#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2024 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. import asyncio import os import random import string from pathlib import Path import pytest from telegram import ( Audio, Bot, File, InputFile, InputSticker, MaskPosition, PhotoSize, ReplyParameters, Sticker, StickerSet, ) from telegram.constants import ParseMode, StickerFormat, StickerType from telegram.error import BadRequest, TelegramError from telegram.request import RequestData from telegram.warnings import PTBDeprecationWarning from tests.auxil.bot_method_checks import ( check_defaults_handling, check_shortcut_call, check_shortcut_signature, ) from tests.auxil.build_messages import make_message from tests.auxil.files import data_file from tests.auxil.slots import mro_slots @pytest.fixture() def sticker_file(): with data_file("telegram.webp").open("rb") as file: yield file @pytest.fixture(scope="module") async def sticker(bot, chat_id): with data_file("telegram.webp").open("rb") as f: sticker = (await bot.send_sticker(chat_id, sticker=f, read_timeout=50)).sticker # necessary to properly test needs_repainting with sticker._unfrozen(): sticker.needs_repainting = TestStickerBase.needs_repainting return sticker @pytest.fixture() def animated_sticker_file(): with data_file("telegram_animated_sticker.tgs").open("rb") as f: yield f @pytest.fixture(scope="module") async def animated_sticker(bot, chat_id): with data_file("telegram_animated_sticker.tgs").open("rb") as f: return (await bot.send_sticker(chat_id, sticker=f, read_timeout=50)).sticker @pytest.fixture() def video_sticker_file(): with data_file("telegram_video_sticker.webm").open("rb") as f: yield f @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def video_sticker(bot, chat_id): with data_file("telegram_video_sticker.webm").open("rb") as f: return bot.send_sticker(chat_id, sticker=f, timeout=50).sticker class TestStickerBase: # sticker_file_url = 'https://python-telegram-bot.org/static/testfiles/telegram.webp' # Serving sticker from gh since our server sends wrong content_type sticker_file_url = ( "https://github.com/python-telegram-bot/python-telegram-bot/blob/master" "/tests/data/telegram.webp?raw=true" ) emoji = "💪" width = 510 height = 512 is_animated = False is_video = False file_size = 39518 thumb_width = 319 thumb_height = 320 thumb_file_size = 21448 type = Sticker.REGULAR custom_emoji_id = "ThisIsSuchACustomEmojiID" needs_repainting = True sticker_file_id = "5a3128a4d2a04750b5b58397f3b5e812" sticker_file_unique_id = "adc3145fd2e84d95b64d68eaa22aa33e" premium_animation = File("this_is_an_id", "this_is_an_unique_id") class TestStickerWithoutRequest(TestStickerBase): def test_slot_behaviour(self, sticker): for attr in sticker.__slots__: assert getattr(sticker, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'" assert len(mro_slots(sticker)) == len(set(mro_slots(sticker))), "duplicate slot" def test_creation(self, sticker): # Make sure file has been uploaded. assert isinstance(sticker, Sticker) assert isinstance(sticker.file_id, str) assert isinstance(sticker.file_unique_id, str) assert sticker.file_id assert sticker.file_unique_id assert isinstance(sticker.thumbnail, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(sticker.thumbnail.file_id, str) assert isinstance(sticker.thumbnail.file_unique_id, str) assert sticker.thumbnail.file_id assert sticker.thumbnail.file_unique_id assert isinstance(sticker.needs_repainting, bool) def test_expected_values(self, sticker): assert sticker.width == self.width assert sticker.height == self.height assert sticker.is_animated == self.is_animated assert sticker.is_video == self.is_video assert sticker.file_size == self.file_size assert sticker.thumbnail.width == self.thumb_width assert sticker.thumbnail.height == self.thumb_height assert sticker.thumbnail.file_size == self.thumb_file_size assert sticker.type == self.type assert sticker.needs_repainting == self.needs_repainting # we need to be a premium TG user to send a premium sticker, so the below is not tested # assert sticker.premium_animation == self.premium_animation def test_to_dict(self, sticker): sticker_dict = sticker.to_dict() assert isinstance(sticker_dict, dict) assert sticker_dict["file_id"] == sticker.file_id assert sticker_dict["file_unique_id"] == sticker.file_unique_id assert sticker_dict["width"] == sticker.width assert sticker_dict["height"] == sticker.height assert sticker_dict["is_animated"] == sticker.is_animated assert sticker_dict["is_video"] == sticker.is_video assert sticker_dict["file_size"] == sticker.file_size assert sticker_dict["thumbnail"] == sticker.thumbnail.to_dict() assert sticker_dict["type"] == sticker.type assert sticker_dict["needs_repainting"] == sticker.needs_repainting