#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains the classes JobQueue and Job.""" import logging import time import warnings from threading import Thread, Lock, Event from queue import PriorityQueue, Empty class JobQueue(object): """This class allows you to periodically perform tasks with the bot. Attributes: queue (PriorityQueue): bot (Bot): Args: bot (Bot): The bot instance that should be passed to the jobs Deprecated: 5.2 prevent_autostart (Optional[bool]): Thread does not start during initialisation. Use `start` method instead. """ def __init__(self, bot, prevent_autostart=None): if prevent_autostart is not None: warnings.warn("prevent_autostart is being deprecated, use `start` method instead.") self.queue = PriorityQueue() self.bot = bot self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) self.__start_lock = Lock() self.__next_peek_lock = Lock() # to protect self._next_peek & self.__tick self.__tick = Event() self.__thread = None """:type: Thread""" self._next_peek = None """:type: float""" self._running = False def put(self, job, next_t=None): """Queue a new job. Args: job (Job): The ``Job`` instance representing the new job next_t (Optional[float]): Time in seconds in which the job should be executed first. Defaults to ``job.interval`` """ job.job_queue = self if next_t is None: next_t = job.interval now = time.time() next_t += now self.logger.debug('Putting job %s with t=%f', job.name, next_t) self.queue.put((next_t, job)) # Wake up the loop if this job should be executed next self._set_next_peek(next_t) def _set_next_peek(self, t): """ Set next peek if not defined or `t` is before next peek. In case the next peek was set, also trigger the `self.__tick` event. """ with self.__next_peek_lock: if not self._next_peek or self._next_peek > t: self._next_peek = t self.__tick.set() def tick(self): """ Run all jobs that are due and re-enqueue them with their interval. """ now = time.time() self.logger.debug('Ticking jobs with t=%f', now) while True: try: t, job = self.queue.get(False) except Empty: break self.logger.debug('Peeked at %s with t=%f', job.name, t) if t > now: # we can get here in two conditions: # 1. At the second or later pass of the while loop, after we've already processed # the job(s) we were supposed to at this time. # 2. At the first iteration of the loop only if `self.put()` had triggered # `self.__tick` because `self._next_peek` wasn't set self.logger.debug("Next task isn't due yet. Finished!") self.queue.put((t, job)) self._set_next_peek(t) break if job._remove.is_set(): self.logger.debug('Removing job %s', job.name) continue if job.enabled: self.logger.debug('Running job %s', job.name) try: job.run(self.bot) except: self.logger.exception('An uncaught error was raised while executing job %s', job.name) else: self.logger.debug('Skipping disabled job %s', job.name) if job.repeat: self.put(job) def start(self): """ Starts the job_queue thread. """ self.__start_lock.acquire() if not self._running: self._running = True self.__start_lock.release() self.__thread = Thread(target=self._main_loop, name="job_queue") self.__thread.start() self.logger.debug('%s thread started', self.__class__.__name__) else: self.__start_lock.release() def _main_loop(self): """ Thread target of thread ``job_queue``. Runs in background and performs ticks on the job queue. """ while self._running: # self._next_peek may be (re)scheduled during self.tick() or self.put() with self.__next_peek_lock: tmout = self._next_peek and self._next_peek - time.time() self._next_peek = None self.__tick.clear() self.__tick.wait(tmout) # If we were woken up by self.stop(), just bail out if not self._running: break self.tick() self.logger.debug('%s thread stopped', self.__class__.__name__) def stop(self): """ Stops the thread """ with self.__start_lock: self._running = False self.__tick.set() if self.__thread is not None: self.__thread.join() def jobs(self): """Returns a tuple of all jobs that are currently in the ``JobQueue``""" return tuple(job[1] for job in self.queue.queue if job) class Job(object): """This class encapsulates a Job Attributes: callback (function): interval (float): repeat (bool): name (str): enabled (bool): Boolean property that decides if this job is currently active Args: callback (function): The callback function that should be executed by the Job. It should take two parameters ``bot`` and ``job``, where ``job`` is the ``Job`` instance. It can be used to terminate the job or modify its interval. interval (float): The interval in which this job should execute its callback function in seconds. repeat (Optional[bool]): If this job should be periodically execute its callback function (``True``) or only once (``False``). Defaults to ``True`` context (Optional[object]): Additional data needed for the callback function. Can be accessed through ``job.context`` in the callback. Defaults to ``None`` """ job_queue = None def __init__(self, callback, interval, repeat=True, context=None): self.callback = callback self.interval = interval self.repeat = repeat self.context = context self.name = callback.__name__ self._remove = Event() self._enabled = Event() self._enabled.set() def run(self, bot): """Executes the callback function""" self.callback(bot, self) def schedule_removal(self): """ Schedules this job for removal from the ``JobQueue``. It will be removed without executing its callback function again. """ self._remove.set() def is_enabled(self): return self._enabled.is_set() def set_enabled(self, status): if status: self._enabled.set() else: self._enabled.clear() enabled = property(is_enabled, set_enabled) def __lt__(self, other): return False