mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 04:39:55 +01:00
tests: refactor `test_commandhandler.py
` (#1408)
- Improved usage of fixtures - Replaced fixtures for directly callable factories where multiple mock objects were needed in the same test function - Extracted fixtures where possible (in place of literals or global constants) - Moved some fixtures to ``conftest.py`` to be used by other modules - Made a common base class for both ``TestCommandHandler`` and ``TestPrefixHandler``, extracting common methods, patterns and signatures - The extracted patterns in test methods have been named with leading ``_test`` - Extracted other repeatedly used test utilities into functions (e.g. ``is_match``) and methods (e.g. ``make_default_handler``)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 378 additions and 546 deletions
@ -151,14 +151,11 @@ class Handler(object):
optional_args['update_queue'] = dispatcher.update_queue
if self.pass_job_queue:
optional_args['job_queue'] = dispatcher.job_queue
if self.pass_user_data or self.pass_chat_data:
chat = update.effective_chat
if self.pass_user_data:
user = update.effective_user
if self.pass_user_data:
optional_args['user_data'] = dispatcher.user_data[user.id if user else None]
if self.pass_chat_data:
optional_args['chat_data'] = dispatcher.chat_data[chat.id if chat else None]
optional_args['user_data'] = dispatcher.user_data[user.id if user else None]
if self.pass_chat_data:
chat = update.effective_chat
optional_args['chat_data'] = dispatcher.chat_data[chat.id if chat else None]
return optional_args
@ -16,8 +16,10 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/].
import datetime
import os
import sys
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from queue import Queue
from threading import Thread, Event
@ -25,8 +27,9 @@ from time import sleep
import pytest
from telegram import Bot
from telegram.ext import Dispatcher, JobQueue, Updater
from telegram import Bot, Message, User, Chat, MessageEntity, Update, \
InlineQuery, CallbackQuery, ShippingQuery, PreCheckoutQuery, ChosenInlineResult
from telegram.ext import Dispatcher, JobQueue, Updater, BaseFilter
from tests.bots import get_bot
TRAVIS = os.getenv('TRAVIS', False)
@ -46,7 +49,7 @@ def bot_info():
def bot(bot_info):
return Bot(bot_info['token'], private_key=PRIVATE_KEY)
return make_bot(bot_info)
@ -146,3 +149,107 @@ def pytest_configure(config):
if sys.version_info >= (3,):
config.addinivalue_line('filterwarnings', 'ignore::ResourceWarning')
# TODO: Write so good code that we don't need to ignore ResourceWarnings anymore
def make_bot(bot_info):
return Bot(bot_info['token'], private_key=PRIVATE_KEY)
CMD_PATTERN = re.compile(r'/[\da-z_]{1,32}(?:@\w{1,32})?')
DATE = datetime.datetime.now()
def make_message(text, **kwargs):
Testing utility factory to create a fake ``telegram.Message`` with
reasonable defaults for mimicking a real message.
:param text: (str) message text
:return: a (fake) ``telegram.Message``
return Message(message_id=1,
from_user=kwargs.pop('user', User(id=1, first_name='', is_bot=False)),
date=kwargs.pop('date', DATE),
chat=kwargs.pop('chat', Chat(id=1, type='')),
bot=kwargs.pop('bot', make_bot(get_bot())),
def make_command_message(text, **kwargs):
Testing utility factory to create a message containing a single telegram
Mimics the Telegram API in that it identifies commands within the message
and tags the returned ``Message`` object with the appropriate ``MessageEntity``
tag (but it does this only for commands).
:param text: (str) message text containing (or not) the command
:return: a (fake) ``telegram.Message`` containing only the command
match = re.search(CMD_PATTERN, text)
entities = [MessageEntity(type=MessageEntity.BOT_COMMAND,
length=len(match.group(0)))] if match else []
return make_message(text, entities=entities, **kwargs)
def make_message_update(message, message_factory=make_message, edited=False, **kwargs):
Testing utility factory to create an update from a message, as either a
``telegram.Message`` or a string. In the latter case ``message_factory``
is used to convert ``message`` to a ``telegram.Message``.
:param message: either a ``telegram.Message`` or a string with the message text
:param message_factory: function to convert the message text into a ``telegram.Message``
:param edited: whether the message should be stored as ``edited_message`` (vs. ``message``)
:return: ``telegram.Update`` with the given message
if not isinstance(message, Message):
message = message_factory(message, **kwargs)
update_kwargs = {'message' if not edited else 'edited_message': message}
return Update(0, **update_kwargs)
def make_command_update(message, edited=False, **kwargs):
Testing utility factory to create an update from a message that potentially
contains a command. See ``make_command_message`` for more details.
