Python Telegram Bot A Python wrapper around the Telegram Bot API. By `Leandro Toledo `_ .. image:: :target: :alt: Travis CI Status .. image:: :target: :alt: Code Climate ================= Table of contents ================= - `Introduction`_ - `Status`_ 1. `Telegram API support`_ 2. `Python Version support`_ - `Installing`_ - `Getting the code`_ - `Documentation`_ 1. `API`_ 2. `Logging`_ 3. `Examples`_ - `Contact`_ - `TODO`_ =============== _`Introduction` =============== This library provides a pure Python interface for the `Telegram Bot API `_. It works with Python versions from 2.6+. It also works with `Google App Engine `_. ========= _`Status` ========= ----------------------- _`Telegram API support` ----------------------- ========================= ============ Telegram Bot API Method *Supported?* ========================= ============ getMe Yes sendMessage Yes forwardMessage Yes sendPhoto Yes sendAudio Yes sendDocument Yes sendSticker Yes sendVideo Yes sendLocation Yes sendChatAction Yes getUpdates Yes getUserProfilePhotos Yes setWebhook Yes ========================= ============ ------------------------- _`Python Version support` ------------------------- ============== ============ Python Version *Supported?* ============== ============ 2.6 Yes 2.7 Yes 3.3 Yes 3.4 Yes ============== ============ ============= _`Installing` ============= You can install python-telegram-bot using:: $ pip install python-telegram-bot Or upgrade to the latest version:: $ pip install python-telegram-bot --upgrade =================== _`Getting the code` =================== The code is hosted at Check out the latest development version anonymously with:: $ git clone $ cd python-telegram-bot Run tests: $ make test To see other options available, run: $ make help ================ _`Documentation` ================ View the last release API documentation at: ------ _`API` ------ The API is exposed via the ``telegram.Bot`` class. To generate an Access Token you have to talk to `BotFather `_ and follow a few simple steps (described `here `_). For full details see the `Bots: An introduction for developers `_. To create an instance of the ``telegram.Bot``:: >>> import telegram >>> bot = telegram.Bot(token='token') To see if your credentials are successful:: >>> print bot.getMe() {"first_name": "Toledo's Palace Bot", "username": "ToledosPalaceBot"} Bots can't initiate conversations with users. A user must either add them to a group or send them a message first. People can use ```` links or username search to find your bot. To fetch text messages sent to your Bot:: >>> updates = bot.getUpdates() >>> print [u.message.text for u in updates] To fetch images sent to your Bot:: >>> updates = bot.getUpdates() >>> print [ for u in updates if] To reply messages you'll always need the chat_id:: >>> chat_id = bot.getUpdates()[-1].message.chat_id To post a text message:: >>> bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text="I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that.") To post an Emoji (special thanks to `Tim Whitlock `_):: >>> bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=telegram.Emoji.PILE_OF_POO) To post an image file via URL (right now only sendPhoto supports this):: >>> bot.sendPhoto(chat_id=chat_id, photo='') To post an audio file:: >>> bot.sendAudio(chat_id=chat_id, audio=open('tests/telegram.ogg', 'rb')) To tell the user that something is happening on bot's side:: >>> bot.sendChatAction(chat_id=chat_id, action=telegram.ChatAction.TYPING) To create `Custom Keyboards `_:: >>> custom_keyboard = [[ telegram.Emoji.THUMBS_UP_SIGN, telegram.Emoji.THUMBS_DOWN_SIGN ]] >>> reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard) >>> bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text="Stay here, I'll be back.", reply_markup=reply_markup) To hide `Custom Keyboards `_:: >>> reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardHide() >>> bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text="I'm back.", reply_markup=reply_markup) There are many more API methods, to read the full API documentation:: $ pydoc telegram.Bot ----------- _`Logging` ----------- You can get logs in your main application by calling `logging` and setting the log level you want:: >>> import logging >>> logger = logging.getLogger() >>> logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) If you want DEBUG logs instead:: >>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ----------- _`Examples` ----------- Here follows some examples to help you to get your own Bot up to speed: - `echobot `_ replies back messages. - `roboed `_ talks to `RobĂ´ Ed `_. - `DevOps Reaction Bot `_ sends latest or random posts from `DevOps Reaction `_. Running on `Google App Engine `_ (billing has to be enabled for fully Socket API support). ========== _`Contact` ========== Feel free to join to our `Telegram group `_. ======= _`TODO` ======= Patches and bug reports are `welcome `_, just please keep the style consistent with the original source. - Add commands handler.