#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """Provides functions to test both methods.""" import datetime import functools import inspect import re from typing import Any, Callable, Collection, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple import pytest import telegram # for ForwardRef resolution from telegram import ( Bot, ChatPermissions, File, InlineQueryResultArticle, InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto, InputMediaPhoto, InputTextMessageContent, LinkPreviewOptions, ReplyParameters, TelegramObject, ) from telegram._utils.defaultvalue import DEFAULT_NONE, DefaultValue from telegram.constants import InputMediaType from telegram.ext import Defaults, ExtBot from telegram.request import RequestData from tests.auxil.envvars import TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS if TEST_WITH_OPT_DEPS: import pytz FORWARD_REF_PATTERN = re.compile(r"ForwardRef\('(?P\w+)'\)") """ A pattern to find a class name in a ForwardRef typing annotation. Class name (in a named group) is surrounded by parentheses and single quotes. """ def check_shortcut_signature( shortcut: Callable, bot_method: Callable, shortcut_kwargs: List[str], additional_kwargs: List[str], annotation_overrides: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Any, Any]]] = None, ) -> bool: """ Checks that the signature of a shortcut matches the signature of the underlying bot method. Args: shortcut: The shortcut, e.g. :meth:`telegram.Message.reply_text` bot_method: The bot method, e.g. :meth:`telegram.Bot.send_message` shortcut_kwargs: The kwargs passed by the shortcut directly, e.g. ``chat_id`` additional_kwargs: Additional kwargs of the shortcut that the bot method doesn't have, e.g. ``quote``. annotation_overrides: A dictionary of exceptions for the annotation comparison. The key is the name of the argument, the value is a tuple of the expected annotation and the default value. E.g. ``{'parse_mode': (str, 'None')}``. Returns: :obj:`bool`: Whether or not the signature matches. """ annotation_overrides = annotation_overrides or {} def resolve_class(class_name: str) -> Optional[type]: """Attempts to resolve a PTB class (telegram module only) from a ForwardRef. E.g. resolves from "StickerSet". Returns a class on success, :obj:`None` if nothing could be resolved. """ for module in telegram, telegram.request: cls = getattr(module, class_name, None) if cls is not None: return cls return None # for ruff shortcut_sig = inspect.signature(shortcut) effective_shortcut_args = set(shortcut_sig.parameters.keys()).difference(additional_kwargs) effective_shortcut_args.discard("self") bot_sig = inspect.signature(bot_method) expected_args = set(bot_sig.parameters.keys()).difference(shortcut_kwargs) expected_args.discard("self") len_expected = len(expected_args) len_effective = len(effective_shortcut_args) if len_expected > len_effective: raise Exception( f"Shortcut signature is missing {len_expected - len_effective} arguments " f"of the underlying Bot method: {expected_args - effective_shortcut_args}" ) if len_expected < len_effective: raise Exception( f"Shortcut signature has {len_effective - len_expected} additional arguments " f"that the Bot method doesn't have: {effective_shortcut_args - expected_args}" ) # TODO: Also check annotation of return type. Would currently be a hassle b/c typing doesn't # resolve `ForwardRef('Type')` to `Type`. For now we rely on MyPy, which probably allows the # shortcuts to return more specific types than the bot method, but it's only annotations after # all for kwarg in effective_shortcut_args: expected_kind = bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].kind if shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].kind != expected_kind: raise Exception(f"Argument {kwarg} must be of kind {expected_kind}.") if kwarg in annotation_overrides: if shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation != annotation_overrides[kwarg][0]: raise Exception( f"For argument {kwarg} I expected {annotation_overrides[kwarg]}, " f"but got {shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation}" ) continue if bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation != shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation: if FORWARD_REF_PATTERN.search(str(shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg])): # If a shortcut signature contains a ForwardRef, the simple comparison of # annotations can fail. Try and resolve the .__args__, then compare them. for shortcut_arg, bot_arg in zip( shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation.__args__, bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation.__args__, ): shortcut_arg_to_check = shortcut_arg # for ruff match = FORWARD_REF_PATTERN.search(str(shortcut_arg)) if match: shortcut_arg_to_check = resolve_class(match.group("class_name")) if shortcut_arg_to_check != bot_arg: raise Exception( f"For argument {kwarg} I expected " f"{bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation}, but " f"got {shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation}." f"Comparison of {shortcut_arg} and {bot_arg} failed." ) elif isinstance(bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation, type): if bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation.__name__ != str( shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation ): raise Exception( f"For argument {kwarg} I expected {bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation}, " f"but got {shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation}" ) else: raise Exception( f"For argument {kwarg} I expected {bot_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation}," f"but got {shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].annotation}" ) bot_method_sig = inspect.signature(bot_method) shortcut_sig = inspect.signature(shortcut) for arg in expected_args: if arg in annotation_overrides: if shortcut_sig.parameters[arg].default == annotation_overrides[arg][1]: continue raise Exception( f"For argument {arg} I expected default {annotation_overrides[arg][1]}, " f"but got {shortcut_sig.parameters[arg].default}" ) if not shortcut_sig.parameters[arg].default == bot_method_sig.parameters[arg].default: raise Exception( f"Default for argument {arg} does not match the default of the Bot method." ) for kwarg in additional_kwargs: if kwarg == "reply_to_message_id": # special case for deprecated argument of Message.reply_* continue if not shortcut_sig.parameters[kwarg].kind == inspect.Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY: raise Exception(f"Argument {kwarg} must be a positional-only argument!") return True async def check_shortcut_call( shortcut_method: Callable, bot: ExtBot, bot_method_name: str, skip_params: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, shortcut_kwargs: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, ) -> bool: """ Checks that a shortcut passes all the existing arguments to the underlying bot method. Use as:: assert await check_shortcut_call(message.reply_text, message.bot, 'send_message') Args: shortcut_method: The shortcut method, e.g. `message.reply_text` bot: The bot bot_method_name: The bot methods name, e.g. `'send_message'` skip_params: Parameters that are allowed to be missing, e.g. `['inline_message_id']` `rate_limit_args` will be skipped by default shortcut_kwargs: The kwargs passed by the shortcut directly, e.g. ``chat_id`` Returns: :obj:`bool` """ skip_params = set() if not skip_params else set(skip_params) skip_params.add("rate_limit_args") shortcut_kwargs = set() if not shortcut_kwargs else set(shortcut_kwargs) orig_bot_method = getattr(bot, bot_method_name) bot_signature = inspect.signature(orig_bot_method) expected_args = set(bot_signature.parameters.keys()) - {"self"} - set(skip_params) positional_args = { name for name, param in bot_signature.parameters.items() if param.default == param.empty } ignored_args = positional_args | set(shortcut_kwargs) shortcut_signature = inspect.signature(shortcut_method) # auto_pagination: Special casing for InlineQuery.answer # quote: Don't test deprecated "quote" parameter of Message.reply_* kwargs = { name: name for name in shortcut_signature.parameters if name not in ["auto_pagination", "quote"] } if "reply_parameters" in kwargs: kwargs["reply_parameters"] = ReplyParameters(message_id=1) # We tested this for a long time, but Bot API 7.0 deprecated it in favor of # reply_parameters. In the transition phase, both exist in a mutually exclusive # way. Testing both cases would require a lot of additional code, so we just # ignore this parameter here until it is removed. kwargs.pop("reply_to_message_id", None) expected_args.discard("reply_to_message_id") async def make_assertion(**kw): # name == value makes sure that # a) we receive non-None input for all parameters # b) we receive the correct input for each kwarg received_kwargs = { name for name, value in kw.items() if name in ignored_args or (value == name or (name == "reply_parameters" and value.message_id == 1)) } if not received_kwargs == expected_args: raise Exception( f"{orig_bot_method.