#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2018 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. import os import time from datetime import datetime, timedelta from platform import python_implementation import pytest from flaky import flaky from future.utils import string_types from telegram import (Bot, Update, ChatAction, TelegramError, User, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineQueryResultArticle, InputTextMessageContent, ShippingOption, LabeledPrice) from telegram.error import BadRequest, InvalidToken, NetworkError, RetryAfter from telegram.utils.helpers import from_timestamp BASE_TIME = time.time() HIGHSCORE_DELTA = 1450000000 @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def message(bot, chat_id): return bot.send_message(chat_id, 'Text', reply_to_message_id=1, disable_web_page_preview=True, disable_notification=True) @pytest.fixture(scope='class') def media_message(bot, chat_id): with open('tests/data/telegram.ogg', 'rb') as f: return bot.send_voice(chat_id, voice=f, caption='my caption', timeout=10) class TestBot(object): @pytest.mark.parametrize('token', argvalues=[ '123', '12a:abcd1234', '12:abcd1234', '1234:abcd1234\n', ' 1234:abcd1234', ' 1234:abcd1234\r', '1234:abcd 1234' ]) def test_invalid_token(self, token): with pytest.raises(InvalidToken, match='Invalid token'): Bot(token) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_invalid_token_server_response(self, monkeypatch): monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.Bot._validate_token', lambda x, y: True) bot = Bot('12') with pytest.raises(InvalidToken): bot.get_me() @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_me_and_properties(self, bot): get_me_bot = bot.get_me() assert isinstance(get_me_bot, User) assert get_me_bot.id == bot.id assert get_me_bot.username == bot.username assert get_me_bot.first_name == bot.first_name assert get_me_bot.last_name == bot.last_name assert get_me_bot.name == bot.name @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_forward_message(self, bot, chat_id, message): message = bot.forward_message(chat_id, from_chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message.message_id) assert message.text == message.text assert message.forward_from.username == message.from_user.username assert isinstance(message.forward_date, datetime) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_delete_message(self, bot, chat_id): message = bot.send_message(chat_id, text='will be deleted') assert bot.delete_message(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=message.message_id) is True @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_delete_message_old_message(self, bot, chat_id): with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match='can\'t be deleted'): # Considering that the first message is old enough bot.delete_message(chat_id=chat_id, message_id=1) # send_photo, send_audio, send_document, send_sticker, send_video, send_voice, send_video_note # and send_media_group are tested in their respective test modules. No need to duplicate here. @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_send_venue(self, bot, chat_id): longitude = -46.788279 latitude = -23.691288 title = 'title' address = 'address' message = bot.send_venue(chat_id=chat_id, title=title, address=address, latitude=latitude, longitude=longitude) assert message.venue assert message.venue.title == title assert message.venue.address == address assert message.venue.location.latitude == latitude assert message.venue.location.longitude == longitude @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=RetryAfter) @pytest.mark.skipif(python_implementation() == 'PyPy', reason='Unstable on pypy for some reason') def test_send_contact(self, bot, chat_id): phone_number = '+11234567890' first_name = 'Leandro' last_name = 'Toledo' message = bot.send_contact(chat_id=chat_id, phone_number=phone_number, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name) assert message.contact assert message.contact.phone_number == phone_number assert message.contact.first_name == first_name assert message.contact.last_name == last_name @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getenv('APPVEYOR'), reason='No game made for Appveyor bot (''yet)') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_send_game(self, bot, chat_id): game_short_name = 'python_telegram_bot_test_game' message = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) assert message.game assert message.game.description == 'This is a test game for python-telegram-bot.' assert message.game.animation.file_id == 'CgADAQADKwIAAvjAuQABozciVqhFDO0C' assert message.game.photo[0].file_size == 851 @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_send_chat_action(self, bot, chat_id): assert bot.send_chat_action(chat_id, ChatAction.TYPING) # TODO: Needs improvement. We need incoming inline query to test answer. def test_answer_inline_query(self, monkeypatch, bot): # For now just test that our internals pass the correct data def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): return data == {'cache_time': 300, 'results': [{'title': 'first', 'id': '11', 'type': 'article', 'input_message_content': {'message_text': 'first'}}, {'title': 'second', 'id': '12', 'type': 'article', 'input_message_content': {'message_text': 'second'}}], 'next_offset': '42', 'switch_pm_parameter': 'start_pm', 'inline_query_id': 1234, 'is_personal': True, 'switch_pm_text': 'switch pm'} monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) results = [InlineQueryResultArticle('11', 'first', InputTextMessageContent('first')), InlineQueryResultArticle('12', 