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Since this class has a large number of methods and attributes, below you can find a quick overview.

Sending Messages .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_animation` - Used for sending animations * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_audio` - Used for sending audio files * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_chat_action` - Used for sending chat actions * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_contact` - Used for sending contacts * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_dice` - Used for sending dice messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_document` - Used for sending documents * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_game` - Used for sending a game * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_gift` - Used for sending a gift * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_invoice` - Used for sending an invoice * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_location` - Used for sending location * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_media_group` - Used for sending media grouped together * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_message` - Used for sending text messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_paid_media` - Used for sending paid media to channels * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_photo` - Used for sending photos * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_poll` - Used for sending polls * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_sticker` - Used for sending stickers * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_venue` - Used for sending venue locations. * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_video` - Used for sending videos * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_video_note` - Used for sending video notes * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.send_voice` - Used for sending voice messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.copy_message` - Used for copying the contents of an arbitrary message * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.copy_messages` - Used for copying the contents of an multiple arbitrary messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.forward_message` - Used for forwarding messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.forward_messages` - Used for forwarding multiple messages at once .. raw:: html

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Updating Messages .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.answer_callback_query` - Used for answering the callback query * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.answer_inline_query` - Used for answering the inline query * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.answer_pre_checkout_query` - Used for answering a pre checkout query * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.answer_shipping_query` - Used for answering a shipping query * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.answer_web_app_query` - Used for answering a web app query * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_message` - Used for deleting messages. * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_messages` - Used for deleting multiple messages as once. * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_message_caption` - Used for editing captions * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_message_media` - Used for editing the media on messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_message_live_location` - Used for editing the location in live location messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_message_reply_markup` - Used for editing the reply markup on messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_message_text` - Used for editing text messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.stop_poll` - Used for stopping the running poll * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_message_reaction` - Used for setting reactions on messages .. raw:: html

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Chat Moderation and information .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.approve_chat_join_request` - Used for approving a chat join request * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.decline_chat_join_request` - Used for declining a chat join request * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.ban_chat_member` - Used for banning a member from the chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.unban_chat_member` - Used for unbanning a member from the chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.ban_chat_sender_chat` - Used for banning a channel in a channel or supergroup * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.unban_chat_sender_chat` - Used for unbanning a channel in a channel or supergroup * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.restrict_chat_member` - Used for restricting a chat member * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.promote_chat_member` - Used for promoting a chat member * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_chat_administrator_custom_title` - Used for assigning a custom admin title to an admin * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_chat_permissions` - Used for setting the permissions of a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.export_chat_invite_link` - Used for creating a new primary invite link for a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.create_chat_invite_link` - Used for creating an additional invite link for a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_chat_invite_link` - Used for editing a non-primary invite link * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.revoke_chat_invite_link` - Used for revoking an invite link created by the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_chat_photo` - Used for setting a photo to a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_chat_photo` - Used for deleting a chat photo * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_chat_title` - Used for setting a chat title * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_chat_description` - Used for setting the description of a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_user_emoji_status` - Used for setting the users status emoji * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.pin_chat_message` - Used for pinning a message * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.unpin_chat_message` - Used for unpinning a message * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.unpin_all_chat_messages` - Used for unpinning all pinned chat messages * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_business_connection` - Used for getting information about the business account. * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_user_profile_photos` - Used for obtaining user's profile pictures * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_chat` - Used for getting information about a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_chat_administrators` - Used for getting the list of admins in a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_chat_member_count` - Used for getting the number of members in a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_chat_member` - Used for getting a member of a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_user_chat_boosts` - Used for getting the list of boosts added to a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.leave_chat` - Used for leaving a chat .. raw:: html

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Bot settings .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_my_commands` - Used for setting the list of commands * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_my_commands` - Used for deleting the list of commands * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_my_commands` - Used for obtaining the list of commands * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_my_default_administrator_rights` - Used for obtaining the default administrator rights for the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_my_default_administrator_rights` - Used for setting the default administrator rights for the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_chat_menu_button` - Used for obtaining the menu button of a private chat or the default menu button * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_chat_menu_button` - Used for setting the menu button of a private chat or the default menu button * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_my_description` - Used for setting the description of the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_my_description` - Used for obtaining the description of the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_my_short_description` - Used for setting the short description of the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_my_short_description` - Used for obtaining the short description of the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_my_name` - Used for setting the name of the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_my_name` - Used for obtaining the name of the bot .. raw:: html