__name__} did not receive correct value for the parameters " f"{expected_args - received_kwargs}" ) if bot_method_name == "get_file": # This is here mainly for PassportFile.get_file, which calls .set_credentials on the # return value return File(file_id="result", file_unique_id="result") return True setattr(bot, bot_method_name, make_assertion) try: await shortcut_method(**kwargs) except Exception as exc: raise exc finally: setattr(bot, bot_method_name, orig_bot_method) return True def build_kwargs( signature: inspect.Signature, default_kwargs, manually_passed_value: Any = DEFAULT_NONE ): kws = {} for name, param in signature.parameters.items(): # For required params we need to pass something if param.default is inspect.Parameter.empty: # Some special casing if name == "permissions": kws[name] = ChatPermissions() elif name in ["prices", "commands", "errors"]: kws[name] = [] elif name == "media": media = InputMediaPhoto("media", parse_mode=manually_passed_value) if "list" in str(param.annotation).lower(): kws[name] = [media] else: kws[name] = media elif name == "results": itmc = InputTextMessageContent( "text", parse_mode=manually_passed_value, link_preview_options=LinkPreviewOptions( is_disabled=manually_passed_value, url=manually_passed_value ), ) kws[name] = [ InlineQueryResultArticle("id", "title", input_message_content=itmc), InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto( "id", "photo_file_id", parse_mode=manually_passed_value, input_message_content=itmc, ), ] elif name == "ok": kws["ok"] = False kws["error_message"] = "error" else: kws[name] = True # pass values for params that can have defaults only if we don't want to use the # standard default elif name in default_kwargs: if manually_passed_value != DEFAULT_NONE: if name == "link_preview_options": kws[name] = LinkPreviewOptions( is_disabled=manually_passed_value, url=manually_passed_value ) else: kws[name] = manually_passed_value # Some special casing for methods that have "exactly one of the optionals" type args elif name in ["location", "contact", "venue", "inline_message_id"]: kws[name] = True elif name == "until_date": if manually_passed_value not in [None, DEFAULT_NONE]: # Europe/Berlin kws[name] = pytz.timezone("Europe/Berlin").localize( datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0) ) else: # naive UTC kws[name] = datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0) elif name == "reply_parameters": kws[name] = telegram.ReplyParameters( message_id=1, allow_sending_without_reply=manually_passed_value, quote_parse_mode=manually_passed_value, ) return kws def make_assertion_for_link_preview_options( expected_defaults_value, lpo, manual_value_expected, manually_passed_value ): if not lpo: return # if no_value_expected: # # We always expect a value for link_preview_options, because we don't test the # # case send_message(…, link_preview_options=None). Instead we focus on the more # # compicated case of send_message(…, link_preview_options=LinkPreviewOptions(arg=None)) if manual_value_expected: if lpo.get("is_disabled") != manually_passed_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {lpo.get('is_disabled')} for link_preview_options.is_disabled, " f"expected it to be {manually_passed_value}" ) if lpo.get("url") != manually_passed_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {lpo.get('url')} for link_preview_options.url, " f"expected it to be {manually_passed_value}" ) if expected_defaults_value: if lpo.get("show_above_text") != expected_defaults_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {lpo.get('show_above_text')} for link_preview_options.show_above_text," f" expected it to be {expected_defaults_value}" ) if manually_passed_value is DEFAULT_NONE and lpo.get("url") != expected_defaults_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {lpo.get('url')} for link_preview_options.url, " f"expected it to be {expected_defaults_value}" ) async def make_assertion( url, request_data: RequestData, method_name: str, kwargs_need_default: List[str], return_value, manually_passed_value: Any = DEFAULT_NONE, expected_defaults_value: Any = DEFAULT_NONE, *args, **kwargs, ): data = request_data.parameters no_value_expected = (manually_passed_value is None) or ( manually_passed_value is DEFAULT_NONE and expected_defaults_value is None ) manual_value_expected = (manually_passed_value is not DEFAULT_NONE) and not no_value_expected default_value_expected = (not manual_value_expected) and (not no_value_expected) # Check reply_parameters - needs special handling b/c we merge this with the default # value for `allow_sending_without_reply` reply_parameters = data.pop("reply_parameters", None) if reply_parameters: for param in ["allow_sending_without_reply", "quote_parse_mode"]: if no_value_expected and param in reply_parameters: pytest.fail(f"Got value for reply_parameters.