'second', InputTextMessageContent('second'))] assert bot.answer_inline_query(1234, results=results, cache_time=300, is_personal=True, next_offset='42', switch_pm_text='switch pm', switch_pm_parameter='start_pm') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_user_profile_photos(self, bot): chat_id = 12173560 # hardcoded Leandro's chat_id user_profile_photos = bot.get_user_profile_photos(chat_id) assert user_profile_photos.photos[0][0].file_size == 9999 @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_one_user_profile_photo(self, bot): chat_id = 12173560 # hardcoded Leandro's chat_id user_profile_photos = bot.get_user_profile_photos(chat_id, offset=0, limit=1) assert user_profile_photos.photos[0][0].file_size == 9999 # get_file is tested multiple times in the test_*media* modules. # TODO: Needs improvement. No feasable way to test until bots can add members. def test_kick_chat_member(self, monkeypatch, bot): def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): chat_id = data['chat_id'] == 2 user_id = data['user_id'] == 32 until_date = data.get('until_date', 1577887200) == 1577887200 return chat_id and user_id and until_date monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) until = from_timestamp(1577887200) assert bot.kick_chat_member(2, 32) assert bot.kick_chat_member(2, 32, until_date=until) assert bot.kick_chat_member(2, 32, until_date=1577887200) # TODO: Needs improvement. def test_unban_chat_member(self, monkeypatch, bot): def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): chat_id = data['chat_id'] == 2 user_id = data['user_id'] == 32 return chat_id and user_id monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) assert bot.unban_chat_member(2, 32) # TODO: Needs improvement. Need an incoming callbackquery to test def test_answer_callback_query(self, monkeypatch, bot): # For now just test that our internals pass the correct data def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): return data == {'callback_query_id': 23, 'show_alert': True, 'url': 'no_url', 'cache_time': 1, 'text': 'answer'} monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) assert bot.answer_callback_query(23, text='answer', show_alert=True, url='no_url', cache_time=1) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_edit_message_text(self, bot, message): message = bot.edit_message_text(text='new_text', chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, parse_mode='HTML', disable_web_page_preview=True) assert message.text == 'new_text' @pytest.mark.skip(reason='need reference to an inline message') def test_edit_message_text_inline(self): pass @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_edit_message_caption(self, bot, media_message): message = bot.edit_message_caption(caption='new_caption', chat_id=media_message.chat_id, message_id=media_message.message_id) assert message.caption == 'new_caption' @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=TelegramError) # TODO: remove when #744 is merged def test_edit_message_caption_without_required(self, bot): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Both chat_id and message_id are required when'): bot.edit_message_caption(caption='new_caption') @pytest.mark.skip(reason='need reference to an inline message') def test_edit_message_caption_inline(self): pass @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_edit_reply_markup(self, bot, message): new_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text='test', callback_data='1')]]) message = bot.edit_message_reply_markup(chat_id=message.chat_id, message_id=message.message_id, reply_markup=new_markup) assert message is not True @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=TelegramError) # TODO: remove when #744 is merged def test_edit_message_reply_markup_without_required(self, bot): new_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton(text='test', callback_data='1')]]) with pytest.raises(ValueError, match='Both chat_id and message_id are required when'): bot.edit_message_reply_markup(reply_markup=new_markup) @pytest.mark.skip(reason='need reference to an inline message') def test_edit_reply_markup_inline(self): pass # TODO: Actually send updates to the test bot so this can be tested properly @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_updates(self, bot): bot.delete_webhook() # make sure there is no webhook set if webhook tests failed updates = bot.get_updates(timeout=1) assert isinstance(updates, list) if updates: assert isinstance(updates[0], Update) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(15) @pytest.mark.xfail def test_set_webhook_get_webhook_info_and_delete_webhook(self, bot): url = 'https://python-telegram-bot.org/test/webhook' max_connections = 7 allowed_updates = ['message'] bot.set_webhook(url, max_connections=max_connections, allowed_updates=allowed_updates) time.sleep(2) live_info = bot.get_webhook_info() time.sleep(6) bot.delete_webhook() time.sleep(2) info = bot.get_webhook_info() assert info.url == '' assert live_info.url == url assert live_info.max_connections == max_connections assert live_info.allowed_updates == allowed_updates @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_leave_chat(self, bot): with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match='Chat not found'): bot.leave_chat(-123456) with pytest.raises(NetworkError, match='Chat not found'): bot.leave_chat(-123456) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_chat(self, bot, group_id): chat = bot.get_chat(group_id) assert chat.type == 'group' assert chat.title == '>>> telegram.Bot() - Developers' assert