* add documentation for telegram.utils.promise and .request
* improve documentation for telegram.utils.promise and .request
* add missing 's' to new_chat_member(s) in all docstrings
* fix docs for `set_chat_photo`
[CI skip]
* add support for 3.5 api
* removed "unused" import by accident
* Hardcoded values
Appearantly TG decided to change the size of a send image (again)
* test_official
* Improve coverage
* Finishing up
* spelling error
* pytest fixed tot < than 3.3 for python 3.3 support
* flake8
* rollback requirements
* as per CR
* object for provider_data
Make it possible to send an object that will be json-serialized for send_invoice + tests
* shorten error message
* using string_types
* Introduce MessageQueue
* minor documentation and terminology fixes according to the review
* minor documentation and terminology fixes according to the review
* minor documentation and terminology fixes according to the review
* pep8 fix
* New fields channel_post and edited_channel_post for Update
refs #468
* setGameScore() changes
- Changed behaviour: messages with high scores will be update with new
high scores by default. (documentation fix)
- Use (new) disable_edit_message in setGameScore to disable the above new
- The edit_message parameter from setGameScore is no longer in use. For
backward compatibility, it will be taken into account for a while,
unless disable_edit_message is passed explicitly.
refs #468
* New field forward_from_message_id for Message.
refs #468
* New parameter cache_time for answerCallbackQuery
refs #468
* replykeyboardhide renamed to replykeyboardremove
refs #468
* Unitests for updated setGameScore semantics
refs #468
* Backward compatibility for ReplyKeyboardHide
refs #468
* Fix docstrings of wrapper methods in Message
* Unitest new field forward_from_message_id of Message
refs #468
* Fix testMaxCaptionLength
Telegram servers changed their behaviour - now they truncate a long
caption instead of returning an error.
* MessageHandler: Added support for channel posts
* Fix flake8 complaints in a manner which yapf will like it too.
* fix rst markup
* update sphinx source files to properly build latexpdf and improve html build
* fix docstrings and sphinx sources to get rid of warnings
* add telegram.contrib.rst
* initial commit for conversationhandler and example
* implement simple Promise for run_async/conversationhandler
* refactor Promise._done to done
* add handling for timed out Promises
* correctly handle promises with None results
* fix handling tuple states
* update comments on example
* Added a first test on the ConversationHandler.
* Fixed a small typo.
* Yapf'd.
* add sphinx doc for conversation handler
* fix title for callbackqueryhandler sphinx docs
* Small fixes to documentation and add myself to AUTHORS.
Use code-blocks instead of literals, change headings for portability and use a relative link to AUTHORS instead of linking to a specific copy.