# python-telegram-bot - a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # by the python-telegram-bot contributors # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains several constants that are relevant for working with the Bot API. Unless noted otherwise, all constants in this module were extracted from the `Telegram Bots FAQ `_ and `Telegram Bots API `_. Most of the following constants are related to specific classes or topics and are grouped into enums. If they are related to a specific class, then they are also available as attributes of those classes. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 * Most of the constants in this module are grouped into enums. """ # TODO: Remove this when https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/6887 is resolved. # pylint: disable=invalid-enum-extension __all__ = [ "BOT_API_VERSION", "BOT_API_VERSION_INFO", "BotCommandScopeType", "CallbackQueryLimit", "ChatAction", "ChatID", "ChatInviteLinkLimit", "ChatMemberStatus", "ChatType", "CustomEmojiStickerLimit", "DiceEmoji", "FileSizeLimit", "FloodLimit", "InlineKeyboardMarkupLimit", "InlineQueryLimit", "InlineQueryResultType", "InputMediaType", "InvoiceLimit", "LocationLimit", "MaskPosition", "MenuButtonType", "MessageAttachmentType", "MessageEntityType", "MessageLimit", "MessageType", "ParseMode", "PollLimit", "PollType", "SUPPORTED_WEBHOOK_PORTS", "StickerType", "WebhookLimit", "UpdateType", ] from typing import List, NamedTuple from telegram._utils.enum import IntEnum, StringEnum class _BotAPIVersion(NamedTuple): """Similar behavior to sys.version_info. So far TG has only published X.Y releases. We can add X.Y.Z(a(S)) if needed. """ major: int minor: int def __repr__(self) -> str: """Unfortunately calling super().__repr__ doesn't work with typing.NamedTuple, so we do this manually. """ return f"BotAPIVersion(major={self.major}, minor={self.minor})" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.major}.{self.minor}" #: :class:`typing.NamedTuple`: A tuple containing the two components of the version number: # ``major`` and ``minor``. Both values are integers. #: The components can also be accessed by name, so ``BOT_API_VERSION_INFO[0]`` is equivalent #: to ``BOT_API_VERSION_INFO.major`` and so on. Also available as #: :data:`telegram.__bot_api_version_info__`. #: #: .. versionadded:: 20.0 BOT_API_VERSION_INFO = _BotAPIVersion(major=6, minor=2) #: :obj:`str`: Telegram Bot API #: version supported by this version of `python-telegram-bot`. Also available as #: :data:`telegram.__bot_api_version__`. #: #: .. versionadded:: 13.4 BOT_API_VERSION = str(BOT_API_VERSION_INFO) # constants above this line are tested #: List[:obj:`int`]: Ports supported by #: :paramref:`telegram.Bot.set_webhook.url`. SUPPORTED_WEBHOOK_PORTS: List[int] = [443, 80, 88, 8443] class BotCommandScopeType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScope`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () DEFAULT = "default" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScopeDefault`.""" ALL_PRIVATE_CHATS = "all_private_chats" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats`.""" ALL_GROUP_CHATS = "all_group_chats" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats`.""" ALL_CHAT_ADMINISTRATORS = "all_chat_administrators" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators`.""" CHAT = "chat" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScopeChat`.""" CHAT_ADMINISTRATORS = "chat_administrators" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators`.""" CHAT_MEMBER = "chat_member" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.BotCommandScopeChatMember`.""" class CallbackQueryLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :class:`telegram.CallbackQuery`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.answer_callback_query`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () ANSWER_CALLBACK_QUERY_TEXT_LENGTH = 200 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of characters for the ``text`` parameter of :meth:`telegram.Bot.answer_callback_query`.""" class ChatAction(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available chat actions for :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_chat_action`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () CHOOSE_STICKER = "choose_sticker" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is selecting a sticker.""" FIND_LOCATION = "find_location" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is selecting a location.""" RECORD_VOICE = "record_voice" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is recording a voice message.""" RECORD_VIDEO = "record_video" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is recording a video.""" RECORD_VIDEO_NOTE = "record_video_note" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is recording a video note.""" TYPING = "typing" """:obj:`str`: A chat indicating the bot is typing.""" UPLOAD_VOICE = "upload_voice" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is uploading a voice message.""" UPLOAD_DOCUMENT = "upload_document" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is uploading a document.""" UPLOAD_PHOTO = "upload_photo" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is uploading a photo.""" UPLOAD_VIDEO = "upload_video" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is uploading a video.""" UPLOAD_VIDEO_NOTE = "upload_video_note" """:obj:`str`: Chat action indicating that the bot is uploading a video note.""" class ChatID(IntEnum): """This enum contains some special chat IDs. