#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2023 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains the CallbackDataCache class.""" import logging import time from datetime import datetime from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, MutableMapping, Optional, Tuple, Union, cast from uuid import uuid4 try: from cachetools import LRUCache CACHE_TOOLS_AVAILABLE = True except ImportError: CACHE_TOOLS_AVAILABLE = False from telegram import CallbackQuery, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Message, User from telegram._utils.datetime import to_float_timestamp from telegram.error import TelegramError from telegram.ext._utils.types import CDCData if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram.ext import ExtBot class InvalidCallbackData(TelegramError): """ Raised when the received callback data has been tempered with or deleted from cache. Examples: :any:`Arbitrary Callback Data Bot ` .. seealso:: :wiki:`Arbitrary callback_data ` .. versionadded:: 13.6 Args: callback_data (:obj:`int`, optional): The button data of which the callback data could not be found. Attributes: callback_data (:obj:`int`): Optional. The button data of which the callback data could not be found. """ __slots__ = ("callback_data",) def __init__(self, callback_data: str = None) -> None: super().__init__( "The object belonging to this callback_data was deleted or the callback_data was " "manipulated." ) self.callback_data = callback_data def __reduce__(self) -> Tuple[type, Tuple[Optional[str]]]: # type: ignore[override] return self.__class__, (self.callback_data,) class _KeyboardData: __slots__ = ("keyboard_uuid", "button_data", "access_time") def __init__( self, keyboard_uuid: str, access_time: float = None, button_data: Dict[str, object] = None ): self.keyboard_uuid = keyboard_uuid self.button_data = button_data or {} self.access_time = access_time or time.time() def update_access_time(self) -> None: """Updates the access time with the current time.""" self.access_time = time.time() def to_tuple(self) -> Tuple[str, float, Dict[str, object]]: """Gives a tuple representation consisting of the keyboard uuid, the access time and the button data. """ return self.keyboard_uuid, self.access_time, self.button_data class CallbackDataCache: """A custom cache for storing the callback data of a :class:`telegram.ext.ExtBot`. Internally, it keeps two mappings with fixed maximum size: * One for mapping the data received in callback queries to the cached objects * One for mapping the IDs of received callback queries to the cached objects The second mapping allows to manually drop data that has been cached for keyboards of messages sent via inline mode. If necessary, will drop the least recently used items. Important: If you want to use this class, you must install PTB with the optional requirement ``callback-data``, i.e. .. code-block:: bash pip install python-telegram-bot[callback-data] Examples: :any:`Arbitrary Callback Data Bot ` .. seealso:: :attr:`telegram.ext.ExtBot.callback_data_cache`, :wiki:`Architecture Overview `, :wiki:`Arbitrary callback_data ` .. versionadded:: 13.6 .. versionchanged:: 20.0 To use this class, PTB must be installed via ``pip install python-telegram-bot[callback-data]``. Args: bot (:class:`telegram.ext.ExtBot`): The bot this cache is for. maxsize (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of items in each of the internal mappings. Defaults to ``1024``. persistent_data (Tuple[List[Tuple[:obj:`str`, :obj:`float`, \ Dict[:obj:`str`, :class:`object`]]], Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`]], optional): \ Data to initialize the cache with, as returned by \ :meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.get_callback_data`. Attributes: bot (:class:`telegram.ext.ExtBot`): The bot this cache is for. """ __slots__ = ("bot", "_maxsize", "_keyboard_data", "_callback_queries", "logger") def __init__( self, bot: "ExtBot", maxsize: int = 1024, persistent_data: CDCData = None, ): if not CACHE_TOOLS_AVAILABLE: raise RuntimeError( "To use `CallbackDataCache`, PTB must be installed via `pip install " "python-telegram-bot[callback-data]`." ) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.bot = bot self._maxsize = maxsize self._keyboard_data: MutableMapping[str, _KeyboardData] = LRUCache(maxsize=maxsize) self._callback_queries: MutableMapping[str, str] = LRUCache(maxsize=maxsize) if persistent_data: self.load_persistence_data(persistent_data) def load_persistence_data(self, persistent_data: CDCData) -> None: """Loads data into the cache. Warning: This method is not intended to be called by users directly. .. versionadded:: 20.0 Args: persistent_data (Tuple[List[Tuple[:obj:`str`, :obj:`float`, \ Dict[:obj:`str`, :class:`object`]]], Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`]], optional): \ Data to load, as returned by \ :meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.get_callback_data`. """ keyboard_data, callback_queries = persistent_data for key, value in callback_queries.items(): self._callback_queries[key] = value for uuid, access_time, data in keyboard_data: self._keyboard_data[uuid] = _KeyboardData( keyboard_uuid=uuid, access_time=access_time, button_data=data ) @property def maxsize(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: The maximum size of the cache. