#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 '''Robô Ed Telegram Bot''' __author__ = 'leandrotoledodesouza@gmail.com' import logging import telegram import urllib def main(): logging.basicConfig( format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') bot = telegram.Bot('TOKEN') # Telegram Bot Authorization Token LAST_UPDATE_ID = bot.getUpdates()[-1].update_id # Get lastest update while True: for update in bot.getUpdates(offset=LAST_UPDATE_ID): text = update.message.text chat_id = update.message.chat.id update_id = update.update_id if LAST_UPDATE_ID < update_id: # If newer than the initial # LAST_UPDATE_ID if text: roboed = ed(text) # Ask something to Robô Ed bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=roboed) LAST_UPDATE_ID = update_id def ed(text): url = 'http://www.ed.conpet.gov.br/mod_perl/bot_gateway.cgi?server=' + text data = urllib.urlopen(url).read() return data.strip() if __name__ == '__main__': main()