#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains an object that represents a Telegram InputSticker.""" from collections.abc import Sequence from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union from telegram._files.sticker import MaskPosition from telegram._telegramobject import TelegramObject from telegram._utils.argumentparsing import parse_sequence_arg from telegram._utils.files import parse_file_input from telegram._utils.types import FileInput, JSONDict if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram._files.inputfile import InputFile class InputSticker(TelegramObject): """ This object describes a sticker to be added to a sticker set. .. versionadded:: 20.2 .. versionchanged:: 21.1 As of Bot API 7.2, the new argument :paramref:`format` is a required argument, and thus the order of the arguments has changed. Args: sticker (:obj:`str` | :term:`file object` | :class:`~telegram.InputFile` | :obj:`bytes` \ | :class:`pathlib.Path`): The added sticker. |uploadinputnopath| Animated and video stickers can't be uploaded via HTTP URL. emoji_list (Sequence[:obj:`str`]): Sequence of :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MIN_STICKER_EMOJI` - :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MAX_STICKER_EMOJI` emoji associated with the sticker. mask_position (:class:`telegram.MaskPosition`, optional): Position where the mask should be placed on faces. For ":tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerType.MASK`" stickers only. keywords (Sequence[:obj:`str`], optional): Sequence of 0-:tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MAX_SEARCH_KEYWORDS` search keywords for the sticker with the total length of up to :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH` characters. For ":tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerType.REGULAR`" and ":tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerType.CUSTOM_EMOJI`" stickers only. format (:obj:`str`): Format of the added sticker, must be one of :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerFormat.STATIC` for a ``.WEBP`` or ``.PNG`` image, :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerFormat.ANIMATED` for a ``.TGS`` animation, :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerFormat.VIDEO` for a WEBM video. .. versionadded:: 21.1 Attributes: sticker (:obj:`str` | :class:`telegram.InputFile`): The added sticker. emoji_list (tuple[:obj:`str`]): Tuple of :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MIN_STICKER_EMOJI` - :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MAX_STICKER_EMOJI` emoji associated with the sticker. mask_position (:class:`telegram.MaskPosition`): Optional. Position where the mask should be placed on faces. For ":tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerType.MASK`" stickers only. keywords (tuple[:obj:`str`]): Optional. Tuple of 0-:tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MAX_SEARCH_KEYWORDS` search keywords for the sticker with the total length of up to :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerLimit.MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH` characters. For ":tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerType.REGULAR`" and ":tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerType.CUSTOM_EMOJI`" stickers only. ":tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerType.CUSTOM_EMOJI`" stickers only. format (:obj:`str`): Format of the added sticker, must be one of :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerFormat.STATIC` for a ``.WEBP`` or ``.PNG`` image, :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerFormat.ANIMATED` for a ``.TGS`` animation, :tg-const:`telegram.constants.StickerFormat.VIDEO` for a WEBM video. .. versionadded:: 21.1 """ __slots__ = ("emoji_list", "format", "keywords", "mask_position", "sticker") def __init__( self, sticker: FileInput, emoji_list: Sequence[str], format: str, # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin mask_position: Optional[MaskPosition] = None, keywords: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, *, api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None, ): super().__init__(api_kwargs=api_kwargs) # We use local_mode=True because we don't have access to the actual setting and want # things to work in local mode. self.sticker: Union[str, InputFile] = parse_file_input( sticker, local_mode=True, attach=True, ) self.emoji_list: tuple[str, ...] = parse_sequence_arg(emoji_list) self.format: str = format self.mask_position: Optional[MaskPosition] = mask_position self.keywords: tuple[str, ...] = parse_sequence_arg(keywords) self._freeze()