def test_de_json(self, bot, sticker): json_dict = { "file_id": self.sticker_file_id, "file_unique_id": self.sticker_file_unique_id, "width": self.width, "height": self.height, "is_animated": self.is_animated, "is_video": self.is_video, "thumbnail": sticker.thumbnail.to_dict(), "emoji": self.emoji, "file_size": self.file_size, "premium_animation": self.premium_animation.to_dict(), "type": self.type, "custom_emoji_id": self.custom_emoji_id, "needs_repainting": self.needs_repainting, } json_sticker = Sticker.de_json(json_dict, bot) assert json_sticker.api_kwargs == {} assert json_sticker.file_id == self.sticker_file_id assert json_sticker.file_unique_id == self.sticker_file_unique_id assert json_sticker.width == self.width assert json_sticker.height == self.height assert json_sticker.is_animated == self.is_animated assert json_sticker.is_video == self.is_video assert json_sticker.emoji == self.emoji assert json_sticker.file_size == self.file_size assert json_sticker.thumbnail == sticker.thumbnail assert json_sticker.premium_animation == self.premium_animation assert json_sticker.type == self.type assert json_sticker.custom_emoji_id == self.custom_emoji_id assert json_sticker.needs_repainting == self.needs_repainting def test_type_enum_conversion(self): assert ( type( Sticker( file_id=self.sticker_file_id, file_unique_id=self.sticker_file_unique_id, width=self.width, height=self.height, is_animated=self.is_animated, is_video=self.is_video, type="regular", ).type ) is StickerType ) assert ( Sticker( file_id=self.sticker_file_id, file_unique_id=self.sticker_file_unique_id, width=self.width, height=self.height, is_animated=self.is_animated, is_video=self.is_video, type="unknown", ).type == "unknown" ) def test_equality(self, sticker): a = Sticker( sticker.file_id, sticker.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height, self.is_animated, self.is_video, self.type, ) b = Sticker( "", sticker.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height, self.is_animated, self.is_video, self.type, ) c = Sticker( sticker.file_id, sticker.file_unique_id, 0, 0, False, True, self.type, ) d = Sticker( "", "", self.width, self.height, self.is_animated, self.is_video, self.type, ) e = PhotoSize( sticker.file_id, sticker.file_unique_id, self.width, self.height, self.is_animated, ) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a is not b assert a == c assert hash(a) == hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e) async def test_error_without_required_args(self, bot, chat_id): with pytest.raises(TypeError): await bot.send_sticker(chat_id) async def test_send_with_sticker(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, sticker): async def make_assertion(url, request_data: RequestData, *args, **kwargs): return request_data.json_parameters["sticker"] == sticker.file_id monkeypatch.setattr(bot.request, "post", make_assertion) assert await bot.send_sticker(sticker=sticker, chat_id=chat_id) @pytest.mark.parametrize("local_mode", [True, False]) async def test_send_sticker_local_files(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, local_mode): try: bot._local_mode = local_mode # For just test that the correct paths are passed as we have no local bot API set up test_flag = False file = data_file("telegram.jpg") expected = file.as_uri() async def make_assertion(_, data, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal test_flag if local_mode: test_flag = data.get("sticker") == expected else: test_flag = isinstance(data.get("sticker"), InputFile) monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) await bot.send_sticker(chat_id, file) assert test_flag finally: bot._local_mode = False @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("default_bot", "custom"), [ ({"parse_mode": ParseMode.HTML}, None), ({"parse_mode": ParseMode.HTML}, ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2), ({"parse_mode": None}, ParseMode.MARKDOWN_V2), ], indirect=["default_bot"], ) async def test_send_sticker_default_quote_parse_mode( self, default_bot, chat_id, sticker, custom, monkeypatch ): async def make_assertion(url, request_data: RequestData, *args, **kwargs): assert request_data.parameters["reply_parameters"].get("quote_parse_mode") == ( custom or default_bot.defaults.quote_parse_mode ) return make_message("dummy reply").to_dict() kwargs = {"message_id": 1} if custom is not None: kwargs["quote_parse_mode"] = custom monkeypatch.setattr(default_bot.request, "post", make_assertion) await default_bot.send_sticker( chat_id, sticker, reply_parameters=ReplyParameters(**kwargs) ) class TestStickerWithRequest(TestStickerBase): async def test_send_all_args(self, bot, chat_id, sticker_file, sticker): message = await