#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains an object that represents a Encrypted PassportFile.""" from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple from telegram._telegramobject import TelegramObject from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import DEFAULT_NONE from telegram._utils.types import JSONDict, ODVInput from telegram._utils.warnings import warn from telegram.warnings import PTBDeprecationWarning if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram import Bot, File, FileCredentials class PassportFile(TelegramObject): """ This object represents a file uploaded to Telegram Passport. Currently all Telegram Passport files are in JPEG format when decrypted and don't exceed 10MB. Objects of this class are comparable in terms of equality. Two objects of this class are considered equal, if their :attr:`file_unique_id` is equal. Args: file_id (:obj:`str`): Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file. file_unique_id (:obj:`str`): Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file. file_size (:obj:`int`): File size in bytes. file_date (:obj:`int`): Unix time when the file was uploaded. .. deprecated:: 20.6 This argument will only accept a datetime instead of an integer in future major versions. Attributes: file_id (:obj:`str`): Identifier for this file, which can be used to download or reuse the file. file_unique_id (:obj:`str`): Unique identifier for this file, which is supposed to be the same over time and for different bots. Can't be used to download or reuse the file. file_size (:obj:`int`): File size in bytes. """ __slots__ = ( "_credentials", "_file_date", "file_id", "file_size", "file_unique_id", ) def __init__( self, file_id: str, file_unique_id: str, file_date: int, file_size: int, credentials: Optional["FileCredentials"] = None, *, api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None, ): super().__init__(api_kwargs=api_kwargs) # Required self.file_id: str = file_id self.file_unique_id: str = file_unique_id self.file_size: int = file_size self._file_date: int = file_date # Optionals self._credentials: Optional[FileCredentials] = credentials self._id_attrs = (self.file_unique_id,) self._freeze() def to_dict(self, recursive: bool = True) -> JSONDict: """See :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.to_dict` for details.""" data = super().to_dict(recursive) data["file_date"] = self._file_date return data @property def file_date(self) -> int: """:obj:`int`: Unix time when the file was uploaded. .. deprecated:: 20.6 This attribute will return a datetime instead of a integer in future major versions. """ warn( PTBDeprecationWarning( "20.6", "The attribute `file_date` will return a datetime instead of an integer in future" " major versions.", ), stacklevel=2, ) return self._file_date @classmethod def de_json_decrypted( cls, data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: Optional["Bot"], credentials: "FileCredentials" ) -> Optional["PassportFile"]: """Variant of :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_json` that also takes into account passport credentials. Args: data (Dict[:obj:`str`, ...]): The JSON data. bot (:class:`telegram.Bot` | :obj:`None`): The bot associated with these object. May be :obj:`None`, in which case shortcut methods will not be available. .. versionchanged:: NEXT.VERSION :paramref:`bot` is now optional and defaults to :obj:`None` .. deprecated:: NEXT.VERSION This argument will be converted to an optional argument in future versions. credentials (:class:`telegram.FileCredentials`): The credentials Returns: :class:`telegram.PassportFile`: """ data = cls._parse_data(data) if not data: return None data["credentials"] = credentials return super().de_json(data=data, bot=bot) @classmethod def de_list_decrypted( cls, data: Optional[List[JSONDict]], bot: Optional["Bot"], credentials: List["FileCredentials"], ) -> Tuple[Optional["PassportFile"], ...]: """Variant of :meth:`telegram.TelegramObject.de_list` that also takes into account passport credentials. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 * Returns a tuple instead of a list. * Filters out any :obj:`None` values Args: data (List[Dict[:obj:`str`, ...]]): The JSON data. bot (:class:`telegram.Bot` | :obj:`None`): The bot associated with these object. May be :obj:`None`, in which case shortcut methods will not be available. .. versionchanged:: NEXT.VERSION :paramref:`bot` is now optional and defaults to :obj:`None` .. deprecated:: NEXT.VERSION This argument will be converted to an optional argument in future versions. credentials (:class:`telegram.FileCredentials`): The credentials Returns: Tuple[:class:`telegram.PassportFile`]: """ if not data: return () return tuple( obj for obj in ( cls.de_json_decrypted(passport_file, bot, credentials[i]) for i, passport_file in enumerate(data) ) if obj is not None ) async def get_file( self, *, read_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, write_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, connect_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, pool_timeout: ODVInput[float] = DEFAULT_NONE, api_kwargs: Optional[JSONDict] = None, ) -> "File": """ Wrapper over :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_file`. Will automatically assign the correct credentials to the returned :class:`telegram.File` if originating from :obj:`telegram.PassportData.decrypted_data`. For the documentation of the arguments, please see :meth:`telegram.Bot.get_file`. Returns: :class:`telegram.File` Raises: :class:`telegram.error.TelegramError` """ file = await self.get_bot().get_file( file_id=self.file_id, read_timeout=read_timeout, write_timeout=write_timeout, connect_timeout=connect_timeout, pool_timeout=pool_timeout, api_kwargs=api_kwargs, ) if self._credentials: file.set_credentials(self._credentials) return file