chat.id == int(group_id) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_chat_administrators(self, bot, channel_id): admins = bot.get_chat_administrators(channel_id) assert isinstance(admins, list) for a in admins: assert a.status in ('administrator', 'creator') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_chat_members_count(self, bot, channel_id): count = bot.get_chat_members_count(channel_id) assert isinstance(count, int) assert count > 3 @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_chat_member(self, bot, channel_id): chat_member = bot.get_chat_member(channel_id, 103246792) # Eldin assert chat_member.status == 'administrator' assert chat_member.user.username == 'EchteEldin' @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Not implemented yet.") def test_set_chat_sticker_set(self): pass @pytest.mark.skip(reason="Not implemented yet.") def test_delete_chat_sticker_set(self): pass @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getenv('APPVEYOR'), reason='No game made for Appveyor bot (yet)') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_game_score_1(self, bot, chat_id): # NOTE: numbering of methods assures proper order between test_set_game_scoreX methods game_short_name = 'python_telegram_bot_test_game' game = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) message = bot.set_game_score( user_id=chat_id, score=int(BASE_TIME) - HIGHSCORE_DELTA, chat_id=game.chat_id, message_id=game.message_id) assert message.game.description == game.game.description assert message.game.animation.file_id == game.game.animation.file_id assert message.game.photo[0].file_size == game.game.photo[0].file_size assert message.game.text != game.game.text @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getenv('APPVEYOR'), reason='No game made for Appveyor bot (yet)') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_game_score_2(self, bot, chat_id): # NOTE: numbering of methods assures proper order between test_set_game_scoreX methods game_short_name = 'python_telegram_bot_test_game' game = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) score = int(BASE_TIME) - HIGHSCORE_DELTA + 1 message = bot.set_game_score( user_id=chat_id, score=score, chat_id=game.chat_id, message_id=game.message_id, disable_edit_message=True) assert message.game.description == game.game.description assert message.game.animation.file_id == game.game.animation.file_id assert message.game.photo[0].file_size == game.game.photo[0].file_size assert message.game.text == game.game.text @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getenv('APPVEYOR'), reason='No game made for Appveyor bot (yet)') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_game_score_3(self, bot, chat_id): # NOTE: numbering of methods assures proper order between test_set_game_scoreX methods game_short_name = 'python_telegram_bot_test_game' game = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) score = int(BASE_TIME) - HIGHSCORE_DELTA - 1 with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match='Bot_score_not_modified'): bot.set_game_score( user_id=chat_id, score=score, chat_id=game.chat_id, message_id=game.message_id) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getenv('APPVEYOR'), reason='No game made for Appveyor bot (yet)') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_game_score_4(self, bot, chat_id): # NOTE: numbering of methods assures proper order between test_set_game_scoreX methods game_short_name = 'python_telegram_bot_test_game' game = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) score = int(BASE_TIME) - HIGHSCORE_DELTA - 2 message = bot.set_game_score( user_id=chat_id, score=score, chat_id=game.chat_id, message_id=game.message_id, force=True) assert message.game.description == game.game.description assert message.game.animation.file_id == game.game.animation.file_id assert message.game.photo[0].file_size == game.game.photo[0].file_size # For some reason the returned message does not contain the updated score. need to fetch # the game again... game2 = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) assert str(score) in game2.game.text @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getenv('APPVEYOR'), reason='No game made for Appveyor bot (yet)') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_game_score_too_low_score(self, bot, chat_id): # We need a game to set the score for game_short_name = 'python_telegram_bot_test_game' game = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) with pytest.raises(BadRequest): bot.set_game_score(user_id=chat_id, score=100, chat_id=game.chat_id, message_id=game.message_id) @pytest.mark.skipif(os.getenv('APPVEYOR'), reason='No game made for Appveyor bot (yet)') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_get_game_high_scores(self, bot, chat_id): # We need a game to get the scores for game_short_name = 'python_telegram_bot_test_game' game = bot.send_game(chat_id, game_short_name) high_scores = bot.get_game_high_scores(chat_id, game.chat_id, game.message_id) # We assume that the other game score tests ran within 20 sec assert pytest.approx(high_scores[0].score, abs=20) == int(BASE_TIME) - HIGHSCORE_DELTA # send_invoice is tested in test_invoice # TODO: Needs improvement. Need incoming shippping queries to test def test_answer_shipping_query_ok(self, monkeypatch, bot): # For now just test that our internals pass the correct data def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): return data == {'shipping_query_id': 1, 'ok': True, 'shipping_options': [{'title': 'option1', 'prices': [{'label': 'price', 'amount': 