_called.wait(0.5) is not True
2016-08-06 14:47:45 +02:00
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('ext_bot', [True, False])
def test_webhook(self, monkeypatch, updater, ext_bot):
# Testing with both ExtBot and Bot to make sure any logic in WebhookHandler
# that depends on this distinction works
if ext_bot and not isinstance(, ExtBot): = ExtBot(
if not ext_bot and not type( is Bot: = Bot(
q = Queue()
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, url_path='TOKEN')
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
update = Update(
1, None, Chat(1, ''), from_user=User(1, '', False), text='Webhook'
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json(), 'TOKEN')
assert q.get(False) == update
# Returns 404 if path is incorrect
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, None, '')
assert excinfo.value.code == 404
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
ip, port, None, '', get_method=lambda: 'HEAD'
assert excinfo.value.code == 404
# Test multiple shutdown() calls
assert not updater.httpd.is_running
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('invalid_data', [True, False])
def test_webhook_arbitrary_callback_data(self, monkeypatch, updater, invalid_data):
"""Here we only test one simple setup. telegram.ext.ExtBot.insert_callback_data is tested
extensively in in conjunction with get_updates.""" = True
q = Queue()
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, url_path='TOKEN')
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup.from_button(
InlineKeyboardButton(text='text', callback_data='callback_data')
if not invalid_data:
reply_markup =
message = Message(
update = Update(1, message=message)
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json(), 'TOKEN')
received_update = q.get(False)
assert received_update == update
button = received_update.message.reply_markup.inline_keyboard[0][0]
if invalid_data:
assert isinstance(button.callback_data, InvalidCallbackData)
assert button.callback_data == 'callback_data'
# Test multiple shutdown() calls
assert not updater.httpd.is_running
finally: = False
def test_start_webhook_no_warning_or_error_logs(self, caplog, updater, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# prevent api calls from @info decorator when is used in thread names
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_bot', User(id=123, first_name='bot', is_bot=True))
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_commands', [])
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
with caplog.at_level(logging.WARNING):
updater.start_webhook(ip, port)
assert not caplog.records
def test_webhook_ssl(self, monkeypatch, updater):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
tg_err = False
except TelegramError:
tg_err = True
assert tg_err
def test_webhook_no_ssl(self, monkeypatch, updater):
q = Queue()
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, webhook_url=None)
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
update = Update(
message=Message(1, None, Chat(1, ''), from_user=User(1, '', False), text='Webhook 2'),
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json())
assert q.get(False) == update
def test_webhook_ssl_just_for_telegram(self, monkeypatch, updater):
q = Queue()
def set_webhook(**kwargs):
return True
orig_wh_server_init = WebhookServer.__init__
def webhook_server_init(*args):
self.test_flag = [args[-1] is None]
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', set_webhook)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
'telegram.ext.utils.webhookhandler.WebhookServer.__init__', webhook_server_init
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, webhook_url=None, cert='./tests/')
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
update = Update(
message=Message(1, None, Chat(1, ''), from_user=User(1, '', False), text='Webhook 2'),
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json())
assert q.get(False) == update
assert self.test_flag == [True, True]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pass_max_connections', [True, False])
def test_webhook_max_connections(self, monkeypatch, updater, pass_max_connections):
q = Queue()
max_connections = 42
def set_webhook(**kwargs):
self.test_flag = kwargs.get('max_connections') == (
max_connections if pass_max_connections else 40
return True
