#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2023 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains the Application class.""" import asyncio import contextlib import inspect import itertools import platform import signal import sys from collections import defaultdict from copy import deepcopy from pathlib import Path from types import MappingProxyType, TracebackType from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, AsyncContextManager, Awaitable, Callable, Coroutine, DefaultDict, Dict, Generator, Generic, List, Mapping, NoReturn, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) from telegram._update import Update from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import ( DEFAULT_80, DEFAULT_IP, DEFAULT_NONE, DEFAULT_TRUE, DefaultValue, ) from telegram._utils.logging import get_logger from telegram._utils.repr import build_repr_with_selected_attrs from telegram._utils.types import SCT, DVType, ODVInput from telegram._utils.warnings import warn from telegram.error import TelegramError from telegram.ext._basepersistence import BasePersistence from telegram.ext._contexttypes import ContextTypes from telegram.ext._extbot import ExtBot from telegram.ext._handlers.basehandler import BaseHandler from telegram.ext._updater import Updater from telegram.ext._utils.stack import was_called_by from telegram.ext._utils.trackingdict import TrackingDict from telegram.ext._utils.types import BD, BT, CCT, CD, JQ, RT, UD, ConversationKey, HandlerCallback from telegram.warnings import PTBDeprecationWarning if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram import Message from telegram.ext import ConversationHandler, JobQueue from telegram.ext._applicationbuilder import InitApplicationBuilder from telegram.ext._baseupdateprocessor import BaseUpdateProcessor from telegram.ext._jobqueue import Job DEFAULT_GROUP: int = 0 _AppType = TypeVar("_AppType", bound="Application") # pylint: disable=invalid-name _STOP_SIGNAL = object() _DEFAULT_0 = DefaultValue(0) # Since python 3.12, the coroutine passed to create_task should not be an (async) generator. Remove # this check when we drop support for python 3.11. if sys.version_info >= (3, 12): _CoroType = Awaitable[RT] else: _CoroType = Union[Generator["asyncio.Future[object]", None, RT], Awaitable[RT]] _ErrorCoroType = Optional[_CoroType[RT]] _LOGGER = get_logger(__name__) class ApplicationHandlerStop(Exception): """ Raise this in a handler or an error handler to prevent execution of any other handler (even in different groups). In order to use this exception in a :class:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler`, pass the optional :paramref:`state` parameter instead of returning the next state: .. code-block:: python async def conversation_callback(update, context): ... raise ApplicationHandlerStop(next_state) Note: Has no effect, if the handler or error handler is run in a non-blocking way. Args: state (:obj:`object`, optional): The next state of the conversation. Attributes: state (:obj:`object`): Optional. The next state of the conversation. """ __slots__ = ("state",) def __init__(self, state: Optional[object] = None) -> None: super().__init__() self.state: Optional[object] = state class Application(Generic[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ], AsyncContextManager["Application"]): """This class dispatches all kinds of updates to its registered handlers, and is the entry point to a PTB application. Tip: This class may not be initialized directly. Use :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder` or :meth:`builder` (for convenience). Instances of this class can be used as asyncio context managers, where .. code:: python async with application: # code is roughly equivalent to .. code:: python try: await application.initialize() # code finally: await application.shutdown() .. seealso:: :meth:`__aenter__` and :meth:`__aexit__`. Examples: :any:`Echo Bot ` .. seealso:: :wiki:`Your First Bot `, :wiki:`Architecture Overview ` .. versionchanged:: 20.0 * Initialization is now done through the :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder`. * Removed the attribute ``groups``. Attributes: bot (:class:`telegram.Bot`): The bot object that should be passed to the handlers. update_queue (:class:`asyncio.Queue`): The synchronized queue that will contain the updates. updater (:class:`telegram.ext.Updater`): Optional. The updater used by this application. chat_data (:obj:`types.MappingProxyType`): A dictionary handlers can use to store data for the chat. For each integer chat id, the corresponding value of this mapping is available as :attr:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext.chat_data` in handler callbacks for updates from that chat. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 :attr:`chat_data` is now read-only. Note that the values of the mapping are still mutable, i.e. editing ``context.chat_data`` within a handler callback is possible (and encouraged), but editing the mapping ``application.chat_data`` itself is not. .. tip:: * Manually modifying :attr:`chat_data` is almost never needed and unadvisable. * Entries are never deleted automatically from this mapping. If you want to delete the data associated with a specific chat, e.g. if the bot got removed from that chat, please use :meth:`drop_chat_data`. user_data (:obj:`types.MappingProxyType`): A dictionary handlers can use to store data for the user. For each integer user id, the corresponding value of this mapping is available as :attr:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext.user_data` in handler callbacks for updates from that user. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 :attr:`user_data` is now read-only. Note that the values of the mapping are still mutable, i.e. editing ``context.user_data`` within a handler callback is possible (and encouraged), but editing the mapping ``application.user_data`` itself is not. .. tip:: * Manually modifying :attr:`user_data` is almost never needed and unadvisable. * Entries are never deleted automatically from this mapping. If you want to delete the data associated with a specific user, e.g. if that user blocked the bot, please use :meth:`drop_user_data`. bot_data (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary handlers can use to store data for the bot. persistence (:class:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence`): The persistence class to store data that should be persistent over restarts. handlers (Dict[:obj:`int`, List[:class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler`]]): A dictionary mapping each handler group to the list of handlers registered to that group. .. seealso:: :meth:`add_handler`, :meth:`add_handlers`. error_handlers (Dict[:term:`coroutine function`, :obj:`bool`]): A dictionary where the keys are error handlers and the values indicate whether they are to be run blocking. .. seealso:: :meth:`add_error_handler` context_types (:class:`telegram.ext.ContextTypes`): Specifies the types used by this dispatcher for the ``context`` argument of handler and job callbacks. post_init (:term:`coroutine function`): Optional. A callback that will be executed by :meth:`Application.run_polling` and :meth:`Application.run_webhook` after initializing the application via :meth:`initialize`. post_shutdown (:term:`coroutine function`): Optional. A callback that will be executed by :meth:`Application.run_polling` and :meth:`Application.run_webhook` after shutting down the application via :meth:`shutdown`. post_stop (:term:`coroutine function`): Optional. A callback that will be executed by :meth:`Application.run_polling` and :meth:`Application.run_webhook` after stopping the application via :meth:`stop`. .. versionadded:: 20.1 """ __slots__ = ( "__create_task_tasks", "__update_fetcher_task", "__update_persistence_event", "__update_persistence_lock", "__update_persistence_task", # Allowing '__weakref__' creation here since we need it for the JobQueue # Uncomment if