#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """This module contains helper functions related to datetime and timestamp conversations. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 Previously, the contents of this module were available through the (no longer existing) module ``telegram._utils.helpers``. Warning: Contents of this module are intended to be used internally by the library and *not* by the user. Changes to this module are not considered breaking changes and may not be documented in the changelog. """ import datetime as dtm import time from typing import Optional, Union # pytz is only available if it was installed as dependency of APScheduler, so we make a little # workaround here DTM_UTC = dtm.timezone.utc try: import pytz UTC = pytz.utc except ImportError: UTC = DTM_UTC # type: ignore[assignment] def _localize(datetime: dtm.datetime, tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo) -> dtm.datetime: """Localize the datetime, where UTC is handled depending on whether pytz is available or not""" if tzinfo is DTM_UTC: return datetime.replace(tzinfo=DTM_UTC) return tzinfo.localize(datetime) # type: ignore[attr-defined] def to_float_timestamp( time_object: Union[int, float, dtm.timedelta, dtm.datetime, dtm.time], reference_timestamp: float = None, tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo = None, ) -> float: """ Converts a given time object to a float POSIX timestamp. Used to convert different time specifications to a common format. The time object can be relative (i.e. indicate a time increment, or a time of day) or absolute. Objects from the :class:`datetime` module that are timezone-naive will be assumed to be in UTC, if ``bot`` is not passed or ``bot.defaults`` is :obj:`None`. Args: time_object (:obj:`int` | :obj:`float` | :obj:`datetime.timedelta` | \ :obj:`datetime.datetime` | :obj:`datetime.time`): Time value to convert. The semantics of this parameter will depend on its type: * :obj:`int` or :obj:`float` will be interpreted as "seconds from :paramref:`reference_t`" * :obj:`datetime.timedelta` will be interpreted as "time increment from :paramref:`reference_timestamp`" * :obj:`datetime.datetime` will be interpreted as an absolute date/time value * :obj:`datetime.time` will be interpreted as a specific time of day reference_timestamp (:obj:`float`, optional): POSIX timestamp that indicates the absolute time from which relative calculations are to be performed (e.g. when :paramref:`time_object` is given as an :obj:`int`, indicating "seconds from :paramref:`reference_time`"). Defaults to now (the time at which this function is called). If :paramref:`time_object` is given as an absolute representation of date & time (i.e. a :obj:`datetime.datetime` object), :paramref:`reference_timestamp` is not relevant and so its value should be :obj:`None`. If this is not the case, a :exc:`ValueError` will be raised. tzinfo (:class:`datetime.tzinfo`, optional): If :paramref:`time_object` is a naive object from the :mod:`datetime` module, it will be interpreted as this timezone. Defaults to ``pytz.utc``, if available, and :attr:`datetime.timezone.utc` otherwise. Note: Only to be used by ``telegram.ext``. Returns: :obj:`float` | :obj:`None`: The return value depends on the type of argument :paramref:`time_object`. If :paramref:`time_object` is given as a time increment (i.e. as a :obj:`int`, :obj:`float` or :obj:`datetime.timedelta`), then the return value will be :paramref:`reference_timestamp` + :paramref:`time_object`. Else if it is given as an absolute date/time value (i.e. a :obj:`datetime.datetime` object), the equivalent value as a POSIX timestamp will be returned. Finally, if it is a time of the day without date (i.e. a :obj:`datetime.time` object), the return value is the nearest future occurrence of that time of day. Raises: TypeError: If :paramref:`time_object` s type is not one of those described above. ValueError: If :paramref:`time_object` is a :obj:`datetime.datetime` and :paramref:`reference_timestamp` is not :obj:`None`. """ if reference_timestamp is None: reference_timestamp = time.time() elif isinstance(time_object, dtm.datetime): raise ValueError("t is an (absolute) datetime while reference_timestamp is not None") if isinstance(time_object, dtm.timedelta): return reference_timestamp + time_object.total_seconds() if isinstance(time_object, (int, float)): return reference_timestamp + time_object if tzinfo is None: tzinfo = UTC if isinstance(time_object, dtm.time): reference_dt = dtm.datetime.fromtimestamp( reference_timestamp, tz=time_object.tzinfo or tzinfo ) reference_date = reference_dt.date() reference_time = reference_dt.timetz() aware_datetime = dtm.datetime.combine(reference_date, time_object) if aware_datetime.tzinfo is None: aware_datetime = _localize(aware_datetime, tzinfo) # if the time of day has passed today, use tomorrow if reference_time > aware_datetime.timetz(): aware_datetime += dtm.timedelta(days=1) return _datetime_to_float_timestamp(aware_datetime) if isinstance(time_object, dtm.datetime): if time_object.tzinfo is None: time_object = _localize(time_object, tzinfo) return _datetime_to_float_timestamp(time_object) raise TypeError(f"Unable to convert {type(time_object).__name__} object to timestamp") def to_timestamp( dt_obj: Union[int, float, dtm.timedelta, dtm.datetime, dtm.time, None], reference_timestamp: float = None, tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo = None, ) -> Optional[int]: """ Wrapper over :func:`to_float_timestamp` which returns an integer (the float value truncated down to the nearest integer). See the documentation for :func:`to_float_timestamp` for more details. """ return ( int(to_float_timestamp(dt_obj, reference_timestamp, tzinfo)) if dt_obj is not None else None ) def from_timestamp(unixtime: Optional[int], tzinfo: dtm.tzinfo = UTC) -> Optional[dtm.datetime]: """ Converts an (integer) unix timestamp to a timezone aware datetime object. :obj:`None` s are left alone (i.e. ``from_timestamp(None)`` is :obj:`None`). Args: unixtime (:obj:`int`): Integer POSIX timestamp. tzinfo (:obj:`datetime.tzinfo`, optional): The timezone to which the timestamp is to be converted to. Defaults to UTC. Returns: Timezone aware equivalent :obj:`datetime.datetime` value if :paramref:`unixtime` is not :obj:`None`; else :obj:`None`. """ if unixtime is None: return None if tzinfo is not None: return dtm.datetime.fromtimestamp(unixtime, tz=tzinfo) return dtm.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(unixtime) def _datetime_to_float_timestamp(dt_obj: dtm.datetime) -> float: """ Converts a datetime object to a float timestamp (with sub-second precision). If the datetime object is timezone-naive, it is assumed to be in UTC. """ if dt_obj.tzinfo is None: dt_obj = dt_obj.replace(tzinfo=dtm.timezone.utc) return dt_obj.timestamp()