#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """Here we run tests directly with HTTPXRequest because that's easier than providing dummy implementations for BaseRequest and we want to test HTTPXRequest anyway.""" import asyncio import json import logging from collections import defaultdict from dataclasses import dataclass from http import HTTPStatus from typing import Any, Callable, Coroutine, Tuple import httpx import pytest from httpx import AsyncHTTPTransport from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import DEFAULT_NONE from telegram.error import ( BadRequest, ChatMigrated, Conflict, Forbidden, InvalidToken, NetworkError, RetryAfter, TelegramError, TimedOut, ) from telegram.request import BaseRequest, RequestData from telegram.request._httpxrequest import HTTPXRequest from telegram.request._requestparameter import RequestParameter from telegram.warnings import PTBDeprecationWarning from tests.auxil.envvars import TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS from tests.auxil.networking import NonchalantHttpxRequest from tests.auxil.slots import mro_slots # We only need mixed_rqs fixture, but it uses the others, so pytest needs us to import them as well from .test_requestdata import ( # noqa: F401 file_params, input_media_photo, input_media_video, inputfiles, mixed_params, mixed_rqs, simple_params, ) def mocker_factory( response: bytes, return_code: int = HTTPStatus.OK ) -> Callable[[Tuple[Any]], Coroutine[Any, Any, Tuple[int, bytes]]]: async def make_assertion(*args, **kwargs): return return_code, response return make_assertion @pytest.fixture() async def httpx_request(): async with NonchalantHttpxRequest() as rq: yield rq @pytest.mark.skipif( TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="Only relevant if the optional dependency is not installed" ) class TestNoSocksHTTP2WithoutRequest: async def test_init(self, bot): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"python-telegram-bot\[socks\]"): HTTPXRequest(proxy="socks5://foo") with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=r"python-telegram-bot\[http2\]"): HTTPXRequest(http_version="2") @pytest.mark.skipif(not TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="Optional dependencies not installed") class TestHTTP2WithRequest: @pytest.mark.parametrize("http_version", ["2", "2.0"]) async def test_http_2_response(self, http_version): httpx_request = HTTPXRequest(http_version=http_version) async with httpx_request: resp = await httpx_request._client.request( url="https://python-telegram-bot.org", method="GET", headers={"User-Agent": httpx_request.USER_AGENT}, ) assert resp.http_version == "HTTP/2" # I picked not TEST_XXX because that's the default, meaning it will run by default for an end-user # who runs pytest. @pytest.mark.skipif(not TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="No need to run this twice") class TestRequestWithoutRequest: test_flag = None @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _reset(self): self.test_flag = None async def test_init_import_errors(self, monkeypatch): """Makes sure that import errors are forwarded - related to TestNoSocks above""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise ImportError("Other Error Message") monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "__init__", __init__) # Make sure that other exceptions are forwarded with pytest.raises(ImportError, match=r"Other Error Message"): HTTPXRequest(proxy="socks5://foo") def test_slot_behaviour(self): inst = HTTPXRequest() for attr in inst.__slots__: at = f"_{inst.__class__.__name__}{attr}" if attr.startswith("__") else attr assert getattr(inst, at, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{at}'" assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot" async def test_context_manager(self, monkeypatch): async def initialize(): self.test_flag = ["initialize"] async def shutdown(): self.test_flag.append("stop") httpx_request = NonchalantHttpxRequest() monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "initialize", initialize) monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "shutdown", shutdown) async with httpx_request: pass assert self.test_flag == ["initialize", "stop"] async def test_context_manager_exception_on_init(self, monkeypatch): async def initialize(): raise RuntimeError("initialize") async def shutdown(): self.test_flag = "stop" httpx_request = NonchalantHttpxRequest() monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "initialize", initialize) monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "shutdown", shutdown) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="initialize"): async with httpx_request: pass assert self.test_flag == "stop" async def test_replaced_unprintable_char(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request): """Clients can send arbitrary bytes in callback data. Make sure that we just replace those """ server_response = b'{"result": "test_string\x80"}' monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response)) assert await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) == "test_string�" # Explicitly call `parse_json_payload` here is well so that this public method is covered # not only implicitly. assert