necessary - currently the __weakref__ slot is already created # in the AsyncContextManager base class # "__weakref__", "_chat_data", "_chat_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence", "_chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence", "_conversation_handler_conversations", "_initialized", "_job_queue", "_running", "_update_processor", "_user_data", "_user_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence", "_user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence", "bot", "bot_data", "chat_data", "context_types", "error_handlers", "handlers", "persistence", "post_init", "post_shutdown", "post_stop", "update_queue", "updater", "user_data", ) def __init__( self: "Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]", *, bot: BT, update_queue: "asyncio.Queue[object]", updater: Optional[Updater], job_queue: JQ, update_processor: "BaseUpdateProcessor", persistence: Optional[BasePersistence[UD, CD, BD]], context_types: ContextTypes[CCT, UD, CD, BD], post_init: Optional[ Callable[["Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]"], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] ], post_shutdown: Optional[ Callable[["Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]"], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] ], post_stop: Optional[ Callable[["Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]"], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] ], ): if not was_called_by( inspect.currentframe(), Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "_applicationbuilder.py" ): warn( "`Application` instances should be built via the `ApplicationBuilder`.", stacklevel=2, ) self.bot: BT = bot self.update_queue: asyncio.Queue[object] = update_queue self.context_types: ContextTypes[CCT, UD, CD, BD] = context_types self.updater: Optional[Updater] = updater self.handlers: Dict[int, List[BaseHandler[Any, CCT]]] = {} self.error_handlers: Dict[ HandlerCallback[object, CCT, None], Union[bool, DefaultValue[bool]] ] = {} self.post_init: Optional[ Callable[[Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] ] = post_init self.post_shutdown: Optional[ Callable[[Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] ] = post_shutdown self.post_stop: Optional[ Callable[[Application[BT, CCT, UD, CD, BD, JQ]], Coroutine[Any, Any, None]] ] = post_stop self._update_processor = update_processor self.bot_data: BD = self.context_types.bot_data() self._user_data: DefaultDict[int, UD] = defaultdict(self.context_types.user_data) self._chat_data: DefaultDict[int, CD] = defaultdict(self.context_types.chat_data) # Read only mapping self.user_data: Mapping[int, UD] = MappingProxyType(self._user_data) self.chat_data: Mapping[int, CD] = MappingProxyType(self._chat_data) self.persistence: Optional[BasePersistence[UD, CD, BD]] = None if persistence and not isinstance(persistence, BasePersistence): raise TypeError("persistence must be based on telegram.ext.BasePersistence") self.persistence = persistence # Some bookkeeping for persistence logic self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence: Set[int] = set() self._user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence: Set[int] = set() self._chat_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence: Set[int] = set() self._user_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence: Set[int] = set() # This attribute will hold references to the conversation dicts of all conversation # handlers so that we can extract the changed states during `update_persistence` self._conversation_handler_conversations: Dict[ str, TrackingDict[ConversationKey, object] ] = {} # A number of low-level helpers for the internal logic self._initialized = False self._running = False self._job_queue: JQ = job_queue self.__update_fetcher_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.__update_persistence_task: Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.__update_persistence_event = asyncio.Event() self.__update_persistence_lock = asyncio.Lock() self.__create_task_tasks: Set[asyncio.Task] = set() # Used for awaiting tasks upon exit async def __aenter__(self: _AppType) -> _AppType: # noqa: PYI019 """|async_context_manager| :meth:`initializes ` the App. Returns: The initialized App instance. Raises: :exc:`Exception`: If an exception is raised during initialization, :meth:`shutdown` is called in this case. """ try: await self.initialize() return self except Exception as exc: await self.shutdown() raise exc async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: """|async_context_manager| :meth:`shuts down ` the App.""" # Make sure not to return `True` so that exceptions are not suppressed # https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html?#object.__aexit__ await self.shutdown() def __repr__(self) -> str: """Give a string representation of the application in the form ``Application[bot=...]``. As this class doesn't implement :meth:`object.__str__`, the default implementation will be used, which is equivalent to :meth:`__repr__`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return build_repr_with_selected_attrs(self, bot=self.bot) @property def running(self) -> bool: """:obj:`bool`: Indicates if this application is running. .. seealso:: :meth:`start`, :meth:`stop` """ return self._running @property def concurrent_updates(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: The number of concurrent updates that will be processed in parallel. A value of ``0`` indicates updates are *not* being processed concurrently. .. versionchanged:: 20.4 This is now just a shortcut to :attr:`update_processor.max_concurrent_updates `. .. seealso:: :wiki:`Concurrency` """ return self._update_processor.max_concurrent_updates @property def job_queue(self) -> Optional["JobQueue[CCT]"]: """ :class:`telegram.ext.JobQueue`: The :class:`JobQueue` used by the :class:`telegram.ext.Application`. .. seealso:: :wiki:`Job Queue ` """ if self._job_queue is None: warn( "No `JobQueue` set up. To use `JobQueue`, you must install PTB via " '`pip install "python-telegram-bot[job-queue]"`.', stacklevel=2, ) return self._job_queue @property def update_processor(self) -> "BaseUpdateProcessor": """:class:`telegram.ext.BaseUpdateProcessor`: The update processor used by this application. .. seealso:: :wiki:`Concurrency` .. versionadded:: 20.4 """ return self._update_processor @staticmethod def _raise_system_exit() -> NoReturn: raise SystemExit @staticmethod def builder() -> "InitApplicationBuilder": """Convenience method. Returns a new :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder`. .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ # Unfortunately this needs to be here due to cyclical imports from telegram.ext import ApplicationBuilder # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel return ApplicationBuilder() def _check_initialized(self) -> None: if not self._initialized: raise RuntimeError( "This Application was not initialized via `Application.initialize`!" ) async def initialize(self) -> None: """Initializes the Application by initializing: * The :attr:`bot`, by calling :meth:`telegram.Bot.initialize`. * The :attr:`updater`, by calling :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.initialize`. * The :attr:`persistence`, by loading persistent conversations and data. * The :attr:`update_processor` by calling :meth:`telegram.ext.BaseUpdateProcessor.initialize`. Does *not* call :attr:`post_init` - that is only done by :meth:`run_polling` and :meth:`run_webhook`. .. seealso:: :meth:`shutdown` """ if self._initialized: _LOGGER.debug("This Application is already initialized.") return await self.bot.initialize() await self._update_processor.initialize() if self.updater: await self.updater.initialize() if not self.persistence: self._initialized = True return await self._initialize_persistence() # Unfortunately due to circular imports this has to be here # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from telegram.ext._handlers.conversationhandler