bot.send_sticker( chat_id, sticker=sticker_file, disable_notification=False, protect_content=True ) assert isinstance(message.sticker, Sticker) assert isinstance(message.sticker.file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.sticker.file_unique_id, str) assert message.sticker.file_id assert message.sticker.file_unique_id assert message.sticker.width == sticker.width assert message.sticker.height == sticker.height assert message.sticker.is_animated == sticker.is_animated assert message.sticker.is_video == sticker.is_video assert message.sticker.file_size == sticker.file_size assert message.sticker.type == sticker.type assert message.has_protected_content # we need to be a premium TG user to send a premium sticker, so the below is not tested # assert message.sticker.premium_animation == sticker.premium_animation assert isinstance(message.sticker.thumbnail, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.sticker.thumbnail.file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.sticker.thumbnail.file_unique_id, str) assert message.sticker.thumbnail.file_id assert message.sticker.thumbnail.file_unique_id assert message.sticker.thumbnail.width == sticker.thumbnail.width assert message.sticker.thumbnail.height == sticker.thumbnail.height assert message.sticker.thumbnail.file_size == sticker.thumbnail.file_size async def test_get_and_download(self, bot, sticker, tmp_file): new_file = await bot.get_file(sticker.file_id) assert new_file.file_size == sticker.file_size assert new_file.file_unique_id == sticker.file_unique_id assert new_file.file_path.startswith("https://") await new_file.download_to_drive(tmp_file) assert tmp_file.is_file() async def test_resend(self, bot, chat_id, sticker): message = await bot.send_sticker(chat_id=chat_id, sticker=sticker.file_id) assert message.sticker == sticker async def test_send_with_emoji(self, bot, chat_id): message = await bot.send_sticker( chat_id=chat_id, sticker=data_file("telegram.jpg"), emoji=self.emoji ) assert message.sticker.emoji == self.emoji async def test_send_on_server_emoji(self, bot, chat_id): server_file_id = "CAADAQADHAADyIsGAAFZfq1bphjqlgI" message = await bot.send_sticker(chat_id=chat_id, sticker=server_file_id) sticker = message.sticker assert sticker.emoji == self.emoji async def test_send_from_url(self, bot, chat_id): message = await bot.send_sticker(chat_id=chat_id, sticker=self.sticker_file_url) sticker = message.sticker assert isinstance(message.sticker, Sticker) assert isinstance(message.sticker.file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.sticker.file_unique_id, str) assert message.sticker.file_id assert message.sticker.file_unique_id assert message.sticker.width == sticker.width assert message.sticker.height == sticker.height assert message.sticker.is_animated == sticker.is_animated assert message.sticker.is_video == sticker.is_video assert message.sticker.file_size == sticker.file_size assert message.sticker.type == sticker.type assert isinstance(message.sticker.thumbnail, PhotoSize) assert isinstance(message.sticker.thumbnail.file_id, str) assert isinstance(message.sticker.thumbnail.file_unique_id, str) assert message.sticker.thumbnail.file_id assert message.sticker.thumbnail.file_unique_id assert message.sticker.thumbnail.width == sticker.thumbnail.width assert message.sticker.thumbnail.height == sticker.thumbnail.height assert message.sticker.thumbnail.file_size == sticker.thumbnail.file_size @pytest.mark.parametrize( ("default_bot", "custom"), [ ({"allow_sending_without_reply": True}, None), ({"allow_sending_without_reply": False}, None), ({"allow_sending_without_reply": False}, True), ], indirect=["default_bot"], ) async def test_send_sticker_default_allow_sending_without_reply( self, default_bot, chat_id, sticker, custom ): reply_to_message = await default_bot.send_message(chat_id, "test") await reply_to_message.delete() if custom is not None: message = await default_bot.send_sticker( chat_id, sticker, allow_sending_without_reply=custom, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message.message_id, ) assert message.reply_to_message is None elif default_bot.defaults.allow_sending_without_reply: message = await default_bot.send_sticker( chat_id, sticker, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message.message_id ) assert message.reply_to_message is None else: with pytest.raises(BadRequest, match="Message to be replied not found"): await default_bot.send_sticker( chat_id, sticker, reply_to_message_id=reply_to_message.message_id ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("default_bot", [{"protect_content": True}], indirect=True) async def test_send_sticker_default_protect_content(self, chat_id, sticker, default_bot): tasks = asyncio.gather( default_bot.send_sticker(chat_id, sticker), default_bot.send_sticker(chat_id, sticker, protect_content=False), ) protected, unprotected = await tasks assert protected.has_protected_content assert not unprotected.has_protected_content async def test_premium_animation(self, bot): # testing animation sucks a bit since we can't create a premium sticker. What we can do is # get a sticker set which includes a premium sticker and check that specific one. premium_sticker_set = await bot.get_sticker_set("Flame") # the first one to appear here is a sticker with unique file id of AQADOBwAAifPOElr # this could change in the future ofc. premium_sticker = premium_sticker_set.stickers[20] assert premium_sticker.premium_animation.file_unique_id == "AQADOBwAAifPOElr" assert isinstance(premium_sticker.premium_animation.file_id, str) assert premium_sticker.premium_animation.file_id premium_sticker_dict = { "file_unique_id": "AQADOBwAAifPOElr", "file_id": premium_sticker.premium_animation.file_id, "file_size": premium_sticker.premium_animation.file_size, } assert premium_sticker.premium_animation.to_dict() == premium_sticker_dict async def test_custom_emoji(self, bot): # testing custom emoji stickers is as much of an annoyance as the premium animation, see # in test_premium_animation custom_emoji_set = await bot.get_sticker_set("PTBStaticEmojiTestPack") # the first one to appear here is a sticker with unique file id of AQADjBsAAkKD0Uty # this could change in the future ofc. custom_emoji_sticker = custom_emoji_set.stickers[0] assert custom_emoji_sticker.custom_emoji_id == "6046140249875156202" async def test_custom_emoji_sticker(self, bot): # we use the same ID as in test_custom_emoji emoji_sticker_list = await bot.get_custom_emoji_stickers(["6046140249875156202"]) assert emoji_sticker_list[0].emoji == "😎" assert emoji_sticker_list[0].height == 100 assert emoji_sticker_list[0].width == 100 assert not emoji_sticker_list[0].is_animated assert not emoji_sticker_list[0].is_video assert emoji_sticker_list[0].set_name == "PTBStaticEmojiTestPack" assert emoji_sticker_list[0].type == Sticker.CUSTOM_EMOJI assert emoji_sticker_list[0].custom_emoji_id == "6046140249875156202" assert emoji_sticker_list[0].thumbnail.width == 100 assert emoji_sticker_list[0].thumbnail.height == 100 assert emoji_sticker_list[0].thumbnail.file_size == 3614 assert emoji_sticker_list[0].thumbnail.file_unique_id == "AQAD6gwAAoY06FNy" assert emoji_sticker_list[0].file_size == 3678 assert emoji_sticker_list[0].file_unique_id == "AgAD6gwAAoY06FM" async def test_error_send_empty_file(self, bot, chat_id): with Path(os.devnull).open("rb") as file, pytest.raises(TelegramError): await bot.send_sticker(chat_id, file) async def test_error_send_empty_file_id(self, bot, chat_id): with pytest.raises(TelegramError): await bot.send_sticker(chat_id, "") @pytest.fixture() async def sticker_set(bot): ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"test_by_{bot.username}") if len(ss.stickers) > 100: try: for i in range(1, 50): await bot.delete_sticker_from_set(ss.stickers[-i].file_id) except BadRequest as e: if e.message == "Stickerset_not_modified": return ss raise Exception("stickerset is growing too large.") from None return ss @pytest.fixture() async def animated_sticker_set(bot): ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"animated_test_by_{bot.username}") if len(ss.stickers) > 100: try: for i in range(1, 50): await bot.delete_sticker_from_set(ss.stickers[-i].file_id) except BadRequest as e: if e.message == "Stickerset_not_modified": return ss raise Exception("stickerset is growing too large.") from None return ss @pytest.fixture() async def video_sticker_set(bot): ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"video_test_by_{bot.username}") if len(ss.stickers) > 100: try: for i in range(1, 50): await bot.delete_sticker_from_set(ss.stickers[-i].file_id) except BadRequest as e: if e.message == "Stickerset_not_modified": return ss raise Exception("stickerset is growing too large.") from None return ss @pytest.fixture() def sticker_set_thumb_file(): with data_file("sticker_set_thumb.png").open("rb") as file: yield file class TestStickerSetBase: title = "Test stickers" stickers = [Sticker("file_id", "file_un_id", 512, 512, True, True, Sticker.REGULAR)] name = "NOTAREALNAME" sticker_type = Sticker.REGULAR contains_masks = True class TestStickerSetWithoutRequest(TestStickerSetBase): def test_slot_behaviour(self): inst = StickerSet("this", "is", self.stickers, "not") for attr in inst.