:param message: message potentially containing a command
:param edited: whether the message should be stored as ``edited_message`` (vs. ``message``)
:return: ``telegram.Update`` with the given message
return make_message_update(message, make_command_message, edited, **kwargs)
def mock_filter():
class MockFilter(BaseFilter):
def __init__(self):
self.tested = False
def filter(self, message):
self.tested = True
return MockFilter()
def get_false_update_fixture_decorator_params():
message = Message(1, User(1, '', False), DATE, Chat(1, ''), text='test')
params = [
{'callback_query': CallbackQuery(1, User(1, '', False), 'chat', message=message)},
{'channel_post': message},
{'edited_channel_post': message},
{'inline_query': InlineQuery(1, User(1, '', False), '', '')},
{'chosen_inline_result': ChosenInlineResult('id', User(1, '', False), '')},
{'shipping_query': ShippingQuery('id', User(1, '', False), '', None)},
{'pre_checkout_query': PreCheckoutQuery('id', User(1, '', False), '', 0, '')},
{'callback_query': CallbackQuery(1, User(1, '', False), 'chat')}
ids = tuple(key for kwargs in params for key in kwargs)
return {'params': params, 'ids': ids}
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', **get_false_update_fixture_decorator_params())
def false_update(request):
return Update(update_id=1, **request.param)
@ -21,50 +21,30 @@ import re
from queue import Queue
import pytest
import itertools
from telegram.utils.deprecate import TelegramDeprecationWarning
from telegram import (Message, Update, Chat, Bot, User, CallbackQuery, InlineQuery,
ChosenInlineResult, ShippingQuery, PreCheckoutQuery, MessageEntity)
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Filters, BaseFilter, CallbackContext, JobQueue, \
message = Message(1, User(1, '', False), None, Chat(1, ''), text='test')
params = [
{'callback_query': CallbackQuery(1, User(1, '', False), 'chat', message=message)},
{'channel_post': message},
{'edited_channel_post': message},
{'inline_query': InlineQuery(1, User(1, '', False), '', '')},
{'chosen_inline_result': ChosenInlineResult('id', User(1, '', False), '')},
{'shipping_query': ShippingQuery('id', User(1, '', False), '', None)},
{'pre_checkout_query': PreCheckoutQuery('id', User(1, '', False), '', 0, '')},
{'callback_query': CallbackQuery(1, User(1, '', False), 'chat')}
ids = ('callback_query', 'channel_post', 'edited_channel_post', 'inline_query',
'chosen_inline_result', 'shipping_query', 'pre_checkout_query',
from telegram import Message, Update, Chat, Bot
from telegram.ext import CommandHandler, Filters, CallbackContext, JobQueue, PrefixHandler
from tests.conftest import make_command_message, make_command_update, make_message, \
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=params, ids=ids)
def false_update(request):
return Update(update_id=1, **request.param)
def is_match(handler, update):
Utility function that returns whether an update matched
against a specific handler.
:param handler: ``CommandHandler`` to check against
:param update: update to check
:return: (bool) whether ``update`` matched with ``handler``
check = handler.check_update(update)
return check is not None and check is not False
def message(bot):
return Message(message_id=1,
from_user=User(id=1, first_name='', is_bot=False),
chat=Chat(id=1, type=''),
class TestCommandHandler(object):
class BaseTest(object):
"""Base class for command and prefix handler test classes. Contains
utility methods an several callbacks used by both classes."""
test_flag = False
SRE_TYPE = type(re.match("", ""))
@ -72,30 +52,33 @@ class TestCommandHandler(object):
def reset(self):
self.test_flag = False
PASS_KEYWORDS = ('pass_user_data', 'pass_chat_data', 'pass_job_queue', 'pass_update_queue')
@pytest.fixture(scope='module', params=itertools.combinations(PASS_KEYWORDS, 2))
def pass_combination(self, request):
return {key: True for key in request.param}
def response(self, dispatcher, update):
Utility to send an update to a dispatcher and assert
whether the callback was called appropriately. Its purpose is
for repeated usage in the same test function.
