#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2017 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. from datetime import datetime import pytest from telegram import (Update, Message, User, MessageEntity, Chat, Audio, Document, Game, PhotoSize, Sticker, Video, Voice, VideoNote, Contact, Location, Venue, Invoice, SuccessfulPayment) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def message(bot): return Message(TestMessage.id, TestMessage.from_user, TestMessage.date, TestMessage.chat, bot=bot) @pytest.fixture(scope='function', params=[ {'forward_from': User(99, 'forward_user', False), 'forward_date': datetime.now()}, {'forward_from_chat': Chat(-23, 'channel'), 'forward_from_message_id': 101, 'forward_date': datetime.now()}, {'reply_to_message': Message(50, None, None, None)}, {'edit_date': datetime.now()}, {'text': 'a text message', 'enitites': [MessageEntity('bold', 10, 4), MessageEntity('italic', 16, 7)]}, {'caption': 'A message caption', 'caption_entities': [MessageEntity('bold', 1, 1), MessageEntity('text_link', 4, 3)]}, {'audio': Audio('audio_id', 12), 'caption': 'audio_file'}, {'document': Document('document_id'), 'caption': 'document_file'}, {'game': Game('my_game', 'just my game', [PhotoSize('game_photo_id', 30, 30), ])}, {'photo': [PhotoSize('photo_id', 50, 50)], 'caption': 'photo_file'}, {'sticker': Sticker('sticker_id', 50, 50)}, {'video': Video('video_id', 12, 12, 12), 'caption': 'video_file'}, {'voice': Voice('voice_id', 5)}, {'video_note': VideoNote('video_note_id', 20, 12)}, {'new_chat_members': [User(55, 'new_user', False)]}, {'contact': Contact('phone_numner', 'contact_name')}, {'location': Location(-23.691288, 46.788279)}, {'venue': Venue(Location(-23.691288, 46.788279), 'some place', 'right here')}, {'left_chat_member': User(33, 'kicked', False)}, {'new_chat_title': 'new title'}, {'new_chat_photo': [PhotoSize('photo_id', 50, 50)]}, {'delete_chat_photo': True}, {'group_chat_created': True}, {'supergroup_chat_created': True}, {'channel_chat_created': True}, {'migrate_to_chat_id': -12345}, {'migrate_from_chat_id': -54321}, {'pinned_message': Message(7, None, None, None)}, {'invoice': Invoice('my invoice', 'invoice', 'start', 'EUR', 243)}, {'successful_payment': SuccessfulPayment('EUR', 243, 'payload', 'charge_id', 'provider_id', order_info={})}, {'forward_signature': 'some_forward_sign'}, {'author_signature': 'some_author_sign'}, {'photo': [PhotoSize('photo_id', 50, 50)], 'caption': 'photo_file', 'media_group_id': 1234443322222} ], ids=['forwarded_user', 'forwarded_channel', 'reply', 'edited', 'text', 'caption_entities', 'audio', 'document', 'game', 'photo', 'sticker', 'video', 'voice', 'video_note', 'new_members', 'contact', 'location', 'venue', 'left_member', 'new_title', 'new_photo', 'delete_photo', 'group_created', 'supergroup_created', 'channel_created', 'migrated_to', 'migrated_from', 'pinned', 'invoice', 'successful_payment', 'forward_signature', 'author_signature', 'photo_from_media_group']) def message_params(bot, request): return Message(message_id=TestMessage.id, from_user=TestMessage.from_user, date=TestMessage.date, chat=TestMessage.chat, bot=bot, **request.param) class TestMessage(object): id = 1 from_user = User(2, 'testuser', False) date = datetime.now() chat = Chat(3, 'private') test_entities = [{'length': 4, 'offset': 10, 'type': 'bold'}, {'length': 7, 'offset': 16, 'type': 'italic'}, {'length': 4, 'offset': 25, 'type': 'code'}, {'length': 5, 'offset': 31, 'type': 'text_link', 'url': 'http://github.com/'}, {'length': 3, 'offset': 41, 'type': 'pre'}, {'length': 17, 'offset': 46, 'type': 'url'}] test_text = 'Test for bold, ita_lic, code, ' 'links and
. ' 'http://google.com') text_html = self.test_message.text_html assert text_html == test_html_string def test_text_html_urled(self): test_html_string = ('Test for <bold, ita_lic, code, ' 'links and
. ' 'http://google.com') text_html = self.test_message.text_html_urled assert text_html == test_html_string def test_text_markdown_simple(self): test_md_string = ('Test for <*bold*, _ita\_lic_, `code`, [links](http://github.com/) and ' '```pre```. http://google.com') text_markdown = self.test_message.text_markdown assert text_markdown == test_md_string def test_text_markdown_urled(self): test_md_string = ('Test for <*bold*, _ita\_lic_, `code`, [links](http://github.com/) and ' '```pre```. [http://google.com](http://google.com)') text_markdown = self.test_message.text_markdown_urled assert text_markdown == test_md_string def test_text_html_emoji(self): text = b'\\U0001f469\\u200d\\U0001f469\\u200d ABC'.decode('unicode-escape') expected = b'\\U0001f469\\u200d\\U0001f469\\u200d ABC'.decode('unicode-escape') bold_entity = MessageEntity(type=MessageEntity.BOLD, offset=7, length=3) message = Message(1, self.from_user, self.date, self.chat, text=text, entities=[bold_entity]) assert expected == message.text_html def test_text_markdown_emoji(self): text = b'\\U0001f469\\u200d\\U0001f469\\u200d ABC'.decode('unicode-escape') expected = b'\\U0001f469\\u200d\\U0001f469\\u200d *ABC*'.decode('unicode-escape') bold_entity = MessageEntity(type=MessageEntity.BOLD, offset=7, length=3) message = Message(1, self.from_user, self.date, self.chat, text=text, entities=[bold_entity]) assert expected == message.text_markdown def test_parse_entities_url_emoji(self): url = b'http://github.com/?unicode=\\u2713\\U0001f469'.decode('unicode-escape') text = 'some url' link_entity = MessageEntity(type=MessageEntity.URL, offset=0, length=8, url=url) message = Message(1, self.from_user, self.date, self.chat, text=text, entities=[link_entity]) assert message.parse_entities() == {link_entity: text} assert next(iter(message.parse_entities())).url == url def test_chat_id(self, message): assert message.chat_id == message.chat.id def test_effective_attachment(self, message_params): for i in ('audio', 'game', 'document', 'photo', 'sticker', 'video', 'voice', 'video_note', 'contact', 'location', 'venue', 'invoice', 'invoice', 'successful_payment'): item = getattr(message_params, i, None) if item: break else: item = None assert message_params.effective_attachment == item def test_reply_text(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id text = args[2] == 'test' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and text and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_message', test) assert message.reply_text('test') assert message.reply_text('test', quote=True) assert