#!/usr/bin/env python # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. import os from io import BytesIO from pathlib import Path import pytest from telegram import Bot, InputFile, MessageEntity, PhotoSize, Sticker from telegram.error import BadRequest, TelegramError from telegram.helpers import escape_markdown from telegram.request import RequestData from tests.auxil.bot_method_checks import ( check_defaults_handling, check_shortcut_call, check_shortcut_signature, ) from tests.conftest import data_file, expect_bad_request @pytest.fixture(scope="function") def photo_file(): f = data_file("telegram.jpg").open("rb") yield f f.close() @pytest.fixture(scope="class") async def _photo(bot, chat_id): async def func(): with data_file("telegram.jpg").open("rb") as f: photo = (await bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo=f, read_timeout=50)).photo return photo return await expect_bad_request( func, "Type of file mismatch", "Telegram did not accept the file." ) @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def thumb(_photo): return _photo[0] @pytest.fixture(scope="class") def photo(_photo): return _photo[-1] class TestPhoto: width = 800 height = 800 caption = "PhotoTest - *Caption*" photo_file_url = "https://python-telegram-bot.org/static/testfiles/telegram_new.jpg" # For some reason the file size is not the same after switching to httpx # so we accept three different sizes here. Shouldn't be too much file_size = [29176, 27662] def test_slot_behaviour(self, photo, mro_slots): for attr in photo.__slots__: assert getattr(photo, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'" assert len(mro_slots(photo)) == len(set(mro_slots(photo))), "duplicate slot" def test_creation(self, thumb, photo): # Make sure file has been uploaded. assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str) assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str) assert photo.file_id != "" assert photo.file_unique_id != "" assert isinstance(thumb, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(thumb.file_id, str) assert isinstance(thumb.file_unique_id, str) assert thumb.file_id != "" assert thumb.file_unique_id != "" def test_expected_values(self, photo, thumb): assert photo.width == self.width assert photo.height == self.height assert photo.file_size in self.file_size assert thumb.width == 90 assert thumb.height == 90 assert thumb.file_size == 1477 @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_photo_all_args(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo): message = await bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, caption=self.caption, disable_notification=False, protect_content=True, parse_mode="Markdown", ) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-2].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-2].file_unique_id != "" assert isinstance(message.photo[-1], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-1].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-1].file_unique_id != "" assert message.caption == TestPhoto.caption.replace("*", "") assert message.has_protected_content @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_photo_custom_filename(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, monkeypatch): async def make_assertion(url, request_data: RequestData, *args, **kwargs): return list(request_data.multipart_data.values())[0][0] == "custom_filename" monkeypatch.setattr(bot.request, "post", make_assertion) assert await bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, filename="custom_filename") @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_photo_parse_mode_markdown(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo): message = await bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, caption=self.caption, parse_mode="Markdown" ) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-2].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-2].file_unique_id != "" assert isinstance(message.photo[-1], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-1].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-1].file_unique_id != "" assert message.caption == TestPhoto.caption.replace("*", "") assert len(message.caption_entities) == 1 @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_photo_parse_mode_html(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo): message = await bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, caption=self.caption, parse_mode="HTML" ) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-2].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-2].file_unique_id != "" assert isinstance(message.photo[-1], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-1].