#!/usr/bin/env python """ This module contains the Broadcaster class. """ import logging from functools import wraps from inspect import getargspec from threading import Thread, BoundedSemaphore, Lock from re import match from telegram import (TelegramError, Update, NullHandler) H = NullHandler() logging.getLogger(__name__).addHandler(H) semaphore = None running_async = 0 async_lock = Lock() def run_async(func): """ Function decorator that will run the function in a new thread. Args: func (function): The function to run in the thread. Returns: function: """ @wraps(func) def pooled(*args, **kwargs): """ A wrapper to run a thread in a thread pool """ global running_async, async_lock result = func(*args, **kwargs) semaphore.release() with async_lock: running_async -= 1 return result @wraps(func) def async_func(*args, **kwargs): """ A wrapper to run a function in a thread """ global running_async, async_lock thread = Thread(target=pooled, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) semaphore.acquire() with async_lock: running_async += 1 thread.start() return thread return async_func class Broadcaster: """ This class broadcasts all kinds of updates to its registered handlers. Attributes: Args: bot (telegram.Bot): The bot object that should be passed to the handlers update_queue (queue.Queue): The synchronized queue that will contain the updates. """ def __init__(self, bot, update_queue, workers=4): self.bot = bot self.update_queue = update_queue self.telegram_message_handlers = [] self.telegram_command_handlers = {} self.telegram_regex_handlers = {} self.string_regex_handlers = {} self.string_command_handlers = {} self.type_handlers = {} self.unknown_telegram_command_handlers = [] self.unknown_string_command_handlers = [] self.error_handlers = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.running = False global semaphore if not semaphore: semaphore = BoundedSemaphore(value=workers) else: self.logger.info("Semaphore already initialized, skipping.") class _Stop: """ A class which objects can be passed into the update queue to stop the thread """ pass def start(self): """ Thread target of thread 'broadcaster'. Runs in background and processes the update queue. """ self.running = True self.logger.info('Broadcaster thread started') while True: update = None try: # Pop update from update queue. # Blocks if no updates are available. update = self.update_queue.get() if type(update) is self._Stop: break self.processUpdate(update) # Broadcast any errors except TelegramError as te: self.broadcastError(update, te) self.logger.info('Broadcaster thread stopped') def stop(self): """ Stops the thread """ if self.running: self.running = False self.update_queue.put(self._Stop()) def processUpdate(self, update): """ Processes a single update. Args: update (any): """ handled = False # Custom type handlers for t in self.type_handlers: if isinstance(update, t): self.broadcastType(update) handled = True # string update if type(update) is str and update.startswith('/'): self.broadcastStringCommand(update) handled = True elif type(update) is str: self.broadcastStringRegex(update) handled = True # An error happened while polling if isinstance(update, TelegramError): self.broadcastError(None, update) handled = True # Telegram update (regex) if isinstance(update, Update): self.broadcastTelegramRegex(update) handled = True # Telegram update (command) if isinstance(update, Update) \ and update.message.text.startswith('/'): self.broadcastTelegramCommand(update) handled = True # Telegram update (message) elif isinstance(update, Update): self.broadcastTelegramMessage(update) handled = True # Update not recognized if not handled: self.broadcastError(update, TelegramError( "Received update of unknown type %s" % type(update))) # Add Handlers def addTelegramMessageHandler(self, handler): """ Registers a message handler in the Broadcaster. Args: handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, Update) as arguments. """ self.telegram_message_handlers.append(handler) def addTelegramCommandHandler(self, command, handler): """ Registers a command handler in the Broadcaster. Args: command (str): The command keyword that this handler should be listening to. handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, Update) as arguments. """ if command not in self.telegram_command_handlers: self.telegram_command_handlers[command] = [] self.telegram_command_handlers[command].append(handler) def addTelegramRegexHandler(self, matcher, handler): """ Registers a regex handler in the Broadcaster. If handlers will be called if matcher.math(update.message.text) is True. Args: matcher (__Regex): A compiled regex object that matches on messages that handler should be listening to handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, Update) as arguments. """ if matcher not in self.telegram_regex_handlers: self.telegram_regex_handlers[matcher] = [] self.telegram_regex_handlers[matcher].append(handler) def addStringCommandHandler(self, command, handler): """ Registers a string-command handler in the Broadcaster. Args: command (str): The command keyword that this handler should be listening to. handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, str) as arguments. """ if command not in self.string_command_handlers: self.string_command_handlers[command] = [] self.string_command_handlers[command].append(handler) def addStringRegexHandler(self, matcher, handler): """ Registers a regex handler in the Broadcaster. If handlers will be called if matcher.math(string) is True. Args: matcher (__Regex): A compiled regex object that matches on the string input that handler should be listening to handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, Update) as arguments. """ if matcher not in self.string_regex_handlers: self.string_regex_handlers[matcher] = [] self.string_regex_handlers[matcher].append(handler) def addUnknownTelegramCommandHandler(self, handler): """ Registers a command handler in the Broadcaster, that will receive all commands that have no associated handler. Args: handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, Update) as arguments. """ self.unknown_telegram_command_handlers.append(handler) def