#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains the Dispatcher class.""" import logging from functools import wraps from threading import Thread, BoundedSemaphore, Lock, Event, current_thread from time import sleep from telegram import (TelegramError, NullHandler) from telegram.ext.handler import Handler from telegram.utils.updatequeue import Empty logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(NullHandler()) semaphore = None async_threads = set() """:type: set[Thread]""" async_lock = Lock() DEFAULT_GROUP = 0 def run_async(func): """ Function decorator that will run the function in a new thread. Args: func (function): The function to run in the thread. Returns: function: """ # TODO: handle exception in async threads # set a threading.Event to notify caller thread @wraps(func) def pooled(*pargs, **kwargs): """ A wrapper to run a thread in a thread pool """ result = func(*pargs, **kwargs) semaphore.release() with async_lock: async_threads.remove(current_thread()) return result @wraps(func) def async_func(*pargs, **kwargs): """ A wrapper to run a function in a thread """ thread = Thread(target=pooled, args=pargs, kwargs=kwargs) semaphore.acquire() with async_lock: async_threads.add(thread) thread.start() return thread return async_func class Dispatcher: """ This class dispatches all kinds of updates to its registered handlers. Args: bot (telegram.Bot): The bot object that should be passed to the handlers update_queue (telegram.UpdateQueue): The synchronized queue that will contain the updates. """ def __init__(self, bot, update_queue, workers=4, exception_event=None): self.bot = bot self.update_queue = update_queue self.handlers = {} self.error_handlers = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.running = False self.__stop_event = Event() self.__exception_event = exception_event or Event() global semaphore if not semaphore: semaphore = BoundedSemaphore(value=workers) else: self.logger.debug('Semaphore already initialized, skipping.') def start(self): """ Thread target of thread 'dispatcher'. Runs in background and processes the update queue. """ if self.running: self.logger.warning('already running') return if self.__exception_event.is_set(): msg = 'reusing dispatcher after exception event is forbidden' self.logger.error(msg) raise TelegramError(msg) self.running = True self.logger.debug('Dispatcher started') while True: try: # Pop update from update queue. update = self.update_queue.get(True, 1) except Empty: if self.__stop_event.is_set(): self.logger.debug('orderly stopping') break elif self.__stop_event.is_set(): self.logger.critical( 'stopping due to exception in another thread') break continue self.logger.debug('Processing Update: %s' % update) self.processUpdate(update) self.running = False self.logger.debug('Dispatcher thread stopped') def stop(self): """ Stops the thread """ if self.running: self.__stop_event.set() while self.running: sleep(0.1) self.__stop_event.clear() def processUpdate(self, update): """ Processes a single update. Args: update (any): """ # An error happened while polling if isinstance(update, TelegramError): self.dispatchError(None, update) else: for group in self.handlers.values(): handler_triggered = False for handler in group: try: if handler.checkUpdate(update): handler_triggered = True handler.handleUpdate(update, self) # Dispatch any errors except TelegramError as te: self.logger.warn( 'Error was raised while processing Update.') try: self.dispatchError(update, te) except: self.logger.exception( 'An uncaught error was raised while ' 'handling the error') # Errors should not stop the thread except: self.logger.exception( 'An uncaught error was raised while ' 'processing the update') finally: if handler_triggered: break def addHandler(self, handler, group=DEFAULT_GROUP): """ Register a handler. A handler must be an instance of a subclass of telegram.ext.Handler. All handlers are organized in groups, the default group is int(0), but any object can identify a group. Every update will be tested against each handler in each group from first-added to last- added. If the update has been handled in one group, it will not be tested against other handlers in that group. That means an update can only be handled 0 or 1 times per group, but multiple times across all groups. Args: handler (Handler): A Handler instance group (object): The group identifier """ if not isinstance(handler, Handler): raise TypeError('Handler is no instance of telegram.ext.Handler') if group not in self.handlers: self.handlers[group] = list() self.handlers[group].append(handler) def removeHandler(self, handler, group=DEFAULT_GROUP): """ Remove a handler from the specified group Args: handler (Handler): A Handler instance group (object): The group identifier """ if handler in self.handlers[group]: self.handlers[group].remove(handler) def addErrorHandler(self, callback): """ Registers an error handler in the Dispatcher. Args: handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, TelegramError) as arguments. """ self.error_handlers.append(callback) def removeErrorHandler(self, callback): """ De-registers an error handler. Args: handler (any): """ if callback in self.error_handlers: self.error_handlers.remove(callback) def dispatchError(self, update, error): """ Dispatches an error. Args: update (any): The update that caused the error error (telegram.TelegramError): The Telegram error that was raised. """ for callback in self.error_handlers: callback(self.bot, update, error)