self.test_flag = False
return self.test_flag
def callback_basic(self, bot, update):
test_bot = isinstance(bot, Bot)
test_update = isinstance(update, Update)
self.test_flag = test_bot and test_update
def callback_data_1(self, bot, update, user_data=None, chat_data=None):
self.test_flag = (user_data is not None) or (chat_data is not None)
def make_callback_for(self, pass_keyword):
def callback(bot, update, **kwargs):
self.test_flag = kwargs.get(keyword, None) is not None
def callback_data_2(self, bot, update, user_data=None, chat_data=None):
self.test_flag = (user_data is not None) and (chat_data is not None)
def callback_queue_1(self, bot, update, job_queue=None, update_queue=None):
self.test_flag = (job_queue is not None) or (update_queue is not None)
def callback_queue_2(self, bot, update, job_queue=None, update_queue=None):
self.test_flag = (job_queue is not None) and (update_queue is not None)
def ch_callback_args(self, bot, update, args):
if update.message.text == '/test':
self.test_flag = len(args) == 0
elif update.message.text == '/test@{}'.format(bot.username):
self.test_flag = len(args) == 0
self.test_flag = args == ['one', 'two']
keyword = pass_keyword[5:]
return callback
def callback_context(self, update, context):
self.test_flag = (isinstance(context, CallbackContext)
@ -122,550 +105,295 @@ class TestCommandHandler(object):
num = len(context.matches) == 2
self.test_flag = types and num
def test_basic(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
def _test_context_args_or_regex(self, cdp, handler, text):
update = make_command_update(text)
assert not self.response(cdp, update)
update.message.text += ' one two'
assert self.response(cdp, update)
def _test_edited(self, message, handler_edited, handler_not_edited):
Assert whether a handler that should accept edited messages
and a handler that shouldn't work correctly.
:param message: ``telegram.Message`` to check against the handlers
:param handler_edited: handler that should accept edited messages
:param handler_not_edited: handler that should not accept edited messages
update = make_command_update(message)
edited_update = make_command_update(message, edited=True)
assert is_match(handler_edited, update)
assert is_match(handler_edited, edited_update)
assert is_match(handler_not_edited, update)
assert not is_match(handler_not_edited, edited_update)
# ----------------------------- CommandHandler -----------------------------
class TestCommandHandler(BaseTest):
CMD = '/test'
def command(self):
return self.CMD
def command_message(self, command):
return make_command_message(command)
def command_update(self, command_message):
return make_command_update(command_message)
def ch_callback_args(self, bot, update, args):
if update.message.text == self.CMD:
self.test_flag = len(args) == 0
elif update.message.text == '{}@{}'.format(self.CMD, bot.username):
self.test_flag = len(args) == 0
self.test_flag = args == ['one', 'two']
def make_default_handler(self, callback=None, **kwargs):
callback = callback or self.callback_basic
return CommandHandler(self.CMD[1:], callback, **kwargs)
def test_basic(self, dp, command):
"""Test whether a command handler responds to its command
and not to others, or badly formatted commands"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
message.text = '/test'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
assert self.response(dp, make_command_update(command))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(command[1:]))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update('/not{}'.format(command[1:])))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update('not {} at start'.format(command)))
message.text = '/nottest'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
message.text = 'test'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
message.text = 'not /test at start'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
message.entities = []
message.text = '/test'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
['way_too_longcommand1234567yes_way_toooooooLong', 'ïñválídletters',
'invalid #&* chars'],
ids=['too long', 'invalid letter', 'invalid characters'])
def test_invalid_commands(self, command):
def test_invalid_commands(self, cmd):
with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='not a valid bot command'):
CommandHandler(command, self.callback_basic)
CommandHandler(cmd, self.callback_basic)
def test_command_list(self, message):
def test_command_list(self):
"""A command handler with multiple commands registered should respond to all of them."""