httpx_request.parse_json_payload(server_response) == {"result": "test_string�"} async def test_illegal_json_response(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request: HTTPXRequest, caplog): # for proper JSON it should be `"result":` instead of `result:` server_response = b'{result: "test_string"}' monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response)) with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match="Invalid server response"), caplog.at_level( logging.ERROR ): await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) assert len(caplog.records) == 1 record = caplog.records[0] assert record.name == "telegram.request.BaseRequest" assert record.getMessage().endswith(f'invalid JSON data: "{server_response.decode()}"') async def test_chat_migrated(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request: HTTPXRequest): server_response = b'{"ok": "False", "parameters": {"migrate_to_chat_id": 123}}' monkeypatch.setattr( httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response, return_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST), ) with pytest.raises(ChatMigrated, match="New chat id: 123") as exc_info: await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) assert exc_info.value.new_chat_id == 123 async def test_retry_after(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request: HTTPXRequest): server_response = b'{"ok": "False", "parameters": {"retry_after": 42}}' monkeypatch.setattr( httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response, return_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST), ) with pytest.raises(RetryAfter, match="Retry in 42") as exc_info: await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) assert exc_info.value.retry_after == 42 async def test_unknown_request_params(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request: HTTPXRequest): server_response = b'{"ok": "False", "parameters": {"unknown": "42"}}' monkeypatch.setattr( httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response, return_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST), ) with pytest.raises( BadRequest, match="{'unknown': '42'}", ): await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) @pytest.mark.parametrize("description", [True, False]) async def test_error_description(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request: HTTPXRequest, description): response_data = {"ok": "False"} if description: match = "ErrorDescription" response_data["description"] = match else: match = "Unknown HTTPError" server_response = json.dumps(response_data).encode("utf-8") monkeypatch.setattr( httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response, return_code=-1), ) with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match=match): await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) # Special casing for bad gateway if not description: monkeypatch.setattr( httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response, return_code=HTTPStatus.BAD_GATEWAY), ) with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match="Bad Gateway"): await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("code", "exception_class"), [ (HTTPStatus.FORBIDDEN, Forbidden), (HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND, InvalidToken), (HTTPStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, InvalidToken), (HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST, BadRequest), (HTTPStatus.CONFLICT, Conflict), (HTTPStatus.BAD_GATEWAY, NetworkError), (-1, NetworkError), ], ) async def test_special_errors( self, monkeypatch, httpx_request: HTTPXRequest, code, exception_class ): server_response = b'{"ok": "False", "description": "Test Message"}' monkeypatch.setattr( httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response, return_code=code), ) with pytest.raises(exception_class, match="Test Message"): await httpx_request.post("", None, None) @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("exception", "catch_class", "match"), [ (TelegramError("TelegramError"), TelegramError, "TelegramError"), ( RuntimeError("CustomError"), NetworkError, r"HTTP implementation: RuntimeError\('CustomError'\)", ), ], ) async def test_exceptions_in_do_request( self, monkeypatch, httpx_request: HTTPXRequest, exception, catch_class, match ): async def do_request(*args, **kwargs): raise exception monkeypatch.setattr( httpx_request, "do_request", do_request, ) with pytest.raises(catch_class, match=match) as exc_info: await httpx_request.post(None, None, None) if catch_class is NetworkError: assert exc_info.value.