addUnknownStringCommandHandler(self, handler): """ Registers a string-command handler in the Broadcaster, that will receive all commands that have no associated handler. Args: handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, str) as arguments. """ self.unknown_string_command_handlers.append(handler) def addErrorHandler(self, handler): """ Registers an error handler in the Broadcaster. Args: handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, TelegramError) as arguments. """ self.error_handlers.append(handler) def addTypeHandler(self, the_type, handler): """ Registers a type handler in the Broadcaster. This allows you to send any type of object into the update queue. Args: the_type (type): The type this handler should listen to handler (function): A function that takes (Bot, type) as arguments. """ if the_type not in self.type_handlers: self.type_handlers[the_type] = [] self.type_handlers[the_type].append(handler) # Remove Handlers def removeTelegramMessageHandler(self, handler): """ De-registers a message handler. Args: handler (any): """ if handler in self.telegram_message_handlers: self.telegram_message_handlers.remove(handler) def removeTelegramCommandHandler(self, command, handler): """ De-registers a command handler. Args: command (str): The command handler (any): """ if command in self.telegram_command_handlers \ and handler in self.telegram_command_handlers[command]: self.telegram_command_handlers[command].remove(handler) def removeTelegramRegexHandler(self, matcher, handler): """ De-registers a regex handler. Args: matcher (str): The regex matcher object handler (any): """ if matcher in self.telegram_regex_handlers \ and handler in self.telegram_regex_handlers[matcher]: self.telegram_regex_handlers[matcher].remove(handler) def removeStringCommandHandler(self, command, handler): """ De-registers a string-command handler. Args: command (str): The command handler (any): """ if command in self.string_command_handlers \ and handler in self.string_command_handlers[command]: self.string_command_handlers[command].remove(handler) def removeStringRegexHandler(self, matcher, handler): """ De-registers a regex handler. Args: matcher (str): The regex matcher object handler (any): """ if matcher in self.string_regex_handlers \ and handler in self.string_regex_handlers[matcher]: self.string_regex_handlers[matcher].remove(handler) def removeUnknownTelegramCommandHandler(self, handler): """ De-registers an unknown-command handler. Args: handler (any): """ if handler in self.unknown_telegram_command_handlers: self.unknown_telegram_command_handlers.remove(handler) def removeUnknownStringCommandHandler(self, handler): """ De-registers an unknown-command handler. Args: handler (any): """ if handler in self.unknown_string_command_handlers: self.unknown_string_command_handlers.remove(handler) def removeErrorHandler(self, handler): """ De-registers an error handler. Args: handler (any): """ if handler in self.error_handlers: self.error_handlers.remove(handler) def removeTypeHandler(self, the_type, handler): """ De-registers a type handler. Args: handler (any): """ if the_type in self.type_handlers \ and handler in self.type_handlers[the_type]: self.type_handlers[the_type].remove(handler) def broadcastTelegramCommand(self, update): """ Broadcasts an update that contains a command. Args: command (str): The command keyword update (telegram.Update): The Telegram update that contains the command """ command = update.message.text.split(' ')[0][1:].split('@')[0] if command in self.telegram_command_handlers: self.broadcastTo(self.telegram_command_handlers[command], update) else: self.broadcastTo(self.unknown_telegram_command_handlers, update) def broadcastTelegramRegex(self, update): """ Broadcasts an update to all regex handlers that match the message string. Args: command (str): The command keyword update (telegram.Update): The Telegram update that contains the command """ matching_handlers = [] for matcher in self.telegram_regex_handlers: if match(matcher, update.message.text): for handler in self.telegram_regex_handlers[matcher]: matching_handlers.append(handler) self.broadcastTo(matching_handlers, update) def broadcastStringCommand(self, update): """ Broadcasts a string-update that contains a command. Args: update (str): The string input """ command = update.split(' ')[0][1:] if command in self.string_command_handlers: self.broadcastTo(self.string_command_handlers[command], update) else: self.broadcastTo(self.unknown_string_command_handlers, update) def broadcastStringRegex(self, update): """ Broadcasts an update to all string regex handlers that match the string. Args: command (str): The command keyword update (telegram.Update): The Telegram update that contains the command """ matching_handlers = [] for matcher in self.string_regex_handlers: if match(matcher, update): for handler in self.string_regex_handlers[matcher]: matching_handlers.append(handler) self.broadcastTo(matching_handlers, update) def broadcastType(self, update): """ Broadcasts an update of any type. Args: update (any): The update """ for t in self.type_handlers: if isinstance(update, t): self.broadcastTo(self.type_handlers[t], update) else: self.broadcastError(update, TelegramError( "Received update of unknown type %s" % type(update))) def broadcastTelegramMessage(self, update): """ Broadcasts an update that contains a regular message. Args: update (telegram.Update): The Telegram update that contains the message. """ self.broadcastTo(self.telegram_message_handlers, update) def broadcastError(self, update, error): """ Broadcasts an error. Args: update (any): The pdate that caused the error error (telegram.TelegramError): The Telegram error that was raised. """ for handler in self.error_handlers: handler(self.bot, update, error) def broadcastTo(self, handlers, update): """ Broadcasts an update to a list of handlers. Args: handlers (list): A list of handler-functions. update (any): The update to be broadcasted """ for handler in handlers: self.call_handler(handler, update) def call_handler(self, handler, update): kwargs = {} if 'update_queue' in getargspec(handler).args: kwargs['update_queue'] = self.update_queue handler(self.bot, update, **kwargs)