message.reply_text('test', reply_to_message_id=message.message_id, quote=True) def test_reply_photo(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id photo = kwargs['photo'] == 'test_photo' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and photo and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_photo', test) assert message.reply_photo(photo='test_photo') assert message.reply_photo(photo='test_photo', quote=True) def test_reply_audio(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id audio = kwargs['audio'] == 'test_audio' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and audio and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_audio', test) assert message.reply_audio(audio='test_audio') assert message.reply_audio(audio='test_audio', quote=True) def test_reply_document(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id document = kwargs['document'] == 'test_document' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and document and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_document', test) assert message.reply_document(document='test_document') assert message.reply_document(document='test_document', quote=True) def test_reply_sticker(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id sticker = kwargs['sticker'] == 'test_sticker' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and sticker and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_sticker', test) assert message.reply_sticker(sticker='test_sticker') assert message.reply_sticker(sticker='test_sticker', quote=True) def test_reply_video(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id video = kwargs['video'] == 'test_video' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and video and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_video', test) assert message.reply_video(video='test_video') assert message.reply_video(video='test_video', quote=True) def test_reply_video_note(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id video_note = kwargs['video_note'] == 'test_video_note' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and video_note and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_video_note', test) assert message.reply_video_note(video_note='test_video_note') assert message.reply_video_note(video_note='test_video_note', quote=True) def test_reply_voice(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id voice = kwargs['voice'] == 'test_voice' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and voice and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_voice', test) assert message.reply_voice(voice='test_voice') assert message.reply_voice(voice='test_voice', quote=True) def test_reply_location(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id location = kwargs['location'] == 'test_location' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and location and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_location', test) assert message.reply_location(location='test_location') assert message.reply_location(location='test_location', quote=True) def test_reply_venue(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id venue = kwargs['venue'] == 'test_venue' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and venue and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_venue', test) assert message.reply_venue(venue='test_venue') assert message.reply_venue(venue='test_venue', quote=True) def test_reply_contact(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): id = args[1] == message.chat_id contact = kwargs['contact'] == 'test_contact' if kwargs.get('reply_to_message_id'): reply = kwargs['reply_to_message_id'] == message.message_id else: reply = True return id and contact and reply monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.send_contact', test) assert message.reply_contact(contact='test_contact') assert message.reply_contact(contact='test_contact', quote=True) def test_forward(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): chat_id = kwargs['chat_id'] == 123456 from_chat = kwargs['from_chat_id'] == message.chat_id message_id = kwargs['message_id'] == message.message_id if kwargs.get('disable_notification'): notification = kwargs['disable_notification'] is True else: notification = True return chat_id and from_chat and message_id and notification monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.forward_message', test) assert message.forward(123456) assert message.forward(123456, disable_notification=True) assert not message.forward(635241) def test_edit_text(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): chat_id = kwargs['chat_id'] == message.chat_id message_id = kwargs['message_id'] == message.message_id text = kwargs['text'] == 'test' return chat_id and message_id and text monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.edit_message_text', test) assert message.edit_text(text='test') def test_edit_caption(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): chat_id = kwargs['chat_id'] == message.chat_id message_id = kwargs['message_id'] == message.message_id caption = kwargs['caption'] == 'new caption' return chat_id and message_id and caption monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.edit_message_caption', test) assert message.edit_caption(caption='new caption') def test_edit_reply_markup(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): chat_id = kwargs['chat_id'] == message.chat_id message_id = kwargs['message_id'] == message.message_id reply_markup = kwargs['reply_markup'] == [['1', '2']] return chat_id and message_id and reply_markup monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.edit_message_reply_markup', test) assert message.edit_reply_markup(reply_markup=[['1', '2']]) def test_delete(self, monkeypatch, message): def test(*args, **kwargs): chat_id = kwargs['chat_id'] == message.chat_id message_id = kwargs['message_id'] == message.message_id return chat_id and message_id monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot.delete_message', test) assert message.delete() def test_equality(self): id = 1 a = Message(id, self.from_user, self.date, self.chat) b = Message(id, self.from_user, self.date, self.chat) c = Message(id, User(0, '', False), self.date, self.chat) d = Message(0, self.from_user, self.date, self.chat) e = Update(id) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a is not b assert a == c assert hash(a) == hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e)