#!/usr/bin/env python # # A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API # Copyright (C) 2015-2022 # Leandro Toledo de Souza # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License # along with this program. If not, see [http://www.gnu.org/licenses/]. """Base class for Telegram Objects.""" import datetime import inspect import json from collections.abc import Sized from contextlib import contextmanager from copy import deepcopy from itertools import chain from types import MappingProxyType from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union, ) from telegram._utils.datetime import to_timestamp from telegram._utils.types import JSONDict from telegram._utils.warnings import warn if TYPE_CHECKING: from telegram import Bot Tele_co = TypeVar("Tele_co", bound="TelegramObject", covariant=True) class TelegramObject: """Base class for most Telegram objects. Objects of this type are subscriptable with strings. See :meth:`__getitem__` for more details. The :mod:`pickle` and :func:`~copy.deepcopy` behavior of objects of this type are defined by :meth:`__getstate__`, :meth:`__setstate__` and :meth:`__deepcopy__`. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 * Removed argument and attribute ``bot`` for several subclasses. Use :meth:`set_bot` and :meth:`get_bot` instead. * Removed the possibility to pass arbitrary keyword arguments for several subclasses. * String representations objects of this type was overhauled. See :meth:`__repr__` for details. As this class doesn't implement :meth:`object.__str__`, the default implementation will be used, which is equivalent to :meth:`__repr__`. * Objects of this class (or subclasses) are now immutable. This means that you can't set or delete attributes anymore. Moreover, attributes that were formerly of type :obj:`list` are now of type :obj:`tuple`. Arguments: api_kwargs (Dict[:obj:`str`, any], optional): |toapikwargsarg| .. versionadded:: 20.0 Attributes: api_kwargs (:obj:`types.MappingProxyType` [:obj:`str`, any]): |toapikwargsattr| .. versionadded:: 20.0 """ __slots__ = ("_id_attrs", "_bot", "_frozen", "api_kwargs") # Used to cache the names of the parameters of the __init__ method of the class # Must be a private attribute to avoid name clashes between subclasses __INIT_PARAMS: Set[str] = set() # Used to check if __INIT_PARAMS has been set for the current class. Unfortunately, we can't # just check if `__INIT_PARAMS is None`, since subclasses use the parent class' __INIT_PARAMS # unless it's overridden __INIT_PARAMS_CHECK: Optional[Type["TelegramObject"]] = None def __init__(self, *, api_kwargs: JSONDict = None) -> None: self._frozen: bool = False self._id_attrs: Tuple[object, ...] = () self._bot: Optional["Bot"] = None # We don't do anything with api_kwargs here - see docstring of _apply_api_kwargs self.api_kwargs: Mapping[str, Any] = MappingProxyType(api_kwargs or {}) def _freeze(self) -> None: self._frozen = True def _unfreeze(self) -> None: self._frozen = False @contextmanager def _unfrozen(self: Tele_co) -> Iterator[Tele_co]: """Context manager to temporarily unfreeze the object. For internal use only. Note: with to._unfrozen() as other_to: assert to is other_to """ self._unfreeze() yield self self._freeze() def _apply_api_kwargs(self, api_kwargs: JSONDict) -> None: """Loops through the api kwargs and for every key that exists as attribute of the object (and is None), it moves the value from `api_kwargs` to the attribute. *Edits `api_kwargs` in place!* This method is currently only called in the unpickling process, i.e. not on "normal" init. This is because * automating this is tricky to get right: It should be called at the *end* of the __init__, preferably only once at the end of the __init__ of the last child class. This could be done via __init_subclass__, but it's hard to not destroy the signature of __init__ in the process. * calling it manually in every __init__ is tedious * There probably is no use case for it anyway. If you manually initialize a TO subclass, then you can pass everything as proper argument. """ # we convert to list to ensure that the list doesn't change length while we loop for key in list(api_kwargs.keys()): if getattr(self, key, True) is None: setattr(self, key, api_kwargs.pop(key)) def __setattr__(self, key: str, value: object) -> None: """Overrides :meth:`object.__setattr__` to prevent the overriding of attributes. Raises: :exc:`AttributeError` """ # protected attributes can always be set for convenient internal use if key[0] == "_" or not getattr(self, "_frozen", True): super().__setattr__(key, value) return raise AttributeError( f"Attribute `{key}` of class `{self.__class__.__name__}` can't be set!" ) def __delattr__(self, key: str) -> None: """Overrides :meth:`object.__delattr__` to prevent the deletion of attributes. Raises: :exc:`AttributeError` """ # protected attributes can always be set for convenient internal use if key[0] == "_" or not getattr(self, "_frozen", True): super().