#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains an object that represents a Telegram MessageEntity.""" import copy import itertools from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Final, List, Optional, Sequence from telegram import constants from telegram._telegramobject import TelegramObject from telegram._user import User from telegram._utils import enum from telegram._utils.types import JSONDict if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram import Bot class MessageEntity(TelegramObject): """ This object represents one special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc. Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are considered equal, if their :attr:`type`, :attr:`offset` and :attr:`length` are equal. Args: type (:obj:`str`): Type of the entity. Can be :attr:`MENTION` (@username), :attr:`HASHTAG` (#hashtag), :attr:`CASHTAG` ($USD), :attr:`BOT_COMMAND` (/start@jobs_bot), :attr:`URL` (https://telegram.org), :attr:`EMAIL` (do-not-reply@telegram.org), :attr:`PHONE_NUMBER` (+1-212-555-0123), :attr:`BOLD` (**bold text**), :attr:`ITALIC` (*italic text*), :attr:`UNDERLINE` (underlined text), :attr:`STRIKETHROUGH`, :attr:`SPOILER` (spoiler message), :attr:`BLOCKQUOTE` (block quotation), :attr:`CODE` (monowidth string), :attr:`PRE` (monowidth block), :attr:`TEXT_LINK` (for clickable text URLs), :attr:`TEXT_MENTION` (for users without usernames), :attr:`CUSTOM_EMOJI` (for inline custom emoji stickers). .. versionadded:: 20.0 Added inline custom emoji .. versionadded:: 20.8 Added block quotation offset (:obj:`int`): Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity. length (:obj:`int`): Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units. url (:obj:`str`, optional): For :attr:`TEXT_LINK` only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text. user (:class:`telegram.User`, optional): For :attr:`TEXT_MENTION` only, the mentioned user. language (:obj:`str`, optional): For :attr:`PRE` only, the programming language of the entity text. custom_emoji_id (:obj:`str`, optional): For :attr:`CUSTOM_EMOJI` only, unique identifier of the custom emoji. Use :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_custom_emoji_stickers` to get full information about the sticker. .. versionadded:: 20.0 Attributes: type (:obj:`str`): Type of the entity. Can be :attr:`MENTION` (@username), :attr:`HASHTAG` (#hashtag), :attr:`CASHTAG` ($USD), :attr:`BOT_COMMAND` (/start@jobs_bot), :attr:`URL` (https://telegram.org), :attr:`EMAIL` (do-not-reply@telegram.org), :attr:`PHONE_NUMBER` (+1-212-555-0123), :attr:`BOLD` (**bold text**), :attr:`ITALIC` (*italic text*), :attr:`UNDERLINE` (underlined text), :attr:`STRIKETHROUGH`, :attr:`SPOILER` (spoiler message), :attr:`BLOCKQUOTE` (block quotation), :attr:`CODE` (monowidth string), :attr:`PRE` (monowidth block), :attr:`TEXT_LINK` (for clickable text URLs), :attr:`TEXT_MENTION` (for users without usernames), :attr:`CUSTOM_EMOJI` (for inline custom emoji stickers). .. versionadded:: 20.0 Added inline custom emoji .. versionadded:: 20.8 Added block quotation offset (:obj:`int`): Offset in UTF-16 code units to the start of the entity. length (:obj:`int`): Length of the entity in UTF-16 code units. url (:obj:`str`): Optional. For :attr:`TEXT_LINK` only, url that will be opened after user taps on the text. user (:class:`telegram.User`): Optional. For :attr:`TEXT_MENTION` only, the mentioned user. language (:obj:`str`): Optional. For :attr:`PRE` only, the programming language of the entity text. custom_emoji_id (:obj:`str`): Optional. For :attr:`CUSTOM_EMOJI` only, unique identifier of the custom emoji. Use :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_custom_emoji_stickers` to get full information about the sticker. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = ("custom_emoji_id", "language", "length", "offset", "type", "url", "user") def __init__( self, type: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin offset: int, length: int, url: Optional[str] = None, user: Optional[User] = None, language: Optional[str] = None, custom_emoji_id: Optional[str] = None, *, api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None, ): super().__init__(api_kwargs=api_kwargs) # Required self.type: str = enum.get_member(constants.MessageEntityType, type, type) self.offset: int = offset self.length: int = length # Optionals self.url: Optional[str] = url self.user: Optional[User] = user self.language: Optional[str] = language self.custom_emoji_id: Optional[str] = custom_emoji_id self._id_attrs = (self.type, self.offset, self.length) self._freeze() @classmethod def de_json( cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: Optional["Bot"] = None ) -> Optional["MessageEntity"]: """See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json`.""" data = cls._parse_data(data) if not data: return None data["user"] = User.de_json(data.get("user"), bot) return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot) @staticmethod def adjust_message_entities_to_utf_16( text: str, entities: Sequence["MessageEntity"] ) -> Sequence["MessageEntity"]: """Utility functionality for converting the offset and length of entities from Unicode (:obj:`str`) to UTF-16 (``utf-16-le`` encoded :obj:`bytes`). Tip: Only the offsets and lengths calulated in UTF-16 is