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-1].file_unique_id != "" assert message.caption == TestPhoto.caption.replace("", "").replace("", "") assert len(message.caption_entities) == 1 @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_photo_caption_entities(self, bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo): test_string = "Italic Bold Code" entities = [ MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 0, 6), MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 7, 4), MessageEntity(MessageEntity.ITALIC, 12, 4), ] message = await bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, caption=test_string, caption_entities=entities ) assert message.caption == test_string assert message.caption_entities == tuple(entities) @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("default_bot", [{"parse_mode": "Markdown"}], indirect=True) async def test_send_photo_default_parse_mode_1( self, default_bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo ): test_string = "Italic Bold Code" test_markdown_string = "_Italic_ *Bold* `Code`" message = await default_bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo_file, caption=test_markdown_string) assert message.caption_markdown == test_markdown_string assert message.caption == test_string @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("default_bot", [{"parse_mode": "Markdown"}], indirect=True) async def test_send_photo_default_parse_mode_2( self, default_bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo ): test_markdown_string = "_Italic_ *Bold* `Code`" message = await default_bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, caption=test_markdown_string, parse_mode=None ) assert message.caption == test_markdown_string assert message.caption_markdown == escape_markdown(test_markdown_string) @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("default_bot", [{"parse_mode": "Markdown"}], indirect=True) async def test_send_photo_default_parse_mode_3( self, default_bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo ): test_markdown_string = "_Italic_ *Bold* `Code`" message = await default_bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, caption=test_markdown_string, parse_mode="HTML" ) assert message.caption == test_markdown_string assert message.caption_markdown == escape_markdown(test_markdown_string) @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize("default_bot", [{"protect_content": True}], indirect=True) async def test_send_photo_default_protect_content(self, chat_id, default_bot, photo): protected = await default_bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo) assert protected.has_protected_content unprotected = await default_bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo, protect_content=False) assert not unprotected.has_protected_content @pytest.mark.parametrize("local_mode", [True, False]) async def test_send_photo_local_files(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, local_mode): try: bot._local_mode = local_mode # For just test that the correct paths are passed as we have no local bot API set up test_flag = False file = data_file("telegram.jpg") expected = file.as_uri() async def make_assertion(_, data, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal test_flag if local_mode: test_flag = data.get("photo") == expected else: test_flag = isinstance(data.get("photo"), InputFile) monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) await bot.send_photo(chat_id, file) assert test_flag finally: bot._local_mode = False @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "default_bot,custom", [ ({"allow_sending_without_reply": True}, None), ({"allow_sending_without_reply": False}, None), ({"allow_sending_without_reply": False}, True), ], indirect=["default_bot"], ) async def test_send_photo_default_allow_sending_without_reply( self, default_bot, chat_id, photo_file, thumb, photo, custom ): reply_to_message = await default_bot.send_message(chat_id, "test") await reply_to_message.delete() if custom is not None: message = await default_bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, allow_sending_without_reply=custom, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message.message_id, ) assert message.reply_to_message is None elif default_bot.defaults.allow_sending_without_reply: message = await default_bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message.message_id ) assert message.reply_to_message is None else: with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="message not found"): await default_bot.send_photo( chat_id, photo_file, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message.message_id ) @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_get_and_download(self, bot, photo): path = Path("telegram.jpg") if path.is_file(): path.unlink() new_file = await bot.getFile(photo.file_id) assert new_file.file_size == photo.file_size assert new_file.file_unique_id == photo.file_unique_id assert new_file.file_path.startswith("https://") is True await new_file.download_to_drive("telegram.jpg") assert path.is_file() @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_url_jpg_file(self, bot, chat_id, thumb, photo): message = await bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo=self.photo_file_url) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-2].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-2].file_unique_id != "" assert isinstance(message.photo[-1], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-1].