handler = CommandHandler(['test', 'star'], self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/test'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = '/star'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
message.text = '/stop'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update('/test'))
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update('/star'))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update('/stop'))
def test_deprecation_warning(self):
"""``allow_edited`` deprecated in favor of filters"""
with pytest.warns(TelegramDeprecationWarning, match='See https://git.io/fxJuV'):
CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic, allow_edited=True)
def test_no_edited(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/test'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
def test_edited(self, command_message):
"""Test that a CH responds to an edited message iff its filters allow it"""
handler_edited = self.make_default_handler()
handler_no_edited = self.make_default_handler(filters=~Filters.update.edited_message)
self._test_edited(command_message, handler_edited, handler_no_edited)
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
def test_edited_deprecated(self, command_message):
"""Test that a CH responds to an edited message iff ``allow_edited`` is True"""
handler_edited = self.make_default_handler(allow_edited=True)
handler_no_edited = self.make_default_handler(allow_edited=False)
self._test_edited(command_message, handler_edited, handler_no_edited)
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic,
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
def test_directed_commands(self, bot, command):
"""Test recognition of commands with a mention to the bot"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update(command + '@' + bot.username, bot=bot))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(command + '@otherbot', bot=bot))
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=message))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_with_filter(self, command):
"""Test that a CH with a (generic) filter responds iff its filters match"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=Filters.group)
assert is_match(handler, make_command_update(command, chat=Chat(-23, Chat.GROUP)))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update(command, chat=Chat(23, Chat.PRIVATE)))
def test_edited_deprecated(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic,
message.text = '/test'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=message))
assert check is None or check is False
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic,
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
def test_directed_commands(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
message.text = '/test@{}'.format(message.bot.username)
message.entities[0].length = len(message.text)
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
message.text = '/test@otherbot'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_with_filter(self, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic, Filters.group)
message.chat = Chat(-23, 'group')
message.text = '/test'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
message.chat = Chat(23, 'private')
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_pass_args(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.ch_callback_args, pass_args=True)
def test_pass_args(self, dp, bot, command):
"""Test the passing of arguments alongside a command"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.ch_callback_args, pass_args=True)
at_command = '{}@{}'.format(command, bot.username)
assert self.response(dp, make_command_update(command))
assert self.response(dp, make_command_update(command + ' one two'))
assert self.response(dp, make_command_update(at_command, bot=bot))
assert self.response(dp, make_command_update(at_command + ' one two', bot=bot))
message.text = '/test'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
message.text = '/test@{}'.format(message.bot.username)
message.entities[0].length = len(message.text)
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
message.text = '/test@{} one two'.format(message.bot.username)
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
message.text = '/test one two'
message.entities[0].length = len('/test')
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_newline(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
def test_newline(self, dp, command):
"""Assert that newlines don't interfere with a command handler matching a message"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
update = make_command_update(command + '\nfoobar')
assert is_match(handler, update)
assert self.response(dp, update)
message.text = '/test\nfoobar'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is not None and check is not False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_pass_user_or_chat_data(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_data_1,
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pass_keyword', BaseTest.PASS_KEYWORDS)
def test_pass_data(self, dp, command_update, pass_combination, pass_keyword):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.make_callback_for(pass_keyword), **pass_combination)
message.text = '/test'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_data_1,
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_data_2,
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_pass_job_or_update_queue(self, dp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_queue_1,
message.text = '/test'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_queue_1,
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_queue_2,
self.test_flag = False
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert self.test_flag
assert self.response(dp, command_update) == pass_combination.get(pass_keyword, False)
def test_other_update_types(self, false_update):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic)
check = handler.check_update(false_update)
assert check is None or check is False
"""Test that a command handler doesn't respond to unrelated updates"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
assert not is_match(handler, false_update)
def test_filters_for_wrong_command(self, message):
def test_filters_for_wrong_command(self, mock_filter):
"""Filters should not be executed if the command does not match the handler"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=mock_filter)
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update('/star'))
assert not mock_filter.tested
class TestFilter(BaseFilter):
def __init__(self):
self.tested = False
def filter(self, message):
self.tested = True
test_filter = TestFilter()
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_basic,
message.text = '/star'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message=message))