__cause__ is exception async def test_retrieve(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request): """Here we just test that retrieve gives us the raw bytes instead of trying to parse them as json """ server_response = b'{"result": "test_string\x80"}' monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "do_request", mocker_factory(response=server_response)) assert await httpx_request.retrieve(None, None) == server_response async def test_timeout_propagation_to_do_request(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request): async def make_assertion(*args, **kwargs): self.test_flag = ( kwargs.get("read_timeout"), kwargs.get("connect_timeout"), kwargs.get("write_timeout"), kwargs.get("pool_timeout"), ) return HTTPStatus.OK, b'{"ok": "True", "result": {}}' monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "do_request", make_assertion) await httpx_request.post("url", None) assert self.test_flag == (DEFAULT_NONE, DEFAULT_NONE, DEFAULT_NONE, DEFAULT_NONE) await httpx_request.post( "url", None, read_timeout=1, connect_timeout=2, write_timeout=3, pool_timeout=4 ) assert self.test_flag == (1, 2, 3, 4) def test_read_timeout_not_implemented(self): class SimpleRequest(BaseRequest): async def do_request(self, *args, **kwargs): raise httpx.ReadTimeout("read timeout") async def initialize(self) -> None: pass async def shutdown(self) -> None: pass with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): SimpleRequest().read_timeout @pytest.mark.parametrize("media", [True, False]) async def test_timeout_propagation_write_timeout( self, monkeypatch, media, input_media_photo, recwarn # noqa: F811 ): class CustomRequest(BaseRequest): async def initialize(self_) -> None: pass async def shutdown(self_) -> None: pass async def do_request(self_, *args, **kwargs) -> Tuple[int, bytes]: self.test_flag = ( kwargs.get("read_timeout"), kwargs.get("connect_timeout"), kwargs.get("write_timeout"), kwargs.get("pool_timeout"), ) return HTTPStatus.OK, b'{"ok": "True", "result": {}}' custom_request = CustomRequest() data = {"string": "string", "int": 1, "float": 1.0} if media: data["media"] = input_media_photo request_data = RequestData( parameters=[RequestParameter.from_input(key, value) for key, value in data.items()], ) # First make sure that custom timeouts are always respected await custom_request.post( "url", request_data, read_timeout=1, connect_timeout=2, write_timeout=3, pool_timeout=4 ) assert self.test_flag == (1, 2, 3, 4) # Now also ensure that the default timeout for media requests is 20 seconds await custom_request.post("url", request_data) assert self.test_flag == ( DEFAULT_NONE, DEFAULT_NONE, 20 if media else DEFAULT_NONE, DEFAULT_NONE, ) print("warnings") for entry in recwarn: print(entry.message) if media: assert len(recwarn) == 1 assert "will default to `BaseRequest.DEFAULT_NONE` instead of 20" in str( recwarn[0].message ) assert recwarn[0].category is PTBDeprecationWarning assert recwarn[0].filename == __file__ else: assert len(recwarn) == 0 @pytest.mark.skipif(not TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="No need to run this twice") class TestHTTPXRequestWithoutRequest: test_flag = None @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def _reset(self): self.test_flag = None # We parametrize this to make sure that the legacy `proxy_url` argument is still supported @pytest.mark.parametrize("proxy_argument", ["proxy", "proxy_url"]) def test_init(self, monkeypatch, proxy_argument): @dataclass class Client: timeout: object proxy: object limits: object http1: object http2: object transport: object = None monkeypatch.setattr(httpx, "AsyncClient", Client) request = HTTPXRequest() assert request._client.timeout == httpx.Timeout(connect=5.0, read=5.0, write=5.0, pool=1.0) assert request._client.proxy is None assert request._client.limits == httpx.Limits( max_connections=1, max_keepalive_connections=1 ) assert request._client.http1 is True assert not request._client.http2 kwargs = { "connection_pool_size": 42, proxy_argument: "proxy", "connect_timeout": 43, "read_timeout": 44, "write_timeout": 45, "pool_timeout": 46, } request = HTTPXRequest(**kwargs) assert request._client.proxy == "proxy" assert request._client.limits == httpx.Limits( max_connections=42, max_keepalive_connections=42 ) assert request._client.timeout == httpx.Timeout(connect=43, read=44, write=45, pool=46) def test_proxy_mutually_exclusive(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="mutually exclusive"): HTTPXRequest(proxy="proxy", proxy_url="proxy_url") def test_proxy_url_deprecation_warning(self, recwarn): HTTPXRequest(proxy_url="") assert len(recwarn) == 1 assert recwarn[0].category is PTBDeprecationWarning assert "`proxy_url` is deprecated" in str(recwarn[0].message) assert recwarn[0].filename == __file__, "incorrect stacklevel" async def test_multiple_inits_and_shutdowns(self, monkeypatch): self.test_flag = defaultdict(int) orig_init = httpx.AsyncClient.__init__ orig_aclose = httpx.AsyncClient.aclose class Client(httpx.AsyncClient): def __init__(*args, **kwargs): orig_init(*args, **kwargs) self.test_flag["init"] += 1 async def aclose(*args, **kwargs): await orig_aclose(*args, **kwargs) self.test_flag["shutdown"] += 1 monkeypatch.setattr(httpx, "AsyncClient", Client) # Create a new one instead of using the fixture so that the mocking can work httpx_request = HTTPXRequest() await httpx_request.initialize() await httpx_request.initialize() await httpx_request.initialize() await httpx_request.shutdown() await httpx_request.shutdown() await httpx_request.shutdown() assert self.test_flag["init"] == 1 assert self.test_flag["shutdown"] == 1 async def test_multiple_init_cycles(self): # nothing really to assert - this should just not fail httpx_request = HTTPXRequest() async with httpx_request: await httpx_request.do_request(url="https://python-telegram-bot.org", method="GET") async with httpx_request: await