#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. # pylint: disable=R0201 """This module contains the CallbackContext class.""" from queue import Queue from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Match, NoReturn, Optional, Tuple, Union, Generic, Type, ) from telegram import Update, CallbackQuery from telegram.ext import ExtBot from telegram.ext.utils.types import UD, CD, BD if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram import Bot from telegram.ext import Dispatcher, Job, JobQueue from telegram.ext.utils.types import CCT class CallbackContext(Generic[UD, CD, BD]): """ This is a context object passed to the callback called by :class:`telegram.ext.Handler` or by the :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` in an error handler added by :attr:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.add_error_handler` or to the callback of a :class:`telegram.ext.Job`. Note: :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` will create a single context for an entire update. This means that if you got 2 handlers in different groups and they both get called, they will get passed the same `CallbackContext` object (of course with proper attributes like `.matches` differing). This allows you to add custom attributes in a lower handler group callback, and then subsequently access those attributes in a higher handler group callback. Note that the attributes on `CallbackContext` might change in the future, so make sure to use a fairly unique name for the attributes. Warning: Do not combine custom attributes and ``@run_async``/ :meth:`telegram.ext.Disptacher.run_async`. Due to how ``run_async`` works, it will almost certainly execute the callbacks for an update out of order, and the attributes that you think you added will not be present. Args: dispatcher (:class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher`): The dispatcher associated with this context. Attributes: matches (List[:obj:`re match object`]): Optional. If the associated update originated from a regex-supported handler or had a :class:`Filters.regex`, this will contain a list of match objects for every pattern where ``re.search(pattern, string)`` returned a match. Note that filters short circuit, so combined regex filters will not always be evaluated. args (List[:obj:`str`]): Optional. Arguments passed to a command if the associated update is handled by :class:`telegram.ext.CommandHandler`, :class:`telegram.ext.PrefixHandler` or :class:`telegram.ext.StringCommandHandler`. It contains a list of the words in the text after the command, using any whitespace string as a delimiter. error (:obj:`Exception`): Optional. The error that was raised. Only present when passed to a error handler registered with :attr:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.add_error_handler`. async_args (List[:obj:`object`]): Optional. Positional arguments of the function that raised the error. Only present when the raising function was run asynchronously using :meth:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.run_async`. async_kwargs (Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`object`]): Optional. Keyword arguments of the function that raised the error. Only present when the raising function was run asynchronously using :meth:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.run_async`. job (:class:`telegram.ext.Job`): Optional. The job which originated this callback. Only present when passed to the callback of :class:`telegram.ext.Job`. """ __slots__ = ( '_dispatcher', '_chat_id_and_data', '_user_id_and_data', 'args', 'matches', 'error', 'job', 'async_args', 'async_kwargs', '__dict__', ) def __init__(self: 'CCT', dispatcher: 'Dispatcher[CCT, UD, CD, BD]'): """ Args: dispatcher (:class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher`): """ if not dispatcher.use_context: raise ValueError( 'CallbackContext should not be used with a non context aware ' 'dispatcher!' ) self._dispatcher = dispatcher self._chat_id_and_data: Optional[Tuple[int, CD]] = None self._user_id_and_data: Optional[Tuple[int, UD]] = None self.args: Optional[List[str]] = None self.matches: Optional[List[Match]] = None self.error: Optional[Exception] = None self.job: Optional['Job'] = None self.async_args: Optional[Union[List, Tuple]] = None self.async_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, object]] = None @property def dispatcher(self) -> 'Dispatcher[CCT, UD, CD, BD]': """:class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher`: The dispatcher associated with this context.""" return self._dispatcher @property def bot_data(self) -> BD: """:obj:`dict`: Optional. A dict that can be used to keep any data in. For each update it will be the same ``dict``. """ return self.dispatcher.bot_data @bot_data.setter def bot_data(self, value: object) -> NoReturn: raise AttributeError( "You can not assign a new value to bot_data, see https://git.io/Jt6ic" ) @property def chat_data(self) -> Optional[CD]: """:obj:`dict`: Optional. A dict that can be used to keep any data in. For each update from the same chat id it will be the same ``dict``. Warning: When a group chat migrates to a supergroup, its chat id will change and the ``chat_data`` needs to be transferred. For details see our `wiki page `_. """ if self._chat_id_and_data: return self._chat_id_and_data[1] return None @chat_data.setter def chat_data(self, value: object) -> NoReturn: raise AttributeError( "You can not assign a new value to chat_data, see https://git.io/Jt6ic" ) @property def user_data(self) -> Optional[UD]: """:obj:`dict`: Optional. A dict that can be used to keep any data in. For each update from the same user it will be the same ``dict``. """ if self._user_id_and_data: return self._user_id_and_data[1] return None @user_data.setter def user_data(self, value: object) -> NoReturn: raise AttributeError( "You can not assign a new value to user_data, see https://git.io/Jt6ic" ) def refresh_data(self) -> None: """If :attr:`dispatcher` uses