import ConversationHandler # Initialize the persistent conversation handlers with the stored states for handler in itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.handlers.values()): if isinstance(handler, ConversationHandler) and handler.persistent and handler.name: await self._add_ch_to_persistence(handler) self._initialized = True async def _add_ch_to_persistence(self, handler: "ConversationHandler") -> None: self._conversation_handler_conversations.update( await handler._initialize_persistence(self) # pylint: disable=protected-access ) async def shutdown(self) -> None: """Shuts down the Application by shutting down: * :attr:`bot` by calling :meth:`telegram.Bot.shutdown` * :attr:`updater` by calling :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.shutdown` * :attr:`persistence` by calling :meth:`update_persistence` and :meth:`BasePersistence.flush` * :attr:`update_processor` by calling :meth:`telegram.ext.BaseUpdateProcessor.shutdown` Does *not* call :attr:`post_shutdown` - that is only done by :meth:`run_polling` and :meth:`run_webhook`. .. seealso:: :meth:`initialize` Raises: :exc:`RuntimeError`: If the application is still :attr:`running`. """ if self.running: raise RuntimeError("This Application is still running!") if not self._initialized: _LOGGER.debug("This Application is already shut down. Returning.") return await self.bot.shutdown() await self._update_processor.shutdown() if self.updater: await self.updater.shutdown() if self.persistence: _LOGGER.debug("Updating & flushing persistence before shutdown") await self.update_persistence() await self.persistence.flush() _LOGGER.debug("Updated and flushed persistence") self._initialized = False async def _initialize_persistence(self) -> None: """This method basically just loads all the data by awaiting the BP methods""" if not self.persistence: return if self.persistence.store_data.user_data: self._user_data.update(await self.persistence.get_user_data()) if self.persistence.store_data.chat_data: self._chat_data.update(await self.persistence.get_chat_data()) if self.persistence.store_data.bot_data: self.bot_data = await self.persistence.get_bot_data() if not isinstance(self.bot_data, self.context_types.bot_data): raise ValueError( f"bot_data must be of type {self.context_types.bot_data.__name__}" ) # Mypy doesn't know that persistence.set_bot (see above) already checks that # self.bot is an instance of ExtBot if callback_data should be stored ... if self.persistence.store_data.callback_data and ( self.bot.callback_data_cache is not None # type: ignore[attr-defined] ): persistent_data = await self.persistence.get_callback_data() if persistent_data is not None: if not isinstance(persistent_data, tuple) or len(persistent_data) != 2: raise ValueError("callback_data must be a tuple of length 2") self.bot.callback_data_cache.load_persistence_data( # type: ignore[attr-defined] persistent_data ) async def start(self) -> None: """Starts * a background task that fetches updates from :attr:`update_queue` and processes them via :meth:`process_update`. * :attr:`job_queue`, if set. * a background task that calls :meth:`update_persistence` in regular intervals, if :attr:`persistence` is set. Note: This does *not* start fetching updates from Telegram. To fetch updates, you need to either start :attr:`updater` manually or use one of :meth:`run_polling` or :meth:`run_webhook`. Tip: When using a custom logic for startup and shutdown of the application, eventual cancellation of pending tasks should happen only `after` :meth:`stop` has been called in order to ensure that the tasks mentioned above are not cancelled prematurely. .. seealso:: :meth:`stop` Raises: :exc:`RuntimeError`: If the application is already running or was not initialized. """ if self.running: raise RuntimeError("This Application is already running!") self._check_initialized() self._running = True self.__update_persistence_event.clear() try: if self.persistence: self.__update_persistence_task = asyncio.create_task( self._persistence_updater(), name=f"Application:{self.bot.id}:persistence_updater", ) _LOGGER.debug("Loop for updating persistence started") if self._job_queue: await self._job_queue.start() # type: ignore[union-attr] _LOGGER.debug("JobQueue started") self.__update_fetcher_task = asyncio.create_task( self._update_fetcher(), name=f"Application:{self.bot.id}:update_fetcher" ) _LOGGER.info("Application started") except Exception as exc: self._running = False raise exc async def stop(self) -> None: """Stops the process after processing any pending updates or tasks created by :meth:`create_task`. Also stops :attr:`job_queue`, if set. Finally, calls :meth:`update_persistence` and :meth:`BasePersistence.flush` on :attr:`persistence`, if set. Warning: Once this method is called, no more updates will be fetched from :attr:`update_queue`, even if it's not empty. .. seealso:: :meth:`start` Note: * This does *not* stop :attr:`updater`. You need to either manually call :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.stop` or use one of :meth:`run_polling` or :meth:`run_webhook`. * Does *not* call :attr:`post_stop` - that is only done by :meth:`run_polling` and :meth:`run_webhook`. Raises: :exc:`RuntimeError`: If the application is not running. """ if not self.running: raise RuntimeError("This Application is not running!") self._running = False _LOGGER.info("Application is stopping. This might take a moment.") # Stop listening for new updates and handle all pending ones await self.update_queue.put(_STOP_SIGNAL) _LOGGER.debug("Waiting for update_queue to join") await self.update_queue.join() if self.__update_fetcher_task: await self.__update_fetcher_task _LOGGER.debug("Application stopped fetching of updates.") if self._job_queue: _LOGGER.debug("Waiting for running jobs to finish") await self._job_queue.stop(wait=True) # type: ignore[union-attr] _LOGGER.debug("JobQueue stopped") _LOGGER.debug("Waiting for `create_task` calls to be processed") await asyncio.gather(*self.__create_task_tasks, return_exceptions=True) # Make sure that this is the *last* step of stopping the application! if self.persistence and self.__update_persistence_task: _LOGGER.debug("Waiting for persistence loop to finish") self.__update_persistence_event.set() await self.__update_persistence_task self.__update_persistence_event.clear() _LOGGER.info("Application.stop() complete") def stop_running(self) -> None: """This method can be used to stop the execution of :meth:`run_polling` or :meth:`run_webhook` from within a handler, job or error callback. This allows a graceful shutdown of the application, i.e. the methods listed in :attr:`run_polling` and :attr:`run_webhook` will still be executed. Note: If the application is not running, this method does nothing. .. versionadded:: 20.5 """ if self.running: # This works because `__run` is using `loop.run_forever()`. If that changes, this # method needs to be adapted. asyncio.get_running_loop().stop() else: _LOGGER.debug("Application is not running, stop_running() does nothing.") def run_polling( self, poll_interval: float = 0.0, timeout: int = 10, bootstrap_retries: int = -1, read_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, write_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, connect_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, pool_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, allowed_updates: Optional[List[str]] = None, drop_pending_updates: Optional[bool] = None, close_loop: bool = True, stop_signals: ODVInput[Sequence[int]] = DEFAULT_NONE, ) -> None: """Convenience method that takes care of initializing and starting the app, polling updates from Telegram using :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.start_polling` and a graceful shutdown of the app on exit. The app will shut down when :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or :exc:`SystemExit` is raised. On unix, the app will also shut down on receiving the signals specified by :paramref:`stop_signals`. The order of execution by :meth:`run_polling` is roughly as follows: - :meth:`initialize` - :meth:`post_init` - :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.start_polling` - :meth:`start` - Run the application until the users stops it - :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.stop` - :meth:`stop` - :meth:`post_stop` - :meth:`shutdown` - :meth:`post_shutdown` .. include:: inclusions/application_run_tip.rst Args: poll_interval (:obj:`float`, optional): Time to wait between polling updates from Telegram in seconds. Default is ``0.0``. timeout (:obj:`int`, optional): Passed to :paramref:`telegram.Bot.get_updates.timeout`. Default is ``10`` seconds. bootstrap_retries (:obj:`int`, optional): Whether the bootstrapping phase of the :class:`telegram.ext.Updater` will retry on failures on the Telegram server. * < 0 - retry indefinitely (default) * 0 - no retries * > 0 - retry up to X times read_timeout (:obj:`float`, optional): Value to pass to :paramref:`telegram.Bot.get_updates.read_timeout`. Defaults to :attr:`~telegram.request.BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE`. .. versionchanged:: 20.7 Defaults to :attr:`~telegram.request.BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE` instead of ``2``. .. deprecated:: 20.7 Deprecated in favor of setting the timeout via :meth:`telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder.get_updates_read_timeout`. write_timeout (:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`, optional): Value to pass to :paramref:`telegram.Bot.get_updates.write_timeout`. Defaults to :attr:`~telegram.request.BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE`. .. deprecated:: 20.7 Deprecated in favor of setting the timeout via :meth:`telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder.get_updates_write_timeout`. connect_timeout (:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`, optional): Value to pass to :paramref:`telegram.Bot.get_updates.connect_timeout`. Defaults to :attr:`~telegram.request.BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE`. .. deprecated:: 20.7 Deprecated in favor of setting the timeout via :meth:`telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder.get_updates_connect_timeout`. pool_timeout (:obj:`float` | :obj:`None`, optional): Value to pass to :paramref:`telegram.Bot.get_updates.pool_timeout`. Defaults to :attr:`~telegram.request.BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE`. .. deprecated:: 20.7 Deprecated in favor of setting the timeout via :meth:`telegram.ext.ApplicationBuilder.get_updates_pool_timeout`. drop_pending_updates (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether to clean any pending updates on Telegram servers before actually starting to poll. Default is :obj:`False`. allowed_updates (List[:obj:`str`], optional): Passed to :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_updates`. close_loop (:obj:`bool`, optional): If :obj:`True`, the current event loop will be closed upon shutdown. Defaults to :obj:`True`. .. seealso:: :meth:`asyncio.loop.close` stop_signals (Sequence[:obj:`int`] | :obj:`None`, optional): Signals that will shut down the app. Pass :obj:`None` to not use stop signals. Defaults to :data:`signal.SIGINT`, :data:`signal.SIGTERM` and :data:`signal.SIGABRT` on non Windows platforms. Caution: Not every :class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` implements :meth:`asyncio.loop.add_signal_handler`. Most notably, the standard event loop on Windows, :class:`asyncio.ProactorEventLoop`, does not implement this method. If this method is not available, stop signals can not be set. Raises: :exc:`RuntimeError`: If the Application does not have an :class:`telegram.ext.Updater`. """ if not self.updater: raise RuntimeError( "Application.run_polling is only available if the application has an Updater." ) if (read_timeout, write_timeout, connect_timeout, pool_timeout) != ((DEFAULT_NONE,) * 4): warn( "Setting timeouts via `Application.run_polling` is deprecated. " "Please use `ApplicationBuilder.get_updates_*_timeout` instead.", PTBDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) def error_callback(exc: TelegramError) -> None: self.create_task(self.process_error(error=exc, update=None)) return self.__run( updater_coroutine=self.updater.start_polling( poll_interval=poll_interval, timeout=timeout, bootstrap_retries=bootstrap_retries, read_timeout=read_timeout, write_timeout=write_timeout, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, pool_timeout=pool_timeout, allowed_updates=allowed_updates, drop_pending_updates=drop_pending_updates, error_callback=error_callback, # if there is an error in fetching updates ), close_loop=close_loop, stop_signals=stop_signals, ) def run_webhook( self, listen: DVType[str] = DEFAULT_IP, port: DVType[int] = DEFAULT_80, url_path: str = "", cert: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, key: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, bootstrap_retries: int = 0, webhook_url: Optional[str] = None, allowed_updates: Optional[List[str]] = None, drop_pending_updates: Optional[bool] = None, ip_address: Optional[str] = None, max_connections: int = 40, close_loop: bool = True, stop_signals: ODVInput[Sequence[int]] = DEFAULT_NONE, secret_token: Optional[str] = None, unix: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, ) -> None: """Convenience method that takes care of initializing and starting the app, listening for updates from Telegram using :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.start_webhook` and a graceful shutdown of the app on exit. The app will shut down when :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` or :exc:`SystemExit` is raised. On unix, the app will also shut down on receiving the signals specified by :paramref:`stop_signals`. If :paramref:`cert` and :paramref:`key` are not provided, the webhook will be started directly on ``http://listen:port/url_path``, so SSL can be handled by another application. Else, the webhook will be started on ``https://listen:port/url_path``. Also calls :meth:`telegram.Bot.set_webhook` as required. The order of execution by :meth:`run_webhook` is roughly as follows: - :meth:`initialize` - :meth:`post_init` - :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.start_webhook` - :meth:`start` - Run the application until the users stops it - :meth:`telegram.ext.Updater.stop` - :meth:`stop` - :meth:`post_stop` - :meth:`shutdown` - :meth:`post_shutdown` Important: If you want to use this method, you must install PTB with the optional requirement ``webhooks``, i.e. .. code-block:: bash pip install "python-telegram-bot[webhooks]" .. include:: inclusions/application_run_tip.rst .. seealso:: :wiki:`Webhooks` Args: listen (:obj:`str`, optional): IP-Address to listen on. Defaults to ` `_. port (:obj:`int`, optional): Port the bot should be listening on. Must be one of :attr:`telegram.constants.SUPPORTED_WEBHOOK_PORTS` unless the bot is running behind a proxy. Defaults to ``80``. url_path (:obj:`str`, optional): Path inside url. Defaults to `` '' `` cert (:class:`pathlib.Path` | :obj:`str`, optional): Path to the SSL certificate file. key (:class:`pathlib.Path` | :obj:`str`, optional): Path to the SSL key file. bootstrap_retries (:obj:`int`, optional): Whether the bootstrapping phase of the :class:`telegram.ext.Updater` will retry on failures on the Telegram server. * < 0 - retry indefinitely * 0 - no retries (default) * > 0 - retry up to X times webhook_url (:obj:`str`, optional): Explicitly specify the webhook url. Useful behind NAT, reverse proxy, etc. Default is derived from :paramref:`listen`, :paramref:`port`, :paramref:`url_path`, :paramref:`cert`, and :paramref:`key`. allowed_updates (List[:obj:`str`], optional): Passed to :meth:`telegram.Bot.set_webhook`. drop_pending_updates (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether to clean any pending updates on Telegram servers before actually starting to poll. Default is :obj:`False`. ip_address (:obj:`str`, optional): Passed to :meth:`telegram.Bot.set_webhook`. max_connections (:obj:`int`, optional): Passed to :meth:`telegram.Bot.set_webhook`. Defaults to ``40``. close_loop (:obj:`bool`, optional): If :obj:`True`, the current event loop will be closed upon shutdown. Defaults to :obj:`True`. .. seealso:: :meth:`asyncio.loop.close` stop_signals (Sequence[:obj:`int`] | :obj:`None`, optional): Signals that will shut down the app. Pass :obj:`None` to not use stop signals. Defaults to :data:`signal.SIGINT`, :data:`signal.SIGTERM` and :data:`signal.SIGABRT`. Caution: Not every :class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` implements :meth:`asyncio.loop.add_signal_handler`. Most notably, the standard event loop on Windows, :class:`asyncio.ProactorEventLoop`, does not implement this method. If this method is not available, stop signals can not be set. secret_token (:obj:`str`, optional): Secret token to ensure webhook requests originate from Telegram. See :paramref:`telegram.Bot.set_webhook.secret_token` for more details. When added, the web server started by this call will expect the token to be set in the ``X-Telegram-Bot-Api-Secret-Token`` header of an incoming request and will raise a :class:`http.HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN ` error if either the header isn't set or it is set to a wrong token. .. versionadded:: 20.0 unix (:class:`pathlib.Path` | :obj:`str`, optional): Path to the unix socket file. Path does not need to exist, in which case the file will be created. Caution: This parameter is a replacement for the default TCP bind. Therefore, it is mutually exclusive with :paramref:`listen` and :paramref:`port`. When using this param, you must also run a reverse proxy to the unix socket and set the appropriate :paramref:`webhook_url`. .. versionadded:: NEXT.VERSION """ if not self.updater: raise RuntimeError( "Application.run_webhook is only available if the application has an Updater." ) return self.__run( updater_coroutine=self.updater.start_webhook( listen=listen, port=port, url_path=url_path, cert=cert, key=key, bootstrap_retries=bootstrap_retries, drop_pending_updates=drop_pending_updates, webhook_url=webhook_url, allowed_updates=allowed_updates, ip_address=ip_address, max_connections=max_connections, secret_token=secret_token, unix=unix, ), close_loop=close_loop, stop_signals=stop_signals, ) def __run( self, updater_coroutine: Coroutine, stop_signals: ODVInput[Sequence[int]], close_loop: bool = True, ) -> None: # Calling get_event_loop() should still be okay even in py3.10+ as long as there is a # running event loop or we are in the main thread, which are the intended use cases. # See the docs of get_event_loop() and get_running_loop() for more info loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() if stop_signals is DEFAULT_NONE and platform.system() != "Windows": stop_signals = (signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGABRT) try: if not isinstance(stop_signals, DefaultValue): for sig in stop_signals or []: loop.add_signal_handler(sig, self._raise_system_exit) except NotImplementedError as exc: warn( f"Could not add signal handlers for the stop signals {stop_signals} due to " f"exception `{exc!r}`. If your event loop does not implement `add_signal_handler`," " please pass `stop_signals=None`.", stacklevel=3, ) try: loop.run_until_complete(self.initialize()) if self.post_init: loop.run_until_complete(self.post_init(self)) loop.run_until_complete(updater_coroutine) # one of updater.start_webhook/polling loop.run_until_complete(self.start()) loop.run_forever() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): _LOGGER.debug("Application received stop signal. Shutting down.") except Exception as exc: # In case the coroutine wasn't awaited, we don't need to bother the user with a warning updater_coroutine.close() raise exc finally: # We arrive here either by catching the exceptions above or if the loop gets stopped try: # Mypy doesn't know that we already check if updater is None if self.updater.running: # type: ignore[union-attr] loop.run_until_complete(self.updater.stop()) # type: ignore[union-attr] if self.running: loop.run_until_complete(self.stop()) if self.post_stop: loop.run_until_complete(self.post_stop(self)) loop.run_until_complete(self.shutdown()) if self.post_shutdown: loop.run_until_complete(self.post_shutdown(self)) finally: if close_loop: loop.close() def create_task( self, coroutine: _CoroType[RT], update: Optional[object] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "asyncio.Task[RT]": """Thin wrapper around :func:`asyncio.create_task` that handles exceptions raised by the :paramref:`coroutine` with :meth:`process_error`. Note: * If :paramref:`coroutine` raises an exception, it will be set on the task created by this method even though it's handled by :meth:`process_error`. * If the application is currently running, tasks created by this method will be awaited with :meth:`stop`. .. seealso:: :wiki:`Concurrency` Args: coroutine (:term:`awaitable`): The awaitable to run as task. .. versionchanged:: 20.2 Accepts :class:`asyncio.Future` and generator-based coroutine functions. .. deprecated:: 20.4 Since Python 3.12, generator-based coroutine functions are no longer accepted. update (:obj:`object`, optional): If set, will be passed to :meth:`process_error` as additional information for the error handlers. Moreover, the corresponding :attr:`chat_data` and :attr:`user_data` entries will be updated in the next run of :meth:`update_persistence` after the :paramref:`coroutine` is finished. Keyword Args: name (:obj:`str`, optional): The name of the task. .. versionadded:: 20.4 Returns: :class:`asyncio.Task`: The created task. """ return self.__create_task(coroutine=coroutine, update=update, name=name) def __create_task( self, coroutine: _CoroType[RT], update: Optional[object] = None, is_error_handler: bool = False, name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> "asyncio.Task[RT]": # Unfortunately, we can't know if `coroutine` runs one of the error handler functions # but by passing `is_error_handler=True` from `process_error`, we can make sure that we # get at most one recursion of the user calls `create_task` manually with an error handler # function task: asyncio.Task[RT] = asyncio.create_task( self.__create_task_callback( coroutine=coroutine, update=update, is_error_handler=is_error_handler ), name=name, ) if self.running: self.__create_task_tasks.add(task) task.add_done_callback(self.__create_task_done_callback) else: warn( "Tasks created via `Application.create_task` while the application is not " "running won't be automatically awaited!", stacklevel=3, ) return task def __create_task_done_callback(self, task: asyncio.Task) -> None: self.__create_task_tasks.discard(task) # Discard from our set since we are done with it # We just retrieve the eventual exception so that asyncio doesn't complain in case # it's not retrieved somewhere else with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.InvalidStateError): task.exception() async def __create_task_callback( self, coroutine: _CoroType[RT], update: Optional[object] = None, is_error_handler: bool = False, ) -> RT: try: # Generator-based coroutines are not supported in Python 3.12+ if sys.version_info < (3, 12) and isinstance(coroutine, Generator): warn( "Generator-based coroutines are deprecated in create_task and will not work" " in Python 3.12+", category=PTBDeprecationWarning, ) return await asyncio.create_task(coroutine) # If user uses generator in python 3.12+, Exception will happen and we cannot do # anything about it. (hence the type ignore if mypy is run on python 3.12-) return await coroutine # type: ignore[misc] except Exception as exception: if isinstance(exception, ApplicationHandlerStop): warn( "ApplicationHandlerStop is not supported with handlers running non-blocking.", stacklevel=1, ) # Avoid infinite recursion of error handlers. elif is_error_handler: _LOGGER.exception( "An error was raised and an uncaught error was raised while " "handling the error with an error_handler.", exc_info=exception, ) else: # If we arrive here, an exception happened in the task and was neither # ApplicationHandlerStop nor raised by an error handler. # So we can and must handle it await self.process_error(update=update, error=exception, coroutine=coroutine) # Raise exception so that it can be set on the task and retrieved by task.exception() raise exception finally: self._mark_for_persistence_update(update=update) async def _update_fetcher(self) -> None: # Continuously fetch updates from the queue. Exit only once the signal object is found. while True: try: update = await self.update_queue.get() if update is _STOP_SIGNAL: _LOGGER.debug("Dropping pending updates") while not self.update_queue.empty(): self.update_queue.task_done() # For the _STOP_SIGNAL self.update_queue.task_done() return _LOGGER.debug("Processing update %s", update) if self._update_processor.max_concurrent_updates > 1: # We don't await the below because it has to be run concurrently self.create_task( self.