#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """Provide a bot to tests""" import json import base64 import os import random import pytest from telegram.utils.request import Request from telegram.error import RetryAfter, TimedOut # Provide some public fallbacks so it's easy for contributors to run tests on their local machine # These bots are only able to talk in our test chats, so they are quite useless for other # purposes than testing. FALLBACKS = ( 'W3sidG9rZW4iOiAiNTc5Njk0NzE0OkFBRnBLOHc2emtrVXJENHhTZVl3RjNNTzhlLTRHcm1jeTdjIiwgInBheW1lbnRfc' 'HJvdmlkZXJfdG9rZW4iOiAiMjg0Njg1MDYzOlRFU1Q6TmpRME5qWmxOekk1WWpKaSIsICJjaGF0X2lkIjogIjY3NTY2Nj' 'IyNCIsICJzdXBlcl9ncm91cF9pZCI6ICItMTAwMTMxMDkxMTEzNSIsICJjaGFubmVsX2lkIjogIkBweXRob250ZWxlZ3J' 'hbWJvdHRlc3RzIiwgImJvdF9uYW1lIjogIlBUQiB0ZXN0cyBmYWxsYmFjayAxIiwgImJvdF91c2VybmFtZSI6ICJAcHRi' 'X2ZhbGxiYWNrXzFfYm90In0sIHsidG9rZW4iOiAiNTU4MTk0MDY2OkFBRndEUElGbHpHVWxDYVdIdFRPRVg0UkZyWDh1O' 'URNcWZvIiwgInBheW1lbnRfcHJvdmlkZXJfdG9rZW4iOiAiMjg0Njg1MDYzOlRFU1Q6WWpFd09EUXdNVEZtTkRjeSIsIC' 'JjaGF0X2lkIjogIjY3NTY2NjIyNCIsICJzdXBlcl9ncm91cF9pZCI6ICItMTAwMTIyMTIxNjgzMCIsICJjaGFubmVsX2l' 'kIjogIkBweXRob250ZWxlZ3JhbWJvdHRlc3RzIiwgImJvdF9uYW1lIjogIlBUQiB0ZXN0cyBmYWxsYmFjayAyIiwgImJv' 'dF91c2VybmFtZSI6ICJAcHRiX2ZhbGxiYWNrXzJfYm90In1d' ) GITHUB_ACTION = os.getenv('GITHUB_ACTION', None) BOTS = os.getenv('BOTS', None) JOB_INDEX = os.getenv('JOB_INDEX', None) if GITHUB_ACTION is not None and BOTS is not None and JOB_INDEX is not None: BOTS = json.loads(base64.b64decode(BOTS).decode('utf-8')) JOB_INDEX = int(JOB_INDEX) FALLBACKS = json.loads(base64.b64decode(FALLBACKS).decode('utf-8')) def get(name, fallback): # If we have TOKEN, PAYMENT_PROVIDER_TOKEN, CHAT_ID, SUPER_GROUP_ID, # CHANNEL_ID, BOT_NAME, or BOT_USERNAME in the environment, then use that val = os.getenv(name.upper()) if val: return val # If we're running as a github action then fetch bots from the repo secrets if GITHUB_ACTION is not None and BOTS is not None and JOB_INDEX is not None: try: return BOTS[JOB_INDEX][name] except KeyError: pass # Otherwise go with the fallback return fallback def get_bot(): return {k: get(k, v) for k, v in random.choice(FALLBACKS).items()} # Patch request to xfail on flood control errors and TimedOut errors original_request_wrapper = Request._request_wrapper def patient_request_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): try: return original_request_wrapper(*args, **kwargs) except RetryAfter as e: pytest.xfail(f'Not waiting for flood control: {e}') except TimedOut as e: pytest.xfail(f'Ignoring TimedOut error: {e}') Request._request_wrapper = patient_request_wrapper