* Added methods to generate the original markdown/html formatted string from the entities contained in an update
* Added
* Moved the html/markdown parsing methods to `Message`
* Moved extract_* methods from helpers to the appropriate location
* Refactored text_markdown and text_html
* Refactored text_markdown and text_html for efficiency
* Fixed method call in conversationhandler
* Fixed method call in handler
* Fixed `make test` command on windows systems
* Improved method documentation
- Job.job_queue is now weakref.proxy reducing the risk of cyclic
pointers preventing Job object from being deleted.
- JobQueue._put(): raise if both next_t and job.interval are None
- Don't put repeating job back to queue if user had disabled it was
disabled during the time of execution.
- New method: Job.is_removed() - promising a consistent API (instead of
access to private member Job._remove)
- Documentation fixes.
* New fields channel_post and edited_channel_post for Update
refs #468
* setGameScore() changes
- Changed behaviour: messages with high scores will be update with new
high scores by default. (documentation fix)
- Use (new) disable_edit_message in setGameScore to disable the above new
- The edit_message parameter from setGameScore is no longer in use. For
backward compatibility, it will be taken into account for a while,
unless disable_edit_message is passed explicitly.
refs #468
* New field forward_from_message_id for Message.
refs #468
* New parameter cache_time for answerCallbackQuery
refs #468
* replykeyboardhide renamed to replykeyboardremove
refs #468
* Unitests for updated setGameScore semantics
refs #468
* Backward compatibility for ReplyKeyboardHide
refs #468
* Fix docstrings of wrapper methods in Message
* Unitest new field forward_from_message_id of Message
refs #468
* Fix testMaxCaptionLength
Telegram servers changed their behaviour - now they truncate a long
caption instead of returning an error.
* MessageHandler: Added support for channel posts
* Fix flake8 complaints in a manner which yapf will like it too.
* fix rst markup
* Fix telegram API change, returning '404 Not found' with raising own TelegramError rather native exception
* Change exception to InvalidToken in test and request util
* Added myself to AUTHORS. Thx for appreciation :)
* Adding timeunit and day support to the jobqueue
* Adding tests
* Changed the file permission back to 644.
* Changed AssertEqual argument order to (actual, expectd).
* Removed the TimeUnit enum and unit param, instead use datetime.time for interval.
* Removing the TimeUnits enum and unit param in favour of optionally using a datetime.time as the interval.
* Removing the TimeUnits enumeration, forgot the remove it in the last one.
* Removed some old docstrings refering to the TimeUnits enum.
* Removed the old TimeUnits import.
* Adding some error handling for the 'days' argument (only a 'tuple' with 'Days')
* Writing the error message directly in the exception.
* Moving a debug statement wrongfully saying a job would be running on days it wouldn't.
* Writing error messages directly in the exceptions instead of making an extra variable.
* Replacing datetime.time in favour of datetime.timedelta because of the get_seconds() method.
* Adding error handling for the method .
* Splitting the tests up in multiple ones, no float test because I haven't found a reliable way to test it.
* Excluding .exrc file.
* Removing \ at EOF of ValueError.
* Replacing Enums with plain new-style classes.
* Using numbers.number to check for ints/floats instead of seperate int/float checks.
* Fixing typo, number -> Number.
* Changed lower_case Days attributes to UPPER_CASE.
* Different formatting for Days class, removed the get_days function in favour of a tuple.
* Removed redundant function get_days.
* Edited the docstring for next_t to also take datetime.timedelta.
* Removed for-loop in favour of any().
* Changed docstring for interval.
* Removed debug print.
* Changing some docstrings.
* Changing some docstrings (again).
* update sphinx source files to properly build latexpdf and improve html build
* fix docstrings and sphinx sources to get rid of warnings
* add telegram.contrib.rst
* initial commit for user_data
* add chat_data and use defaultdict
* fix chat_data copy-paste error
* add test for user_data and chat_data
* fix case where chat is None
* remove braces from import line
While not stickily necessary for most classes (since user isn't directly creating them) it still unifies our approach.
However for some like ReplyKeyboardHide where users are making the classes themselves it should improve IDE autocomplete support.