assert check is None or check is False
assert not test_filter.tested
def test_context(self, cdp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_context)
def test_context(self, cdp, command_update):
"""Test correct behaviour of CHs with context-based callbacks"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context)
assert self.response(cdp, command_update)
message.text = '/test'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_args(self, cdp, command):
"""Test CHs that pass arguments through ``context``"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_args)
self._test_context_args_or_regex(cdp, handler, command)
def test_context_args(self, cdp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_context_args)
def test_context_regex(self, cdp, command):
"""Test CHs with context-based callbacks and a single filter"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_regex1,
filters=Filters.regex('one two'))
self._test_context_args_or_regex(cdp, handler, command)
message.text = '/test'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert not self.test_flag
message.text = '/test one two'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_regex(self, cdp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_context_regex1, Filters.regex('one two'))
message.text = '/test'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert not self.test_flag
message.text += ' one two'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_multiple_regex(self, cdp, message):
handler = CommandHandler('test', self.callback_context_regex2,
Filters.regex('one') & Filters.regex('two'))
message.text = '/test'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert not self.test_flag
message.text += ' one two'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, message))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_multiple_regex(self, cdp, command):
"""Test CHs with context-based callbacks and filters combined"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_regex2,
filters=Filters.regex('one') & Filters.regex('two'))
self._test_context_args_or_regex(cdp, handler, command)
par = ['!help', '!test', '#help', '#test', 'mytrig-help', 'mytrig-test']
# ----------------------------- PrefixHandler -----------------------------
def combinations(prefixes, commands):
return (prefix + command for prefix in prefixes for command in commands)
@pytest.fixture(scope='function', params=par)
def prefixmessage(bot, request):
return Message(message_id=1,
from_user=User(id=1, first_name='', is_bot=False),
chat=Chat(id=1, type=''),
class TestPrefixHandler(BaseTest):
# Prefixes and commands with which to test PrefixHandler:
PREFIXES = ['!', '#', 'mytrig-']
COMMANDS = ['help', 'test']
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=PREFIXES)
def prefix(self, request):
return request.param
class TestPrefixHandler(object):
test_flag = False
SRE_TYPE = type(re.match("", ""))
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=[1, 2], ids=['single prefix', 'multiple prefixes'])
def prefixes(self, request):
return TestPrefixHandler.PREFIXES[:request.param]
def reset(self):
self.test_flag = False
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=COMMANDS)
def command(self, request):
return request.param
def callback_basic(self, bot, update):
test_bot = isinstance(bot, Bot)
test_update = isinstance(update, Update)
self.test_flag = test_bot and test_update
@pytest.fixture(scope='class', params=[1, 2], ids=['single command', 'multiple commands'])
def commands(self, request):
return TestPrefixHandler.COMMANDS[:request.param]
def callback_data_1(self, bot, update, user_data=None, chat_data=None):
self.test_flag = (user_data is not None) or (chat_data is not None)
def prefix_message_text(self, prefix, command):
return prefix + command
def callback_data_2(self, bot, update, user_data=None, chat_data=None):
self.test_flag = (user_data is not None) and (chat_data is not None)
def prefix_message(self, prefix_message_text):
return make_message(prefix_message_text)
def callback_queue_1(self, bot, update, job_queue=None, update_queue=None):
self.test_flag = (job_queue is not None) or (update_queue is not None)
def prefix_message_update(self, prefix_message):
return make_message_update(prefix_message)
def callback_queue_2(self, bot, update, job_queue=None, update_queue=None):
self.test_flag = (job_queue is not None) and (update_queue is not None)
def make_default_handler(self, callback=None, **kwargs):
callback = callback or self.callback_basic
return PrefixHandler(self.PREFIXES, self.COMMANDS, callback, **kwargs)
def ch_callback_args(self, bot, update, args):
if update.message.text in par:
if update.message.text in TestPrefixHandler.COMBINATIONS:
self.test_flag = len(args) == 0
self.test_flag = args == ['one', 'two']
def callback_context(self, update, context):
self.test_flag = (isinstance(context, CallbackContext)
and isinstance(context.bot, Bot)
and isinstance(update, Update)
and isinstance(context.update_queue, Queue)
and isinstance(context.job_queue, JobQueue)
and isinstance(context.user_data, dict)
and isinstance(context.chat_data, dict)
and isinstance(update.message, Message))
def callback_context_args(self, update, context):
self.test_flag = context.args == ['one', 'two']
def callback_context_regex1(self, update, context):
if context.matches:
types = all([type(res) == self.SRE_TYPE for res in context.matches])
num = len(context.matches) == 1
self.test_flag = types and num
def callback_context_regex2(self, update, context):
if context.matches:
types = all([type(res) == self.SRE_TYPE for res in context.matches])
num = len(context.matches) == 2
self.test_flag = types and num
def test_basic(self, dp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_basic)
def test_basic(self, dp, prefix, command):
"""Test the basic expected response from a prefix handler"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
text = prefix + command
dp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
assert self.response(dp, make_message_update(text))
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update(command))
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update(prefix + 'notacommand'))
assert not is_match(handler, make_command_update('not {} at start'.format(text)))
prefixmessage.text = 'test'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_single_multi_prefixes_commands(self, prefixes, commands, prefix_message_update):
"""Test various combinations of prefixes and commands"""
handler = self.make_default_handler()
result = is_match(handler, prefix_message_update)
expected = prefix_message_update.message.text in combinations(prefixes, commands)
return result == expected
prefixmessage.text = '#nocom'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_edited(self, prefix_message):
handler_edited = self.make_default_handler()
handler_no_edited = self.make_default_handler(filters=~Filters.update.edited_message)