__delattr__(key) return raise AttributeError( f"Attribute `{key}` of class `{self.__class__.__name__}` can't be deleted!" ) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Gives a string representation of this object in the form ``ClassName(attr_1=value_1, attr_2=value_2, ...)``, where attributes are omitted if they have the value :obj:`None` or are empty instances of :class:`collections.abc.Sized` (e.g. :class:`list`, :class:`dict`, :class:`set`, :class:`str`, etc.). As this class doesn't implement :meth:`object.__str__`, the default implementation will be used, which is equivalent to :meth:`__repr__`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ # * `__repr__` goal is to be unambiguous # * `__str__` goal is to be readable # * `str()` calls `__repr__`, if `__str__` is not defined # In our case "unambiguous" and "readable" largely coincide, so we can use the same logic. as_dict = self._get_attrs(recursive=False, include_private=False) if not self.api_kwargs: # Drop api_kwargs from the representation, if empty as_dict.pop("api_kwargs", None) else: # Otherwise, we want to skip the "mappingproxy" part of the repr as_dict["api_kwargs"] = dict(self.api_kwargs) contents = ", ".join( f"{k}={as_dict[k]!r}" for k in sorted(as_dict.keys()) if ( as_dict[k] is not None and not ( isinstance(as_dict[k], Sized) and len(as_dict[k]) == 0 # type: ignore[arg-type] ) ) ) return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({contents})" def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> object: """ Objects of this type are subscriptable with strings, where ``telegram_object["attribute_name"]`` is equivalent to ``telegram_object.attribute_name``. Tip: This is useful for dynamic attribute lookup, i.e. ``telegram_object[arg]`` where the value of ``arg`` is determined at runtime. In all other cases, it's recommended to use the dot notation instead, i.e. ``telegram_object.attribute_name``. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 ``telegram_object['from']`` will look up the key ``from_user``. This is to account for special cases like :attr:`Message.from_user` that deviate from the official Bot API. Args: item (:obj:`str`): The name of the attribute to look up. Returns: :obj:`object` Raises: :exc:`KeyError`: If the object does not have an attribute with the appropriate name. """ if item == "from": item = "from_user" try: return getattr(self, item) except AttributeError as exc: raise KeyError( f"Objects of type {self.__class__.__name__} don't have an attribute called " f"`{item}`." ) from exc def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Union[str, object]]: """ Overrides :meth:`object.__getstate__` to customize the pickling process of objects of this type. The returned state does `not` contain the :class:`telegram.Bot` instance set with :meth:`set_bot` (if any), as it can't be pickled. Returns: state (Dict[:obj:`str`, :obj:`object`]): The state of the object. """ out = self._get_attrs(include_private=True, recursive=False, remove_bot=True) # MappingProxyType is not pickable, so we convert it to a dict and revert in # __setstate__ out["api_kwargs"] = dict(self.api_kwargs) return out def __setstate__(self, state: dict) -> None: """ Overrides :meth:`object.__setstate__` to customize the unpickling process of objects of this type. Modifies the object in-place. If any data was stored in the :attr:`api_kwargs` of the pickled object, this method checks if the class now has dedicated attributes for those keys and moves the values from :attr:`api_kwargs` to the dedicated attributes. This can happen, if serialized data is loaded with a new version of this library, where the new version was updated to account for updates of the Telegram Bot API. If on the contrary an attribute was removed from the class, the value is not discarded but made available via :attr:`api_kwargs`. Args: state (:obj:`dict`): The data to set as attributes of this object. """ self._unfreeze() # Make sure that we have a `_bot` attribute. This is necessary, since __getstate__ omits # this as Bots are not pickable. setattr(self, "_bot", None) # get api_kwargs first because we may need to add entries to it (see try-except below) api_kwargs = state.pop("api_kwargs", {}) # get _frozen before the loop to avoid setting it to True in the loop frozen = state.pop("_frozen", False) for key, val in state.items(): try: setattr(self, key, val) except AttributeError: # catch cases when old attributes are removed from new versions api_kwargs[key] = val # add it to api_kwargs as fallback # For api_kwargs we first apply any kwargs that are already attributes of the object # and then set the rest as MappingProxyType attribute. Converting to MappingProxyType # is necessary, since __getstate__ converts it to a dict as MPT is not pickable. self._apply_api_kwargs(api_kwargs) setattr(self, "api_kwargs", MappingProxyType(api_kwargs)) # Apply freezing if necessary # we .get(…) the setting for backwards compatibility with objects that were pickled # before the freeze feature was introduced if frozen: self._freeze() def __deepcopy__(self: Tele_co, memodict: dict) -> Tele_co: """ Customizes how :func:`copy.deepcopy` processes objects of this type. The only difference to the default implementation is that the :class:`telegram.Bot` instance set via :meth:`set_bot` (if any) is not copied, but shared between the original and the copy, i.e.:: assert telegram_object.get_bot() is copy.deepcopy(telegram_object).get_bot() Args: memodict (:obj:`dict`): A dictionary that maps objects to their copies. Returns: :obj:`telegram.TelegramObject`: The copied object. """ bot = self._bot # Save bot so we can set it after copying self.set_bot(None) # set to None so it is not deepcopied cls = self.