#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains the CommandHandler and PrefixHandler classes.""" import re from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union from telegram import MessageEntity, Update from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import DEFAULT_TRUE from telegram._utils.types import SLT, DVInput from telegram.ext import filters as filters_module from telegram.ext._handler import Handler from telegram.ext._utils.types import CCT, HandlerCallback if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram.ext import Application RT = TypeVar('RT') class CommandHandler(Handler[Update, CCT]): """Handler class to handle Telegram commands. Commands are Telegram messages that start with ``/``, optionally followed by an ``@`` and the bot's name and/or some additional text. The handler will add a :obj:`list` to the :class:`CallbackContext` named :attr:`CallbackContext.args`. It will contain a list of strings, which is the text following the command split on single or consecutive whitespace characters. By default, the handler listens to messages as well as edited messages. To change this behavior use :attr:`~filters.UpdateType.EDITED_MESSAGE ` in the filter argument. Note: * :class:`CommandHandler` does *not* handle (edited) channel posts. Warning: When setting :paramref:`block` to :obj:`False`, you cannot rely on adding custom attributes to :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext`. See its docs for more info. Args: command (:obj:`str` | Tuple[:obj:`str`] | List[:obj:`str`]): The command or list of commands this handler should listen for. Limitations are the same as described `here `_ callback (:term:`coroutine function`): The callback function for this handler. Will be called when :meth:`check_update` has determined that an update should be processed by this handler. Callback signature:: async def callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) The return value of the callback is usually ignored except for the special case of :class:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler`. filters (:class:`telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter`, optional): A filter inheriting from :class:`telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter`. Standard filters can be found in :mod:`telegram.ext.filters`. Filters can be combined using bitwise operators (``&`` for :keyword:`and`, ``|`` for :keyword:`or`, ``~`` for :keyword:`not`) block (:obj:`bool`, optional): Determines whether the return value of the callback should be awaited before processing the next handler in :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.process_update`. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Raises: :exc:`ValueError`: When the command is too long or has illegal chars. Attributes: command (:obj:`str` | Tuple[:obj:`str`] | List[:obj:`str`]): The command or list of commands this handler should listen for. Limitations are the same as described `here `_ callback (:term:`coroutine function`): The callback function for this handler. filters (:class:`telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter`): Optional. Only allow updates with these Filters. block (:obj:`bool`): Determines whether the return value of the callback should be awaited before processing the next handler in :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.process_update`. """ __slots__ = ('command', 'filters') def __init__( self, command: SLT[str], callback: HandlerCallback[Update, CCT, RT], filters: filters_module.BaseFilter = None, block: DVInput[bool] = DEFAULT_TRUE, ): super().__init__(callback, block=block) if isinstance(command, str): self.command = [command.lower()] else: self.command = [x.lower() for x in command] for comm in self.command: if not re.match(r'^[\da-z_]{1,32}$', comm): raise ValueError(f'Command `{comm}` is not a valid bot command') self.filters = filters if filters is not None else filters_module.UpdateType.MESSAGES def check_update( self, update: object ) -> Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[List[str], Optional[Union[bool, Dict]]]]]: """Determines whether an update should be passed to this handler's :attr:`callback`. Args: update (:class:`telegram.Update` | :obj:`object`): Incoming update. Returns: :obj:`list`: The list of args for the handler. """ if isinstance(update, Update) and update.effective_message: message = update.effective_message if ( message.entities and message.entities[0].type == MessageEntity.BOT_COMMAND and message.entities[0].offset == 0 and message.text and message.get_bot() ): command = message.text[1 : message.entities[0].length] args = message.text.split()[1:] command_parts = command.split('@') command_parts.append(message.get_bot().username) if not ( command_parts[0].lower() in self.command and command_parts[1].lower() == message.get_bot().username.lower() ): return None filter_result = self.filters.check_update(update) if filter_result: return args, filter_result return False return None def collect_additional_context( self, context: CCT, update: Update, application: 'Application', check_result: Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[List[str], Optional[bool]]]], ) -> None: """Add text after the command to :attr:`CallbackContext.args` as list, split on single whitespaces and add output