from inspect import getmembers, ismethod import threading import logging import telegram import time logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) __all__ = ['CommandHandler', 'CommandHandlerWithHelp'] class CommandHandler(object): """ This handles incomming commands and gives an easy way to create commands. How to use this: create a new class which inherits this class or CommandHandlerWithHelp. define new methods that start with 'command_' and then the command_name. run run() """ def __init__(self, bot): = bot # a telegram bot self.isValidCommand = None # a function that returns a boolean and takes one agrument an update. if False is returned the the comaand is not executed. def _get_command_func(self, command): if command[0] == '/': command = command[1:] if hasattr(self, 'command_' + command): return self.__getattribute__('command_' + command) # a function else: return None def run(self, make_thread=True, last_update_id=None, thread_timeout=2, sleep=0.2): """Continuously check for commands and run the according method Args: make_thread: if True make a thread for each command it found. if False make run the code linearly last_update: the offset arg from getUpdates and is kept up to date within this function thread_timeout: The timeout on a thread. If a thread is alive after this period then try to join the thread in the next loop. """ old_threads = [] while True: time.sleep(sleep) threads, last_update_id = self.run_once(make_thread=make_thread, last_update_id=last_update_id) for t in threads: t.start() for t in old_threads: threads.append(t) old_threads = [] for t in threads: t.join(timeout=thread_timeout) if t.isAlive(): old_threads.append(t) def run_once(self, make_thread=True, last_update_id=None): """ Check the the messages for commands and make a Thread with the command or run the command depending on make_thread. Args: make_thread: True: the function returns a list with threads. Which didn't start yet. False: the function just runs the command it found and returns an empty list. last_update_id: the offset arg from getUpdates and is kept up to date within this function Returns: A tuple of two elements. The first element is a list with threads which didn't start yet or an empty list if make_threads==False. The second element is the updated las_update_id """ bot_name = threads = [] try: updates = except: updates = [] for update in updates: last_update_id = update.update_id + 1 message = update.message if message.text[0] == '/': command, username = message.text.split(' ')[0], bot_name if '@' in command: command, username = command.split('@') if username == bot_name: command_func = self._get_command_func(command) if command_func is not None:,telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) if self.isValidCommand is None or self.isValidCommand(update): if make_thread: t = threading.Thread(target=command_func, args=(update,)) threads.append(t) else: command_func(update) else: self._command_not_found(update) # TODO this must be another function. else: if make_thread: t = threading.Thread(target=self._command_not_found, args=(update,)) threads.append(t) else: self._command_not_valid(update) return threads, last_update_id def _command_not_valid(self, update): """Inform the telegram user that the command was not found. Override this method if you want to do it another way then by sending the the text: Sorry, I didn't understand the command: /command[@bot]. """ chat_id = reply_to = update.message.message_id message = "Sorry, the command was not authorised or valid: {command}.".format(command=update.message.text.split(' ')[0]), message, reply_to_message_id=reply_to) def _command_not_found(self, update): """Inform the telegram user that the command was not found. Override this method if you want to do it another way then by sending the the text: Sorry, I didn't understand the command: /command[@bot]. """ chat_id = reply_to = update.message.message_id message = "Sorry, I didn't understand the command: {command}.".format(command=update.message.text.split(' ')[0]), message, reply_to_message_id=reply_to) class CommandHandlerWithHelp(CommandHandler): """ This CommandHandler has a builtin /help. It grabs the text from the docstrings of command_ functions.""" def __init__(self, bot): super(CommandHandlerWithHelp, self).__init__(bot) self._help_title = 'Welcome to {name}.'.format( # the title of help self._help_before_list = '' # text with information about the bot self._help_after_list = '' # a footer self._help_list_title = 'These are the commands:' # the title of the list self.is_reply = True self.command_start = self.command_help def _generate_help(self): """ Generate a string which can be send as a help file. This function generates a help file from all the docstrings from the commands. so docstrings of methods that start with command_ should explain what a command does and how a to use the command to the telegram user. """ command_functions = [attr[1] for attr in getmembers(self, predicate=ismethod) if attr[0][:8] == 'command_'] help_message = self._help_title + '\n\n' help_message += self._help_before_list + '\n\n' help_message += self._help_list_title + '\n' for command_function in command_functions: if command_function.__doc__ is not None: help_message += ' /' + command_function.__name__[8:] + ' - ' + command_function.__doc__ + '\n' else: help_message += ' /' + command_function.__name__[8:] + ' - ' + '\n' help_message += '\n' help_message += self._help_after_list return help_message def _command_not_found(self, update): """Inform the telegram user that the command was not found.""" chat_id = reply_to = update.message.message_id message = 'Sorry, I did not understand the command: {command}. Please see /help for all available commands' if self.is_reply:, message.format(command=update.message.text.split(' ')[0]), reply_to_message_id=reply_to) else:, message.format(command=update.message.text.split(' ')[0])) def command_help(self, update): """ The help file. """ chat_id = reply_to = update.message.message_id message = self._generate_help(), message, reply_to_message_id=reply_to)