#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. import asyncio import datetime import logging import sys from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List from uuid import uuid4 import pytest from telegram import ( CallbackQuery, Chat, ChosenInlineResult, InlineQuery, Message, PreCheckoutQuery, ShippingQuery, Update, User, ) from telegram.ext import ApplicationBuilder, Defaults, Updater from telegram.ext.filters import MessageFilter, UpdateFilter from tests.auxil.build_messages import DATE from tests.auxil.ci_bots import BOT_INFO_PROVIDER from tests.auxil.constants import PRIVATE_KEY from tests.auxil.envvars import RUN_TEST_OFFICIAL, TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS from tests.auxil.files import data_file from tests.auxil.networking import NonchalantHttpxRequest from tests.auxil.pytest_classes import PytestApplication, PytestBot, make_bot from tests.auxil.timezones import BasicTimezone if TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS: import pytz # Don't collect `test_official.py` on Python 3.10- since it uses newer features like X | Y syntax. # Docs: https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/example/pythoncollection.html#customizing-test-collection collect_ignore = [] if sys.version_info < (3, 10): if RUN_TEST_OFFICIAL: logging.warning("Skipping test_official.py since it requires Python 3.10+") collect_ignore_glob = ["test_official/*.py"] # This is here instead of in setup.cfg due to https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/8343 def pytest_runtestloop(session: pytest.Session): session.add_marker( pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore::telegram.warnings.PTBDeprecationWarning") ) def no_rerun_after_xfail_or_flood(error, name, test: pytest.Function, plugin): """Don't rerun tests that have xfailed when marked with xfail, or when we hit a flood limit.""" xfail_present = test.get_closest_marker(name="xfail") if getattr(error[1], "msg", "") is None: raise error[1] did_we_flood = "flood" in getattr(error[1], "msg", "") # _pytest.outcomes.XFailed has 'msg' return not (xfail_present or did_we_flood) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items: List[pytest.Item]): """Here we add a flaky marker to all request making tests and a (no_)req marker to the rest.""" for item in items: # items are the test methods parent = item.parent # Get the parent of the item (class, or module if defined outside) if parent is None: # should never happen, but just in case return if ( # Check if the class name ends with 'WithRequest' and if it has no flaky marker parent.name.endswith("WithRequest") and not parent.get_closest_marker( # get_closest_marker gets pytest.marks with `name` name="flaky" ) # don't add/override any previously set markers and not parent.get_closest_marker(name="req") ): # Add the flaky marker with a rerun filter to the class parent.add_marker(pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1, rerun_filter=no_rerun_after_xfail_or_flood)) parent.add_marker(pytest.mark.req) # Add the no_req marker to all classes that end with 'WithoutRequest' and don't have it elif parent.name.endswith("WithoutRequest") and not parent.get_closest_marker( name="no_req" ): parent.add_marker(pytest.mark.no_req) # Redefine the event_loop fixture to have a session scope. Otherwise `bot` fixture can't be # session. See https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-asyncio/issues/68 for more details. @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def event_loop(request): # ever since ProactorEventLoop became the default in Win 3.8+, the app crashes after the loop # is closed. Hence, we use SelectorEventLoop on Windows to avoid this. See # https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/83413, https://github.com/encode/httpx/issues/914 if sys.platform.startswith("win"): asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) return asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop() # loop.close() # instead of closing here, do that at the every end of the test session @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def bot_info() -> Dict[str, str]: return BOT_INFO_PROVIDER.get_info() @pytest.fixture(scope="session") async def bot(bot_info): """Makes an ExtBot instance with the given bot_info""" async with make_bot(bot_info) as _bot: yield _bot @pytest.fixture() def one_time_bot(bot_info): """A function scoped bot since the session bot would shutdown when `async with app` finishes""" return make_bot(bot_info) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") async def cdc_bot(bot_info): """Makes an ExtBot instance with the given bot_info that uses arbitrary