of data filters to :attr:`CallbackContext` as well. """ if isinstance(check_result, tuple): context.args = check_result[0] if isinstance(check_result[1], dict): context.update(check_result[1]) class PrefixHandler(CommandHandler): """Handler class to handle custom prefix commands. This is an intermediate handler between :class:`MessageHandler` and :class:`CommandHandler`. It supports configurable commands with the same options as :class:`CommandHandler`. It will respond to every combination of :attr:`prefix` and :attr:`command`. It will add a :obj:`list` to the :class:`CallbackContext` named :attr:`CallbackContext.args`. It will contain a list of strings, which is the text following the command split on single or consecutive whitespace characters. Examples: Single prefix and command: .. code:: python PrefixHandler("!", "test", callback) # will respond to '!test'. Multiple prefixes, single command: .. code:: python PrefixHandler(["!", "#"], "test", callback) # will respond to '!test' and '#test'. Multiple prefixes and commands: .. code:: python PrefixHandler( ["!", "#"], ["test", "help"], callback ) # will respond to '!test', '#test', '!help' and '#help'. By default, the handler listens to messages as well as edited messages. To change this behavior use :attr:`~filters.UpdateType.EDITED_MESSAGE ` Note: * :class:`PrefixHandler` does *not* handle (edited) channel posts. Warning: When setting :paramref:`block` to :obj:`False`, you cannot rely on adding custom attributes to :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext`. See its docs for more info. Args: prefix (:obj:`str` | Tuple[:obj:`str`] | List[:obj:`str`]): The prefix(es) that will precede :attr:`command`. command (:obj:`str` | Tuple[:obj:`str`] | List[:obj:`str`]): The command or list of commands this handler should listen for. callback (:term:`coroutine function`): The callback function for this handler. Will be called when :meth:`check_update` has determined that an update should be processed by this handler. Callback signature:: async def callback(update: Update, context: CallbackContext) The return value of the callback is usually ignored except for the special case of :class:`telegram.ext.ConversationHandler`. filters (:class:`telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter`, optional): A filter inheriting from :class:`telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter`. Standard filters can be found in :mod:`telegram.ext.filters`. Filters can be combined using bitwise operators (``&`` for :keyword:`and`, ``|`` for :keyword:`or`, ``~`` for :keyword:`not`) block (:obj:`bool`, optional): Determines whether the return value of the callback should be awaited before processing the next handler in :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.process_update`. Defaults to :obj:`True`. Attributes: callback (:term:`coroutine function`): The callback function for this handler. filters (:class:`telegram.ext.filters.BaseFilter`): Optional. Only allow updates with these Filters. block (:obj:`bool`): Determines whether the return value of the callback should be awaited before processing the next handler in :meth:`telegram.ext.Application.process_update`. """ # 'prefix' is a class property, & 'command' is included in the superclass, so they're left out. __slots__ = ('_prefix', '_command', '_commands') def __init__( self, prefix: SLT[str], command: SLT[str], callback: HandlerCallback[Update, CCT, RT], filters: filters_module.BaseFilter = None, block: DVInput[bool] = DEFAULT_TRUE, ): self._prefix: List[str] = [] self._command: List[str] = [] self._commands: List[str] = [] super().__init__( 'nocommand', callback, filters=filters, block=block, ) self.prefix = prefix # type: ignore[assignment] self.command = command # type: ignore[assignment] self._build_commands() @property def prefix(self) -> List[str]: """ The prefixes that will precede :attr:`command`. Returns: List[:obj:`str`] """ return self._prefix @prefix.setter def prefix(self, prefix: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: if isinstance(prefix, str): self._prefix = [prefix.lower()] else: self._prefix = prefix self._build_commands() @property # type: ignore[override] def command(self) -> List[str]: # type: ignore[override] """ The list of commands this handler should listen for. Returns: List[:obj:`str`] """ return self._command @command.setter def command(self, command: Union[str, List[str]]) -> None: if isinstance(command, str): self._command = [command.lower()] else: self._command = command self._build_commands() def _build_commands(self) -> None: self._commands = [x.lower() + y.lower() for x in self.prefix for y in self.command] def check_update( self, update: object ) -> Optional[Union[bool, Tuple[List[str], Optional[Union[bool, Dict]]]]]: """Determines whether an update should be passed to this handler's :attr:`callback`. Args: update (:class:`telegram.Update` | :obj:`object`): Incoming update. Returns: :obj:`list`: The list of args for the handler. """ if isinstance(update, Update) and update.effective_message: message = update.effective_message if message.text: text_list = message.text.split() if text_list[0].lower() not in self._commands: return None filter_result = self.filters.check_update(update) if filter_result: return text_list[1:], filter_result return False return None