# python-telegram-bot - a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2021 # by the python-telegram-bot contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """Constants in the Telegram network. The following constants were extracted from the `Telegram Bots FAQ `_ and `Telegram Bots API `_. Attributes: BOT_API_VERSION (:obj:`str`): `5.1`. Telegram Bot API version supported by this version of `python-telegram-bot`. Also available as ``telegram.bot_api_version``. .. versionadded:: 13.4 MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH (:obj:`int`): 4096 MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH (:obj:`int`): 1024 SUPPORTED_WEBHOOK_PORTS (List[:obj:`int`]): [443, 80, 88, 8443] MAX_FILESIZE_DOWNLOAD (:obj:`int`): In bytes (20MB) MAX_FILESIZE_UPLOAD (:obj:`int`): In bytes (50MB) MAX_PHOTOSIZE_UPLOAD (:obj:`int`): In bytes (10MB) MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECOND_PER_CHAT (:obj:`int`): `1`. Telegram may allow short bursts that go over this limit, but eventually you'll begin receiving 429 errors. MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECOND (:obj:`int`): 30 MAX_MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE_PER_GROUP (:obj:`int`): 20 MAX_INLINE_QUERY_RESULTS (:obj:`int`): 50 MAX_ANSWER_CALLBACK_QUERY_TEXT_LENGTH (:obj:`int`): 200 .. versionadded:: 13.2 The following constant have been found by experimentation: Attributes: MAX_MESSAGE_ENTITIES (:obj:`int`): 100 (Beyond this cap telegram will simply ignore further formatting styles) ANONYMOUS_ADMIN_ID (:obj:`int`): ``1087968824`` (User id in groups for anonymous admin) SERVICE_CHAT_ID (:obj:`int`): ``777000`` (Telegram service chat, that also acts as sender of channel posts forwarded to discussion groups) The following constants are related to specific classes and are also available as attributes of those classes: :class:`telegram.Chat`: Attributes: CHAT_PRIVATE (:obj:`str`): 'private' CHAT_GROUP (:obj:`str`): 'group' CHAT_SUPERGROUP (:obj:`str`): 'supergroup' CHAT_CHANNEL (:obj:`str`): 'channel' :class:`telegram.ChatAction`: Attributes: CHATACTION_FIND_LOCATION (:obj:`str`): 'find_location' CHATACTION_RECORD_AUDIO (:obj:`str`): 'record_audio' CHATACTION_RECORD_VIDEO (:obj:`str`): 'record_video' CHATACTION_RECORD_VIDEO_NOTE (:obj:`str`): 'record_video_note' CHATACTION_TYPING (:obj:`str`): 'typing' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_AUDIO (:obj:`str`): 'upload_audio' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT (:obj:`str`): 'upload_document' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_PHOTO (:obj:`str`): 'upload_photo' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_VIDEO (:obj:`str`): 'upload_video' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_VIDEO_NOTE (:obj:`str`): 'upload_video_note' :class:`telegram.ChatMember`: Attributes: CHATMEMBER_ADMINISTRATOR (:obj:`str`): 'administrator' CHATMEMBER_CREATOR (:obj:`str`): 'creator' CHATMEMBER_KICKED (:obj:`str`): 'kicked' CHATMEMBER_LEFT (:obj:`str`): 'left' CHATMEMBER_MEMBER (:obj:`str`): 'member' CHATMEMBER_RESTRICTED (:obj:`str`): 'restricted' :class:`telegram.Dice`: Attributes: DICE_DICE (:obj:`str`): '🎲' DICE_DARTS (:obj:`str`): '🎯' DICE_BASKETBALL (:obj:`str`): '🏀' DICE_FOOTBALL (:obj:`str`): '⚽' DICE_SLOT_MACHINE (:obj:`str`): '🎰' DICE_BOWLING (:obj:`str`): '🎳' .. versionadded:: 13.4 DICE_ALL_EMOJI (List[:obj:`str`]): List of all supported base emoji. .. versionchanged:: 13.4 Added :attr:`DICE_BOWLING` :class:`telegram.MessageEntity`: Attributes: MESSAGEENTITY_MENTION (:obj:`str`): 'mention' MESSAGEENTITY_HASHTAG (:obj:`str`): 'hashtag' MESSAGEENTITY_CASHTAG (:obj:`str`): 'cashtag' MESSAGEENTITY_PHONE_NUMBER (:obj:`str`): 'phone_number' MESSAGEENTITY_BOT_COMMAND (:obj:`str`): 'bot_command' MESSAGEENTITY_URL (:obj:`str`): 'url' MESSAGEENTITY_EMAIL (:obj:`str`): 'email' MESSAGEENTITY_BOLD (:obj:`str`): 'bold' MESSAGEENTITY_ITALIC (:obj:`str`): 'italic' MESSAGEENTITY_CODE (:obj:`str`): 'code' MESSAGEENTITY_PRE (:obj:`str`): 'pre' MESSAGEENTITY_TEXT_LINK (:obj:`str`): 'text_link' MESSAGEENTITY_TEXT_MENTION (:obj:`str`): 