__process_update_wrapper(update), update=update, name=f"Application:{self.bot.id}:process_concurrent_update", ) else: await self.__process_update_wrapper(update) except asyncio.CancelledError: # This may happen if the application is manually run via application.start() and # then a KeyboardInterrupt is sent. We must prevent this loop to die since # application.stop() will wait for it's clean shutdown. _LOGGER.warning( "Fetching updates got a asyncio.CancelledError. Ignoring as this task may only" "be closed via `Application.stop`." ) async def __process_update_wrapper(self, update: object) -> None: await self._update_processor.process_update(update, self.process_update(update)) self.update_queue.task_done() async def process_update(self, update: object) -> None: """Processes a single update and marks the update to be updated by the persistence later. Exceptions raised by handler callbacks will be processed by :meth:`process_error`. .. seealso:: :wiki:`Concurrency` .. versionchanged:: 20.0 Persistence is now updated in an interval set by :attr:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.update_interval`. Args: update (:class:`telegram.Update` | :obj:`object` | \ :class:`telegram.error.TelegramError`): The update to process. Raises: :exc:`RuntimeError`: If the application was not initialized. """ # Processing updates before initialize() is a problem e.g. if persistence is used self._check_initialized() context = None any_blocking = False # Flag which is set to True if any handler specifies block=True for handlers in self.handlers.values(): try: for handler in handlers: check = handler.check_update(update) # Should the handler handle this update? if not (check is None or check is False): # if yes, if not context: # build a context if not already built context = self.context_types.context.from_update(update, self) await context.refresh_data() coroutine: Coroutine = handler.handle_update(update, self, check, context) if not handler.block or ( # if handler is running with block=False, handler.block is DEFAULT_TRUE and isinstance(self.bot, ExtBot) and self.bot.defaults and not self.bot.defaults.block ): self.create_task( coroutine, update=update, name=( f"Application:{self.bot.id}:process_update_non_blocking" f":{handler}" ), ) else: any_blocking = True await coroutine break # Only a max of 1 handler per group is handled # Stop processing with any other handler. except ApplicationHandlerStop: _LOGGER.debug("Stopping further handlers due to ApplicationHandlerStop") break # Dispatch any error. except Exception as exc: if await self.process_error(update=update, error=exc): _LOGGER.debug("Error handler stopped further handlers.") break if any_blocking: # Only need to mark the update for persistence if there was at least one # blocking handler - the non-blocking handlers mark the update again when finished # (in __create_task_callback) self._mark_for_persistence_update(update=update) def add_handler(self, handler: BaseHandler[Any, CCT], group: int = DEFAULT_GROUP) -> None: """Register a handler. TL;DR: Order and priority counts. 0 or 1 handlers per group will be used. End handling of update with :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationHandlerStop`. A handler must be an instance of a subclass of :class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler`. All handlers are organized in groups with a numeric value. The default group is 0. All groups will be evaluated for handling an update, but only 0 or 1 handler per group will be used. If :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationHandlerStop` is raised from one of the handlers, no further handlers (regardless of the group) will be called. The priority/order of handlers is determined as follows: * Priority of the group (lower group number == higher priority) * The first handler in a group which can handle an update (see :attr:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler.check_update`) will be used. Other handlers from the group will not be used. The order in which handlers were added to the group defines the priority. Warning: Adding persistent :class:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler` after the application has been initialized is discouraged. This is because the persisted conversation states need to be loaded into memory while the application is already processing updates, which might lead to race conditions and undesired behavior. In particular, current conversation states may be overridden by the loaded data. Args: handler (:class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler`): A BaseHandler instance. group (:obj:`int`, optional): The group identifier. Default is ``0``. """ # Unfortunately due to circular imports this has to be here # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from telegram.ext._handlers.conversationhandler import ConversationHandler if not isinstance(handler, BaseHandler): raise TypeError(f"handler is not an instance of {BaseHandler.__name__}") if not isinstance(group, int): raise TypeError("group is not int") if isinstance(handler, ConversationHandler) and handler.persistent and handler.name: if not self.persistence: raise ValueError( f"ConversationHandler {handler.name} " "can not be persistent if application has no persistence" ) if self._initialized: self.create_task( self._add_ch_to_persistence(handler), name=f"Application:{self.bot.id}:add_handler:conversation_handler_after_init", ) warn( "A persistent `ConversationHandler` was passed to `add_handler`, " "after `Application.initialize` was called. This is discouraged." "See the docs of `Application.add_handler` for details.", stacklevel=2, ) if group not in self.handlers: self.handlers[group] = [] self.handlers = dict(sorted(self.handlers.items())) # lower -> higher groups self.handlers[group].append(handler) def add_handlers( self, handlers: Union[ Union[List[BaseHandler[Any, CCT]], Tuple[BaseHandler[Any, CCT]]], Dict[int, Union[List[BaseHandler[Any, CCT]], Tuple[BaseHandler[Any, CCT]]]], ], group: Union[int, DefaultValue[int]] = _DEFAULT_0, ) -> None: """Registers multiple handlers at once. The order of the handlers in the passed sequence(s) matters. See :meth:`add_handler` for details. .. versionadded:: 20.0 Args: handlers (List[:class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler`] | \ Dict[int, List[:class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler`]]): \ Specify a sequence of handlers *or* a dictionary where the keys are groups and values are handlers. group (:obj:`int`, optional): Specify which group the sequence of :paramref:`handlers` should be added to. Defaults to ``0``. Example:: app.add_handlers(handlers={ -1: [MessageHandler(...)], 1: [CallbackQueryHandler(...), CommandHandler(...)] } """ if isinstance(handlers, dict) and not isinstance(group, DefaultValue): raise ValueError("The `group` argument can only be