__class__ result = cls.__new__(cls) # create a new instance memodict[id(self)] = result # save the id of the object in the dict setattr(result, "_frozen", False) # unfreeze the new object for setting the attributes # now we set the attributes in the deepcopied object for k in self._get_attrs_names(include_private=True): if k == "_frozen": # Setting the frozen status to True would prevent the attributes from being set continue if k == "api_kwargs": # Need to copy api_kwargs manually, since it's a MappingProxyType is not # pickable and deepcopy uses the pickle interface setattr(result, k, MappingProxyType(deepcopy(dict(self.api_kwargs), memodict))) continue try: setattr(result, k, deepcopy(getattr(self, k), memodict)) except AttributeError: # Skip missing attributes. This can happen if the object was loaded from a pickle # file that was created with an older version of the library, where the class # did not have the attribute yet. continue # Apply freezing if necessary if self._frozen: result._freeze() result.set_bot(bot) # Assign the bots back self.set_bot(bot) return result def _get_attrs_names(self, include_private: bool) -> Iterator[str]: """ Returns the names of the attributes of this object. This is used to determine which attributes should be serialized when pickling the object. Args: include_private (:obj:`bool`): Whether to include private attributes. Returns: Iterator[:obj:`str`]: An iterator over the names of the attributes of this object. """ # We want to get all attributes for the class, using self.__slots__ only includes the # attributes used by that class itself, and not its superclass(es). Hence, we get its MRO # and then get their attributes. The `[:-1]` slice excludes the `object` class all_slots = (s for c in self.__class__.__mro__[:-1] for s in c.__slots__) # type: ignore # chain the class's slots with the user defined subclass __dict__ (class has no slots) all_attrs = ( chain(all_slots, self.__dict__.keys()) if hasattr(self, "__dict__") else all_slots ) if include_private: return all_attrs return (attr for attr in all_attrs if not attr.startswith("_")) def _get_attrs( self, include_private: bool = False, recursive: bool = False, remove_bot: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, Union[str, object]]: """This method is used for obtaining the attributes of the object. Args: include_private (:obj:`bool`): Whether the result should include private variables. recursive (:obj:`bool`): If :obj:`True`, will convert any ``TelegramObjects`` (if found) in the attributes to a dictionary. Else, preserves it as an object itself. remove_bot (:obj:`bool`): Whether the bot should be included in the result. Returns: :obj:`dict`: A dict where the keys are attribute names and values are their values. """ data = {} for key in self._get_attrs_names(include_private=include_private): value = getattr(self, key, None) if value is not None: if recursive and hasattr(value, "to_dict"): data[key] = value.to_dict(recursive=True) else: data[key] = value elif not recursive: data[key] = value if recursive and data.get("from_user"): data["from"] = data.pop("from_user", None) if remove_bot: data.pop("_bot", None) return data @staticmethod def _parse_data(data: Optional[JSONDict]) -> Optional[JSONDict]: """Should be called by subclasses that override de_json to ensure that the input is not altered. Whoever calls de_json might still want to use the original input for something else. """ return None if data is None else data.copy() @classmethod def de_json(cls: Type[Tele_co], data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: "Bot") -> Optional[Tele_co]: """Converts JSON data to a Telegram object. Args: data (Dict[:obj:`str`, ...]): The JSON data. bot (:class:`telegram.Bot`): The bot associated with this object. Returns: The Telegram object. """ return cls._de_json(data=data, bot=bot) @classmethod def _de_json( cls: Type[Tele_co], data: Optional[JSONDict], bot: "Bot", api_kwargs: JSONDict = None ) -> Optional[Tele_co]: if data is None: return None # try-except is significantly faster in case we already have a correct argument set try: obj = cls(**data, api_kwargs=api_kwargs) except TypeError as exc: if "__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument" not in str(exc): raise exc if cls.__INIT_PARAMS_CHECK is not cls: signature = inspect.signature(cls) cls.