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Stickerset management .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.add_sticker_to_set` - Used for adding a sticker to a set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_sticker_from_set` - Used for deleting a sticker from a set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.create_new_sticker_set` - Used for creating a new sticker set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_sticker_set` - Used for deleting a sticker set made by a bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_chat_sticker_set` - Used for setting a sticker set of a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_chat_sticker_set` - Used for deleting the set sticker set of a chat * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.replace_sticker_in_set` - Used for replacing a sticker in a set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_sticker_position_in_set` - Used for moving a sticker's position in the set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_sticker_set_title` - Used for setting the title of a sticker set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_sticker_emoji_list` - Used for setting the emoji list of a sticker * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_sticker_keywords` - Used for setting the keywords of a sticker * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_sticker_mask_position` - Used for setting the mask position of a mask sticker * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_sticker_set_thumbnail` - Used for setting the thumbnail of a sticker set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_custom_emoji_sticker_set_thumbnail` - Used for setting the thumbnail of a custom emoji sticker set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_sticker_set` - Used for getting a sticker set * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.upload_sticker_file` - Used for uploading a sticker file * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_custom_emoji_stickers` - Used for getting custom emoji files based on their IDs .. raw:: html

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Games .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_game_high_scores` - Used for getting the game high scores * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_game_score` - Used for setting the game score .. raw:: html

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Getting updates .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_updates` - Used for getting updates using long polling * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_webhook_info` - Used for getting current webhook status * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.set_webhook` - Used for setting a webhook to receive updates * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_webhook` - Used for removing webhook integration .. raw:: html

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Forum topic management .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.close_forum_topic` - Used for closing a forum topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.close_general_forum_topic` - Used for closing the general forum topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.create_forum_topic` - Used to create a topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.delete_forum_topic` - Used for deleting a forum topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_forum_topic` - Used to edit a topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_general_forum_topic` - Used to edit the general topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_forum_topic_icon_stickers` - Used to get custom emojis to use as topic icons * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.hide_general_forum_topic` - Used to hide the general topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.unhide_general_forum_topic` - Used to unhide the general topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.reopen_forum_topic` - Used to reopen a topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.reopen_general_forum_topic` - Used to reopen the general topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.unpin_all_forum_topic_messages` - Used to unpin all messages in a forum topic * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.unpin_all_general_forum_topic_messages` - Used to unpin all messages in the general forum topic .. raw:: html

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Payments and Stars .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.create_invoice_link` - Used to generate an HTTP link for an invoice * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.edit_user_star_subscription` - Used for editing a user's star subscription * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_star_transactions` - Used for obtaining the bot's Telegram Stars transactions * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.refund_star_payment` - Used for refunding a payment in Telegram Stars .. raw:: html

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Miscellaneous .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.close` - Used for closing server instance when switching to another local server * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.log_out` - Used for logging out from cloud Bot API server * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_file` - Used for getting basic info about a file * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_available_gifts` - Used for getting information about gifts available for sending * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_me` - Used for getting basic information about the bot * - :meth:`~telegram.Bot.save_prepared_inline_message` - Used for storing a message to be sent by a user of a Mini App .. raw:: html

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Properties .. list-table:: :align: left :widths: 1 4 * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.base_file_url` - Telegram Bot API file URL * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.base_url` - Telegram Bot API service URL * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.bot` - The user instance of the bot as returned by :meth:`~telegram.Bot.get_me` * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.can_join_groups` - Whether the bot can join groups * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.can_read_all_group_messages` - Whether the bot can read all incoming group messages * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.id` - The user id of the bot * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.name` - The username of the bot, with leading ``@`` * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.first_name` - The first name of the bot * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.last_name` - The last name of the bot * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.local_mode` - Whether the bot is running in local mode * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.username` - The username of the bot, without leading ``@`` * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.link` - The t.me link of the bot * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.private_key` - Deserialized private key for decryption of telegram passport data * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.supports_inline_queries` - Whether the bot supports inline queries * - :attr:`~telegram.Bot.token` - Bot's unique authentication token .. raw:: html