persistence, calls :meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.refresh_bot_data` on :attr:`bot_data`, :meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.refresh_chat_data` on :attr:`chat_data` and :meth:`telegram.ext.BasePersistence.refresh_user_data` on :attr:`user_data`, if appropriate. .. versionadded:: 13.6 """ if self.dispatcher.persistence: if self.dispatcher.persistence.store_bot_data: self.dispatcher.persistence.refresh_bot_data(self.bot_data) if self.dispatcher.persistence.store_chat_data and self._chat_id_and_data is not None: self.dispatcher.persistence.refresh_chat_data(*self._chat_id_and_data) if self.dispatcher.persistence.store_user_data and self._user_id_and_data is not None: self.dispatcher.persistence.refresh_user_data(*self._user_id_and_data) def drop_callback_data(self, callback_query: CallbackQuery) -> None: """ Deletes the cached data for the specified callback query. .. versionadded:: 13.6 Note: Will *not* raise exceptions in case the data is not found in the cache. *Will* raise :class:`KeyError` in case the callback query can not be found in the cache. Args: callback_query (:class:`telegram.CallbackQuery`): The callback query. Raises: KeyError | RuntimeError: :class:`KeyError`, if the callback query can not be found in the cache and :class:`RuntimeError`, if the bot doesn't allow for arbitrary callback data. """ if isinstance(self.bot, ExtBot): if not self.bot.arbitrary_callback_data: raise RuntimeError( 'This telegram.ext.ExtBot instance does not use arbitrary callback data.' ) self.bot.callback_data_cache.drop_data(callback_query) else: raise RuntimeError('telegram.Bot does not allow for arbitrary callback data.') @classmethod def from_error( cls: Type['CCT'], update: object, error: Exception, dispatcher: 'Dispatcher[CCT, UD, CD, BD]', async_args: Union[List, Tuple] = None, async_kwargs: Dict[str, object] = None, ) -> 'CCT': """ Constructs an instance of :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` to be passed to the error handlers. .. seealso:: :meth:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.add_error_handler` Args: update (:obj:`object` | :class:`telegram.Update`): The update associated with the error. May be :obj:`None`, e.g. for errors in job callbacks. error (:obj:`Exception`): The error. dispatcher (:class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher`): The dispatcher associated with this context. async_args (List[:obj:`object`]): Optional. Positional arguments of the function that raised the error. Pass only when the raising function was run asynchronously using :meth:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.run_async`. async_kwargs (Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`object`]): Optional. Keyword arguments of the function that raised the error. Pass only when the raising function was run asynchronously using :meth:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.run_async`. Returns: :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` """ self = cls.from_update(update, dispatcher) self.error = error self.async_args = async_args self.async_kwargs = async_kwargs return self @classmethod def from_update( cls: Type['CCT'], update: object, dispatcher: 'Dispatcher[CCT, UD, CD, BD]' ) -> 'CCT': """ Constructs an instance of :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` to be passed to the handlers. .. seealso:: :meth:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher.add_handler` Args: update (:obj:`object` | :class:`telegram.Update`): The update. dispatcher (:class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher`): The dispatcher associated with this context. Returns: :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` """ self = cls(dispatcher) # type: ignore[arg-type] if update is not None and isinstance(update, Update): chat = update.effective_chat user = update.effective_user if chat: self._chat_id_and_data = ( chat.id, dispatcher.chat_data[chat.id], # pylint: disable=W0212 ) if user: self._user_id_and_data = ( user.id, dispatcher.user_data[user.id], # pylint: disable=W0212 ) return self @classmethod def from_job(cls: Type['CCT'], job: 'Job', dispatcher: 'Dispatcher[CCT, UD, CD, BD]') -> 'CCT': """ Constructs an instance of :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` to be passed to a job callback. .. seealso:: :meth:`telegram.ext.JobQueue` Args: job (:class:`telegram.ext.Job`): The job. dispatcher (:class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher`): The dispatcher associated with this context. Returns: :class:`telegram.ext.CallbackContext` """ self = cls(dispatcher) # type: ignore[arg-type] self.job = job return self def update(self, data: Dict[str, object]) -> None: """Updates ``self.__slots__`` with the passed data. Args: data (Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`object`]): The data. """ for key, value in data.items(): setattr(self, key, value) @property def bot(self) -> 'Bot': """:class:`telegram.Bot`: The bot associated with this context.""" return self._dispatcher.bot @property def job_queue(self) -> Optional['JobQueue']: """ :class:`telegram.ext.JobQueue`: The ``JobQueue`` used by the :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` and (usually) the :class:`telegram.ext.Updater` associated with this context. """ return self._dispatcher.job_queue @property def update_queue(self) -> Queue: """ :class:`queue.Queue`: The ``Queue`` instance used by the :class:`telegram.ext.Dispatcher` and (usually) the :class:`telegram.ext.Updater` associated with this context. """ return self._dispatcher.update_queue @property def match(self) -> Optional[Match[str]]: """ `Regex match type`: The first match from :attr:`matches`. Useful if you are only filtering using a single regex filter. Returns `None` if :attr:`matches` is empty. """ try: return self.matches[0] # type: ignore[index] # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object except (IndexError, TypeError): return None