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', set_webhook)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.ext.Dispatcher.process_update', lambda _, u: q.put(u))
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
if pass_max_connections:
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, webhook_url=None, max_connections=max_connections)
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, webhook_url=None)
# Now, we send an update to the server via urlopen
update = Update(
message=Message(1, None, Chat(1, ''), from_user=User(1, '', False), text='Webhook 2'),
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, update.to_json())
assert q.get(False) == update
assert self.test_flag is True
@pytest.mark.parametrize(('error',), argvalues=[(TelegramError(''),)], ids=('TelegramError',))
def test_bootstrap_retries_success(self, monkeypatch, updater, error):
retries = 2
def attempt(*args, **kwargs):
if self.attempts < retries:
self.attempts += 1
raise error
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', attempt)
updater.running = True
updater._bootstrap(retries, False, 'path', None, bootstrap_interval=0)
assert self.attempts == retries
('error', 'attempts'),
argvalues=[(TelegramError(''), 2), (Unauthorized(''), 1), (InvalidToken(), 1)],
ids=('TelegramError', 'Unauthorized', 'InvalidToken'),
def test_bootstrap_retries_error(self, monkeypatch, updater, error, attempts):
2016-03-14 01:36:01 +02:00
retries = 1
def attempt(*args, **kwargs):
self.attempts += 1
raise error
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', attempt)
2016-03-14 01:36:01 +02:00
updater.running = True
with pytest.raises(type(error)):
updater._bootstrap(retries, False, 'path', None, bootstrap_interval=0)
assert self.attempts == attempts
@pytest.mark.parametrize('drop_pending_updates', (True, False))
def test_bootstrap_clean_updates(self, monkeypatch, updater, drop_pending_updates):
# As dropping pending updates is done by passing `drop_pending_updates` to
# set_webhook, we just check that we pass the correct value
self.test_flag = False
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
def delete_webhook(**kwargs):
self.test_flag = kwargs.get('drop_pending_updates') == drop_pending_updates
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', delete_webhook)
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
updater.running = True
assert self.test_flag is True
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
def test_deprecation_warnings_start_webhook(self, recwarn, updater, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# prevent api calls from @info decorator when is used in thread names
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_bot', User(id=123, first_name='bot', is_bot=True))
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_commands', [])
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # Select random port
updater.start_webhook(ip, port, clean=True, force_event_loop=False)
for warning in recwarn:
try: # This is for flaky tests (there's an unclosed socket sometimes)
recwarn.pop(ResourceWarning) # internally iterates through recwarn.list and deletes it
except AssertionError:
assert len(recwarn) == 3
assert str(recwarn[0].message).startswith('Old Handler API')
assert str(recwarn[1].message).startswith('The argument `clean` of')
assert str(recwarn[2].message).startswith('The argument `force_event_loop` of')
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
def test_clean_deprecation_warning_polling(self, recwarn, updater, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'set_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
monkeypatch.setattr(, 'delete_webhook', lambda *args, **kwargs: True)
# prevent api calls from @info decorator when is used in thread names
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_bot', User(id=123, first_name='bot', is_bot=True))
monkeypatch.setattr(, '_commands', [])
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
for msg in recwarn:
try: # This is for flaky tests (there's an unclosed socket sometimes)
recwarn.pop(ResourceWarning) # internally iterates through recwarn.list and deletes it
except AssertionError:
assert len(recwarn) == 2
assert str(recwarn[0].message).startswith('Old Handler API')
assert str(recwarn[1].message).startswith('The argument `clean` of')
def test_clean_drop_pending_mutually_exclusive(self, updater):
