Looks like it's once again time for: Telegram changed some weird internal stuff and how thumbnails take up either 4 times as much space or half as much space. Oh and they also seemingly randomized the width and height of said thumbnails....
* Bot.get_file now allows passing a file in addition to file_id
* Add .get_file() to Audio, Document, PhotoSize, Sticker, Video, VideoNote and Voice
* Add .send_*() methods to User and Chat
* Fix sticker tests
Added flaky, timeout and xfails to the stickerset bot method tests.
* Make sure the first stickersettest worked before modifying in test 2
* some mor changes to make the deletion more stable
Required fixes:
- CallbackQuery is now comparable.
- Message.effective_attachment, Message.photo,
Message.new_chat_members, Message.new_chat_photo &
Game.text_entitties semantic fixes - when they are not defined,
return an empty list.
- Docstring fix to Update class.
* bot.py: add create_references method
* create bot reference in webhook handler, use create_references on new updates
* message.py: implement reply_text
* echobot2.py: use Message.reply_text
* fix create_references in webhook handler
* add some more instance methods
* Chat.kick_member and unban_member
* bot.py: Create bot references in outgoing messages
* add tests for everything testable
* test_updater.py: add create_references method to MockBot
* remove Bot.create_references and refactor TelegramObject.de_json to take the additional parameter bot
* List bot as named kwarg where used
* file.py: Use Bot.request property instead of Bot._request attr