__slots__: assert getattr(inst, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'" assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot" def test_de_json(self, bot, sticker): name = f"test_by_{bot.username}" json_dict = { "name": name, "title": self.title, "stickers": [x.to_dict() for x in self.stickers], "thumbnail": sticker.thumbnail.to_dict(), "sticker_type": self.sticker_type, "contains_masks": self.contains_masks, } sticker_set = StickerSet.de_json(json_dict, bot) assert sticker_set.name == name assert sticker_set.title == self.title assert sticker_set.stickers == tuple(self.stickers) assert sticker_set.thumbnail == sticker.thumbnail assert sticker_set.sticker_type == self.sticker_type assert sticker_set.api_kwargs == {"contains_masks": self.contains_masks} def test_sticker_set_to_dict(self, sticker_set): sticker_set_dict = sticker_set.to_dict() assert isinstance(sticker_set_dict, dict) assert sticker_set_dict["name"] == sticker_set.name assert sticker_set_dict["title"] == sticker_set.title assert sticker_set_dict["stickers"][0] == sticker_set.stickers[0].to_dict() assert sticker_set_dict["thumbnail"] == sticker_set.thumbnail.to_dict() assert sticker_set_dict["sticker_type"] == sticker_set.sticker_type def test_equality(self): a = StickerSet( self.name, self.title, self.stickers, self.sticker_type, ) b = StickerSet( self.name, self.title, self.stickers, self.sticker_type, ) c = StickerSet(self.name, "title", [], Sticker.CUSTOM_EMOJI) d = StickerSet( "blah", self.title, self.stickers, self.sticker_type, ) e = Audio(self.name, "", 0, None, None) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a is not b assert a == c assert hash(a) == hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e) @pytest.mark.parametrize("local_mode", [True, False]) async def test_upload_sticker_file_local_files( self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, local_mode, recwarn ): try: bot._local_mode = local_mode # For just test that the correct paths are passed as we have no local bot API set up test_flag = False file = data_file("telegram.jpg") expected = file.as_uri() async def make_assertion(_, data, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal test_flag test_flag = ( data.get("sticker") == expected if local_mode else isinstance(data.get("sticker"), InputFile) ) monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) await bot.upload_sticker_file( chat_id, sticker=file, sticker_format=StickerFormat.STATIC ) assert test_flag finally: bot._local_mode = False @pytest.mark.parametrize("local_mode", [True, False]) async def test_create_new_sticker_set_local_files( self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, local_mode, ): monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_local_mode", local_mode) # For just test that the correct paths are passed as we have no local bot API set up test_flag = False file = data_file("telegram.jpg") # always assumed to be local mode because we don't have access to local_mode setting # within InputFile expected = file.as_uri() async def make_assertion(_, data, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal test_flag test_flag = data.get("stickers")[0].sticker == expected monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, "name", "title", stickers=[InputSticker(file, emoji_list=["emoji"], format=StickerFormat.STATIC)], ) assert test_flag async def test_create_new_sticker_all_params(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, mask_position): async def make_assertion(_, data, *args, **kwargs): assert data["user_id"] == chat_id assert data["name"] == "name" assert data["title"] == "title" assert data["stickers"] == ["wow.png", "wow.tgs", "wow.webp"] assert data["sticker_format"] == "static" assert data["needs_repainting"] is True monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, "name", "title", stickers=["wow.png", "wow.tgs", "wow.webp"], sticker_format=StickerFormat.STATIC, needs_repainting=True, ) @pytest.mark.parametrize("local_mode", [True, False]) async def test_add_sticker_to_set_local_files(self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, local_mode): monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_local_mode", local_mode) # For just test that the correct paths are passed as we have no local bot API set up test_flag = False file = data_file("telegram.jpg") # always assumed to be local mode because we don't have access to local_mode setting # within InputFile expected = file.as_uri() async def make_assertion(_, data, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal test_flag test_flag = data.get("sticker").sticker == expected monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) await bot.add_sticker_to_set( chat_id, "name", sticker=InputSticker(sticker=file, emoji_list=["this"], format="static"), ) assert test_flag @pytest.mark.parametrize("local_mode", [True, False]) async def test_set_sticker_set_thumbnail_local_files( self, monkeypatch, bot, chat_id, local_mode ): try: bot._local_mode = local_mode # For just test that the correct paths are passed as we have no local bot API set up test_flag = False file = data_file("telegram.jpg") expected = file.as_uri() async def make_assertion(_, data, *args, **kwargs): nonlocal test_flag if local_mode: test_flag = data.get("thumbnail") == expected else: test_flag = isinstance(data.get("thumbnail"), InputFile) monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) await bot.set_sticker_set_thumbnail("name", chat_id, thumbnail=file, format="static") assert test_flag finally: bot._local_mode = False async def test_get_file_instance_method(self, monkeypatch, sticker): async def make_assertion(*_, **kwargs): return kwargs["file_id"] == sticker.file_id assert check_shortcut_signature(Sticker.get_file, Bot.get_file, ["file_id"], []) assert await check_shortcut_call(sticker.get_file, sticker.get_bot(), "get_file") assert await check_defaults_handling(sticker.get_file, sticker.get_bot()) monkeypatch.setattr(sticker.get_bot(), "get_file", make_assertion) assert await sticker.get_file() async def test_create_new_sticker_set_format_arg_depr( self, bot, chat_id, sticker_file, monkeypatch ): async def make_assertion(*_, **kwargs): pass monkeypatch.setattr(bot, "_post", make_assertion) with pytest.warns(PTBDeprecationWarning, match="`sticker_format` is deprecated"): await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, "name", "title", stickers=sticker_file, sticker_format="static", ) async def test_deprecation_creation_args(self, recwarn): with pytest.warns(PTBDeprecationWarning, match="The parameters `is_animated` and ") as w: StickerSet("name", "title", [], "static", is_animated=True) assert w[0].filename == __file__, "wrong stacklevel!" @pytest.mark.xdist_group("stickerset") class TestStickerSetWithRequest: async def test_create_sticker_set( self, bot, chat_id, sticker_file, animated_sticker_file, video_sticker_file ): """Creates the sticker set (if needed) which is required for tests. Make sure that this test comes before the tests that actually use the sticker sets! """ test_by = f"test_by_{bot.username}" for sticker_set in [test_by, f"animated_{test_by}", f"video_{test_by}"]: try: ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(sticker_set) assert isinstance(ss, StickerSet) except BadRequest as e: if not e.message == "Stickerset_invalid": raise e if sticker_set.startswith(test_by): s = await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, name=sticker_set, title="Sticker Test", stickers=[ InputSticker( sticker_file, emoji_list=["😄"], format=StickerFormat.STATIC ) ], ) assert s elif sticker_set.startswith("animated"): a = await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, name=sticker_set, title="Animated Test", stickers=[ InputSticker( animated_sticker_file, emoji_list=["😄"], format=StickerFormat.ANIMATED, ) ], ) assert a elif sticker_set.startswith("video"): v = await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, name=sticker_set, title="Video Test", stickers=[ InputSticker( video_sticker_file, emoji_list=["😄"], format=StickerFormat.VIDEO ) ], ) assert v async def test_delete_sticker_set(self, bot, chat_id, sticker_file): # there is currently an issue in the API where this function claims it successfully # creates an already deleted sticker set while it does not. This happens when calling it # too soon after deleting the set. This then leads to delete_sticker_set failing since the # pack does not exist. Making the name random prevents this issue. name = f"{''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_lowercase, k=5))}_temp_set_by_{bot.username}" assert await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, name=name, title="Stickerset delete Test", stickers=[InputSticker(sticker_file, emoji_list=["😄"], format="static")], ) # this prevents a second issue when calling delete too soon after creating the set leads # to it failing as well await asyncio.sleep(1) assert await bot.delete_sticker_set(name) async def test_set_custom_emoji_sticker_set_thumbnail( self, bot, chat_id, animated_sticker_file ): ss_name = f"custom_emoji_set_by_{bot.username}" try: ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(ss_name) assert ss.sticker_type == Sticker.CUSTOM_EMOJI except BadRequest: assert await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, name=ss_name, title="Custom Emoji Sticker Set", stickers=[ InputSticker( animated_sticker_file, emoji_list=["😄"], format=StickerFormat.ANIMATED ) ], sticker_type=Sticker.CUSTOM_EMOJI, ) assert await bot.set_custom_emoji_sticker_set_thumbnail(ss_name, "") # Test add_sticker_to_set async def test_bot_methods_1_png(self, bot, chat_id, sticker_file): with data_file("telegram_sticker.png").open("rb") as f: # chat_id was hardcoded as 95205500 