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='`clean` and `drop_pending_updates` are mutually'):
updater.start_polling(clean=True, drop_pending_updates=False)
with pytest.raises(TypeError, match='`clean` and `drop_pending_updates` are mutually'):
updater.start_webhook(clean=True, drop_pending_updates=False)
Add test for clean argument of Updater.start_polling/webhook (#2002) * added test for 'clean' argument passed to 'start_polling()' * remove TODO * prettify * remove bool from func name * improve name-ing of fake update func * cleanup class and nameing * replace while for for * swap valueerror for runtimeerror * remove all other code to reduce testing * add comments * don't raise error, complete cycle and assert * remove inf loop protection * Revert "remove all other code to reduce testing" This reverts commit 4566a1debd659ce831a52085867c5a74d1575262. * remove error parametrization * remove comment * remove pass from class * rename update_id to offset as the original get_updates() takes argument offset (which is the update_id) * rename test func to match original func * fix comment * shorten for loop * mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates() * remove other functions to reduce testing * replicate original get_updates() * move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug * update comments * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * fix typo * Revert "fix typo" This reverts commit ade9fec609d7262051b24d17fa6b5b1cf579d760. * Revert "Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing"" This reverts commit 734de1371cfddbd003ceb3c4498e837bab55bd05. * Revert "update comments" This reverts commit f3a032e75eee8d2416a236208b71c35ccc237345. * Revert "loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, just easier to debug" This reverts commit 0c6881d8a1066d5762131d28fb350eaeb92b341c. * Revert "move fakeupdate class and list creation outside get_updates and store in var" This reverts commit 71de999300f052afd6b0ffe2914bfdfc201b6b11. * Revert "replicate original get_updates()" This reverts commit 5d0710ac3a8e6f6ddf628b1ad1d53bfa219decdc. * Revert "remove other functions to reduce testing" This reverts commit 1fb498a6ccb619a745b745d61b8345bf1b29b6ba. * Revert "mock get_updates() behavior when 'offset' is passed. Assert with get_updates()" This reverts commit 8c727ba1e814871a59d7ae66d3dcf411847330d2. * loop from 0 to make update_id consistant w array key, for consitency Co-authored-by: ikkemaniac <ikkemaniac@localhost>
2020-06-23 22:25:58 +00:00
@flaky(3, 1)
def test_webhook_invalid_posts(self, updater):
ip = ''
port = randrange(1024, 49152) # select random port for travis
2016-08-26 11:17:05 +02:00
thr = Thread(
target=updater._start_webhook, args=(ip, port, '', None, None, 0, False, None, None)
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
ip, port, '<root><bla>data</bla></root>', content_type='application/xml'
assert excinfo.value.code == 403
with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
2016-05-14 21:52:35 -03:00
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, 'dummy-payload', content_len=-2)
assert excinfo.value.code == 500
# TODO: prevent urllib or the underlying from adding content-length
# with pytest.raises(HTTPError) as excinfo:
# self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, 'dummy-payload', content_len=None)
# assert excinfo.value.code == 411
with pytest.raises(HTTPError):
2016-05-14 21:52:35 -03:00
self._send_webhook_msg(ip, port, 'dummy-payload', content_len='not-a-number')
assert excinfo.value.code == 500
def _send_webhook_msg(
headers = {
'content-type': content_type,
if not payload_str:
content_len = None
payload = None
payload = bytes(payload_str, encoding='utf-8')
if content_len == -1:
content_len = len(payload)
if content_len is not None:
headers['content-length'] = str(content_len)
2020-11-23 22:09:29 +01:00
url = f'http://{ip}:{port}/{url_path}'
req = Request(url, data=payload, headers=headers)
if get_method is not None:
req.get_method = get_method
return urlopen(req)
def signal_sender(self, updater):
while not updater.running:
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
os.kill(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
def test_idle(self, updater, caplog):
Thread(target=partial(self.signal_sender, updater=updater)).start()
with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO):