self._test_edited(prefix_message, handler_edited, handler_no_edited)
message.text = 'not !test at start'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_with_filter(self, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=Filters.group)
text = prefix_message_text
assert is_match(handler, make_message_update(text, chat=Chat(-23, Chat.GROUP)))
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update(text, chat=Chat(23, Chat.PRIVATE)))
def test_single_prefix_single_command(self, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler('!', 'test', self.callback_basic)
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
if prefixmessage.text in ['!test']:
assert check is not None and check is not False
assert check is None or check is False
def test_single_prefix_multi_command(self, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler('!', ['test', 'help'], self.callback_basic)
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
if prefixmessage.text in ['!test', '!help']:
assert check is not None and check is not False
assert check is None or check is False
def test_multi_prefix_single_command(self, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#'], 'test', self.callback_basic)
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
if prefixmessage.text in ['!test', '#test']:
assert check is not None and check is not False
assert check is None or check is False
def test_no_edited(self, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_basic)
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert check is not None and check is not False
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=prefixmessage))
assert check is not None and check is not False
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_basic,
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert check is not None and check is not False
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, edited_message=prefixmessage))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_with_filter(self, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_basic,
prefixmessage.chat = Chat(-23, 'group')
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert check is not None and check is not False
prefixmessage.chat = Chat(23, 'private')
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert check is None or check is False
def test_pass_args(self, dp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.ch_callback_args,
def test_pass_args(self, dp, prefix_message):
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.ch_callback_args, pass_args=True)
assert self.response(dp, make_message_update(prefix_message))
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
update_with_args = make_message_update(prefix_message.text + ' one two')
assert self.response(dp, update_with_args)
self.test_flag = False
prefixmessage.text += ' one two'
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
def test_pass_user_or_chat_data(self, dp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_data_1,
@pytest.mark.parametrize('pass_keyword', BaseTest.PASS_KEYWORDS)
def test_pass_data(self, dp, pass_combination, prefix_message_update, pass_keyword):
"""Assert that callbacks receive data iff its corresponding ``pass_*`` kwarg is enabled"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.make_callback_for(pass_keyword),
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_data_1,
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_data_2,
pass_chat_data=True, pass_user_data=True)
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
def test_pass_job_or_update_queue(self, dp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_queue_1,
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_queue_1,
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
self.test_flag = False
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_queue_2,
pass_job_queue=True, pass_update_queue=True)
dp.process_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
assert self.response(dp, prefix_message_update) \
== pass_combination.get(pass_keyword, False)
def test_other_update_types(self, false_update):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_basic)
check = handler.check_update(false_update)
assert check is None or check is False
handler = self.make_default_handler()
assert not is_match(handler, false_update)
def test_filters_for_wrong_command(self, prefixmessage):
def test_filters_for_wrong_command(self, mock_filter):
"""Filters should not be executed if the command does not match the handler"""
handler = self.make_default_handler(filters=mock_filter)
assert not is_match(handler, make_message_update('/test'))
assert not mock_filter.tested
class TestFilter(BaseFilter):
def __init__(self):
self.tested = False
def filter(self, message):
self.tested = True
test_filter = TestFilter()
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_basic,
prefixmessage.text = '/star'
check = handler.check_update(Update(0, message=prefixmessage))
assert check is None or check is False
assert not test_filter.tested
def test_context(self, cdp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'], self.callback_context)
def test_context(self, cdp, prefix_message_update):
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context)
assert self.response(cdp, prefix_message_update)
cdp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_args(self, cdp, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_args)
self._test_context_args_or_regex(cdp, handler, prefix_message_text)
def test_context_args(self, cdp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'],
def test_context_regex(self, cdp, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_regex1,
filters=Filters.regex('one two'))
self._test_context_args_or_regex(cdp, handler, prefix_message_text)
cdp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert not self.test_flag
prefixmessage.text += ' one two'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_regex(self, cdp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'],
self.callback_context_regex1, Filters.regex('one two'))
cdp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert not self.test_flag
prefixmessage.text += ' one two'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_multiple_regex(self, cdp, prefixmessage):
handler = PrefixHandler(['!', '#', 'mytrig-'], ['help', 'test'],
Filters.regex('one') & Filters.regex('two'))
cdp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert not self.test_flag
prefixmessage.text += ' one two'
cdp.process_update(Update(0, prefixmessage))
assert self.test_flag
def test_context_multiple_regex(self, cdp, prefix_message_text):
handler = self.make_default_handler(self.callback_context_regex2,
filters=Filters.regex('one') & Filters.regex(
self._test_context_args_or_regex(cdp, handler, prefix_message_text)
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