import telegram class NoSuchCommandException(BaseException): pass class CommandDispatcher: def __init__(self,): self.commands = list() self.default = None def addCommand(self, command, callback): self.commands.append((command, callback)) def setDefault(self, callback): self.default = callback def dispatch(self, update): if hasattr(update.message, 'text'): text = update.message.text else: text = '' user_id = com = text.split('@')[0] for command, callback in self.commands: if com == command: return callback(command, user_id) if self.default is not None: return self.default(text, user_id) else: raise NoSuchCommandException() class EnhancedBot(telegram.Bot): """The Bot class with command dispatcher added. >>> bot = EnhancedBot(token=TOKEN) >>> @bot.command('/start') ... def start(command, user_id): ... # should return a tuple: (text, reply_id, custom_keyboard) ... return ("Hello, there! Your id is {}".format(user_id), None, None) >>> while True: ... bot.processUpdates() ... time.sleep(3) """ def __init__(self, token): self.dispatcher = CommandDispatcher() telegram.Bot.__init__(self, token=token) self.offset = 0 #id of the last processed update def command(self, *names, default=False): """Decorator for adding callbacks for commands.""" def inner_command(callback): for name in names: self.dispatcher.addCommand(name, callback) if default: self.dispatcher.setDefault(callback) return callback # doesn't touch the callback, so we can use it return inner_command def processUpdates(self): updates = self.getUpdates(offset=self.offset) for update in updates: print('processing update: {}'.format(str(update.to_dict()))) self.offset = update.update_id + 1 if not hasattr(update, 'message'): continue try: answer, reply_to, reply_markup = self.dispatcher.dispatch(update) except Exception as e: print('error occured') # TODO logging print(update.to_dict()) raise e if answer is not None: self.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=answer, reply_to_message_id=reply_to, reply_markup=reply_markup)