#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. import inspect import os from typing import List import httpx import pytest from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import telegram from tests.conftest import env_var_2_bool IGNORED_OBJECTS = ('ResponseParameters', 'CallbackGame') IGNORED_PARAMETERS = { 'self', 'args', '_kwargs', 'read_timeout', 'write_timeout', 'connect_timeout', 'pool_timeout', 'bot', 'api_kwargs', 'kwargs', } ignored_param_requirements = { # Ignore these since there's convenience params in them (eg. Venue) 'send_location': {'latitude', 'longitude'}, 'edit_message_live_location': {'latitude', 'longitude'}, 'send_venue': {'latitude', 'longitude', 'title', 'address'}, 'send_contact': {'phone_number', 'first_name'}, } def find_next_sibling_until(tag, name, until): for sibling in tag.next_siblings: if sibling is until: return if sibling.name == name: return sibling def parse_table(h4) -> List[List[str]]: """Parses the Telegram doc table and has an output of a 2D list.""" table = find_next_sibling_until(h4, 'table', h4.find_next_sibling('h4')) if not table: return [] t = [] for tr in table.find_all('tr')[1:]: t.append([td.text for td in tr.find_all('td')]) return t def check_method(h4): name = h4.text # name of the method in telegram's docs. method = getattr(telegram.Bot, name) # Retrieve our lib method table = parse_table(h4) # Check arguments based on source sig = inspect.signature(method, follow_wrapped=True) checked = [] for parameter in table: param = sig.parameters.get(parameter[0]) assert param is not None, f"Parameter {parameter[0]} not found in {method.__name__}" # TODO: Check type via docstring assert check_required_param( parameter, param.name, sig, method.__name__ ), f'Param {param.name!r} of method {method.__name__!r} requirement mismatch!' checked.append(parameter[0]) ignored = IGNORED_PARAMETERS.copy() if name == 'getUpdates': ignored -= {'timeout'} # Has it's own timeout parameter that we do wanna check for elif name in ( f'send{media_type}' for media_type in [ 'Animation', 'Audio', 'Document', 'Photo', 'Video', 'VideoNote', 'Voice', ] ): ignored |= {'filename'} # Convenience parameter elif name == 'sendContact': ignored |= {'contact'} # Added for ease of use elif name in ['sendLocation', 'editMessageLiveLocation']: ignored |= {'location'} # Added for ease of use elif name == 'sendVenue': ignored |= {'venue'} # Added for ease of use elif name == 'answerInlineQuery': ignored |= {'current_offset'} # Added for ease of use assert (sig.parameters.keys() ^ checked) - ignored == set() def check_object(h4): name = h4.text obj = getattr(telegram, name) table = parse_table(h4) # Check arguments based on source. Makes sure to only check __init__'s signature & nothing else sig = inspect.signature(obj.__init__, follow_wrapped=True) checked = set() for parameter in table: field = parameter[0] if field == 'from': field = 'from_user' elif ( name.startswith('InlineQueryResult') or name.startswith('InputMedia') or name.startswith('BotCommandScope') or name.startswith('MenuButton') ) and field == 'type': continue elif (name.startswith('ChatMember')) and field == 'status': # We autofill the status continue elif ( name.startswith('PassportElementError') and field == 'source' ) or field == 'remove_keyboard': continue elif name.startswith('ForceReply') and field == 'force_reply': # this param is always True continue param = sig.parameters.get(field) assert param is not None, f"Attribute {field} not found in {obj.__name__}" # TODO: Check type via docstring assert check_required_param( parameter, field, sig, obj.__name__ ), f"{obj.__name__!r} parameter {param.name!r} requirement mismatch" checked.add(field) ignored = IGNORED_PARAMETERS.copy() if name == 'InputFile': return if name == 'InlineQueryResult': ignored |= {'id', 'type'} # attributes common to all subclasses if name == 'ChatMember': ignored |= {'user', 'status'} # attributes common to all subclasses if name == 'BotCommandScope': ignored |= {'type'} # attributes common to all subclasses if name == 'MenuButton': ignored |= {'type'} # attributes common to all subclasses elif name in ('PassportFile', 'EncryptedPassportElement'): ignored |= {'credentials'} elif name == 'PassportElementError': ignored |= {'message', 'type', 'source'} elif name == 'InputMedia': ignored |= {'caption', 'caption_entities', 'media', 'media_type', 'parse_mode'} elif name.startswith('InputMedia'): ignored |= {'filename'} # Convenience parameter assert (sig.parameters.keys() ^ checked) - ignored == set() def check_required_param( param_desc: List[str], param_name: str, sig: inspect.Signature, method_or_obj_name: str ) -> bool: """Checks if the method/class parameter is a required/optional param as per Telegram docs.""" if len(param_desc) == 4: # this means that there is a dedicated 'Required' column present. # Handle cases where we provide convenience intentionally- if param_name in ignored_param_requirements.get(method_or_obj_name, {}): return True is_required = True if param_desc[2] in {'Required', 'Yes'} else False is_ours_required = sig.parameters[param_name].default is inspect.Signature.empty return is_required is is_ours_required if len(param_desc) == 3: # The docs mention the requirement in the description for classes... if param_name in ignored_param_requirements.get(method_or_obj_name, {}): return True is_required = False if param_desc[2].split('.', 1)[0] == 'Optional' else True is_ours_required = sig.parameters[param_name].default is inspect.Signature.empty return is_required is is_ours_required argvalues = [] names = [] request = httpx.get('https://core.telegram.org/bots/api') soup = BeautifulSoup(request.text, 'html.parser') for thing in soup.select('h4 > a.anchor'): # Methods and types don't have spaces in them, luckily all other sections of the docs do # TODO: don't depend on that if '-' not in thing['name']: h4 = thing.parent # Is it a method if h4.text[0].lower() == h4.text[0]: argvalues.append((check_method, h4)) names.append(h4.text) elif h4.text not in IGNORED_OBJECTS: # Or a type/object argvalues.append((check_object, h4)) names.append(h4.text) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('method', 'data'), argvalues=argvalues, ids=names) @pytest.mark.skipif( not env_var_2_bool(os.getenv('TEST_OFFICIAL')), reason='test_official is not enabled' ) def test_official(method, data): method(data)