httpx_request.do_request(url="https://python-telegram-bot.org", method="GET") async def test_http_version_error(self): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="`http_version` must be either"): HTTPXRequest(http_version="1.0") async def test_http_1_response(self): httpx_request = HTTPXRequest(http_version="1.1") async with httpx_request: resp = await httpx_request._client.request( url="https://python-telegram-bot.org", method="GET", headers={"User-Agent": httpx_request.USER_AGENT}, ) assert resp.http_version == "HTTP/1.1" async def test_do_request_after_shutdown(self, httpx_request): await httpx_request.shutdown() with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="not initialized"): await httpx_request.do_request(url="url", method="GET") async def test_context_manager(self, monkeypatch): async def initialize(): self.test_flag = ["initialize"] async def aclose(*args): self.test_flag.append("stop") httpx_request = NonchalantHttpxRequest() monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "initialize", initialize) monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "aclose", aclose) async with httpx_request: pass assert self.test_flag == ["initialize", "stop"] async def test_context_manager_exception_on_init(self, monkeypatch): async def initialize(): raise RuntimeError("initialize") async def aclose(*args): self.test_flag = "stop" httpx_request = NonchalantHttpxRequest() monkeypatch.setattr(httpx_request, "initialize", initialize) monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "aclose", aclose) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="initialize"): async with httpx_request: pass assert self.test_flag == "stop" async def test_do_request_default_timeouts(self, monkeypatch): default_timeouts = httpx.Timeout(connect=42, read=43, write=44, pool=45) async def make_assertion(_, **kwargs): self.test_flag = kwargs.get("timeout") == default_timeouts return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.OK) async with HTTPXRequest( connect_timeout=default_timeouts.connect, read_timeout=default_timeouts.read, write_timeout=default_timeouts.write, pool_timeout=default_timeouts.pool, ) as httpx_request: monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", make_assertion) await httpx_request.do_request(method="GET", url="URL") assert self.test_flag async def test_do_request_manual_timeouts(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request): default_timeouts = httpx.Timeout(connect=42, read=43, write=44, pool=45) manual_timeouts = httpx.Timeout(connect=52, read=53, write=54, pool=55) async def make_assertion(_, **kwargs): self.test_flag = kwargs.get("timeout") == manual_timeouts return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.OK) async with HTTPXRequest( connect_timeout=default_timeouts.connect, read_timeout=default_timeouts.read, write_timeout=default_timeouts.write, pool_timeout=default_timeouts.pool, ) as httpx_request_ctx: monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", make_assertion) await httpx_request_ctx.do_request( method="GET", url="URL", connect_timeout=manual_timeouts.connect, read_timeout=manual_timeouts.read, write_timeout=manual_timeouts.write, pool_timeout=manual_timeouts.pool, ) assert self.test_flag async def test_do_request_params_no_data(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request): async def make_assertion(self, **kwargs): method_assertion = kwargs.get("method") == "method" url_assertion = kwargs.get("url") == "url" files_assertion = kwargs.get("files") is None data_assertion = kwargs.get("data") is None if method_assertion and url_assertion and files_assertion and data_assertion: return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.OK) return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", make_assertion) code, _ = await httpx_request.do_request(method="method", url="url") assert code == HTTPStatus.OK async def test_do_request_params_with_data( self, monkeypatch, httpx_request, mixed_rqs # noqa: F811 ): async def make_assertion(self, **kwargs): method_assertion = kwargs.get("method") == "method" url_assertion = kwargs.get("url") == "url" files_assertion = kwargs.get("files") == mixed_rqs.multipart_data data_assertion = kwargs.get("data") == mixed_rqs.json_parameters if method_assertion and url_assertion and files_assertion and data_assertion: return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.OK) return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST) monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", make_assertion) code, _ = await httpx_request.do_request( method="method", url="url", request_data=mixed_rqs, ) assert code == HTTPStatus.OK async def test_do_request_return_value(self, monkeypatch, httpx_request): async def make_assertion(self, method, url, headers, timeout, files, data): return httpx.Response(123, content=b"content") monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", make_assertion) code, content = await httpx_request.do_request( "method", "url", ) assert code == 123 assert content == b"content" @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("raised_exception", "expected_class", "expected_message"), [ (httpx.TimeoutException("timeout"), TimedOut, "Timed out"), (httpx.ReadError("read_error"), NetworkError, "httpx.ReadError: read_error"), ], ) async def test_do_request_exceptions( self, monkeypatch, httpx_request, raised_exception, expected_class, expected_message ): async def make_assertion(self, method, url, headers, timeout, files, data): raise raised_exception monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", make_assertion) with pytest.raises(expected_class, match=expected_message) as exc_info: await httpx_request.do_request( "method", "url", ) assert exc_info.value.