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-1].file_unique_id != "" @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_url_png_file(self, bot, chat_id): message = await bot.send_photo( photo="http://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff.png&text=telegram", chat_id=chat_id ) photo = message.photo[-1] assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str) assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str) assert photo.file_id != "" assert photo.file_unique_id != "" @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_url_gif_file(self, bot, chat_id): message = await bot.send_photo( photo="http://dummyimage.com/600x400/000/fff.png&text=telegram", chat_id=chat_id ) photo = message.photo[-1] assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str) assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str) assert photo.file_id != "" assert photo.file_unique_id != "" @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_file_unicode_filename(self, bot, chat_id): """ Regression test for https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/issues/1202 """ with data_file("测试.png").open("rb") as f: message = await bot.send_photo(photo=f, chat_id=chat_id) photo = message.photo[-1] assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str) assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str) assert photo.file_id != "" assert photo.file_unique_id != "" @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_send_bytesio_jpg_file(self, bot, chat_id): filepath = data_file("telegram_no_standard_header.jpg") # raw image bytes raw_bytes = BytesIO(filepath.read_bytes()) input_file = InputFile(raw_bytes) assert input_file.mimetype == "application/octet-stream" # raw image bytes with name info raw_bytes = BytesIO(filepath.read_bytes()) raw_bytes.name = str(filepath) input_file = InputFile(raw_bytes) assert input_file.mimetype == "image/jpeg" # send raw photo raw_bytes = BytesIO(filepath.read_bytes()) message = await bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo=raw_bytes) photo = message.photo[-1] assert isinstance(photo.file_id, str) assert isinstance(photo.file_unique_id, str) assert photo.file_id != "" assert photo.file_unique_id != "" assert isinstance(photo, PhotoSize) assert photo.width == 1280 assert photo.height == 720 assert photo.file_size == 33372 async def test_send_with_photosize(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, photo): async def make_assertion(url, request_data: RequestData, *args, **kwargs): return request_data.json_parameters["photo"] == photo.file_id monkeypatch.setattr(bot.request, "post", make_assertion) message = await bot.send_photo(photo=photo, chat_id=chat_id) assert message @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_resend(self, bot, chat_id, photo, thumb): message = await bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=photo.file_id) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-2].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-2].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-2].file_unique_id != "" assert isinstance(message.photo[-1], PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.photo[-1].file_unique_id, str) assert message.photo[-1].file_id != "" assert message.photo[-1].file_unique_id != "" def test_de_json(self, bot, photo): json_dict = { "file_id": photo.file_id, "file_unique_id": photo.file_unique_id, "width": self.width, "height": self.height, "file_size": self.file_size, } json_photo = PhotoSize.de_json(json_dict, bot) assert json_photo.api_kwargs == {} assert json_photo.file_id == photo.file_id assert json_photo.file_unique_id == photo.file_unique_id assert json_photo.width == self.width assert json_photo.height == self.height assert json_photo.file_size == self.file_size def test_to_dict(self, photo): photo_dict = photo.to_dict() assert isinstance(photo_dict, dict) assert photo_dict["file_id"] == photo.file_id assert photo_dict["file_unique_id"] == photo.file_unique_id assert photo_dict["width"] == photo.width assert photo_dict["height"] == photo.height assert photo_dict["file_size"] == photo.file_size @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_error_send_empty_file(self, bot, chat_id): with pytest.raises(TelegramError): await bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo=open(os.devnull, "rb")) @pytest.mark.flaky(3, 1) async def test_error_send_empty_file_id(self, bot, chat_id): with pytest.raises(TelegramError): await bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id, photo="") async def test_error_without_required_args(self, bot, chat_id): with pytest.raises(TypeError): await bot.send_photo(chat_id=chat_id) async def test_get_file_instance_method(self, monkeypatch, photo): async def make_assertion(*_, **kwargs): return kwargs["file_id"] == photo.file_id assert check_shortcut_signature(PhotoSize.get_file, Bot.get_file, ["file_id"], []) assert await check_shortcut_call(photo.get_file, photo.get_bot(), "get_file") assert await check_defaults_handling(photo.get_file, photo.get_bot()) monkeypatch.setattr(photo.get_bot(), "get_file", make_assertion) assert await photo.get_file() def test_equality(self, photo): a = PhotoSize(photo.file_id, photo.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height) b = PhotoSize("", photo.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height) c = PhotoSize(photo.file_id, photo.file_unique_id, 0, 0) d = PhotoSize("", "", self.width, self.height) e = Sticker( photo.file_id, photo.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height, False, False, Sticker.REGULAR, ) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a is not b assert a == c assert hash(a) == hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e)