flowchart TB %% Documentation: https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/flowchart A(("/start")):::entryPoint -->|Hi! My name is Doctor Botter...| B((CHOOSING)):::state B --> C("Something else..."):::userInput C --> |What category?| D((TYPING_CHOICE)):::state D --> E("(text)"):::userInput E --> |"[save choice]
I'd love to hear about that!"| F((TYPING_REPLY)):::state F --> G("(text)"):::userInput G --> |"[save choice: text]
(List of facts)
More?"| B B --> H("- Age
- Favourite colour
- Number of siblings"):::userInput H --> |"[save choice]
I'd love to hear about that!"| F B --> I("Done"):::userInput I --> |"I learned these facts about you:
..."| End(("END")):::termination classDef userInput fill:#2a5279, color:#ffffff, stroke:#ffffff classDef state fill:#222222, color:#ffffff, stroke:#ffffff classDef entryPoint fill:#009c11, stroke:#42FF57, color:#ffffff classDef termination fill:#bb0007, stroke:#E60109, color:#ffffff