__cause__ is raised_exception async def test_do_request_pool_timeout(self, monkeypatch): pool_timeout = httpx.PoolTimeout("pool timeout") async def request(_, **kwargs): if self.test_flag is None: self.test_flag = True else: raise pool_timeout return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.OK) monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", request) async with HTTPXRequest(pool_timeout=0.02) as httpx_request: with pytest.raises(TimedOut, match="Pool timeout") as exc_info: await asyncio.gather( httpx_request.do_request(method="GET", url="URL"), httpx_request.do_request(method="GET", url="URL"), ) assert exc_info.value.__cause__ is pool_timeout @pytest.mark.parametrize("media", [True, False]) async def test_do_request_write_timeout( self, monkeypatch, media, httpx_request, input_media_photo, recwarn # noqa: F811 ): async def request(_, **kwargs): self.test_flag = kwargs.get("timeout") return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.OK, content=b'{"ok": "True", "result": {}}') monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", request) data = {"string": "string", "int": 1, "float": 1.0} if media: data["media"] = input_media_photo request_data = RequestData( parameters=[RequestParameter.from_input(key, value) for key, value in data.items()], ) # First make sure that custom timeouts are always respected await httpx_request.post( "url", request_data, read_timeout=1, connect_timeout=2, write_timeout=3, pool_timeout=4 ) assert self.test_flag == httpx.Timeout(read=1, connect=2, write=3, pool=4) # Now also ensure that the default timeout for media requests is 20 seconds await httpx_request.post("url", request_data) assert self.test_flag == httpx.Timeout(read=5, connect=5, write=20 if media else 5, pool=1) # Just for double-checking, since warnings are issued for implementations of BaseRequest # other than HTTPXRequest assert len(recwarn) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize("init", [True, False]) async def test_setting_media_write_timeout( self, monkeypatch, init, input_media_photo, recwarn # noqa: F811 ): httpx_request = HTTPXRequest(media_write_timeout=42) if init else HTTPXRequest() async def request(_, **kwargs): self.test_flag = kwargs["timeout"].write return httpx.Response(HTTPStatus.OK, content=b'{"ok": "True", "result": {}}') monkeypatch.setattr(httpx.AsyncClient, "request", request) data = {"string": "string", "int": 1, "float": 1.0, "media": input_media_photo} request_data = RequestData( parameters=[RequestParameter.from_input(key, value) for key, value in data.items()], ) # First make sure that custom timeouts are always respected await httpx_request.post( "url", request_data, write_timeout=43, ) assert self.test_flag == 43 # Now also ensure that the init value is respected await httpx_request.post("url", request_data) assert self.test_flag == 42 if init else 20 # Just for double-checking, since warnings are issued for implementations of BaseRequest # other than HTTPXRequest assert len(recwarn) == 0 async def test_socket_opts(self, monkeypatch): transport_kwargs = {} transport_init = AsyncHTTPTransport.__init__ def init_transport(*args, **kwargs): nonlocal transport_kwargs transport_kwargs = kwargs.copy() transport_init(*args, **kwargs) monkeypatch.setattr(AsyncHTTPTransport, "__init__", init_transport) HTTPXRequest() assert "socket_options" not in transport_kwargs transport_kwargs = {} HTTPXRequest(socket_options=((1, 2, 3),)) assert transport_kwargs["socket_options"] == ((1, 2, 3),) @pytest.mark.parametrize("read_timeout", [None, 1, 2, 3]) async def test_read_timeout_property(self, read_timeout): assert HTTPXRequest(read_timeout=read_timeout).read_timeout == read_timeout @pytest.mark.skipif(not TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS, reason="No need to run this twice") class TestHTTPXRequestWithRequest: async def test_do_request_wait_for_pool(self, httpx_request): """The pool logic is buried rather deeply in httpxcore, so we make actual requests here instead of mocking""" task_1 = asyncio.create_task( httpx_request.do_request( method="GET", url="https://python-telegram-bot.org/static/testfiles/telegram.mp4" ) ) task_2 = asyncio.create_task( httpx_request.do_request( method="GET", url="https://python-telegram-bot.org/static/testfiles/telegram.mp4" ) ) done, pending = await asyncio.wait({task_1, task_2}, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED) assert len(done) == len(pending) == 1 done, pending = await asyncio.wait({task_1, task_2}, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED) assert len(done) == 2 assert len(pending) == 0 try: # retrieve exceptions from tasks task_1.exception() task_2.exception() except (asyncio.CancelledError, asyncio.InvalidStateError): pass