acceptable by the Telegram Bot API. If they are calculated using the Unicode string (:obj:`str` object), errors may occur when the text contains characters that are not in the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). For more information, see `Unicode `_ and `Plane (Unicode) `_. .. versionadded:: NEXT.VERSION Examples: Below is a snippet of code that demonstrates how to use this function to convert entities from Unicode to UTF-16 space. The ``unicode_entities`` are calculated in Unicode and the `utf_16_entities` are calculated in UTF-16. .. code-block:: python text = "𠌕 bold 𝄢 italic underlined: 𝛙𝌢𑁍" unicode_entities = [ MessageEntity(offset=2, length=4, type=MessageEntity.BOLD), MessageEntity(offset=9, length=6, type=MessageEntity.ITALIC), MessageEntity(offset=28, length=3, type=MessageEntity.UNDERLINE), ] utf_16_entities = MessageEntity.adjust_message_entities_to_utf_16( text, unicode_entities ) await bot.send_message( chat_id=123, text=text, entities=utf_16_entities, ) # utf_16_entities[0]: offset=3, length=4 # utf_16_entities[1]: offset=11, length=6 # utf_16_entities[2]: offset=30, length=6 Args: text (:obj:`str`): The text that the entities belong to entities (Sequence[:class:`telegram.MessageEntity`]): Sequence of entities with offset and length calculated in Unicode Returns: Sequence[:class:`telegram.MessageEntity`]: Sequence of entities with offset and length calculated in UTF-16 encoding """ # get sorted positions positions = sorted(itertools.chain(*((x.offset, x.offset + x.length) for x in entities))) accumulated_length = 0 # calculate the length of each slice text[:position] in utf-16 accordingly, # store the position translations position_translation: Dict[int, int] = {} for i, position in enumerate(positions): last_position = positions[i - 1] if i > 0 else 0 text_slice = text[last_position:position] accumulated_length += len(text_slice.encode("utf-16-le")) // 2 position_translation[position] = accumulated_length # get the final output entites out = [] for entity in entities: translated_positions = position_translation[entity.offset] translated_length = ( position_translation[entity.offset + entity.length] - translated_positions ) new_entity = copy.copy(entity) with new_entity._unfrozen(): new_entity.offset = translated_positions new_entity.length = translated_length out.append(new_entity) return out ALL_TYPES: Final[List[str]] = list(constants.MessageEntityType) """List[:obj:`str`]: A list of all available message entity types.""" BLOCKQUOTE: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.BLOCKQUOTE """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.BLOCKQUOTE` .. versionadded:: 20.8 """ BOLD: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.BOLD """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.BOLD`""" BOT_COMMAND: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.BOT_COMMAND """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.BOT_COMMAND`""" CASHTAG: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.CASHTAG """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.CASHTAG`""" CODE: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.CODE """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.CODE`""" CUSTOM_EMOJI: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.CUSTOM_EMOJI """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.CUSTOM_EMOJI` .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ EMAIL: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.EMAIL """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.EMAIL`""" EXPANDABLE_BLOCKQUOTE: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.EXPANDABLE_BLOCKQUOTE """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.EXPANDABLE_BLOCKQUOTE` .. versionadded:: 21.3 """ HASHTAG: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.HASHTAG """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.HASHTAG`""" ITALIC: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.ITALIC """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.ITALIC`""" MENTION: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.MENTION """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.MENTION`""" PHONE_NUMBER: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.PHONE_NUMBER """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.PHONE_NUMBER`""" PRE: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.PRE """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.PRE`""" SPOILER: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.SPOILER """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.SPOILER` .. versionadded:: 13.10 """ STRIKETHROUGH: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.STRIKETHROUGH """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.STRIKETHROUGH`""" TEXT_LINK: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.TEXT_LINK """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.TEXT_LINK`""" TEXT_MENTION: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.TEXT_MENTION """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.TEXT_MENTION`""" UNDERLINE: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.UNDERLINE """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.UNDERLINE`""" URL: Final[str] = constants.MessageEntityType.URL """:const:`telegram.constants.MessageEntityType.URL`"""