used with a sequence of handlers.") if isinstance(handlers, dict): for handler_group, grp_handlers in handlers.items(): if not isinstance(grp_handlers, (list, tuple)): raise ValueError(f"Handlers for group {handler_group} must be a list or tuple") for handler in grp_handlers: self.add_handler(handler, handler_group) elif isinstance(handlers, (list, tuple)): for handler in handlers: self.add_handler(handler, DefaultValue.get_value(group)) else: raise ValueError( "The `handlers` argument must be a sequence of handlers or a " "dictionary where the keys are groups and values are sequences of handlers." ) def remove_handler(self, handler: BaseHandler[Any, CCT], group: int = DEFAULT_GROUP) -> None: """Remove a handler from the specified group. Args: handler (:class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler`): A :class:`telegram.ext.BaseHandler` instance. group (:obj:`object`, optional): The group identifier. Default is ``0``. """ if handler in self.handlers[group]: self.handlers[group].remove(handler) if not self.handlers[group]: del self.handlers[group] def drop_chat_data(self, chat_id: int) -> None: """Drops the corresponding entry from the :attr:`chat_data`. Will also be deleted from the persistence on the next run of :meth:`update_persistence`, if applicable. Warning: When using :attr:`concurrent_updates` or the :attr:`job_queue`, :meth:`process_update` or :meth:`telegram.ext.Job.run` may re-create this entry due to the asynchronous nature of these features. Please make sure that your program can avoid or handle such situations. .. versionadded:: 20.0 Args: chat_id (:obj:`int`): The chat id to delete. The entry will be deleted even if it is not empty. """ self._chat_data.pop(chat_id, None) self._chat_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence.add(chat_id) def drop_user_data(self, user_id: int) -> None: """Drops the corresponding entry from the :attr:`user_data`. Will also be deleted from the persistence on the next run of :meth:`update_persistence`, if applicable. Warning: When using :attr:`concurrent_updates` or the :attr:`job_queue`, :meth:`process_update` or :meth:`telegram.ext.Job.run` may re-create this entry due to the asynchronous nature of these features. Please make sure that your program can avoid or handle such situations. .. versionadded:: 20.0 Args: user_id (:obj:`int`): The user id to delete. The entry will be deleted even if it is not empty. """ self._user_data.pop(user_id, None) self._user_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence.add(user_id) def migrate_chat_data( self, message: Optional["Message"] = None, old_chat_id: Optional[int] = None, new_chat_id: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: """Moves the contents of :attr:`chat_data` at key :paramref:`old_chat_id` to the key :paramref:`new_chat_id`. Also marks the entries to be updated accordingly in the next run of :meth:`update_persistence`. Warning: * Any data stored in :attr:`chat_data` at key :paramref:`new_chat_id` will be overridden * The key :paramref:`old_chat_id` of :attr:`chat_data` will be deleted * This does not update the :attr:`~telegram.ext.Job.chat_id` attribute of any scheduled :class:`telegram.ext.Job`. When using :attr:`concurrent_updates` or the :attr:`job_queue`, :meth:`process_update` or :meth:`telegram.ext.Job.run` may re-create the old entry due to the asynchronous nature of these features. Please make sure that your program can avoid or handle such situations. .. seealso:: :wiki:`Storing Bot, User and Chat Related Data\ ` Args: message (:class:`telegram.Message`, optional): A message with either :attr:`~telegram.Message.migrate_from_chat_id` or :attr:`~telegram.Message.migrate_to_chat_id`. Mutually exclusive with passing :paramref:`old_chat_id` and :paramref:`new_chat_id`. .. seealso:: :attr:`telegram.ext.filters.StatusUpdate.MIGRATE` old_chat_id (:obj:`int`, optional): The old chat ID. Mutually exclusive with passing :paramref:`message` new_chat_id (:obj:`int`, optional): The new chat ID. Mutually exclusive with passing :paramref:`message` Raises: ValueError: Raised if the input is invalid. """ if message and (old_chat_id or new_chat_id): raise ValueError("Message and chat_id pair are mutually exclusive") if not any((message, old_chat_id, new_chat_id)): raise ValueError("chat_id pair or message must be passed") if message: if message.migrate_from_chat_id is None and message.migrate_to_chat_id is None: raise ValueError( "Invalid message instance. The message must have either " "`Message.migrate_from_chat_id` or `Message.migrate_to_chat_id`." ) old_chat_id = message.migrate_from_chat_id or message.chat.id new_chat_id = message.migrate_to_chat_id or message.chat.id elif not (isinstance(old_chat_id, int) and isinstance(new_chat_id, int)): raise ValueError("old_chat_id and new_chat_id must be integers") self._chat_data[new_chat_id] = self._chat_data[old_chat_id] self.drop_chat_data(old_chat_id) self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.add(new_chat_id) # old_chat_id is marked for deletion by drop_chat_data above def _mark_for_persistence_update( self, *, update: Optional[object] = None, job: Optional["Job"] = None ) -> None: if isinstance(update, Update): if update.effective_chat: self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.add(update.effective_chat.id) if update.effective_user: self._user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.add(update.effective_user.id) if job: if job.chat_id: self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.add(job.chat_id) if job.user_id: self._user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.add(job.user_id) def mark_data_for_update_persistence( self, chat_ids: Optional[SCT[int]] = None, user_ids: Optional[SCT[int]] = None ) -> None: """Mark entries of :attr:`chat_data` and :attr:`user_data` to be updated on the next run of :meth:`update_persistence`. Tip: Use this method sparingly. If you have to use this method, it likely means that you access and modify ``context.application.chat/user_data[some_id]`` within a callback. Note that for data which should be available globally in all handler callbacks independent of the chat/user, it is recommended to use :attr:`bot_data` instead. .. versionadded:: 20.3 Args: chat_ids (:obj:`int` | Collection[:obj:`int`], optional): Chat IDs to mark. user_ids (:obj:`int` | Collection[:obj:`int`], optional): User IDs to mark. """ if chat_ids: if isinstance(chat_ids, int): self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.add(chat_ids) else: self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.update(chat_ids) if user_ids: if isinstance(user_ids, int): self._user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.add(user_ids) else: self._user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence.update(user_ids) async def _persistence_updater(self) -> None: # Update the persistence in regular intervals. Exit only when the stop event has been set while not self.__update_persistence_event.is_set(): if not self.persistence: return # asyncio synchronization primitives don't accept a timeout argument, it is recommended # to use wait_for instead try: await asyncio.wait_for( self.__update_persistence_event.wait(), timeout=self.persistence.update_interval, ) return except asyncio.TimeoutError: pass # putting this *after* the wait_for so we don't immediately update on startup as # that would make little sense await self.update_persistence() async def update_persistence(self) -> None: """Updates :attr:`user_data`, :attr:`chat_data`, :attr:`bot_data` in :attr:`persistence` along with :attr:`~telegram.ext.ExtBot.callback_data_cache` and the conversation states of any persistent :class:`~telegram.ext.ConversationHandler` registered for this application. For :attr:`user_data` and :attr:`chat_data`, only those entries are updated which either were used or have been manually marked via :meth:`mark_data_for_update_persistence` since the last run of this method. Tip: This method will be called in regular intervals by the application. There is usually no need to call it manually. Note: Any data is deep copied with :func:`copy.deepcopy` before handing it over to the persistence in order to avoid race conditions, so all persisted data must be copyable. .. seealso:: :attr:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.update_interval`, :meth:`mark_data_for_update_persistence` """ async with self.