#!/usr/bin/env python # pylint: disable=unused-argument # This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. """Bot that explains Telegram's "Deep Linking Parameters" functionality. This program is dedicated to the public domain under the CC0 license. This Bot uses the Application class to handle the bot. First, a few handler functions are defined. Then, those functions are passed to the Application and registered at their respective places. Then, the bot is started and runs until we press Ctrl-C on the command line. Usage: Deep Linking example. Send /start to get the link. Press Ctrl-C on the command line or send a signal to the process to stop the bot. """ import logging from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Update, helpers from telegram.constants import ParseMode from telegram.ext import ( Application, CallbackContext, CallbackQueryHandler, CommandHandler, filters, ) # Enable logging logging.basicConfig( format="%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Define constants that will allow us to reuse the deep-linking parameters. CHECK_THIS_OUT = "check-this-out" USING_ENTITIES = "using-entities-here" USING_KEYBOARD = "using-keyboard-here" SO_COOL = "so-cool" # Callback data to pass in 3rd level deep-linking KEYBOARD_CALLBACKDATA = "keyboard-callback-data" async def start(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: """Send a deep-linked URL when the command /start is issued.""" bot = context.bot url = helpers.create_deep_linked_url(bot.username, CHECK_THIS_OUT, group=True) text = "Feel free to tell your friends about it:\n\n" + url await update.message.reply_text(text) async def deep_linked_level_1(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: """Reached through the CHECK_THIS_OUT payload""" bot = context.bot url = helpers.create_deep_linked_url(bot.username, SO_COOL) text = ( "Awesome, you just accessed hidden functionality! " "Now let's get back to the private chat." ) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup.from_button( InlineKeyboardButton(text="Continue here!", url=url) ) await update.message.reply_text(text, reply_markup=keyboard) async def deep_linked_level_2(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: """Reached through the SO_COOL payload""" bot = context.bot url = helpers.create_deep_linked_url(bot.username, USING_ENTITIES) text = f"You can also mask the deep-linked URLs as links: ▶️ CLICK HERE." await update.message.reply_text(text, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML, disable_web_page_preview=True) async def deep_linked_level_3(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: """Reached through the USING_ENTITIES payload""" await update.message.reply_text( "It is also possible to make deep-linking using InlineKeyboardButtons.", reply_markup=InlineKeyboardMarkup( [[InlineKeyboardButton(text="Like this!", callback_data=KEYBOARD_CALLBACKDATA)]] ), ) async def deep_link_level_3_callback( update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE ) -> None: """Answers CallbackQuery with deeplinking url.""" bot = context.bot url = helpers.create_deep_linked_url(bot.username, USING_KEYBOARD) await update.callback_query.answer(url=url) async def deep_linked_level_4(update: Update, context: CallbackContext.DEFAULT_TYPE) -> None: """Reached through the USING_KEYBOARD payload""" payload = context.args await update.message.reply_text( f"Congratulations! This is as deep as it gets 👏🏻\n\nThe payload was: {payload}" ) def main() -> None: """Start the bot.""" # Create the Application and pass it your bot's token. application = Application.builder().token("TOKEN").build() # More info on what deep linking actually is (read this first if it's unclear to you): # https://core.telegram.org/bots#deep-linking # Register a deep-linking handler application.add_handler( CommandHandler("start", deep_linked_level_1, filters.Regex(CHECK_THIS_OUT)) ) # This one works with a textual link instead of an URL application.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", deep_linked_level_2, filters.Regex(SO_COOL))) # We can also pass on the deep-linking payload application.add_handler( CommandHandler("start", deep_linked_level_3, filters.Regex(USING_ENTITIES)) ) # Possible with inline keyboard buttons as well application.add_handler( CommandHandler("start", deep_linked_level_4, filters.Regex(USING_KEYBOARD)) ) # register callback handler for inline keyboard button application.add_handler( CallbackQueryHandler(deep_link_level_3_callback, pattern=KEYBOARD_CALLBACKDATA) ) # Make sure the deep-linking handlers occur *before* the normal /start handler. application.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start)) # Run the bot until the user presses Ctrl-C application.run_polling() if __name__ == "__main__": main()