but it stopped working for some reason file = await bot.upload_sticker_file( chat_id, sticker=f, sticker_format=StickerFormat.STATIC ) assert file await asyncio.sleep(1) tasks = asyncio.gather( bot.add_sticker_to_set( chat_id, f"test_by_{bot.username}", sticker=InputSticker( sticker=file.file_id, emoji_list=["😄"], format=StickerFormat.STATIC ), ), bot.add_sticker_to_set( # Also test with file input and mask chat_id, f"test_by_{bot.username}", sticker=InputSticker( sticker=sticker_file, emoji_list=["😄"], mask_position=MaskPosition(MaskPosition.EYES, -1, 1, 2), format=StickerFormat.STATIC, ), ), ) assert all(await tasks) async def test_bot_methods_1_tgs(self, bot, chat_id): await asyncio.sleep(1) assert await bot.add_sticker_to_set( chat_id, f"animated_test_by_{bot.username}", sticker=InputSticker( sticker=data_file("telegram_animated_sticker.tgs").open("rb"), emoji_list=["😄"], format=StickerFormat.ANIMATED, ), ) async def test_bot_methods_1_webm(self, bot, chat_id): await asyncio.sleep(1) with data_file("telegram_video_sticker.webm").open("rb") as f: assert await bot.add_sticker_to_set( chat_id, f"video_test_by_{bot.username}", sticker=InputSticker(sticker=f, emoji_list=["🤔"], format=StickerFormat.VIDEO), ) # Test set_sticker_position_in_set async def test_bot_methods_2_png(self, bot, sticker_set): await asyncio.sleep(1) file_id = sticker_set.stickers[0].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_position_in_set(file_id, 1) async def test_bot_methods_2_tgs(self, bot, animated_sticker_set): await asyncio.sleep(1) file_id = animated_sticker_set.stickers[0].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_position_in_set(file_id, 1) async def test_bot_methods_2_webm(self, bot, video_sticker_set): await asyncio.sleep(1) file_id = video_sticker_set.stickers[0].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_position_in_set(file_id, 1) # Test set_sticker_set_thumb async def test_bot_methods_3_png(self, bot, chat_id, sticker_set_thumb_file): await asyncio.sleep(1) assert await bot.set_sticker_set_thumbnail( f"test_by_{bot.username}", chat_id, format="static", thumbnail=sticker_set_thumb_file ) async def test_bot_methods_3_tgs( self, bot, chat_id, animated_sticker_file, animated_sticker_set ): await asyncio.sleep(1) animated_test = f"animated_test_by_{bot.username}" file_id = animated_sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id tasks = asyncio.gather( bot.set_sticker_set_thumbnail( animated_test, chat_id, "animated", thumbnail=animated_sticker_file, ), bot.set_sticker_set_thumbnail(animated_test, chat_id, "animated", thumbnail=file_id), ) assert all(await tasks) # TODO: Try the below by creating a custom .webm and not by downloading another pack's thumb @pytest.mark.skip( "Skipped for now since Telegram throws a 'File is too big' error " "regardless of the .webm file size." ) def test_bot_methods_3_webm(self, bot, chat_id, video_sticker_file, video_sticker_set): pass # Test delete_sticker_from_set async def test_bot_methods_4_png(self, bot, sticker_set): if len(sticker_set.stickers) <= 1: pytest.skip("Sticker set only has one sticker, deleting it will delete the set.") await asyncio.sleep(1) file_id = sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.delete_sticker_from_set(file_id) async def test_bot_methods_4_tgs(self, bot, animated_sticker_set): if len(animated_sticker_set.stickers) <= 1: pytest.skip("Sticker set only has one sticker, deleting it will delete the set.") await asyncio.sleep(1) file_id = animated_sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.delete_sticker_from_set(file_id) async def test_bot_methods_4_webm(self, bot, video_sticker_set): if len(video_sticker_set.stickers) <= 1: pytest.skip("Sticker set only has one sticker, deleting it will delete the set.") await asyncio.sleep(1) file_id = video_sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.delete_sticker_from_set(file_id) # Test set_sticker_emoji_list. It has been found that the first emoji in the list is the one # that is used in `Sticker.emoji` as string (which is returned in `get_sticker_set`) async def test_bot_methods_5_png(self, bot, sticker_set): file_id = sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_emoji_list(file_id, ["😔", "😟"]) ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"test_by_{bot.username}") assert ss.stickers[-1].emoji == "😔" async def test_bot_methods_5_tgs(self, bot, animated_sticker_set): file_id = animated_sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_emoji_list(file_id, ["😔", "😟"]) ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"animated_test_by_{bot.username}") assert ss.stickers[-1].emoji == "😔" async def test_bot_methods_5_webm(self, bot, video_sticker_set): file_id = video_sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_emoji_list(file_id, ["😔", "😟"]) ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"video_test_by_{bot.username}") assert ss.stickers[-1].emoji == "😔" # Test set_sticker_set_title. async def test_bot_methods_6_png(self, bot): assert await bot.set_sticker_set_title(f"test_by_{bot.username}", "new title") ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"test_by_{bot.username}") assert ss.title == "new title" async def test_bot_methods_6_tgs(self, bot): assert await bot.set_sticker_set_title(f"animated_test_by_{bot.username}", "new title") ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"animated_test_by_{bot.username}") assert ss.title == "new title" async def test_bot_methods_6_webm(self, bot): assert await bot.set_sticker_set_title(f"video_test_by_{bot.username}", "new title") ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"video_test_by_{bot.username}") assert ss.title == "new title" # Test set_sticker_keywords. No way to find out the set keywords on a sticker after setting it. async def test_bot_methods_7_png(self, bot, sticker_set): file_id = sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_keywords(file_id, ["test", "test2"]) async def test_bot_methods_7_tgs(self, bot, animated_sticker_set): file_id = animated_sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_keywords(file_id, ["test", "test2"]) async def test_bot_methods_7_webm(self, bot, video_sticker_set): file_id = video_sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.set_sticker_keywords(file_id, ["test", "test2"]) async def test_bot_methods_8_png(self, bot, sticker_set, sticker_file): file_id = sticker_set.stickers[-1].file_id assert await bot.replace_sticker_in_set( bot.id, f"test_by_{bot.username}", file_id, sticker=InputSticker( sticker=sticker_file, emoji_list=["😄"], format=StickerFormat.STATIC, ), ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def mask_position(): return MaskPosition( TestMaskPositionBase.point, TestMaskPositionBase.x_shift, TestMaskPositionBase.y_shift, TestMaskPositionBase.scale, ) class TestMaskPositionBase: point = MaskPosition.EYES x_shift = -1 y_shift = 1 scale = 2 class TestMaskPositionWithoutRequest(TestMaskPositionBase): def test_slot_behaviour(self, mask_position): inst = mask_position for attr in inst.__slots__: assert getattr(inst, attr, "err") != "err", f"got extra slot '{attr}'" assert len(mro_slots(inst)) == len(set(mro_slots(inst))), "duplicate slot" def test_mask_position_de_json(self, bot): json_dict = { "point": self.point, "x_shift": self.x_shift, "y_shift": self.y_shift, "scale": self.scale, } mask_position = MaskPosition.de_json(json_dict, bot) assert mask_position.api_kwargs == {} assert mask_position.point == self.point assert mask_position.x_shift == self.x_shift assert mask_position.y_shift == self.y_shift assert mask_position.scale == self.scale def test_mask_position_to_dict(self, mask_position): mask_position_dict = mask_position.to_dict() assert isinstance(mask_position_dict, dict) assert mask_position_dict["point"] == mask_position.point assert mask_position_dict["x_shift"] == mask_position.x_shift assert mask_position_dict["y_shift"] == mask_position.y_shift assert mask_position_dict["scale"] == mask_position.scale def test_equality(self): a = MaskPosition(self.point, self.x_shift, self.y_shift, self.scale) b = MaskPosition(self.point, self.x_shift, self.y_shift, self.scale) c = MaskPosition(MaskPosition.FOREHEAD, self.x_shift, self.y_shift, self.scale) d = MaskPosition(self.point, 0, 0, self.scale) e = Audio("", "", 0, None, None) assert a == b assert hash(a) == hash(b) assert a is not b assert a != c assert hash(a) != hash(c) assert a != d assert hash(a) != hash(d) assert a != e assert hash(a) != hash(e) class TestMaskPositionWithRequest(TestMaskPositionBase): async def test_create_new_mask_sticker_set(self, bot, chat_id, sticker_file, mask_position): name = f"masks_by_{bot.username}" try: ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(name) assert isinstance(ss, StickerSet) except BadRequest as e: if not e.message == "Stickerset_invalid": raise e sticker_set = await bot.create_new_sticker_set( chat_id, name, "Mask Stickers", stickers=[ InputSticker( sticker=sticker_file, emoji_list=["😔"], mask_position=mask_position, keywords=["sad"], format=StickerFormat.STATIC, ) ], sticker_type=Sticker.MASK, ) assert sticker_set async def test_set_sticker_mask_position(self, bot): ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"masks_by_{bot.username}") m = MaskPosition(MaskPosition.FOREHEAD, 0, 0, 4) assert await bot.set_sticker_mask_position(ss.stickers[-1].file_id, m) ss = await bot.get_sticker_set(f"masks_by_{bot.username}") assert ss.stickers[-1].mask_position == m