__update_persistence_lock: await self.__update_persistence() async def __update_persistence(self) -> None: if not self.persistence: return _LOGGER.debug("Starting next run of updating the persistence.") coroutines: Set[Coroutine] = set() # Mypy doesn't know that persistence.set_bot (see above) already checks that # self.bot is an instance of ExtBot if callback_data should be stored ... if self.persistence.store_data.callback_data and ( self.bot.callback_data_cache is not None # type: ignore[attr-defined] ): coroutines.add( self.persistence.update_callback_data( deepcopy( self.bot.callback_data_cache.persistence_data # type: ignore[attr-defined] ) ) ) if self.persistence.store_data.bot_data: coroutines.add(self.persistence.update_bot_data(deepcopy(self.bot_data))) if self.persistence.store_data.chat_data: update_ids = self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence self._chat_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence = set() delete_ids = self._chat_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence self._chat_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence = set() # We don't want to update any data that has been deleted! update_ids -= delete_ids for chat_id in update_ids: coroutines.add( self.persistence.update_chat_data(chat_id, deepcopy(self.chat_data[chat_id])) ) for chat_id in delete_ids: coroutines.add(self.persistence.drop_chat_data(chat_id)) if self.persistence.store_data.user_data: update_ids = self._user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence self._user_ids_to_be_updated_in_persistence = set() delete_ids = self._user_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence self._user_ids_to_be_deleted_in_persistence = set() # We don't want to update any data that has been deleted! update_ids -= delete_ids for user_id in update_ids: coroutines.add( self.persistence.update_user_data(user_id, deepcopy(self.user_data[user_id])) ) for user_id in delete_ids: coroutines.add(self.persistence.drop_user_data(user_id)) # Unfortunately due to circular imports this has to be here # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel from telegram.ext._handlers.conversationhandler import PendingState for name, (key, new_state) in itertools.chain.from_iterable( zip(itertools.repeat(name), states_dict.pop_accessed_write_items()) for name, states_dict in self._conversation_handler_conversations.items() ): if isinstance(new_state, PendingState): # If the handler was running non-blocking, we check if the new state is already # available. Otherwise, we update with the old state, which is the next best # guess. # Note that when updating the persistence one last time during self.stop(), # *all* tasks will be done. if not new_state.done(): if self.running: _LOGGER.debug( "A ConversationHandlers state was not yet resolved. Updating the " "persistence with the current state. Will check again on next run of " "Application.update_persistence." ) else: _LOGGER.warning( "A ConversationHandlers state was not yet resolved. Updating the " "persistence with the current state." ) result = new_state.old_state # We need to check again on the next run if the state is done self._conversation_handler_conversations[name].mark_as_accessed(key) else: result = new_state.resolve() else: result = new_state effective_new_state = None if result is TrackingDict.DELETED else result coroutines.add( self.persistence.update_conversation( name=name, key=key, new_state=effective_new_state ) ) results = await asyncio.gather(*coroutines, return_exceptions=True) _LOGGER.debug("Finished updating persistence.") # dispatch any errors await asyncio.gather( *( self.process_error(error=result, update=None) for result in results if isinstance(result, Exception) ) ) def add_error_handler( self, callback: HandlerCallback[object, CCT, None], block: DVType[bool] = DEFAULT_TRUE, ) -> None: """Registers an error handler in the Application. This handler will receive every error which happens in your bot. See the docs of :meth:`process_error` for more details on how errors are handled. Note: Attempts to add the same callback multiple times will be ignored. Examples: :any:`Errorhandler Bot ` .. seealso:: :wiki:`Exceptions, Warnings and Logging ` Args: callback (:term:`coroutine function`): The callback function for this error handler. Will be called when an error is raised. Callback signature:: async def callback(update: Optional[object], context: CallbackContext) The error that happened will be present in :attr:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext.error`. block (:obj:`bool`, optional): Determines whether the return value of the callback should be awaited before processing the next error handler in :meth:`process_error`. Defaults to :obj:`True`. """ if callback in self.error_handlers: _LOGGER.warning("The callback is already registered as an error handler. Ignoring.") return self.error_handlers[callback] = block def remove_error_handler(self, callback: HandlerCallback[object, CCT, None]) -> None: """Removes an error handler. Args: callback (:term:`coroutine function`): The error handler to remove. """ self.error_handlers.pop(callback, None) async def process_error( self, update: Optional[object], error: Exception, job: Optional["Job[CCT]"] = None, coroutine: _ErrorCoroType[RT] = None, ) -> bool: """Processes an error by passing it to all error handlers registered with :meth:`add_error_handler`. If one of the error handlers raises :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationHandlerStop`, the error will not be handled by other error handlers. Raising :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationHandlerStop` also stops processing of the update when this method is called by :meth:`process_update`, i.e. no further handlers (even in other groups) will handle the update. All other exceptions raised by an error handler will just be logged. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 * ``dispatch_error`` was renamed to :meth:`process_error`. * Exceptions raised by error handlers are now properly logged. * :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationHandlerStop` is no longer reraised but converted into the return value. Args: update (:obj:`object` | :class:`telegram.Update`): The update that caused the error. error (:obj:`Exception`): The error that was raised. job (:class:`telegram.ext.Job`, optional): The job that caused the error. .. versionadded:: 20.0 coroutine (:term:`coroutine function`, optional): The coroutine that caused the error. Returns: :obj:`bool`: :obj:`True`, if one of the error handlers raised :class:`telegram.ext.ApplicationHandlerStop`. :obj:`False`, otherwise. """ if self.error_handlers: for ( callback, block, ) in self.error_handlers.items(): context = self.context_types.context.from_error( update=update, error=error, application=self, job=job, coroutine=coroutine, ) if not block or ( # If error handler has `block=False`, create a Task to run cb block is DEFAULT_TRUE and isinstance(self.bot, ExtBot) and self.bot.defaults and not self.bot.defaults.block ): self.__create_task( callback(update, context), update=update, is_error_handler=True, name=f"Application:{self.bot.id}:process_error:non_blocking", ) else: try: await callback(update, context) except ApplicationHandlerStop: return True except Exception as exc: _LOGGER.exception( "An error was raised and an uncaught error was raised while " "handling the error with an error_handler.", exc_info=exc, ) return False _LOGGER.exception("No error handlers are registered, logging exception.", exc_info=error) return False