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 This property is now read-only. """ return self._maxsize @property def persistence_data(self) -> CDCData: """Tuple[List[Tuple[:obj:`str`, :obj:`float`, Dict[:obj:`str`, :class:`object`]]], Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`]]: The data that needs to be persisted to allow caching callback data across bot reboots. """ # While building a list/dict from the LRUCaches has linear runtime (in the number of # entries), the runtime is bounded by maxsize and it has the big upside of not throwing a # highly customized data structure at users trying to implement a custom persistence class return [data.to_tuple() for data in self._keyboard_data.values()], dict( self._callback_queries.items() ) def process_keyboard(self, reply_markup: InlineKeyboardMarkup) -> InlineKeyboardMarkup: """Registers the reply markup to the cache. If any of the buttons have :attr:`~telegram.InlineKeyboardButton.callback_data`, stores that data and builds a new keyboard with the correspondingly replaced buttons. Otherwise, does nothing and returns the original reply markup. Args: reply_markup (:class:`telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup`): The keyboard. Returns: :class:`telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup`: The keyboard to be passed to Telegram. """ keyboard_uuid = uuid4().hex keyboard_data = _KeyboardData(keyboard_uuid) # Built a new nested list of buttons by replacing the callback data if needed buttons = [ [ # We create a new button instead of replacing callback_data in case the # same object is used elsewhere InlineKeyboardButton( btn.text, callback_data=self.__put_button(btn.callback_data, keyboard_data), ) if btn.callback_data else btn for btn in column ] for column in reply_markup.inline_keyboard ] if not keyboard_data.button_data: # If we arrive here, no data had to be replaced and we can return the input return reply_markup self._keyboard_data[keyboard_uuid] = keyboard_data return InlineKeyboardMarkup(buttons) @staticmethod def __put_button(callback_data: object, keyboard_data: _KeyboardData) -> str: """Stores the data for a single button in :attr:`keyboard_data`. Returns the string that should be passed instead of the callback_data, which is ``keyboard_uuid + button_uuids``. """ uuid = uuid4().hex keyboard_data.button_data[uuid] = callback_data return f"{keyboard_data.keyboard_uuid}{uuid}" def __get_keyboard_uuid_and_button_data( self, callback_data: str ) -> Union[Tuple[str, object], Tuple[None, InvalidCallbackData]]: keyboard, button = self.extract_uuids(callback_data) try: # we get the values before calling update() in case KeyErrors are raised # we don't want to update in that case keyboard_data = self._keyboard_data[keyboard] button_data = keyboard_data.button_data[button] # Update the timestamp for the LRU keyboard_data.update_access_time() return keyboard, button_data except KeyError: return None, InvalidCallbackData(callback_data) @staticmethod def extract_uuids(callback_data: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Extracts the keyboard uuid and the button uuid from the given :paramref:`callback_data`. Args: callback_data (:obj:`str`): The :paramref:`~telegram.InlineKeyboardButton.callback_data` as present in the button. Returns: (:obj:`str`, :obj:`str`): Tuple of keyboard and button uuid """ # Extract the uuids as put in __put_button return callback_data[:32], callback_data[32:] def process_message(self, message: Message) -> None: """Replaces the data in the inline keyboard attached to the message with the cached objects, if necessary. If the data could not be found, :class:`telegram.ext.InvalidCallbackData` will be inserted. Note: Checks :attr:`telegram.Message.via_bot` and :attr:`telegram.Message.from_user` to check if the reply markup (if any) was actually sent by this cache's bot. If it was not, the message will be returned unchanged. Note that this will fail for channel posts, as :attr:`telegram.Message.from_user` is :obj:`None` for those! In the corresponding reply markups the callback data will be replaced by :class:`telegram.ext.InvalidCallbackData`. Warning: * Does *not* consider :attr:`telegram.Message.reply_to_message` and :attr:`telegram.Message.pinned_message`. Pass them to this method separately. * *In place*, i.e. the passed :class:`telegram.Message` will be changed! Args: message (:class:`telegram.Message`): The message. """ self.