100}], 'id': 1}]} monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) shipping_options = ShippingOption(1, 'option1', [LabeledPrice('price', 100)]) assert bot.answer_shipping_query(1, True, shipping_options=[shipping_options]) def test_answer_shipping_query_error_message(self, monkeypatch, bot): # For now just test that our internals pass the correct data def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): return data == {'shipping_query_id': 1, 'error_message': 'Not enough fish', 'ok': False} monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) assert bot.answer_shipping_query(1, False, error_message='Not enough fish') def test_answer_shipping_query_errors(self, monkeypatch, bot): shipping_options = ShippingOption(1, 'option1', [LabeledPrice('price', 100)]) with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match='should not be empty and there should not be'): bot.answer_shipping_query(1, True, error_message='Not enough fish') with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match='should not be empty and there should not be'): bot.answer_shipping_query(1, False) with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match='should not be empty and there should not be'): bot.answer_shipping_query(1, False, shipping_options=shipping_options) with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match='should not be empty and there should not be'): bot.answer_shipping_query(1, True) # TODO: Needs improvement. Need incoming pre checkout queries to test def test_answer_pre_checkout_query_ok(self, monkeypatch, bot): # For now just test that our internals pass the correct data def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): return data == {'pre_checkout_query_id': 1, 'ok': True} monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) assert bot.answer_pre_checkout_query(1, True) def test_answer_pre_checkout_query_error_message(self, monkeypatch, bot): # For now just test that our internals pass the correct data def test(_, url, data, *args, **kwargs): return data == {'pre_checkout_query_id': 1, 'error_message': 'Not enough fish', 'ok': False} monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', test) assert bot.answer_pre_checkout_query(1, False, error_message='Not enough fish') def test_answer_pre_checkout_query_errors(self, monkeypatch, bot): with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match='should not be'): bot.answer_pre_checkout_query(1, True, error_message='Not enough fish') with pytest.raises(TelegramError, match='should not be empty'): bot.answer_pre_checkout_query(1, False) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_restrict_chat_member(self, bot, channel_id): # TODO: Add bot to supergroup so this can be tested properly with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match='Method is available only for supergroups'): until = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=30) assert bot.restrict_chat_member(channel_id, 95205500, until_date=datetime.now(), can_send_messages=False, can_send_media_messages=False, can_send_other_messages=False, can_add_web_page_previews=False) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_promote_chat_member(self, bot, channel_id): # TODO: Add bot to supergroup so this can be tested properly / give bot perms with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match='Chat_admin_required'): assert bot.promote_chat_member(channel_id, 95205500, can_change_info=True, can_post_messages=True, can_edit_messages=True, can_delete_messages=True, can_invite_users=True, can_restrict_members=True, can_pin_messages=True, can_promote_members=True) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_export_chat_invite_link(self, bot, channel_id): # Each link is unique apparently invite_link = bot.export_chat_invite_link(channel_id) assert isinstance(invite_link, string_types) assert invite_link != '' @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_delete_chat_photo(self, bot, channel_id): assert bot.delete_chat_photo(channel_id) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_chat_photo(self, bot, channel_id): with open('tests/data/telegram_test_channel.jpg', 'rb') as f: assert bot.set_chat_photo(channel_id, f) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_chat_title(self, bot, channel_id): assert bot.set_chat_title(channel_id, '>>> telegram.Bot() - Tests') @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_set_chat_description(self, bot, channel_id): assert bot.set_chat_description(channel_id, 'Time: ' + str(time.time())) @flaky(3, 1) @pytest.mark.timeout(10) def test_error_pin_unpin_message(self, bot, message): # TODO: Add bot to supergroup so this can be tested properly with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match='Method is available only for supergroups'): bot.pin_chat_message(message.chat_id, message.message_id, disable_notification=True) with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match='Method is available only for supergroups'): bot.unpin_chat_message(message.chat_id) # get_sticker_set, upload_sticker_file, create_new_sticker_set, add_sticker_to_set, # set_sticker_position_in_set and delete_sticker_from_set are tested in the # test_sticker module. def test_timeout_propagation(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id): class OkException(Exception): pass timeout = 500 def post(*args, **kwargs): if kwargs.get('timeout') == 500: raise OkException monkeypatch.setattr('telegram.utils.request.Request.post', post) with pytest.raises(OkException): bot.send_photo(chat_id, open('tests/data/telegram.jpg', 'rb'), timeout=timeout)