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () ANONYMOUS_ADMIN = 1087968824 """:obj:`int`: User ID in groups for messages sent by anonymous admins. Note: :attr:`telegram.Message.from_user` will contain this ID for backwards compatibility only. It's recommended to use :attr:`telegram.Message.sender_chat` instead. """ SERVICE_CHAT = 777000 """:obj:`int`: Telegram service chat, that also acts as sender of channel posts forwarded to discussion groups. Note: :attr:`telegram.Message.from_user` will contain this ID for backwards compatibility only. It's recommended to use :attr:`telegram.Message.sender_chat` instead. """ FAKE_CHANNEL = 136817688 """:obj:`int`: User ID in groups when message is sent on behalf of a channel. Note: * :attr:`telegram.Message.from_user` will contain this ID for backwards compatibility only. It's recommended to use :attr:`telegram.Message.sender_chat` instead. * This value is undocumented and might be changed by Telegram. """ class ChatInviteLinkLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :class:`telegram.ChatInviteLink`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.create_chat_invite_link`/:meth:`telegram.Bot.edit_chat_invite_link`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () MEMBER_LIMIT = 99999 """:obj:`int`: Maximum value allowed for the ``member_limit`` parameter of :meth:`telegram.Bot.create_chat_invite_link` and :meth:`telegram.Bot.edit_chat_invite_link`.""" NAME_LENGTH = 32 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of characters allowed for the ``name`` parameter of :meth:`telegram.Bot.create_chat_invite_link` and :meth:`telegram.Bot.edit_chat_invite_link`.""" class ChatMemberStatus(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available states for :class:`telegram.ChatMember`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () ADMINISTRATOR = "administrator" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.ChatMember` who is administrator of the chat.""" OWNER = "creator" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.ChatMember` who is the owner of the chat.""" BANNED = "kicked" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.ChatMember` who was banned in the chat.""" LEFT = "left" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.ChatMember` who has left the chat.""" MEMBER = "member" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.ChatMember` who is a member of the chat.""" RESTRICTED = "restricted" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.ChatMember` who was restricted in this chat.""" class ChatType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.Chat`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () SENDER = "sender" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Chat` that represents the chat of a :class:`telegram.User` sending an :class:`telegram.InlineQuery`. """ PRIVATE = "private" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Chat` that is private.""" GROUP = "group" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Chat` that is a group.""" SUPERGROUP = "supergroup" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Chat` that is a supergroup.""" CHANNEL = "channel" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Chat` that is a channel.""" class CustomEmojiStickerLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_custom_emoji_stickers`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () CUSTOM_EMOJI_IDENTIFIER_LIMIT = 200 """:obj:`int`: Maximum amount of custom emoji identifiers which can be specified for the :paramref:`~telegram.Bot.get_custom_emoji_stickers.custom_emoji_ids` parameter of :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_custom_emoji_stickers`. """ class DiceEmoji(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available emoji for :class:`telegram.Dice`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_dice`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () DICE = "🎲" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Dice` with the emoji ``🎲``.""" DARTS = "🎯" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Dice` with the emoji ``🎯``.""" BASKETBALL = "🏀" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Dice` with the emoji ``🏀``.""" FOOTBALL = "⚽" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Dice` with the emoji ``⚽``.""" SLOT_MACHINE = "🎰" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Dice` with the emoji ``🎰``.""" BOWLING = "🎳" """:obj:`str`: A :class:`telegram.Dice` with the emoji ``🎳``.""" class FileSizeLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations regarding the upload and download of files. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () FILESIZE_DOWNLOAD = int(20e6) # (20MB) """:obj:`int`: Bots can download files of up to 20MB in size.""" FILESIZE_UPLOAD = int(50e6) # (50MB) """:obj:`int`: Bots can upload non-photo files of up to 50MB in size.""" PHOTOSIZE_UPLOAD = int(10e6) # (10MB) """:obj:`int`: Bots can upload photo files of up to 10MB in size.""" class FloodLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations regarding flood limits. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () MESSAGES_PER_SECOND_PER_CHAT = 1 """:obj:`int`: The number of messages that can be sent per second in a particular chat. Telegram may allow short bursts that go over this limit, but eventually you'll begin receiving 429 errors. """ MESSAGES_PER_SECOND = 30 """:obj:`int`: The number of messages that can roughly be sent in an interval of 30 seconds across all chats. """ MESSAGES_PER_MINUTE_PER_GROUP = 20 """:obj:`int`: The number of messages that can roughly be sent to a particular group within one minute. """ class InlineKeyboardMarkupLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :class:`telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_message` & friends. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () TOTAL_BUTTON_NUMBER = 100 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of buttons that can be attached to a message. Note: This value is undocumented and might be changed by Telegram. """ BUTTONS_PER_ROW = 8 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of buttons that can be attached to a message per row. Note: This value is undocumented and might be changed by Telegram. """ class InputMediaType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.InputMedia`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () ANIMATION = "animation" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InputMediaAnimation`.""" DOCUMENT = "document" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InputMediaDocument`.""" AUDIO = "audio" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InputMediaAudio`.""" PHOTO = "photo" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InputMediaPhoto`.""" VIDEO = "video" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InputMediaVideo`.""" class InlineQueryLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :class:`telegram.InlineQuery`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.answer_inline_query`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () RESULTS = 50 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of results that can be passed to :meth:`telegram.Bot.answer_inline_query`.""" SWITCH_PM_TEXT_LENGTH = 64 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of characters for the ``switch_pm_text`` parameter of :meth:`telegram.Bot.answer_inline_query`.""" class InlineQueryResultType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResult`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () AUDIO = "audio" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultAudio` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedAudio`. """ DOCUMENT = "document" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultDocument` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedDocument`. """ GIF = "gif" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultGif` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedGif`. """ MPEG4GIF = "mpeg4_gif" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif`. """ PHOTO = "photo" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultPhoto` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto`. """ STICKER = "sticker" """:obj:`str`: Type of and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedSticker`.""" VIDEO = "video" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultVideo` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedVideo`. """ VOICE = "voice" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultVoice` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultCachedVoice`. """ ARTICLE = "article" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultArticle`.""" CONTACT = "contact" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultContact`.""" GAME = "game" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultGame`.""" LOCATION = "location" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultLocation`.""" VENUE = "venue" """:obj:`str`: Type of :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultVenue`.""" class LocationLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :class:`telegram.Location`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_location`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () HORIZONTAL_ACCURACY = 1500 """:obj:`int`: Maximum radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters.""" HEADING = 360 """:obj:`int`: Maximum value allowed for the direction in which the user is moving, in degrees. """ PROXIMITY_ALERT_RADIUS = 100000 """:obj:`int`: Maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. """ class MaskPosition(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available positions for :class:`telegram.MaskPosition`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () FOREHEAD = "forehead" """:obj:`str`: Mask position for a sticker on the forehead.""" EYES = "eyes" """:obj:`str`: Mask position for a sticker on the eyes.""" MOUTH = "mouth" """:obj:`str`: Mask position for a sticker on the mouth.""" CHIN = "chin" """:obj:`str`: Mask position for a sticker on the chin.""" class MenuButtonType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.MenuButton`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () COMMANDS = "commands" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.MenuButtonCommands`.""" WEB_APP = "web_app" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.MenuButtonWebApp`.""" DEFAULT = "default" """:obj:`str`: The type of :class:`telegram.MenuButtonDefault`.""" class MessageAttachmentType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.Message` that can be seen as attachment. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () # Make sure that all constants here are also listed in the MessageType Enum! # (Enums are not extendable) ANIMATION = "animation" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.animation`.""" AUDIO = "audio" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.audio`.""" CONTACT = "contact" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.contact`.""" DICE = "dice" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.dice`.""" DOCUMENT = "document" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.document`.""" GAME = "game" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.game`.""" INVOICE = "invoice" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.invoice`.""" LOCATION = "location" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.location`.""" PASSPORT_DATA = "passport_data" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.passport_data`.""" PHOTO = "photo" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.photo`.""" POLL = "poll" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.poll`.""" STICKER = "sticker" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.sticker`.""" SUCCESSFUL_PAYMENT = "successful_payment" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.successful_payment`.""" VIDEO = "video" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video`.""" VIDEO_NOTE = "video_note" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video_note`.""" VOICE = "voice" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.voice`.""" VENUE = "venue" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.venue`.""" class MessageEntityType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.MessageEntity`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () MENTION = "mention" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing a mention.""" HASHTAG = "hashtag" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing a hashtag.""" CASHTAG = "cashtag" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing a cashtag.""" PHONE_NUMBER = "phone_number" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing a phone number.""" BOT_COMMAND = "bot_command" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing a bot command.""" URL = "url" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing a url.""" EMAIL = "email" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing a email.""" BOLD = "bold" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing bold text.""" ITALIC = "italic" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing italic text.""" CODE = "code" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing monowidth string.""" PRE = "pre" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing monowidth block.""" TEXT_LINK = "text_link" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing clickable text URLs.""" TEXT_MENTION = "text_mention" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing text mention for users without usernames.""" UNDERLINE = "underline" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing underline text.""" STRIKETHROUGH = "strikethrough" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing strikethrough text.""" SPOILER = "spoiler" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing spoiler text.""" CUSTOM_EMOJI = "custom_emoji" """:obj:`str`: Message entities representing inline custom emoji stickers. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ class MessageLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :class:`telegram.Message`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_message` & friends. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () TEXT_LENGTH = 4096 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of characters for a text message.""" CAPTION_LENGTH = 1024 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of characters for a message caption.""" # constants above this line are tested MESSAGE_ENTITIES = 100 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of entities that can be displayed in a message. Further entities will simply be ignored by Telegram. Note: This value is undocumented and might be changed by Telegram. """ class MessageType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.Message` that can be seen as attachment. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () # Make sure that all attachment type constants are also listed in the # MessageAttachmentType Enum! (Enums are not extendable) # -------------------------------------------------- Attachment types ANIMATION = "animation" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.animation`.""" AUDIO = "audio" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.audio`.""" CONTACT = "contact" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.contact`.""" DICE = "dice" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.dice`.""" DOCUMENT = "document" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.document`.""" GAME = "game" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.game`.""" INVOICE = "invoice" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.invoice`.""" LOCATION = "location" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.location`.""" PASSPORT_DATA = "passport_data" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.passport_data`.""" PHOTO = "photo" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.photo`.""" POLL = "poll" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.poll`.""" STICKER = "sticker" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.sticker`.""" SUCCESSFUL_PAYMENT = "successful_payment" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.successful_payment`.""" VIDEO = "video" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video`.""" VIDEO_NOTE = "video_note" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video_note`.""" VOICE = "voice" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.voice`.""" VENUE = "venue" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.venue`.""" # -------------------------------------------------- Other types TEXT = "text" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.text`.""" NEW_CHAT_MEMBERS = "new_chat_members" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.new_chat_members`.""" LEFT_CHAT_MEMBER = "left_chat_member" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.left_chat_member`.""" NEW_CHAT_TITLE = "new_chat_title" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.new_chat_title`.""" NEW_CHAT_PHOTO = "new_chat_photo" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.new_chat_photo`.""" DELETE_CHAT_PHOTO = "delete_chat_photo" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.delete_chat_photo`.""" GROUP_CHAT_CREATED = "group_chat_created" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.group_chat_created`.""" SUPERGROUP_CHAT_CREATED = "supergroup_chat_created" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.supergroup_chat_created`.""" CHANNEL_CHAT_CREATED = "channel_chat_created" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.channel_chat_created`.""" MESSAGE_AUTO_DELETE_TIMER_CHANGED = "message_auto_delete_timer_changed" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.message_auto_delete_timer_changed`.""" MIGRATE_TO_CHAT_ID = "migrate_to_chat_id" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.migrate_to_chat_id`.""" MIGRATE_FROM_CHAT_ID = "migrate_from_chat_id" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.migrate_from_chat_id`.""" PINNED_MESSAGE = "pinned_message" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.pinned_message`.""" PROXIMITY_ALERT_TRIGGERED = "proximity_alert_triggered" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.proximity_alert_triggered`.""" VIDEO_CHAT_SCHEDULED = "video_chat_scheduled" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video_chat_scheduled`.""" VIDEO_CHAT_STARTED = "video_chat_started" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video_chat_started`.""" VIDEO_CHAT_ENDED = "video_chat_ended" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video_chat_ended`.""" VIDEO_CHAT_PARTICIPANTS_INVITED = "video_chat_participants_invited" """:obj:`str`: Messages with :attr:`telegram.Message.video_chat_participants_invited`.""" class StickerType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.Sticker`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () REGULAR = "regular" """:obj:`str`: Regular sticker.""" MASK = "mask" """:obj:`str`: Mask sticker.""" CUSTOM_EMOJI = "custom_emoji" """:obj:`str`: Custom emoji sticker.""" class ParseMode(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available parse modes. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () MARKDOWN = "Markdown" """:obj:`str`: Markdown parse mode. Note: :attr:`MARKDOWN` is a legacy mode, retained by Telegram for backward compatibility. You should use :attr:`MARKDOWN_V2` instead. """ MARKDOWN_V2 = "MarkdownV2" """:obj:`str`: Markdown parse mode version 2.""" HTML = "HTML" """:obj:`str`: HTML parse mode.""" class PollLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :class:`telegram.Poll`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_poll`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () QUESTION_LENGTH = 300 """:obj:`str`: Maximum number of characters of the polls question.""" OPTION_LENGTH = 100 """:obj:`str`: Maximum number of characters for each option for the poll.""" OPTION_NUMBER = 10 """:obj:`str`: Maximum number of available options for the poll.""" class PollType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types for :class:`telegram.Poll`/ :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_poll`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () REGULAR = "regular" """:obj:`str`: regular polls.""" QUIZ = "quiz" """:obj:`str`: quiz polls.""" class UpdateType(StringEnum): """This enum contains the available types of :class:`telegram.Update`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`str` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () MESSAGE = "message" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.message`.""" EDITED_MESSAGE = "edited_message" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.edited_message`.""" CHANNEL_POST = "channel_post" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.channel_post`.""" EDITED_CHANNEL_POST = "edited_channel_post" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.edited_channel_post`.""" INLINE_QUERY = "inline_query" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.inline_query`.""" CHOSEN_INLINE_RESULT = "chosen_inline_result" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.chosen_inline_result`.""" CALLBACK_QUERY = "callback_query" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.callback_query`.""" SHIPPING_QUERY = "shipping_query" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.shipping_query`.""" PRE_CHECKOUT_QUERY = "pre_checkout_query" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.pre_checkout_query`.""" POLL = "poll" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.poll`.""" POLL_ANSWER = "poll_answer" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.poll_answer`.""" MY_CHAT_MEMBER = "my_chat_member" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.my_chat_member`.""" CHAT_MEMBER = "chat_member" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.chat_member`.""" CHAT_JOIN_REQUEST = "chat_join_request" """:obj:`str`: Updates with :attr:`telegram.Update.chat_join_request`.""" class InvoiceLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :meth:`telegram.Bot.create_invoice_link`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () MIN_TITLE_LENGTH = 1 """:obj:`int`: Minimum number of characters of the invoice title.""" MAX_TITLE_LENGTH = 32 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of characters of the invoice title.""" MIN_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 1 """:obj:`int`: Minimum number of characters of the invoice description.""" MAX_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH = 255 """:obj:`int`: Maximum number of characters of the invoice description.""" MIN_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 1 """:obj:`int`: Minimum amount of bytes for the internal payload.""" MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 128 """:obj:`int`: Maximum amount of bytes for the internal payload.""" class WebhookLimit(IntEnum): """This enum contains limitations for :paramref:`telegram.Bot.set_webhook.secret_token`. The enum members of this enumeration are instances of :class:`int` and can be treated as such. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = () MIN_SECRET_TOKEN_LENGTH = 1 """:obj:`int`: Minimum length of the secret token.""" MAX_SECRET_TOKEN_LENGTH = 256 """:obj:`int`: Maximum length of the secret token."""