__process_message(message) def __process_message(self, message: Message) -> Optional[str]: """As documented in process_message, but returns the uuid of the attached keyboard, if any, which is relevant for process_callback_query. **IN PLACE** """ if not message.reply_markup: return None if message.via_bot: sender: Optional[User] = message.via_bot elif message.from_user: sender = message.from_user else: sender = None if sender is not None and sender != self.bot.bot: return None keyboard_uuid = None for row in message.reply_markup.inline_keyboard: for button in row: if button.callback_data: button_data = cast(str, button.callback_data) keyboard_id, callback_data = self.__get_keyboard_uuid_and_button_data( button_data ) # update_callback_data makes sure that the _id_attrs are updated button.update_callback_data(callback_data) # This is lazy loaded. The firsts time we find a button # we load the associated keyboard - afterwards, there is if not keyboard_uuid and not isinstance(callback_data, InvalidCallbackData): keyboard_uuid = keyboard_id return keyboard_uuid def process_callback_query(self, callback_query: CallbackQuery) -> None: """Replaces the data in the callback query and the attached messages keyboard with the cached objects, if necessary. If the data could not be found, :class:`telegram.ext.InvalidCallbackData` will be inserted. If :attr:`telegram.CallbackQuery.data` or :attr:`telegram.CallbackQuery.message` is present, this also saves the callback queries ID in order to be able to resolve it to the stored data. Note: Also considers inserts data into the buttons of :attr:`telegram.Message.reply_to_message` and :attr:`telegram.Message.pinned_message` if necessary. Warning: *In place*, i.e. the passed :class:`telegram.CallbackQuery` will be changed! Args: callback_query (:class:`telegram.CallbackQuery`): The callback query. """ mapped = False if callback_query.data: data = callback_query.data # Get the cached callback data for the CallbackQuery keyboard_uuid, button_data = self.__get_keyboard_uuid_and_button_data(data) with callback_query._unfrozen(): callback_query.data = button_data # type: ignore[assignment] # Map the callback queries ID to the keyboards UUID for later use if not mapped and not isinstance(button_data, InvalidCallbackData): self._callback_queries[callback_query.id] = keyboard_uuid # type: ignore mapped = True # Get the cached callback data for the inline keyboard attached to the # CallbackQuery. if callback_query.message: self.__process_message(callback_query.message) for message in ( callback_query.message.pinned_message, callback_query.message.reply_to_message, ): if message: self.__process_message(message) def drop_data(self, callback_query: CallbackQuery) -> None: """Deletes the data for the specified callback query. Note: Will *not* raise exceptions in case the callback data is not found in the cache. *Will* raise :exc:`KeyError` in case the callback query can not be found in the cache. Args: callback_query (:class:`telegram.CallbackQuery`): The callback query. Raises: KeyError: If the callback query can not be found in the cache """ try: keyboard_uuid = self._callback_queries.pop(callback_query.id) self.__drop_keyboard(keyboard_uuid) except KeyError as exc: raise KeyError("CallbackQuery was not found in cache.") from exc def __drop_keyboard(self, keyboard_uuid: str) -> None: try: self._keyboard_data.pop(keyboard_uuid) except KeyError: return def clear_callback_data(self, time_cutoff: Union[float, datetime] = None) -> None: """Clears the stored callback data. Args: time_cutoff (:obj:`float` | :obj:`datetime.datetime`, optional): Pass a UNIX timestamp or a :obj:`datetime.datetime` to clear only entries which are older. For timezone naive :obj:`datetime.datetime` objects, the default timezone of the bot will be used, which is UTC unless :attr:`telegram.ext.Defaults.tzinfo` is used. """ self.__clear(self._keyboard_data, time_cutoff=time_cutoff) def clear_callback_queries(self) -> None: """Clears the stored callback query IDs.""" self.__clear(self._callback_queries) def __clear(self, mapping: MutableMapping, time_cutoff: Union[float, datetime] = None) -> None: if not time_cutoff: mapping.clear() return if isinstance(time_cutoff, datetime): effective_cutoff = to_float_timestamp( time_cutoff, tzinfo=self.bot.defaults.tzinfo if self.bot.defaults else None ) else: effective_cutoff = time_cutoff # We need a list instead of a generator here, as the list doesn't change it's size # during the iteration to_drop = [key for key, data in mapping.items() if data.access_time < effective_cutoff] for key in to_drop: mapping.pop(key)