callback_data""" async with make_bot(bot_info, arbitrary_callback_data=True) as _bot: yield _bot @pytest.fixture(scope="session") async def raw_bot(bot_info): """Makes an regular Bot instance with the given bot_info""" async with PytestBot( bot_info["token"], private_key=PRIVATE_KEY if TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS else None, request=NonchalantHttpxRequest(8), get_updates_request=NonchalantHttpxRequest(1), ) as _bot: yield _bot # Here we store the default bots so that we don't have to create them again and again. # They are initialized but not shutdown on pytest_sessionfinish because it is causing # problems with the event loop (Event loop is closed). _default_bots = {} @pytest.fixture(scope="session") async def default_bot(request, bot_info): param = request.param if hasattr(request, "param") else {} defaults = Defaults(**param) # If the bot is already created, return it. Else make a new one. default_bot = _default_bots.get(defaults) if default_bot is None: default_bot = make_bot(bot_info, defaults=defaults) await default_bot.initialize() _default_bots[defaults] = default_bot # Defaults object is hashable return default_bot @pytest.fixture(scope="session") async def tz_bot(timezone, bot_info): defaults = Defaults(tzinfo=timezone) try: # If the bot is already created, return it. Saves time since get_me is not called again. return _default_bots[defaults] except KeyError: default_bot = make_bot(bot_info, defaults=defaults) await default_bot.initialize() _default_bots[defaults] = default_bot return default_bot @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def chat_id(bot_info): return bot_info["chat_id"] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def super_group_id(bot_info): return bot_info["super_group_id"] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def forum_group_id(bot_info): return int(bot_info["forum_group_id"]) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def channel_id(bot_info): return bot_info["channel_id"] @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def provider_token(bot_info): return bot_info["payment_provider_token"] @pytest.fixture() async def app(bot_info): # We build a new bot each time so that we use `app` in a context manager without problems application = ( ApplicationBuilder().bot(make_bot(bot_info)).application_class(PytestApplication).build() ) yield application if application.running: await application.stop() await application.shutdown() @pytest.fixture() async def updater(bot_info): # We build a new bot each time so that we use `updater` in a context manager without problems up = Updater(bot=make_bot(bot_info), update_queue=asyncio.Queue()) yield up if up.running: await up.stop() await up.shutdown() @pytest.fixture() def thumb_file(): with data_file("thumb.jpg").open("rb") as f: yield f @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def class_thumb_file(): with data_file("thumb.jpg").open("rb") as f: yield f @pytest.fixture( scope="class", params=[{"class": MessageFilter}, {"class": UpdateFilter}], ids=["MessageFilter", "UpdateFilter"], ) def mock_filter(request): class MockFilter(request.param["class"]): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.tested = False def filter(self, _): self.tested = True return MockFilter() def _get_false_update_fixture_decorator_params(): message = Message(1, DATE, Chat(1, ""), from_user=User(1, "", False), text="test") params = [ {"callback_query": CallbackQuery(1, User(1, "", False), "chat", message=message)}, {"channel_post": message}, {"edited_channel_post": message}, {"inline_query": InlineQuery(1, User(1, "", False), "", "")}, {"chosen_inline_result": ChosenInlineResult("id", User(1, "", False), "")}, {"shipping_query": ShippingQuery("id", User(1, "", False), "", None)}, {"pre_checkout_query": PreCheckoutQuery("id", User(1, "", False), "", 0, "")}, {"callback_query": CallbackQuery(1, User(1, "", False), "chat")}, ] ids = tuple(key for kwargs in params for key in kwargs) return {"params": params, "ids": ids} @pytest.fixture(**_get_false_update_fixture_decorator_params()) def false_update(request): return Update(update_id=1, **request.param) @pytest.fixture(scope="session", params=["Europe/Berlin", "Asia/Singapore", "UTC"]) def tzinfo(request): if TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS: return pytz.timezone(request.param) hours_offset = {"Europe/Berlin": 2, "Asia/Singapore": 8, "UTC": 0}[request.param] return BasicTimezone(offset=datetime.timedelta(hours=hours_offset), name=request.param) @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def timezone(tzinfo): return tzinfo @pytest.fixture() def tmp_file(tmp_path) -> Path: return tmp_path / uuid4().hex