'text_mention' MESSAGEENTITY_UNDERLINE (:obj:`str`): 'underline' MESSAGEENTITY_STRIKETHROUGH (:obj:`str`): 'strikethrough' MESSAGEENTITY_ALL_TYPES (List[:obj:`str`]): List of all the types of message entity. :class:`telegram.ParseMode`: Attributes: PARSEMODE_MARKDOWN (:obj:`str`): 'Markdown' PARSEMODE_MARKDOWN_V2 (:obj:`str`): 'MarkdownV2' PARSEMODE_HTML (:obj:`str`): 'HTML' :class:`telegram.Poll`: Attributes: POLL_REGULAR (:obj:`str`): 'regular' POLL_QUIZ (:obj:`str`): 'quiz' MAX_POLL_QUESTION_LENGTH (:obj:`int`): 300 MAX_POLL_OPTION_LENGTH (:obj:`int`): 100 :class:`telegram.files.MaskPosition`: Attributes: STICKER_FOREHEAD (:obj:`str`): 'forehead' STICKER_EYES (:obj:`str`): 'eyes' STICKER_MOUTH (:obj:`str`): 'mouth' STICKER_CHIN (:obj:`str`): 'chin' """ from typing import List BOT_API_VERSION: str = '5.1' MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH: int = 4096 MAX_CAPTION_LENGTH: int = 1024 ANONYMOUS_ADMIN_ID: int = 1087968824 SERVICE_CHAT_ID: int = 777000 # constants above this line are tested SUPPORTED_WEBHOOK_PORTS: List[int] = [443, 80, 88, 8443] MAX_FILESIZE_DOWNLOAD: int = int(20e6) # (20MB) MAX_FILESIZE_UPLOAD: int = int(50e6) # (50MB) MAX_PHOTOSIZE_UPLOAD: int = int(10e6) # (10MB) MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECOND_PER_CHAT: int = 1 MAX_MESSAGES_PER_SECOND: int = 30 MAX_MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE_PER_GROUP: int = 20 MAX_MESSAGE_ENTITIES: int = 100 MAX_INLINE_QUERY_RESULTS: int = 50 MAX_ANSWER_CALLBACK_QUERY_TEXT_LENGTH: int = 200 CHAT_PRIVATE: str = 'private' CHAT_GROUP: str = 'group' CHAT_SUPERGROUP: str = 'supergroup' CHAT_CHANNEL: str = 'channel' CHATACTION_FIND_LOCATION: str = 'find_location' CHATACTION_RECORD_AUDIO: str = 'record_audio' CHATACTION_RECORD_VIDEO: str = 'record_video' CHATACTION_RECORD_VIDEO_NOTE: str = 'record_video_note' CHATACTION_TYPING: str = 'typing' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_AUDIO: str = 'upload_audio' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_DOCUMENT: str = 'upload_document' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_PHOTO: str = 'upload_photo' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_VIDEO: str = 'upload_video' CHATACTION_UPLOAD_VIDEO_NOTE: str = 'upload_video_note' CHATMEMBER_ADMINISTRATOR: str = 'administrator' CHATMEMBER_CREATOR: str = 'creator' CHATMEMBER_KICKED: str = 'kicked' CHATMEMBER_LEFT: str = 'left' CHATMEMBER_MEMBER: str = 'member' CHATMEMBER_RESTRICTED: str = 'restricted' DICE_DICE: str = '🎲' DICE_DARTS: str = '🎯' DICE_BASKETBALL: str = '🏀' DICE_FOOTBALL: str = '⚽' DICE_SLOT_MACHINE: str = '🎰' DICE_BOWLING: str = '🎳' DICE_ALL_EMOJI: List[str] = [ DICE_DICE, DICE_DARTS, DICE_BASKETBALL, DICE_FOOTBALL, DICE_SLOT_MACHINE, DICE_BOWLING, ] MESSAGEENTITY_MENTION: str = 'mention' MESSAGEENTITY_HASHTAG: str = 'hashtag' MESSAGEENTITY_CASHTAG: str = 'cashtag' MESSAGEENTITY_PHONE_NUMBER: str = 'phone_number' MESSAGEENTITY_BOT_COMMAND: str = 'bot_command' MESSAGEENTITY_URL: str = 'url' MESSAGEENTITY_EMAIL: str = 'email' MESSAGEENTITY_BOLD: str = 'bold' MESSAGEENTITY_ITALIC: str = 'italic' MESSAGEENTITY_CODE: str = 'code' MESSAGEENTITY_PRE: str = 'pre' MESSAGEENTITY_TEXT_LINK: str = 'text_link' MESSAGEENTITY_TEXT_MENTION: str = 'text_mention' MESSAGEENTITY_UNDERLINE: str = 'underline' MESSAGEENTITY_STRIKETHROUGH: str = 'strikethrough' MESSAGEENTITY_ALL_TYPES: List[str] = [ MESSAGEENTITY_MENTION, MESSAGEENTITY_HASHTAG, MESSAGEENTITY_CASHTAG, MESSAGEENTITY_PHONE_NUMBER, MESSAGEENTITY_BOT_COMMAND, MESSAGEENTITY_URL, MESSAGEENTITY_EMAIL, MESSAGEENTITY_BOLD, MESSAGEENTITY_ITALIC, MESSAGEENTITY_CODE, MESSAGEENTITY_PRE, MESSAGEENTITY_TEXT_LINK, MESSAGEENTITY_TEXT_MENTION, MESSAGEENTITY_UNDERLINE, MESSAGEENTITY_STRIKETHROUGH, ] PARSEMODE_MARKDOWN: str = 'Markdown' PARSEMODE_MARKDOWN_V2: str = 'MarkdownV2' PARSEMODE_HTML: str = 'HTML' POLL_REGULAR: str = 'regular' POLL_QUIZ: str = 'quiz' MAX_POLL_QUESTION_LENGTH: int = 300 MAX_POLL_OPTION_LENGTH: int = 100 STICKER_FOREHEAD: str = 'forehead' STICKER_EYES: str = 'eyes' STICKER_MOUTH: str = 'mouth' STICKER_CHIN: str = 'chin'