__INIT_PARAMS = set(signature.parameters.keys()) cls.__INIT_PARAMS_CHECK = cls api_kwargs = api_kwargs or {} existing_kwargs: JSONDict = {} for key, value in data.items(): (existing_kwargs if key in cls.__INIT_PARAMS else api_kwargs)[key] = value obj = cls(api_kwargs=api_kwargs, **existing_kwargs) obj.set_bot(bot=bot) return obj @classmethod def de_list( cls: Type[Tele_co], data: Optional[List[JSONDict]], bot: "Bot" ) -> Tuple[Tele_co, ...]: """Converts a list of JSON objects to a tuple of Telegram objects. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 * Returns a tuple instead of a list. * Filters out any :obj:`None` values. Args: data (List[Dict[:obj:`str`, ...]]): The JSON data. bot (:class:`telegram.Bot`): The bot associated with these objects. Returns: A tuple of Telegram objects. """ if not data: return () return tuple(obj for obj in (cls.de_json(d, bot) for d in data) if obj is not None) def to_json(self) -> str: """Gives a JSON representation of object. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 Now includes all entries of :attr:`api_kwargs`. Returns: :obj:`str` """ return json.dumps(self.to_dict()) def to_dict(self, recursive: bool = True) -> JSONDict: """Gives representation of object as :obj:`dict`. .. versionchanged:: 20.0 * Now includes all entries of :attr:`api_kwargs`. * Attributes whose values are empty sequences are no longer included. Args: recursive (:obj:`bool`, optional): If :obj:`True`, will convert any TelegramObjects (if found) in the attributes to a dictionary. Else, preserves it as an object itself. Defaults to :obj:`True`. .. versionadded:: 20.0 Returns: :obj:`dict` """ out = self._get_attrs(recursive=recursive) # Now we should convert TGObjects to dicts inside objects such as sequences, and convert # datetimes to timestamps. This mostly eliminates the need for subclasses to override # `to_dict` pop_keys: Set[str] = set() for key, value in out.items(): if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): if not value: # not popping directly to avoid changing the dict size during iteration pop_keys.add(key) continue val = [] # empty list to append our converted values to for item in value: if hasattr(item, "to_dict"): val.append(item.to_dict(recursive=recursive)) # This branch is useful for e.g. Tuple[Tuple[PhotoSize|KeyboardButton]] elif isinstance(item, (tuple, list)): val.append( [ i.to_dict(recursive=recursive) if hasattr(i, "to_dict") else i for i in item ] ) else: # if it's not a TGObject, just append it. E.g. [TGObject, 2] val.append(item) out[key] = val elif isinstance(value, datetime.datetime): out[key] = to_timestamp(value) for key in pop_keys: out.pop(key) # Effectively "unpack" api_kwargs into `out`: out.update(out.pop("api_kwargs", {})) # type: ignore[call-overload] return out def get_bot(self) -> "Bot": """Returns the :class:`telegram.Bot` instance associated with this object. .. seealso:: :meth:`set_bot` .. versionadded: 20.0 Raises: RuntimeError: If no :class:`telegram.Bot` instance was set for this object. """ if self._bot is None: raise RuntimeError( "This object has no bot associated with it. Shortcuts cannot be used." ) return self._bot def set_bot(self, bot: Optional["Bot"]) -> None: """Sets the :class:`telegram.Bot` instance associated with this object. .. seealso:: :meth:`get_bot` .. versionadded: 20.0 Arguments: bot (:class:`telegram.Bot` | :obj:`None`): The bot instance. """ self._bot = bot def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Compares this object with :paramref:`other` in terms of equality. If this object and :paramref:`other` are `not` objects of the same class, this comparison will fall back to Python's default implementation of :meth:`object.__eq__`. Otherwise, both objects may be compared in terms of equality, if the corresponding subclass of :class:`TelegramObject` has defined a set of attributes to compare and the objects are considered to be equal, if all of these attributes are equal. If the subclass has not defined a set of attributes to compare, a warning will be issued. Tip: If instances of a class in the :mod:`telegram` module are comparable in terms of equality, the documentation of the class will state the attributes that will be used for this comparison. Args: other (:obj:`object`): The object to compare with. Returns: :obj:`bool` """ if isinstance(other, self.__class__): if not self._id_attrs: warn( f"Objects of type {self.__class__.__name__} can not be meaningfully tested for" " equivalence.", stacklevel=2, ) if not other._id_attrs: warn( f"Objects of type {other.__class__.__name__} can not be meaningfully tested" " for equivalence.", stacklevel=2, ) return self._id_attrs == other._id_attrs return super().__eq__(other) def __hash__(self) -> int: """Builds a hash value for this object such that the hash of two objects is equal if and only if the objects are equal in terms of :meth:`__eq__`. Returns: :obj:`int` """ if self._id_attrs: return hash((self.__class__, self._id_attrs)) return super().__hash__()