#!/usr/bin/env python # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. import datetime as dtm import pytest from telegram import Chat, InputPollOption, MessageEntity, Poll, PollAnswer, PollOption, User from telegram._utils.datetime import UTC, to_timestamp from telegram.constants import PollType from tests.auxil.slots import mro_slots @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def input_poll_option(): out = InputPollOption( text=InputPollOptionTestBase.text, text_parse_mode=InputPollOptionTestBase.text_parse_mode, text_entities=InputPollOptionTestBase.text_entities, ) out._unfreeze() return out class InputPollOptionTestBase: text = "test option" text_parse_mode = "MarkdownV2" text_entities = [ MessageEntity(0, 4, MessageEntity.BOLD), MessageEntity(5, 7, MessageEntity.ITALIC), ] class TestInputPollOptionWithoutRequest(InputPollOptionTestBase): def test_slot_behaviour(self, input_poll_option): for attr in input_poll_option.__slots__: assert getattr(input_poll_option, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'" assert len(mro_slots(input_poll_option)) == len( set(mro_slots(input_poll_option)) ), "duplicate slot" def test_de_json(self): assert InputPollOption.de_json({}, None) is None json_dict = { "text": self.text, "text_parse_mode": self.text_parse_mode, "text_entities": [e.to_dict() for e in self.text_entities], } input_poll_option = InputPollOption.de_json(json_dict, None) assert input_poll_option.api_kwargs == {} assert input_poll_option.text == self.text assert input_poll_option.text_parse_mode == self.text_parse_mode assert input_poll_option.text_entities == tuple(self.text_entities) def test_to_dict(self, input_poll_option): input_poll_option_dict = input_poll_option.to_dict() assert isinstance(input_poll_option_dict, dict) assert input_poll_option_dict["text"] == input_poll_option.text assert input_poll_option_dict["text_parse_mode"] == input_poll_option.text_parse_mode assert input_poll_option_dict["text_entities"] == [ e.to_dict() for e in input_poll_option.text_entities ] # Test that the default-value parameter is handled correctly input_poll_option = InputPollOption("text") input_poll_option_dict = input_poll_option.to_dict() assert "text_parse_mode" not in input_poll_option_dict def test_equality(self): a = InputPollOption("text") b = InputPollOption("text", self.text_parse_mode) c = InputPollOption("text", text_entities=self.text_entities) d = InputPollOption("different_text") e = Poll(123, "question", ["O1", "O2"], 1, False, True, Poll.REGULAR, True) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a == c assert hash(a) == hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def poll_option(): out = PollOption( text=PollOptionTestBase.text, voter_count=PollOptionTestBase.voter_count, text_entities=PollOptionTestBase.text_entities, ) out._unfreeze() return out class PollOptionTestBase: text = "test option" voter_count = 3 text_entities = [ MessageEntity(MessageEntity.BOLD, 0, 4), MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 5, 6), ] class TestPollOptionWithoutRequest(PollOptionTestBase): def test_slot_behaviour(self, poll_option): for attr in poll_option.__slots__: assert getattr(poll_option, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'" assert len(mro_slots(poll_option)) == len(set(mro_slots(poll_option))), "duplicate slot" def test_de_json(self): json_dict = {"text": self.text, "voter_count": self.voter_count} poll_option = PollOption.de_json(json_dict, None) assert poll_option.api_kwargs == {} assert poll_option.text == self.text assert poll_option.voter_count == self.voter_count def test_de_json_all(self): json_dict = { "text": self.text, "voter_count": self.voter_count, "text_entities": [e.to_dict() for e in self.text_entities], } poll_option = PollOption.de_json(json_dict, None) assert PollOption.de_json(None, None) is None assert poll_option.api_kwargs == {} assert poll_option.text == self.text assert poll_option.voter_count == self.voter_count assert poll_option.text_entities == tuple(self.text_entities) def test_to_dict(self, poll_option): poll_option_dict = poll_option.to_dict() assert isinstance(poll_option_dict, dict) assert poll_option_dict["text"] == poll_option.text assert poll_option_dict["voter_count"] == poll_option.voter_count assert poll_option_dict["text_entities"] == [ e.to_dict() for e in poll_option.text_entities ] def test_parse_entity(self, poll_option): entity = MessageEntity(MessageEntity.BOLD, 0, 4) poll_option.text_entities = [entity] assert poll_option.parse_entity(entity) == "test" def test_parse_entities(self, poll_option): entity = MessageEntity(MessageEntity.BOLD, 0, 4) entity_2 = MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 5, 6) poll_option.text_entities = [entity, entity_2] assert poll_option.parse_entities(MessageEntity.BOLD) == {entity: "test"} assert poll_option.parse_entities() == {entity: "test", entity_2: "option"} def test_equality(self): a = PollOption("text", 1) b = PollOption("text", 1) c = PollOption("text_1", 1) d = PollOption("text", 2) e = Poll(123, "question", ["O1", "O2"], 1, False, True, Poll.REGULAR, True) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a != c assert hash(a) != hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def poll_answer(): return PollAnswer( PollAnswerTestBase.poll_id, PollAnswerTestBase.option_ids, PollAnswerTestBase.user, PollAnswerTestBase.voter_chat, ) class PollAnswerTestBase: poll_id = "id" option_ids = [2] user = User(1, "", False) voter_chat = Chat(1, "") class TestPollAnswerWithoutRequest(PollAnswerTestBase): def test_de_json(self): json_dict = { "poll_id": self.poll_id, "option_ids": self.option_ids, "user": self.user.to_dict(), "voter_chat": self.voter_chat.to_dict(), } poll_answer = PollAnswer.de_json(json_dict, None) assert poll_answer.api_kwargs == {} assert poll_answer.poll_id == self.poll_id assert poll_answer.option_ids == tuple(self.option_ids) assert poll_answer.user == self.user assert poll_answer.voter_chat == self.voter_chat def test_to_dict(self, poll_answer): poll_answer_dict = poll_answer.to_dict() assert isinstance(poll_answer_dict, dict) assert poll_answer_dict["poll_id"] == poll_answer.poll_id assert poll_answer_dict["option_ids"] == list(poll_answer.option_ids) assert poll_answer_dict["user"] == poll_answer.user.to_dict() assert poll_answer_dict["voter_chat"] == poll_answer.voter_chat.to_dict() def test_equality(self): a = PollAnswer(123, [2], self.user, self.voter_chat) b = PollAnswer(123, [2], self.user, Chat(1, "")) c = PollAnswer(123, [2], User(1, "first", False), self.voter_chat) d = PollAnswer(123, [1, 2], self.user, self.voter_chat) e = PollAnswer(456, [2], self.user, self.voter_chat) f = PollOption("Text", 1) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a == c assert hash(a) == hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e) assert a != f assert hash(a) != hash(f) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def poll(): poll = Poll( PollTestBase.id_, PollTestBase.question, PollTestBase.options, PollTestBase.total_voter_count, PollTestBase.is_closed, PollTestBase.is_anonymous, PollTestBase.type, PollTestBase.allows_multiple_answers, explanation=PollTestBase.explanation, explanation_entities=PollTestBase.explanation_entities, open_period=PollTestBase.open_period, close_date=PollTestBase.close_date, question_entities=PollTestBase.question_entities, ) poll._unfreeze() return poll class PollTestBase: id_ = "id" question = "Test Question?" options = [PollOption("test", 10), PollOption("test2", 11)] total_voter_count = 0 is_closed = True is_anonymous = False type = Poll.REGULAR allows_multiple_answers = True explanation = ( b"\\U0001f469\\u200d\\U0001f469\\u200d\\U0001f467" b"\\u200d\\U0001f467\\U0001f431http://google.com" ).decode("unicode-escape") explanation_entities = [MessageEntity(13, 17, MessageEntity.URL)] open_period = 42 close_date = dtm.datetime.now(dtm.timezone.utc) question_entities = [ MessageEntity(MessageEntity.BOLD, 0, 4), MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 5, 8), ] class TestPollWithoutRequest(PollTestBase): def test_de_json(self, offline_bot): json_dict = { "id": self.id_, "question": self.question, "options": [o.to_dict() for o in self.options], "total_voter_count": self.total_voter_count, "is_closed": self.is_closed, "is_anonymous": self.is_anonymous, "type": self.type, "allows_multiple_answers": self.allows_multiple_answers, "explanation": self.explanation, "explanation_entities": [self.explanation_entities[0].to_dict()], "open_period": self.open_period, "close_date": to_timestamp(self.close_date), "question_entities": [e.to_dict() for e in self.question_entities], } poll = Poll.de_json(json_dict, offline_bot) assert poll.api_kwargs == {} assert poll.id == self.id_ assert poll.question == self.question assert poll.options == tuple(self.options) assert poll.options[0].text == self.options[0].text assert poll.options[0].voter_count == self.options[0].voter_count assert poll.options[1].text == self.options[1].text assert poll.options[1].voter_count == self.options[1].voter_count assert poll.total_voter_count == self.total_voter_count assert poll.is_closed == self.is_closed assert poll.is_anonymous == self.is_anonymous assert poll.type == self.type assert poll.allows_multiple_answers == self.allows_multiple_answers assert poll.explanation == self.explanation assert poll.explanation_entities == tuple(self.explanation_entities) assert poll.open_period == self.open_period assert abs(poll.close_date - self.close_date) < dtm.timedelta(seconds=1) assert to_timestamp(poll.close_date) == to_timestamp(self.close_date) assert poll.question_entities == tuple(self.question_entities) def test_de_json_localization(self, tz_bot, offline_bot, raw_bot): json_dict = { "id": self.id_, "question": self.question, "options": [o.to_dict() for o in self.options], "total_voter_count": self.total_voter_count, "is_closed": self.is_closed, "is_anonymous": self.is_anonymous, "type": self.type, "allows_multiple_answers": self.allows_multiple_answers, "explanation": self.explanation, "explanation_entities": [self.explanation_entities[0].to_dict()], "open_period": self.open_period, "close_date": to_timestamp(self.close_date), "question_entities": [e.to_dict() for e in self.question_entities], } poll_raw = Poll.de_json(json_dict, raw_bot) poll_bot = Poll.de_json(json_dict, offline_bot) poll_bot_tz = Poll.de_json(json_dict, tz_bot) # comparing utcoffsets because comparing timezones is unpredicatable poll_bot_tz_offset = poll_bot_tz.close_date.utcoffset() tz_bot_offset = tz_bot.defaults.tzinfo.utcoffset( poll_bot_tz.close_date.replace(tzinfo=None) ) assert poll_raw.close_date.tzinfo == UTC assert poll_bot.close_date.tzinfo == UTC assert poll_bot_tz_offset == tz_bot_offset def test_to_dict(self, poll): poll_dict = poll.to_dict() assert isinstance(poll_dict, dict) assert poll_dict["id"] == poll.id assert poll_dict["question"] == poll.question assert poll_dict["options"] == [o.to_dict() for o in poll.options] assert poll_dict["total_voter_count"] == poll.total_voter_count assert poll_dict["is_closed"] == poll.is_closed assert poll_dict["is_anonymous"] == poll.is_anonymous assert poll_dict["type"] == poll.type assert poll_dict["allows_multiple_answers"] == poll.allows_multiple_answers assert poll_dict["explanation"] == poll.explanation assert poll_dict["explanation_entities"] == [poll.explanation_entities[0].to_dict()] assert poll_dict["open_period"] == poll.open_period assert poll_dict["close_date"] == to_timestamp(poll.close_date) assert poll_dict["question_entities"] == [e.to_dict() for e in poll.question_entities] def test_equality(self): a = Poll(123, "question", ["O1", "O2"], 1, False, True, Poll.REGULAR, True) b = Poll(123, "question", ["o1", "o2"], 1, True, False, Poll.REGULAR, True) c = Poll(456, "question", ["o1", "o2"], 1, True, False, Poll.REGULAR, True) d = PollOption("Text", 1) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a != c assert hash(a) != hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) def test_enum_init(self): poll = Poll( type="foo", id="id", question="question", options=[], total_voter_count=0, is_closed=False, is_anonymous=False, allows_multiple_answers=False, ) assert poll.type == "foo" poll = Poll( type=PollType.QUIZ, id="id", question="question", options=[], total_voter_count=0, is_closed=False, is_anonymous=False, allows_multiple_answers=False, ) assert poll.type is PollType.QUIZ def test_parse_explanation_entity(self, poll): entity = MessageEntity(type=MessageEntity.URL, offset=13, length=17) poll.explanation_entities = [entity] assert poll.parse_explanation_entity(entity) == "http://google.com" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Poll has no"): Poll( "id", "question", [PollOption("text", voter_count=0)], total_voter_count=0, is_closed=False, is_anonymous=False, type=Poll.QUIZ, allows_multiple_answers=False, ).parse_explanation_entity(entity) def test_parse_explanation_entities(self, poll): entity = MessageEntity(type=MessageEntity.URL, offset=13, length=17) entity_2 = MessageEntity(type=MessageEntity.BOLD, offset=13, length=1) poll.explanation_entities = [entity_2, entity] assert poll.parse_explanation_entities(MessageEntity.URL) == {entity: "http://google.com"} assert poll.parse_explanation_entities() == {entity: "http://google.com", entity_2: "h"} with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Poll has no"): Poll( "id", "question", [PollOption("text", voter_count=0)], total_voter_count=0, is_closed=False, is_anonymous=False, type=Poll.QUIZ, allows_multiple_answers=False, ).parse_explanation_entities() def test_parse_question_entity(self, poll): entity = MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 5, 8) poll.question_entities = [entity] assert poll.parse_question_entity(entity) == "Question" def test_parse_question_entities(self, poll): entity = MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 5, 8) entity_2 = MessageEntity(MessageEntity.BOLD, 0, 4) poll.question_entities = [entity_2, entity] assert poll.parse_question_entities(MessageEntity.ITALIC) == {entity: "Question"} assert poll.parse_question_entities() == {entity: "Question", entity_2: "Test"}