Required fixes:
- CallbackQuery is now comparable.
- Message.effective_attachment,,
Message.new_chat_members, Message.new_chat_photo &
Game.text_entitties semantic fixes - when they are not defined,
return an empty list.
- Docstring fix to Update class.
* Clean up Bot code a bit
- Move decorators to module. It really wasn't clear how decorators inside classes work, and why they didn't have a self parameter, but still wasn't static. This also makes them effectively private without having to underscore them, which I think we should have done long time ago atm. Note that this might break backwards compatibility slightly (only if people are daft enough to have used the decorators themselves)
- Don't call _message_wrapper directly. Ever. Instead always use the message decorator, since it's what it's there for. Closes#627
- Don't use the message decorator if the method isn't supposed to return a message. The decorator could handle values like True (which is often the return value), but to someone reading the code, it seems like it's a message returning method even when it wasn't.
- Always document timeout and **kwargs
- Log all methods
* Add test to make sure timeout propagates properly despite decorators
Attempting to import urllib3.contrib.socks may fail if PySocks is not
installed. Most users won't care for that.
Only import that module if the user requested to use a socks proxy.
* Fix telegram API change, returning '404 Not found' with raising own TelegramError rather native exception
* Change exception to InvalidToken in test and request util
* Added myself to AUTHORS. Thx for appreciation :)
* Create a Request class which maintains its own connection pool
* When creating a Bot instance a new Request instance will be created if one wasn't supplied.
* Updater is responsible for creating a Request instance if a Bot instance wasn't provided.
* Dispatcher: add method to run async functions without decorator
* Dispatcher can now run as a singleton (allowing run_async decorator to work) as it always did and as multiple instances (where run_async decorator will raise RuntimeError)