.. _games-tree: Games ----- Your bot can offer users **HTML5 games** to play solo or to compete against each other in groups and one-on-one chats. Create games via `@BotFather `_ using the ``/newgame`` command. Please note that this kind of power requires responsibility: you will need to accept the terms for each game that your bots will be offering. * Games are a new type of content on Telegram, represented by the :class:`telegram.Game` and :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultGame` objects. * Once you've created a game via `BotFather `_, you can send games to chats as regular messages using the :meth:`~telegram.Bot.sendGame` method, or use :ref:`inline mode ` with :class:`telegram.InlineQueryResultGame`. * If you send the game message without any buttons, it will automatically have a 'Play ``GameName``' button. When this button is pressed, your bot gets a :class:`telegram.CallbackQuery` with the ``game_short_name`` of the requested game. You provide the correct URL for this particular user and the app opens the game in the in-app browser. * You can manually add multiple buttons to your game message. Please note that the first button in the first row **must always** launch the game, using the field ``callback_game`` in :class:`telegram.InlineKeyboardButton`. You can add extra buttons according to taste: e.g., for a description of the rules, or to open the game's official community. * To make your game more attractive, you can upload a GIF animation that demonstrates the game to the users via `BotFather `_ (see `Lumberjack `_ for example). * A game message will also display high scores for the current chat. Use :meth:`~telegram.Bot.setGameScore` to post high scores to the chat with the game, add the :paramref:`~telegram.Bot.set_game_score.disable_edit_message` parameter to disable automatic update of the message with the current scoreboard. * Use :meth:`~telegram.Bot.getGameHighScores` to get data for in-game high score tables. * You can also add an extra sharing button for users to share their best score to different chats. * For examples of what can be done using this new stuff, check the `@gamebot `_ and `@gamee `_ bots. .. toctree:: :titlesonly: telegram.callbackgame telegram.game telegram.gamehighscore