{param}, expected it to be absent") param_value = reply_parameters.get(param) if manual_value_expected and param_value != manually_passed_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {param_value} for reply_parameters.{param} " f"instead of {manually_passed_value}" ) elif default_value_expected and param_value != expected_defaults_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {param_value} for reply_parameters.{param} " f"instead of {expected_defaults_value}" ) # Check link_preview_options - needs special handling b/c we merge this with the default # values specified in `Defaults.link_preview_options` make_assertion_for_link_preview_options( expected_defaults_value, data.get("link_preview_options", None), manual_value_expected, manually_passed_value, ) # Check regular arguments that need defaults for arg in kwargs_need_default: if arg == "link_preview_options": # already handled above continue # 'None' should not be passed along to Telegram if no_value_expected and arg in data: pytest.fail(f"Got value {data[arg]} for argument {arg}, expected it to be absent") value = data.get(arg, "`not passed at all`") if manual_value_expected and value != manually_passed_value: pytest.fail(f"Got value {value} for argument {arg} instead of {manually_passed_value}") elif default_value_expected and value != expected_defaults_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {value} for argument {arg} instead of {expected_defaults_value}" ) # Check InputMedia (parse_mode can have a default) def check_input_media(m: Dict): parse_mode = m.get("parse_mode") if no_value_expected and parse_mode is not None: pytest.fail("InputMedia has non-None parse_mode, expected it to be absent") elif default_value_expected and parse_mode != expected_defaults_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {parse_mode} for InputMedia.parse_mode instead " f"of {expected_defaults_value}" ) elif manual_value_expected and parse_mode != manually_passed_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {parse_mode} for InputMedia.parse_mode instead " f"of {manually_passed_value}" ) media = data.pop("media", None) if media: if isinstance(media, dict) and isinstance(media.get("type", None), InputMediaType): check_input_media(media) else: for m in media: check_input_media(m) # Check InlineQueryResults results = data.pop("results", []) for result in results: if no_value_expected and "parse_mode" in result: pytest.fail("ILQR has a parse mode, expected it to be absent") # Here we explicitly use that we only pass ILQRPhoto and ILQRArticle for testing elif "photo" in result: parse_mode = result.get("parse_mode") if manually_passed_value and parse_mode != manually_passed_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {parse_mode} for ILQR.parse_mode instead of " f"{manually_passed_value}" ) elif default_value_expected and parse_mode != expected_defaults_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {parse_mode} for ILQR.parse_mode instead of " f"{expected_defaults_value}" ) # Here we explicitly use that we only pass InputTextMessageContent for testing # which has both parse_mode and link_preview_options imc = result.get("input_message_content") if not imc: continue if no_value_expected and "parse_mode" in imc: pytest.fail("ILQR.i_m_c has a parse_mode, expected it to be absent") parse_mode = imc.get("parse_mode") if manual_value_expected and parse_mode != manually_passed_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {imc.parse_mode} for ILQR.i_m_c.parse_mode " f"instead of {manual_value_expected}" ) elif default_value_expected and parse_mode != expected_defaults_value: pytest.fail( f"Got value {imc.parse_mode} for ILQR.i_m_c.parse_mode " f"instead of {expected_defaults_value}" ) make_assertion_for_link_preview_options( expected_defaults_value, imc.get("link_preview_options", None), manual_value_expected, manually_passed_value, ) # Check datetime conversion until_date = data.pop("until_date", None) if until_date: if manual_value_expected and until_date != 946681200: pytest.fail("Non-naive until_date should have been interpreted as Europe/Berlin.") if not any((manually_passed_value, expected_defaults_value)) and until_date != 946684800: pytest.fail("Naive until_date should have been interpreted as UTC") if default_value_expected and until_date != 946702800: pytest.fail("Naive until_date should have been interpreted as America/New_York") if method_name in ["get_file", "get_small_file", "get_big_file"]: # This is here mainly for PassportFile.get_file, which calls .set_credentials