# There is a chance of a conflict when getting updates since there can be many tests
# (bots) running simultaneously while testing in github actions.
records = caplog.records.copy() # To avoid iterating and removing at same time
for idx, log in enumerate(records):
msg = log.getMessage()
if msg.startswith('Error while getting Updates: Conflict'):
caplog.records.pop(idx) # For stability
if msg.startswith('No error handlers are registered'):
assert len(caplog.records) == 2, caplog.records
rec = caplog.records[-2]
2020-11-23 22:09:29 +01:00
assert rec.getMessage().startswith(f'Received signal {signal.SIGTERM}')
assert rec.levelname == 'INFO'
rec = caplog.records[-1]
assert rec.getMessage().startswith('Scheduler has been shut down')
assert rec.levelname == 'INFO'
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
# If we get this far, idle() ran through
assert updater.running is False
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
def test_user_signal(self, updater):
temp_var = {'a': 0}
def user_signal_inc(signum, frame):
temp_var['a'] = 1
updater.user_sig_handler = user_signal_inc
Thread(target=partial(self.signal_sender, updater=updater)).start()
# If we get this far, idle() ran through
assert updater.running is False
assert temp_var['a'] != 0
def test_create_bot(self):
updater = Updater('123:abcd')
assert is not None
2015-11-24 14:57:54 +01:00
def test_mutual_exclude_token_bot(self):
bot = Bot('123:zyxw')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(token='123:abcd', bot=bot)
2016-04-23 23:11:25 -03:00
def test_no_token_or_bot_or_dispatcher(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Bot API 4.0 (#1168) Telegram Passport (#1174): - Add full support for telegram passport. - New types: PassportData, PassportFile, EncryptedPassportElement, EncryptedCredentials, PassportElementError, PassportElementErrorDataField, PassportElementErrorFrontSide, PassportElementErrorReverseSide, PassportElementErrorSelfie, PassportElementErrorFile and PassportElementErrorFiles. - New bot method: set_passport_data_errors - New filter: Filters.passport_data - Field passport_data field on Message - PassportData is automagically decrypted when you specify your private key when creating Updater or Bot. - PassportFiles is also automagically decrypted as you download/retrieve them. - See new example for details on how to use, or go to our telegram passport wiki page for more info - NOTE: Passport decryption requires new dependency `cryptography`. Inputfile rework (#1184): - Change how Inputfile is handled internally - This allows support for specifying the thumbnails of photos and videos using the thumb= argument in the different send_ methods. - Also allows Bot.send_media_group to actually finally send more than one media. - Add thumb to Audio, Video and Videonote - Add Bot.edit_message_media together with InputMediaAnimation, InputMediaAudio, and inputMediaDocument. Other Bot API 4.0 changes: - Add forusquare_type to Venue, InlineQueryResultVenue, InputVenueMessageContent, and Bot.send_venue. (#1170) - Add vCard support by adding vcard field to Contact, InlineQueryResultContact, InputContactMessageContent, and Bot.send_contact. (#1166) - Support new message entities: CASHTAG and PHONE_NUMBER. (#1179) - Cashtag seems to be things like $USD and $GBP, but it seems telegram doesn't currently send them to bots. - Phone number also seems to have limited support for now - Add Bot.send_animation, add width, height, and duration to Animation, and add Filters.animation. (#1172) Co-authored-by: Jasmin Bom <> Co-authored-by: code1mountain <> Co-authored-by: Eldinnie <> Co-authored-by: mathefreak1 <>
2018-08-29 14:18:58 +02:00
def test_mutual_exclude_bot_private_key(self):
bot = Bot('123:zyxw')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(bot=bot, private_key=b'key')
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
def test_mutual_exclude_bot_dispatcher(self, bot):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(bot, None)
bot = Bot('123:zyxw')
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(bot=bot, dispatcher=dispatcher)
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
def test_mutual_exclude_persistence_dispatcher(self, bot):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(bot, None)
persistence = DictPersistence()
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(dispatcher=dispatcher, persistence=persistence)
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
def test_mutual_exclude_workers_dispatcher(self, bot):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(bot, None)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(dispatcher=dispatcher, workers=8)
2021-06-06 11:48:48 +02:00
def test_mutual_exclude_use_context_dispatcher(self, bot):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(bot, None)
use_context = not dispatcher.use_context
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(dispatcher=dispatcher, use_context=use_context)
def test_mutual_exclude_custom_context_dispatcher(self):
dispatcher = Dispatcher(None, None)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Updater(dispatcher=dispatcher, context_types=True)
def test_defaults_warning(self, bot):
with pytest.warns(TelegramDeprecationWarning, match='no effect when a Bot is passed'):
Updater(bot=bot, defaults=Defaults())