on the # return value out = File(file_id="result", file_unique_id="result") return out.to_dict() # Otherwise return None by default, as TGObject.de_json/list(None) in [None, []] # That way we can check what gets passed to Request.post without having to actually # make a request # Some methods expect specific output, so we allow to customize that if isinstance(return_value, TelegramObject): return return_value.to_dict() return return_value async def check_defaults_handling( method: Callable, bot: Bot, return_value=None, no_default_kwargs: Collection[str] = frozenset(), ) -> bool: """ Checks that tg.ext.Defaults are handled correctly. Args: method: The shortcut/bot_method bot: The bot. May be a telegram.Bot or a telegram.ext.ExtBot. In the former case, all default values will be converted to None. return_value: Optional. The return value of Bot._post that the method expects. Defaults to None. get_file is automatically handled. If this is a `TelegramObject`, Bot._post will return the `to_dict` representation of it. no_default_kwargs: Optional. A collection of keyword arguments that should not have default values. Defaults to an empty frozenset. """ raw_bot = not isinstance(bot, ExtBot) get_updates = method.__name__.lower().replace("_", "") == "getupdates" shortcut_signature = inspect.signature(method) kwargs_need_default = { kwarg for kwarg, value in shortcut_signature.parameters.items() if isinstance(value.default, DefaultValue) and not kwarg.endswith("_timeout") and kwarg not in no_default_kwargs } # We tested this for a long time, but Bot API 7.0 deprecated it in favor of # reply_parameters. In the transition phase, both exist in a mutually exclusive # way. Testing both cases would require a lot of additional code, so we for now are content # with the explicit tests that we have inplace for allow_sending_without_reply kwargs_need_default.discard("allow_sending_without_reply") if method.__name__.endswith("_media_group"): # the parse_mode is applied to the first media item, and we test this elsewhere kwargs_need_default.remove("parse_mode") defaults_no_custom_defaults = Defaults() kwargs = {kwarg: "custom_default" for kwarg in inspect.signature(Defaults).parameters} kwargs["tzinfo"] = pytz.timezone("America/New_York") kwargs.pop("disable_web_page_preview") # mutually exclusive with link_preview_options kwargs.pop("quote") # mutually exclusive with do_quote kwargs["link_preview_options"] = LinkPreviewOptions( url="custom_default", show_above_text="custom_default" ) defaults_custom_defaults = Defaults(**kwargs) expected_return_values = [None, ()] if return_value is None else [return_value] if method.__name__ in ["get_file", "get_small_file", "get_big_file"]: expected_return_values = [File(file_id="result", file_unique_id="result")] request = bot._request[0] if get_updates else bot.request orig_post = request.post try: if raw_bot: combinations = [(None, None)] else: combinations = [ (None, defaults_no_custom_defaults), ("custom_default", defaults_custom_defaults), ] for expected_defaults_value, defaults in combinations: if not raw_bot: bot._defaults = defaults # 1: test that we get the correct default value, if we don't specify anything kwargs = build_kwargs(shortcut_signature, kwargs_need_default) assertion_callback = functools.partial( make_assertion, kwargs_need_default=kwargs_need_default, method_name=method.__name__, return_value=return_value, expected_defaults_value=expected_defaults_value, ) request.post = assertion_callback assert await method(**kwargs) in expected_return_values # 2: test that we get the manually passed non-None value kwargs = build_kwargs( shortcut_signature, kwargs_need_default, manually_passed_value="non-None-value" ) assertion_callback = functools.partial( make_assertion, manually_passed_value="non-None-value", kwargs_need_default=kwargs_need_default, method_name=method.__name__, return_value=return_value, expected_defaults_value=expected_defaults_value, ) request.post = assertion_callback assert await method(**kwargs) in expected_return_values # 3: test that we get the manually passed None value kwargs = build_kwargs( shortcut_signature, kwargs_need_default, manually_passed_value=None ) assertion_callback = functools.partial( make_assertion, manually_passed_value=None, kwargs_need_default=kwargs_need_default, method_name=method.__name__, return_value=return_value, expected_defaults_value=expected_defaults_value, ) request.post = assertion_callback assert await method(**kwargs) in expected_return_values except Exception as exc: raise exc finally: request.post = orig_post if not raw_bot: bot._defaults = None return True